RStudio server manipulate and rstudio packages - linux

I have an RStudio server (0.99.441) instance shared by several users, running on an Ubuntu 12.04 server with R 3.2.0.
One user complained that the statement library(manipulate) was crashing because the package was missing. Looking into the issue, I found that some users had the manipulate package installed in their home under /home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.2/manipulate when others didn't. No trace of it in the system libraries. The users who do have it didn't install or copy it manually, so it was installed there automatically.
From what I have found, the manipulate package comes with the rstudio package, and with RStudio desktop they are installed automatically at session startup if not found. However this does not happen when starting a new session on RStudio server, and I couldn't find documentation on this issue.
One solution could be to simply copy these folders to the other users' homes, or even to the system library (rstudio package comes with RStudio and is not on CRAN), but I would like to understand how these packages ended up there in the first place and to find a clean way to install them.


Setting up a server accessible over LAN

I am trying to set up a server (Ubuntu 14.04), which is not connected to the internet, just accessible over LAN.
Can't replace the image of the server being used.
I am using Ubuntu system as my local machine and I want to transfer all the packages installed in the current system to the server.
I tried installing packages like build-tools-essential, node.js using deb files over ssh, but the process gets stuck when it comes to dependencies. I also tried manually installing the dependencies manually, but there's heck lot of them.
Any suggestions, how to package all the installed packages in my current system - which I can transfer at once to the server.

Installing a oracle forms development machine

After working with Oracle databases and Apex for many years, I want to get some knowledge about Oracle forms & reports, because they are still quite widely used.
I've never seen Oracle forms & reports, so I want to create a development installation for learning purposes. Unfortunately installing Oracle forms seems a bit more tedious than I expected and I'm a bit stuck.
Windows installation
I first tried installing Oracle 12c (from on windows 7 x64. I installed the "Standalone forms builder", because when I chose "Forms and reports deployment", I got this error:
After installation I tried to start frmbld.exe, but immediately got this error:
FRM-91135: fatal error: message file D:\oracle\client\user123\product\12.1.0\client_1\forms\mesg\fmcus.msb not found
My oracle client is installed in that directory, but the mentioned file is certainty not there.
linux installation
Googling around I did not find any solution for this problem, so i decided to switch to a Linux virtual box machine. I installed Oracle linux x64 and then installed with a download from the same page again.
Once more I could only choose "Standalone forms builder", when I chose "Forms and reports deployment" I got exactly the same error as on windows. The installation ran successful.
After installation I tried to start formbuilder, this time I was presented this error:
./frmbld: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So now I'm a bit stuck. My questions are:
Am I going the right way with the way I'm trying to install Oracle forms? or is there a better / easier way?
Do I need a "Forms and reports deployment" to be able to experiment with Oracle forms? or is the standalone installation the right way to go?
Are there any pre-installed virtual machines available for this? (I googled but couldn't find anything.)
Do I need a running Oracle database to be able to experiment with Oracle forms?
Linux installation:
Yes you are going the correct path installing Forms/Reports. There is no easier install method (Oracle does not have a prebuilt VM with Forms/Reports).
You will require an Oracle database to connect to.
To fix the linux error you will need to install additional OS packages, probably motif - you can run (to find the packages required): yum whatprovides libXm*
I have installed Forms Builder 12c (standalone install) on Fedora and it is working correctly.
The windows error might be related to you OS PATH ENV - if you have any other Oracle products installed, the PATH order may need to be changed, put the Forms related paths at the beginning.
Unfortunately I was unable to get it properly working with my previous attempts. In the end I restarted an installed a windows 10 x64 virtual machine, after which i followed these excellent video's to get everything working:

How to install Weechat?

I must admit i'm not much of a coder or computer scientist, but in the past a friend installed Weechat on my windows computer using Cygwin (via the Cygwin terminal of course). I have a new computer now thats running windows 8.1 and have installed Cygwin with all of the necessary packages, and downloaded the latest stable version of Weechat (1.2). I am stuck from there though and don't really know which direction to move in, the only thing I have done with Cygwin so far is moved the home terminal folder to a more easier accessible location. Would it be possible to get a step by step walkthrough of how the installation progresses after downloading both the Cygwin component and the Weechat files and scripts?
Before we you can start using WeeChat, there are a few other pieces of software you need to install with CygWin. WeeChat relies on them for its functionality, which is why they are called dependencies.
You can find a detailed list of dependencies and further instructions on this link:
Weechat on Windows
Feel free to ask for further help if the above guide wouldn't suffice.
WeeChat is currently available via the CygWin native repositories.
Simply search for weechat in the CygWin package manager.
I already have CygWin installed, what now?
No worries, simply rerun the setup-x86-64.exe* you've downloaded. This process won't remove any of your previously installed packages. At the end of the installation process you'll be able to look for and install WeeChat.
* (on 32-bit systems, the installer would be named setup-x86.exe)

Install Haskell packages using cabal without internet connection

I have a machine that doesn't have internet access at all.
I installed the Haskell Platform on it using the installer which I got from another machine through a pendrive.
Now I want to install the package repa on my home machine which has no internet access. How should I do that?
My home machine is running Linux (Debian) and my office machine is Windows 7.
From a machine you can access the internet you can either:
Run cabal get pkg-name where pkg-name is the package you want.
Go to the package's page on Hackage and on the Downloads section there's a .tar.gz file you can download.
After you get it, transfer it to your other machine, extract it anywhere you'd like (a sandbox if you want it just in a sandbox). Then from that directory (where there's a .cabal file) run cabal install.
Package managers, such as cabal, work internally to get a package from a remote repository. I doubt there exist an easy workaround to make cabal install a package in offline mode.
Probably the easiest way is to find a compressed version of package, find a way to get them on the offline computer (local sharing, thumb drive, etc.) and install a package manually.

No such file or directory; But the file does exist

I am trying to run a Binoinformatics program, DistMap on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (x86_64). I am getting the error No such file or directory. But the file do exist in the required location.
I have used this program before and it ran perfectly fine. Yesterday I installed virtualenv-burrito for some other program, Seal. Since then I haven't been able to run DistMap.
I know there have been many posts regarding this error all over the internet. But the solution seems to be the same for all the posts.
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
This solution is for running 32-bit application on 64-bit machines. But since Distmap worked before without any problem I dont think that is the problem. Still, I installed ia32-libs; just for the sake of it but no use.
I am sure the problem is virtualenv-burrito. So I uninstalled it from my machine (Deleted .virtualenv and .virtualburrito folders. Since that's the only way i found for uninstalling virtualenv-burrito on the internet). Still my application is not running.
How can I bring my system to default as in to the previous state of virtualenv-burrito installation?
I hope I will get some good suggestions. I have been struggling for sometime now.
