scalability in client object model vs web services - sharepoint

I have a app in which I need to query a sharepoint site via services. The app will be under heavy usage so performance and scalability will be two of my priorities.
I started to investigate which service approach is better and from a perf point of view it seems that client object model is the one officially suggested, but when I came to scalability I personally found that actually web services seem more potent than client object model. This is because it seems that web services have async support for IO bound operations rather than client object model that doesn't. I say doesn't because as Stephen Toub said the ability to invoke a synchronous method asynchronously does nothing for scalability and I think BeginInvoke does just that.
I have to mention that I am using in my app C# 5 async/await feature in order to return the thread to the thread pool when queries are executed on the server.
My question is, what should weight more in order to take a decision?
Edit: It is worth to mention that I am not using the Silverlight CSOM, I am using the more generic .NET one.

This is an answer with no answer. :)
You are correct in that BeginInvoke is fake-asynchronous (i.e., it just issues the blocking call on a thread pool thread). So it would actually be worse, scalability-wise, than just invoking the blocking methods.
First, consider your scalability as compared to your Sharepoint server. If you're running on roughly equivalent hardware, then you probably don't need to scale any more than the Sharepoint server will. You would probably be fine with either solution.
If you do need to scale better (e.g., the Sharepoint server is a cluster or cloud, or if your machine is much lesser than the Sharepoint machine), then it requires more thought and likely testing.
The better performance in the client model is purely from its batching capabilities. So if your application won't use batching, then the (asynchronous) web services model would be better.
However, if your application uses batching and needs to scale better, then there isn't an answer. In this case, the only way to know is to build a test case both ways and measure it.

Actually, the client object model not only provides, but sometimes requires asynchronous access. You can find more info in the Data Retrieval Overview but the short version is that:
You create and load one or more queries in a ClientRuntimeContext then
Execute all loaded queries either synchronously with ClientRuntimeContext.ExecuteQuery or asynchronously with ClientRuntimeContext.ExecuteQueryAsync with two callbacks for success or failure
You don't have to use BeginInvoke anywhere.
In fact, the Client object model in Silverlight provides only the Async method in which case you are forced to execute the call asynchronously.
The syntax is quirky, but the client object model targets .NET 3.5 and Silverlight, so it wasn't possible to provide a Task based interface. You can even argue that callbacks are somewhat simpler than the Begin/End pattern and definitelly better that raising completion events.
As #alexb noticed, ExecuteQueryAsync is available only in Silverlight. There are other ways to work asynchronously though.
You can take advantage of Sharepoint's OData support to query lists using WCF Data Services. The query scenario is a bit similar, as you submit your query and wait for a callback when the results come in. In the meantime, you get access to a DataServiceQuery object that represents the asynchronous query.
This method uses REST/Json and therefore lighter on the wire than the web services. The LINQ and ORM-like API are also easier to work with compared to the web services.
Sharepoint's support is described in Query SharePoint Foundation with ADO.NET Data Services and asynchronous querying is described in How to: Execute Asynchronous Data Service Queries (WCF Data Services)


Call a method in the nest.js project with Camunda (looking for an approach)

Let's assume the following situation:
We have several webservices based on Nest.js technology
The services perform CRUD operations in the area of ​​their domain
The services do not have business logic (they can add, change, delete, return data, they know the relationships between entities, but also between domains (e.g. through Apollo Federation)
Everything works fine so far.
However, we face the problem of business processes, validation, business rules and everything that goes with it. So we have to code this logic somehow or use some engine (eg Camunda).
As far as I understand that Camunda can send requests from Service A to Service B in the BPMN process e.g. via HTTP.
But what if several activities are performed in the same service?
Isn't it better to make requests to the same service at the service level layer? Is it possible in Cmunda?
WebService1 has a POST Customer/ endpoint which calls CustomerService.AddCustomer (data) and CustomerRoles.AddRole (data). Can we call CustomerRoles.AddRole in Camunda?
My question is mainly about node.js / nestjs.
Forgive me, but I don't think I can describe it more clearly :(
In general you can use Camunda not only at the highest orchestration layer, for the end-to-end business process, but also inside the micro service. Benefits include state management, error handling, retries, exception handling, possible compensation. (What happens if AddCustomer succeeds, but AddRole fails?).
There are orchestration vs choreography considerations. Latency requiremnts may also be relevant. I recommend these two reads, which illustrate the benefits/trade-offs and design decision well:
Why don't you implement a little proof of concept and see what it could look like? If NextJS is your world, you may like to start with a Camunda 8 SaaS trila and

Is Logic Apps performance slower compared to a direct .NET REST Call?

I use ASP.NET 4.7 MVC 5 on an Azure App Service.
I currently get JSON response data by calling REST APIs directly from my .NET code and then deserialising this JSON using
var order = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Order>(json.ToString());
This works fine and is pretty good regarding speed. However I am now looking into Azure Logic Apps to see if this could be used to call 3rd party APIs which would then transform its native schema to my standard schema.
Would the use of Logic Apps slow down the retrieval of data from the API endpoints compared to my current native .NET approach. I have a feeling that it will as it may be much more asynchronous/fire and forget. I am hoping that I would just call into the Logic App and get the same response as if I had done it natively, but with greater flexibility and scalability.
EDIT: My question is about the use of Logic App versus native calling. So assume one job each. I confused the matter talking about transformation as well. Apologies
I think the easy answer is yes. The api call in your native code would be fired immediately and return the payload to your application directly, whereas a logic app step has all the plumbing required by activity orchestration and infrastructure costs. You could probably measure a difference, but it may not impact the quality of your application, depending on what it is trying to do.
The question I would ask is “does it matter”? What are you giving up by using logic apps over c# code? Is it worth the trade off to enjoy the benefits of serverless computing (scale out, no infrastructure to maintain, focus on the what instead of the how, etc)?

Azure Notification Hubs APIs - Benfits of DirectSend/DirectBatchSend vs. Registration/Notification/Tags styles

We're planning on implementing a server-side notification mechanism that pushes out to iOS and Android via ANH. We will have no code footprint on our mobile clients, short of a call to our server API for "registration". In this way our approach is looking similar to this MSDN discussion.
I also see the alternate, more bare-bones, approach noted on MSDN.
Is it fair to conclude that the two approaches will have similar performance on the 'send' side?
It appears the main difference is this:
The former approach has already done the work of integrating with the Task and Async mechanism, presenting a callable C# mechanism that has taken on more of the RESTful API layer,
The DirectBatch/Send API is just that -- the raw RESTful API for you to use as you see fit.
For operations that are available as both REST API and SDK, you shouldn't see any significant difference in performance on the client side because the SDK is just a wrapper around the REST APIs. There are SDKs for both iOS and Android and it's recommended to use those so that you don't have to re-write the wrapper.
Direct Send is only available in .NET SDK at the moment and for other platforms as REST API, so you'd have to implement your own wrapper in case you're using something other than .NET for the operation. You can use the sample to help you in the process.
In terms of performance it depends on what you mean by that.
Direct send will most likely be delivered to customers a bit faster because ANH service doesn't have to do any registrations in the process, it just delivers notifications with your parameters. But it has it's limitations in terms of number of handles you can provide and also you need to manage handles yourself.
If you only mean performance on the client side, then there should be no difference as all calls are asynchronous. And if you take advantage of tags, then you can do really tricky sends in one server call and let ANH figure out the details behind it.
But without knowing your scenario and requirements there's no way to give a proper recommendation.

Transition from RestKit to pure AFNetworking 2.0

I'd been using RestKit for the last two years, but recently I've started thinking about transition from these monolith framework as it seems to be really overkill.
Here's my pros for moving forward:
There is big need in using NSURLSession for background fetches and RestKit has only experimental branch for transition to AFNetworking 2.0. No actual dates when transition will be finished. (Main Reason)
No need for CoreData support in network library as no need for fully functional offline data storage.
Having headache with new concept of response/request descriptors as they don't support different parameters in path patterns (ex. access token parameter) and there is no way to create object request operation in one line with custom descriptor. Here I am loosing features of object manager as facade.
I. The biggest loss of RestKit for me in object mapping process.
Could you recommend standalone libraries that you use which shows themselves as flexible and stable?
II. And as I sad I need no fully functional storage but I still need some caching support in some places.
I've heard that NSURLCache has become useful in last OS release.
Did you use it and what's the strategy?
Does it return cached API responses when network connection is down?
III. Does anybody faces the same problems?
What solutions have you applied?
Maybe someone could give some piece of advice about architecture that he or she uses in multiple apps with pure AFNetworking?
I. In agreement with others who have commented, AFNetworking + Mantle is a simple and effective way to interact with a Restful API and to replace RestKit's object mapping process that you miss.
II. To answer the requirements of your caching support is highly dependent on the context. However, I have found for my recent functional requirements that caching a view model for a particular controller's screen and only caching reference data returned by APIs allows me to keep the application logic relatively simple whilst giving the user some continuity. A simple error notification for connectivity issues can be dealt with a cross-cutting manner.
III. One thought on the architecture relevant to this aspect is to ensure that the APIs the app is dependent on provides data according to the app experience. This allows your app to focus on what it is good at (a very slick user-experience) and moves logic into the API's closer to API dependencies such as data. This has a further benefit of reducing the chattiness of the app.

Making code in Liferay Model Listeners Asynchronous (using concurrency)

The Problem
Our liferay system is the basis to synchronize data with other web-applications.
And we use Model Listeners for that purpose.
There are a lot of web-service calls and database updates through the listeners and consequently the particular action in liferay is too slow.
For example:
On adding of a User in liferay we need to fire a lot of web-service calls to add user details and update other systems with the userdata, and also some liferay custom tables. So the adding of User is taking a lot of time and in a few rare cases the request may time-out!
Since the code in the UserListener only depends on the User Details and even if there is any exception in UserListener still the User would be added in Liferay, we have thought of the following solution.
We also have a scheduler in liferay which fixes things if there was some exception while executing code in Listeners.
Proposed Solution
We thought of making the code in UserListener asynchronous by using Concurrency API.
So here are my questions:
Is it recommended to have concurrent code in Model Listeners?
If yes, then will it have any adverse effect if we also update Liferay custom tables through this code, like transactions or other stuff?
What can be other general Pros and Cons of this approach?
Is there any other better-way we can have real-time update to other systems without hampering User-experience?
Thank you for any help on this matter
It makes sense that you want to use Concurrency to solve this issue.
Doing intensive work like invoking web services etc in the thread that modifies the model is not really a good idea, apart from the impact it will have on user experience.
Firing off threads within the models' listeners may be somewhat complex and hard to maintain.
You could explore using Liferay's Message Bus paradigm where you can send a message to a disconnected message receiver which will then do all the intensive work outside of the model listener's calling thread.
Read more about the message bus here:
Message Bus Developer Guide
Message Bus Wiki
