Command Line to find and delete Similar files in Linux - linux

I want to find and delete all the "similar files as shown below" recursively from the specified directory of my Linux Server by Using COMMAND LINE....
"file.php?p=10&file=load%2Fnew Animations 1%2FAwesome_flowers-(text1).gif&sort=0"
"file.php?p=10&file=load%2Fnew Games 1%2FAwesome_flowers_-(text1).gif&sort=1"
Note: All these files having different file sizes and The mathed text is in all files is "file.php?p***"

This should help you to delete files recursively..
find /path/to/dir -type f -name 'file.php\?p*' -exec rm -i {} \;


Linux Move txt files not start with String to Another folder

The situation is
I have a directory A, I have a bunch of files and folders in the foldler.
Such as folder B , foler C , tmp1.txt , Hello.txt , tmp3.txt , okay.txt.
And in folder B,there are also a bunch of files in it.
So I want to move all txt files recrusively to another folder such as /home.
Here is my code.
find . -name "*.txt"| grep -v [\s\S]*tmp[\s\S]* -exec mv {} /home \;
I can only select these files,however it won't execute move operation.
because linux find has path in result.So it annoy me a lot.
To move only regular files, add -type f and exclude the files you don't want with \!:
find . -type f -name '*.txt' \! -name '*tmp*' -exec mv -i -t /home {} +
The -i asks for permission to overwrite a file if it already exists and the + instead of the \; is used to move as many files as possible with one invocation of mv (and thus we need to specify the target directory with the -t option as {} contains more than one file).

Loop through a directory with any level of depth

I want to execute a command on all files present on all levels in the directory. It may have any number of files and sub directories. Even these sub directories may contain any number of files and subdirectories. I want to do this using shell script. As I am new to this field can any one suggest me a way out.
You can use the command "find" with "xargs" after "|"(pipe).
Example: Suppose that I want to remove all files that have ".txt" extension on "Documents" directory:
find Documents -iname *.txt |xargs rm -f
You can use a recursive command that uses wildcard characters (*) like so:
for dir in ~/dev/myproject/*; do (cd "$dir" && git status); done
If you want to apply commands on the individual files you should use the find command and execute commands on it like so:
find yourdirectory -type f -exec echo "File found: '{}'" \;
What this does:
finds all the items in the directory yourdirectory
that have the type f - so are a file
runs an exec on each file
Use find:
find -type f -exec COMMAND {} \;
-f applies the command only to files, not to directories. The command is recursive by default.

linux command to find files and replace with another file

I'm looking for a linux command to search a folder directory and it's subfolders for a file by name and replace all of them with a copy of another file. Any idea?
Assuming you have the replacement file in your home directory (~), you can use find to do the replacing. This will find all boom.txt files and replace them with the replace.txt file (keeping the boom.txt name).
find . -name "boom.txt" -exec cp ~/replace.txt {} \;
Adding to the answer by user1683793, the following command can also be an alternative for the copy and replace. This command is verified on Mintty(Windows 10).
find . -name "boom.txt" -print -exec cp ~/replace.txt {} \;

Bash Command for Finding the size of all files with particular filetype in a directory in ubuntu

I have a folder which contains several file types say .html,.php,.txt etc.. and it has sub folders also .Sub folders may contain all the file types mentioned above.
Question1:- I want to find size of all the files having the file type as '.html' which are there in both root directory and in sub- directories
Question2:- I want to find size of all the files having the file type as '.html' which are there only in root directory but not in sub folders.
I surfed through the internet but all i am able to get is commands like df -h, du -sh etc..
Are there any bash commands for the above questions? Any bash scripts?
You can use the find command for that.
#### Find the files recursively
find . -type f -iname "*.html"
#### Find the files on the r
find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.iml"
Then, in order to get their size, you can use the -exec option like this:
find . -type f -iname "*.html" -exec ls -lha {} \;
And if you really only need the file size (I mean, without all the other stuff that ls prints):
find . -type f -iname "*.html" -exec stat -c "%s" {} \;
iname search of files without being case sensitive
maxdepth travels subdirectories recursively up to the specify level (1 means only the immediate folder)
exec executes an arbitrary command using the found paths, where "{}" represents the path of the file
type indicates the type of file (a directory is a file in Linux)

Howto replace a file in several sub-folders

I've a series of directories containing a set of files. There is a new copy of this file which I would like to replace all instances with. How can do this with find command?
Latest file is in /var/www/html is called update_user.php
There are 125 directories with several other files including a copy of update_user.php. I want to replace these with the one in update_user.php excluding itself.
This should do the job:
find /path/to/old/files -type f -name update_user.php -exec cp /path/to/new/update_user.php {} \;
You should check if the new file is not inside /path/to/old and if so than first copy it outside and use that copy but.. it'll not harm if you don't - one cp will fail with are the same file error.
You can use
cp -v to see what it does
cp -u to update only when source file is newer
echo cp to perform dry run
I would suggest to check first if all dest. files are the same with:
find /path/to/old/files -type f -name update_user.php -exec md5sum {} \;|awk '{print $1}'|sort|uniq
