Adding SSH Key to authorized_keys: permission denied(publickey) - linux

I have an id_rsa and on my computer also tied into my BitBucket account.
As I understand I can use this public key anywhere I please (as long as my private matches).
The Problem: I cannot figure out how to get any server to accept the public key, do you see what I've done wrong?
$ cat >> authorized_keys
$ service ssh restart (I suppose this isn't needed)
$ git pull origin master
$ Permission denied(publickey)
What am I doing wrong? I've been stuck for days.

If you copied your root's authorized_keys you may have to do more than you are used to:
chmod 700 .ssh
sudo chmod 640 .ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chown $USER .ssh
sudo chown $USER .ssh/authorized_keys
Where $USER is your linux username.

Make sure the permissions on ~/.ssh are 700 i.e. only accessible by the owner, and the permissions on the public and private key files are not writable except by the owner.
Make sure the key files are in ~/.ssh !
Make sure the key is being used (try ssh'ing to the right user # the bitbucket server using ssh -v)

You need to copy the content of to the bitbucket avcount its in the settings page
For more info


authorized_keys ignored for new git user

I want to create an own git server. I started with a root user and here is the following I did:
mkdir /srv/git/project.git
useradd -r -d /srv/git git
passwd git
Now I have a new user git (can log in via su git from my root account).
I want to login via without the use of a password. Right now, it will ask for a password every time.
For root, I have my SSH public key in .ssh/authorized_keys. The key should also work for git. Do I have to add another authorized_keys file for this git user? With my useradd command, I do not create a home directory where I could add it, so where should it go?
Thank you all for your help!
Run sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log and attempt to login once more from a different console. You will see now the lag that should tell you why exactly the login was denied.
In my case there were wrong permissions for the home folder.
You did create a home directory, it just isn't sitting under /home.
Under that directory create a .ssh directory, fix the permissions:
mkdir /srv/git/.ssh
chmod 0700 /srv/git/.ssh
Create a new authorized_keys file with the public key in it, fix the permissions:
vim /srv/git/.ssh/authorized_keys # or method of your choice
chmod 0600 /srv/git/.ssh/authorized_keys

Unable to connect via ssh with public key authentication method

On my Windows 10, I am running into the problem of not being able to connect to m Vagrant virtual machine via ssh user with public key authentication method at git bash using command such as
$ ssh -v lauser# -p 2222 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
I would be prompted for password, as if the public key I copied to in the ~/.ssh/Authorized_keys file inside the vm were not seen. Meanwhile,the password authentication method works, as well as 'vagrant ssh'.
I have made sure to
create key pairs locally, create a .ssh directory at the remote, and add pub key string to the remote's .ssh /authorized_keys file; both the .ssh and the .ssh /authorized_keys file are owned by the user(lauser), and set at 700 and 644
edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on vm to use
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
and restarted the sshd server (with 'sudo service ssh restart').
verify that firewall has been disabled temporarily to eliminate any complication.
verify that there is only one vm running, all others are either in 'suspend' or 'halt' mode.
confirm the file type by 'file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys', and get confirmation '~/.ssh/authorized_keys: OpenSSH RSA public key'
verify that the keys match by comparing the output from 'sudo cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' in vm and the output from ' cat ~/.ssh/' at the local.
but still I get Permission denied (publickey) when trying to connect through public key authentication.
It sounds like you've done everything correctly so far. When I run in to this problem, it's usually due to directory permissions on the target user's home directory (~), ~/.ssh or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
See this answer on SuperUser.
I faced same challenges when the home directory on the remote did not have correct privileges. Changing permissions from 777 to 744 helped me

Still getting password prompt after configuring ssh keys

I am trying to connect to a remote server without a password and i followed the instructions on this link exactly ( , I also checked the sshd_config file
SAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
However i still get password prompt when i try to log in.
Any help ?
Check for your ~/.ssh directory and/or id_rsa/id_dsa file permissions.
Your ~/.ssh directory should be 700 and your private key files should be 600.
The security log on your system (e.g. /var/log/secure) will often help you in determining what it objects to in using your keys. Please check that log for some clues.
This is simple problem due to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file permission. By default the mode will be set to 664 when you create the file manually. Change the mode to 600 and you can login without password
sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Now try ssh into the server

why after adding new user , passwordless ssh does not work

I have created passwordless ssh for localhost. I test it and work fine.Now when I create a new user with following command
sudo useradd -d /home/testuser -m -g impadmin impadmin_test
then after if I tri ssh localhost
then it asks for password. can anybody help me what may be the reason behind this.
The issue arrise because when add a user in the same group then it decreases the permissions of .ssh folder and its child files, so after adding new user just increase the permission of .ssh folder by
sudo chmod -R 700 .ssh
Then ssh localhost will work fine

delete .ssh directory in root/.ssh/

I try to practice to use ssh keygen to generate public key and private key
And then I type cd .ssh
And it said there is no directory.
Then I found that I do it wrong. I use superuser to generate the key
so it create the directory '/root/.ssh/'
Please help me to delete the .ssh directory in the root
Thank you.
You need to log in as the superuser and delete the folder, or just use the sudo command.
sudo su
rm -rf /root/.ssh
sudo rm -rf /root/.ssh
Unless you cannot log into your superaccount, then thats a different story.
