Set Enviroment Variable that contains two paths interelated paths - linux

I am trying to create a custom environment variable that uses python to execute a py file.
Here is an example of what I have
export VAR=${VAR}:"/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/user/file"
When I use the variable I get the output:
bash: :/usr/bin/python2.7: No such file or directory
If I echo the variable I get the output:
/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/user/file
Trying "$VAR" gives me the output
bash: :/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/user/file: No such file or directory
If I run just this /usr/bin/python2.7 /home/user/file it works

I think an alias is more appropriate for all kinds like this (you may consider a more suitable name for the alias)
alias var="/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/user/file"
If you want to stick with your version you have to tell your shell to evaluate the content of VAR.
For this you just have to invoke
eval ${VAR}
By the way, why do you append the string "/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/user/file" to VAR instead of overwriting the content of VAR?


Getting the calling script path from a bash script

In one of my bash scripts I use a variable that contains the path of the script. This variable is set like:
current_folder=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
As this script is a part of several ones, I want to move this code to a global imported script. But logically then the variable is filled with the path of the global script.
current_folder=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
. /MyProgram/common/
echo "$current_folder" # Returns /MyProgram/common
Is there a way of doing this without creating a function and passing original path as a parameter?
Having to create code on every script in every request to use the path seems counter-productive.
As glenn jackman pointed, simply replacing the index in BASH_SOURCE to 1 solves the problem.
The GNU manual states the definition for BASH_SOURCE as:
An array variable whose members are the source filenames where the
corresponding shell function names in the FUNCNAME array variable are
defined. The shell function ${FUNCNAME[$i]} is defined in the file
${BASH_SOURCE[$i]} and called from ${BASH_SOURCE[$i+1]}
By it's definition getting the inmediate previous script in the call stack will be 1, so the code finally stays:
caller_path=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}")" && pwd)

How do I write a file path which include a regular expression

Depending on the system I am working on, there might be 2 different possible paths (mutually exclusive):
System1: /tmp/aword/foo
System2: /tmp/bword/foo
I am supposed to echo something into the foo file regardless of which system I encounter (through a shell script).
How do I include a regular expression within the path itself, to take the correct (existent) path?
somethings I have tried:
#doesn't work
echo Hello > /tmp/(a|b)word/foo
#doesn't work
echo Hello > /tmp/[a|b]word/foo
is there a way of doing this without having to include a test before this which tests for path existence?
If it literally is aword and bword and you know that only one of them exists, you can use
echo 'Hello' > /tmp/[ab]word/foo
This is a shell pattern and documented in the Bash manual or the POSIX sh spec.
If, however, both paths exist, Bash will complain with
-bash: [ab]word: ambiguous redirect

how to use user defined variables in file path concatenation using shell script

Output should be
but i still see the result C:/data/$var/current_extract/* $var value is
**system1** not showing the path
Remove the dollar in the assignment
For setting a variable in Linux variable_name=value. For displaying it you have to prefix the variable name with $ symbol. for example echo $variable_name

Using Linux environmental variables as a path in Perl script

I am trying to use an environmental variable to point to a file, run it through a subroutine and associate it with a variable. I managed it with Windows but I cannot get the syntax working for Linux..
This is what I have:
my $config = read_config("$ENV{APP_HOME}/config/APP-linux.cfg");
my script dies when reaching this line with the error:
Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"APP_HOME"} in concatenation (.) or string at ./
APP_HOME is defined as an environment variable (confirmed using set). What am I doing wrong?
In bash, = simply creates a shell variable. These are not automatically exported to the environment. You need to do that explicitly.
Set a shell variable:
$ AA=hello
Set and export another one (in a single statement):
$ export BB=there
Start a new process:
$ bash
Voila! Only the exported variable is inherited by the new process:
$ echo "[$AA] [$BB]"
[] [there]
Note that set does not set a variable. set AA=hello does not do what the Windows shell does.
Okay, the solution was of my own stupidity. I set the variable in .bashrc using:
The RAPID_DIR had no right to be there. Was a remainder of a copy/paste and poor oversight... Changes FINE_DIR to APP_HOME and all is good.
Thankyou for all the guidance!

Use shell to load in variables to replace placeholders

I have a problem where my config files contents are placed within my deployment script because they get their settings from my file. This causes my deployment script to be very large a bloated.
I was wondering if it would be possible in bash to do something like this
# Pull in settings file
. ./
# Link config to right location
ln -s /home/log.conf /home/logging/log.conf
# Write variables on top of placeholder variables in the file
for $PLACEHOLDER_* in /home/logging/log.conf
I want this to work for any variable found in the config file which starts with $placeholder_
This process would allow me to move a generic config file from my repository and then add the proper variables from my setting file on top of the placeholder variables in the config.
I'm stuck on how I can get this to actually work using my
This small script will read all variable lines from and replace the PLACEHOLDER_xxx in file for each. Does this help you?
while IFS== read variable value
sed -i "s/\$PLACEHOLDER_$variable/$value/g" file
done <
#!/usr/local/env bash
set -x
ln -s /home/log.conf /home/logging/log.conf
while read user
usertmp=$(echo "${user}" | sed s'#USER=\"##' \
sed s'#"$##')
done <
I don't really understand the rest of what you're trying to do, I will confess, but this will hopefully give you the idea. Use read.
