If I create a Meteor.js app on the Mac and starts developing and adding Atmosphere packages with meteorite, can I continue developing on a Windows system (code synced using git) where meteorite is not installed and doesn't run on Windows? Whenever I need to change the meteor smart packages I will use the Mac system.
This isn't possible because the symlinks wont easily copy over. The way I get passed this is I "hard" install the atmosphere packages into /packages.
You would notice on a mac that there are symlinks in the /packages directory of your application. If you follow them & then copy over all the contents into a new directory that replaces the original symlinks with the same names your package should work on both windows & mac with git sync.
When a new version comes out though, you need to update the files again or before you deploy your app you could substitute the packages back to symlinks by just deleting them all and running mrt update to fetch the packages back.
I'm trying to set up a create-react-app project on my 918+ Synology NAS. From the getgo it has Node.js 5.6.0, but since create-react-app requires >=6 I need to install and use a higher version. Within the Synology NAS the Package Manger has both Node.js 6 and 8. These install fine. Then I'm trying to change the current Node.js version, this is where the problems starts.
For the information, the Synology runs a custom distro of Linux called DSM, with kernel 4.4.59.
When trying to change to version using e.g. nvm use 6.12.3 I get:
Error: Could not open history file.
REPL session history will not be persisted.
Googling this gives me no results. Is there somewhere here that would happen to know what to do, or just could try help me get this set up? I'm not sure if it's even possible. The Synology has Docker, would that be a better option for me?
I've built from source a version of GCC for Red Hat. Given that was a fairly expensive exercise, I'd like to "back up" the built version so I can avoid having to do it again on other machines or even if I scrap the VM it's currently built on.
What are my best options for doing that please?
This is what package managers are for. However, you have to build (usually) or deploy the package under the control of the package manager, because it is what keeps track of where the installed files are. You built it without using a package manager, and no longer have the complete build directory? Sorry, it's going to be quite tricky to find all the installed files.
However, if you still have the build directory and you haven't run make clean, you can just tar that up and copy that tar file somewhere, and run make install from an untarred copy of that tar file on each machine. Alternatively, you could use something like GNU Stow or XStow as a poor-man's package manager to deploy and undeploy it on various machines, by installing it to /usr/local/stow/gcc, tarring up the /usr/local/stow/gcc directory, untarring it on another machine, and then using GNU Stow to install it.
I have an RStudio server (0.99.441) instance shared by several users, running on an Ubuntu 12.04 server with R 3.2.0.
One user complained that the statement library(manipulate) was crashing because the package was missing. Looking into the issue, I found that some users had the manipulate package installed in their home under /home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/manipulate when others didn't. No trace of it in the system libraries. The users who do have it didn't install or copy it manually, so it was installed there automatically.
From what I have found, the manipulate package comes with the rstudio package, and with RStudio desktop they are installed automatically at session startup if not found. However this does not happen when starting a new session on RStudio server, and I couldn't find documentation on this issue.
One solution could be to simply copy these folders to the other users' homes, or even to the system library (rstudio package comes with RStudio and is not on CRAN), but I would like to understand how these packages ended up there in the first place and to find a clean way to install them.
I've looked on the Node-Webkit site and it appears to say that I can make an application with HTML5 and compile it for Windows, Linux of Mac so it will run without the need for the user to install Node.js separately. However, when I try their sample apps (e.g. https://github.com/leanote/desktop-app found on the official NW.js page: https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/wiki/List-of-apps-and-companies-using-nw.js ), the ".exe" file does not run the app (on either Win 7 or XP). It just opens a simple browser window with the address "nw:blank" and a gray page says "NW.JS" and does nothing.
Can these apps be packaged and run without requiring the user to install node.js?
https://github.com/leanote/desktop-app 's nw folder is not the distribute leanote app, it's just the NW. You must build the desktop-app. The README has written How to build it, How to develop it
You can download the distributed version via: https://github.com/leanote/desktop-app/releases
You might try... node-webkit-builder ... which is supposed to build a huge .EXE file which is self-contained for you. Otherwise, the instructions for distributing... how to package and distribute, see Step 2b.
I have easily installed Node.js before on Macs and other PCs, but the PC I have now at work restricts the running of .msi files.
Is there a way to manually install and configure node.js and npm on Windows 7? I have access to Powershell.
Installing nodejs (and npm) on a Windows 7 machine does not require any "magic" if you have Admin access on the target machine and do not care about setting up the expected "uninstall", various Windows performance counters, event tracing or Start menu entries.
To manually install from an existing installation on one machine to another machine, simply
Copy the entire contents of your "\Program Files\nodejs" and "\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\npm" directories as well as the "\Users\USERNAME\.npmrc" file to the same directories on target machine. (Replace USERNAME with your own Windows login name.)
Edit the "\Users\USERNAME\.npmrc" file to replace the source username with the username on the target machine.
Add "C:\Program Files\nodejs" and "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\npm" to your PATH.
If you'd like to manually install direct from the MSI (without an existing installation to work from), get Scott Willeke's excellent lessmsi program, which allows you to extract all the files from any msi archive and discover all the actions taken by the Windows Installer, such as required edits to the Register, etc. (Though for nodejs, you'll only need to edit the Registry to add the proper keys to uninstall it automagically.)