Perforce: move directory with keeping history - perforce

I have two different directories:
- path/animals/dir1
- path/cars/dir2
I want to move dir1 into path/cars/ with keeping all history of this folder.
I tried several ways: merge, copy and rename/move using P4V,
but all of them leads to erasing history in moved directory.
If there is a way how can I do it?
Thanks in advance!

We have used p4 move extensively in recent versions of P4 to do these kinds of directory moves.
In my experience, if you branch/delete (or more recently move) the files, you'll have the history of the original location intact (with delete/move records), but if you look on a revision graph in P4V, you should see all of the older revisions in the previous locations before they were moved (deleted).
If you use p4 sync with a particular date or changelist, you should also get the original directory back with the versions of the files at that time (and the newly moved versions should be removed after the sync, assuming both directories were in the area that you were syncing).
I have experienced problems (this probably will change in 2013.2, as I've read that Perforce is changing the default integration engine) with integration across move/delete and move/add transactions which require the use "generation 3" integration option, but once that's specified (which you can do by adding a -3 to the command line p4 integrate command, everything works better for me across those moves.

The history of the moved directory has not been erased. I'm guessing you think this is the case because the files are longer visible in P4V. By default, P4V does not display deleted files in the depot tree. Since you moved the files to a new location, they were deleted from their old location and are now no longer displayed. You need to turn on the option to "Show Deleted Depot Files". If you click on the yellow funnel icon to the right of the Depot/Workspace tabs you'll see that option. Check it and P4V will then display the deleted files in their original location.

While moving folder to another destination all history still present but only for appropriate files, not for a directories.
Here is a proof:


How can I move a folder to another changelist using P4V?

I have accidentally added a few folders to my default changelist that I don't want to submit to the server. How can I move these changes to another changelist, or remove them from the changelist without affecting the files on disk?
I have created a new changelist and moved some individual files / changes to this list but the folder contains many autogenerated files and this will take too long to do file by file.
I also looked at using the "revert" option but I think some of these files may have been previously added to the server in error. Reverting seems like it will change these files on disk to the previous server version.
You can specify the folder path in "Find File".
And use "*" to match all files in the contains filed.
Now you can select all the files in your folder by using "Ctrl+A"
From P4V you can multi-select the files in the pending changes window and then drag them into a new changelist. If they're all in the same directory they'll all be grouped together since it's sorted by depot path.
If you just want to have them not be open but also not modify them on disk, go to the command line and do:
p4 revert -k //depot/path/...
The -k option lets you keep your local files. This isn't available from P4V as far as I know (since it leaves your workspace out of sync with the depot state, it's usually a bad idea).
If you have generated files in your workspace that aren't supposed to go into the depot, you should exclude them from your client's View, e.g.:
//depot/... //myclient/...
-//depot/path_to_generated_files/... //myclient/path_to_generated_files/...
This will essentially "hide" these files from all Perforce operations; you will never be able to add files from this workspace path, and if somebody else adds files to that depot path, you won't sync them down to your workspace. Two notes on this:
If you already have some of these files in the depot and they're currently synced, excluding them from your view and then syncing your client will remove them from your client. You can use sync -k, much like revert -k, to keep your local copies while telling the server that your client is properly up to date.
If you're using streams, you can do this for ALL clients of the stream by adding an Ignored path.

How can you save and restore a list of checked out files in Perforce?

I have, in perforce, a sort of 'basic working set' of files that I keep checked out (and therefore writable) when working. However, every time I commit my changes, this list gets disrupted - some things committed, others reverted - and then I have to waste time tracking down and checking out all these files again.
So, is there some way to save the list of currently checked out files, and then later check out those same files again?
I primarily use P4V, but I have P4Win and command-line Perforce available. I'd strongly prefer a GUI solution, though.
I only want to save and restore the state of which files are checked out, not the contents of those files, so shelving is not the answer
I am aware of the 'Do not submit unchanged' and 'Check out after submit' options. They are not sufficient. For instance, frequently I will have files which are programmatically generated which register as 'changed' when the only thing that is different is the 'File generated on' timestamp; I need to prevent such spurious revisions from being submitted, and I have not found any practical method of searching for and managing such files that doesn't involve the 'revert if unchanged' command.
You can do:
p4 -ztag opened | grep depotFile | cut -d ' ' -f 3 > files.txt
to save a list of files already open in your client. (If you don't have Unix utilities for Windows, you could construct this list by whatever means you want, such as running p4 opened > files.txt and manually editing files.txt in an editor.)
Once you have a list of files, you can open all of them via:
p4 -x files.txt edit
This doesn't meet your preference for a GUI-based solution, but you could create .cmd scripts to perform these actions and then double-click on them (or on shortcuts to them).
The easiest solution would be to exclude those generated files via your workspace specification, e.g., "-//depot/files/"
They can still reside in your local workspace, but the app will not attempt to update them or add them to source control.
You said that shelving's not the answer, but that's what I would go with as the easiest solution (i.e. the one that involves the least scripting and/or fewest manual steps) for the specific question you're asking:
Shelve your pending change (let's call this change 1000).
Move your open files to a new pending change (let's call this change 1001).
Submit change 1001.
Unshelve change 1000.
Sync and resolve.
Now you have the same exact files open (the unshelve opened them) but at the head revision (the sync and resolve does that).
Now, looking past what you asked for to what might make your life easier: rather than reverting the files you don't want to submit (and having some sort of scheme to get them back later, possibly via shelving as described above), what I'd do is move them to another changelist. So instead of:
Identify "unchanged" files.
Revert unchanged files.
Submit remaining files with "reopen" option.
Reopen previously reverted files (somehow).
I'd do:
Identify "unchanged" files.
Move unchanged files to another changelist N.
Submit remaining files with "reopen" option.
Move all files from changelist N back to the default changelist.
All of those except step 1 are simple one-shot commands that you can do from any client. Personally, I'd automate steps 1+2 with a script (I'm assuming it's programmatically possible to determine whether the only diff in one of these files is the timestamp) and put it into P4Win/P4V as a "custom tool".

Perforce Revert Shows "file(s) not opened on this client"

I'm trying to open an existing Perforce application. I made some local changes, like deleting files, which I want to undo (that is, I want my local copy to exactly match the repository once more -- delete added files, restore deleted files, and undo changes).
When I try to revert using the p4v gui client, I see this error:
file(s) not opened on this client
What am I doing wrong?
I did manage to revert all the changed files, but not the added/removed files.
Edit: I did the following:
Connect to a Perforce server using p4v
Map a directory to my local file system (lets say C:\Perforce)
Get the latest version of the repository
Go to C:\Perforce in Windows Explorer
Delete some files and folders
Add some files and folders
I would like to get back to the "pristine" state, the copy of exactly what's on the server when I got the latest version of the repository for the first time.
By the looks of the edited description you added and deleted files directly on the filesystem and not through perforce. Therefore Perforce doesn't know anything about those changes so there is nothing to revert. Typically when you want to add a file you use 'p4 add" (or the equivalent p4v operation), and when you delete, you should use 'p4 delete' (or again, the equivalent p4v operation).
Really, the best option to get back to a pristine state is to nuke the local copy of the code in c:\perforce (in windows explorer), go to p4v, right click the area you want to sync, and choose "Get Revision..." and in the subsequent dialog, make sure that the "force operation" checkbox is checked. This will tell Perforce that you want a new copy of everything regardless of whether you had it synced or not.
You can also run "reconcile offline work" in p4v. Right click the depot area and choose that option. It will scan through the local folder structure and give you a report of what files have been added that don't exist in perforce, what files were deleted, and what files were modified. From that dialog, you can right click on local files that don't exist in perforce and delete them, or you can 'p4 add' them. You can also sync deleted files.
Just an extra not to point out another cause for this.
If the file name contains an unusual character that cannot be translated correctly the name on the client will never match that on the server.
The solution in this case is to spot that character in the file name (it will be a question mark emblem on Linux) and use a wildcard to help identify the file to the server so it can delete it etc (p4 deleting the file is a way to go).
This answer may not be your case. This happened to me when I edited the files on my local disk without logging into p4.
A quick fix at commandline is:
p4 login # make sure you've logged in
p4 edit <filename> # let p4 know you've edited the file
p4 revert <filename> # revert to "pristine" state
You can use p4 reconcile -w to restore your client to the state of the server. There is an alias called clean, which is also available in P4V on the right-click context menu as Clean....
There are several additional flags to control whether added and deleted files are deleted or restored, respectively.
The -w flag forces the workspace files to be updated to match the
depot rather than opening them so that the depot can be updated to
match the workspace. The -a, -d, and -e flags when used with -w
update workspace files as follows:
-a Files with no corresponding depot file are deleted.
-d Depot files not in the workspace are added.
-e Modified files are restored to the last version synced.

In perforce, how do I remove pending changes for NEW/ADDED files not submitted?

I am trying to remove a pending changelist in perforce. All the files (20 old) are new but have not be committed/submitted yet. So in p4Win, they show a RED + cross. I am failing to remove these files from the change list. How do I go about getting rid of these files?
Thanks for the answers to right-click and revert. I have tried that but it fails with the example error strings below.
Operation: user-revert
Librarian digest source/.../foo.c failed.
RCS checkout 1.715484 failed!
RCS no such revision 1.715484!
//source/.../foo.c#1 - was add, reverted
I've also tried the p4 revert command but it fails with same error(s).
Fixed with "revert -k" by perforce support group. They suspect it may be due to overlay values in the client workspace but have not been very specific.
How are you trying to remove the files?
It's been a while since I used Perforce in anger but I seem to remember that you just had to right click and revert the file.
I've just tried this and it worked OK for me (the programmer's lament!). It uses the following p4 command:
p4 revert //depot/test.txt
Where test.txt is the name of the test file.
Does the new file still exist locally on your hard drive?
Does the path where the file would be in the depot still exist? ie. what's in the "..." of your path.
Revert files, right-click on file in change list and select revert, this will remove added files.
Maybe try Perforce support at this stage.
To remove all added files in current and sub directories:
p4 revert ...
In my case this happened because the RCS files (the actual files with ,v extension in the depot that contain all the revision information) were literally missing the information for the revision in question. I was able to restore the files from backup.
I had the same problem, I had added the .exe files but wanted to exclude them afterwards. The perforce documentation helped:
Excluding Files from Source Control
Important: you cannot exclude files after you have placed them under
Perforce control. If you have files opened in a changelist and you
want to exclude them from Perforce control, revert them from the
changelist before excluding them.
Worked like a charm.

In Perforce, can you rename a folder to the same name but cased differently?

Can I rename a folder in Perforce from //depot/FooBar/ to //depot/Foobar/?
I've tried this by renaming from //depot/FooBar/ to //depot/Temp/ to //Depot/Foobar/ but the end result ends up the same as //depot/FooBar/.
Once it is in Perforce, the case remains set. As mentioned by Johan you can obliterate, set the name up correctly, and add it in again. However, there is a slight gotcha....
If anyone else (running Windows) has already synced the wrong-cased version, then when they sync again the right one, it will not change the case on their PC. This is a peculiarity of the Windows file system acknowledging case but still being fundamentally case-independent.
If a number of users have synced, and it is not convenient to get them to remove-from-client too (and blasting the folders from their machines), then you can resort to a dark and dirty Perforce technique called "Checkpoint surgery". It's not for the fainthearted, but you do this:
Stop your server, take a checkpoint.
Using your favourite text editor that can handle multi-megabyte files, search & replace all occurances of the old case name with the new. You could of course use a script too.
Replay your checkpoint file to recreate the Perforce database meta data.
Restart your server.
This will affect all user client specs transparently, and so when they sync they will get the right case as if by magic.
It sounds hairy, but I've had to do it before and as long as you take care, backup, do a trial run etc, then all should be OK.
Maybe not needed anymore, but here's the official Perforce HowTo about changing file cases on Windows and Unix:
I'm not sure about directories, but we've had this problem with files. To fix it, we have to delete the file, submit that change, then p4 add the file with the correct case and submit the second change. Once that's done, unix users who have sync'ed the incorrect-case file have to p4 sync, then physically delete the file (because p4 won't update the case) and then p4 sync -f the file.
Our server is on Windows, so that might make a difference.
I guess it treats files and folders the same.
For files:
It depends (on whether you have a Windows or Unix server). We have this problem with our Windows perforce server (which versions our Java code), where very occasionally someone will check in a file with a case problem (this then causes compile errors because it's Java). The only way to fix this is to obliterate the file and resubmit it with the correct case.
I think you should remove the Perforce Cache, so that your modification can be shown.
You can rename with ABC rename to abc_TMP, then abc_TMP rename to abc, then clear cache.
Setps to clear cache:
Open windows user home folder (on windows7 ==> C:\Users\)
Locate the folder called ".p4qt"
Rename the folder to "old.p4qt"
Launch Perforce, now everything works!
NOTE: these steps will rest your default setting.
The question is over 3 years old, but I ran into an issue like this while doing a Subversion import into Perforce and figured the info I got could be useful to some. It's similar to the obliterate method, but helps you retain history. You use the duplicate command that may not have been available back then to retain the history. The process basically being:
Duplicate to temporary location.
Obliterate the location you just duplicated.
Duplicate from the temporary location to the renamed case location.
Obliterate the temporary location.
Through this you retain the history of file changes, but get them all in the new path as well. Unfortunately there will be no history of the path case change, but that seems to be unavoidable. Similar to other methods mentioned here, users will need to either manually rename the directories in their workspace or delete and re-sync to get the new path name.
Also, P4V caches the paths it shows in the tree so after doing this it may still show up as the old name. a p4 dirs command however will show the new case.
