Build Process failed with maven package - linux

I am working on a maven project to build a simple utility api. The same source code when build on my office win XP machine, was successful. Now i am at home and working with same source code on CentOS machine. Here the build process failed strangely. The error it reports is ideally in my points should we warning message. As shown below.
[ERROR] com.vsd.Provider:[12,240] The import java.util.Set is never used
Can you please give me some idea, where can I look into?

It's hard to say without seeing your POM but the error reported looks like a violation of the Checkstyle rule UnusedImports (or something equivalent). Maybe this verification is triggered because of a setting defined in a profile that is not activated on your CentOS machine (as I said, hard to say). Anyway, to fix it, remove the unused import.

The problem was with the plug in being used to compile, It was a bug a shown below.


I can't get Catel.sln to load its projects

I cloned the catel repo, opened Catel.sln in VS 2019, and switched to master branch. None of the projects load. In the Solution output window I'm getting messages like
\Catel.Tests.TestReferenceC\Catel.Tests.TestReferenceC.csproj : error : The expression "[System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName('')" cannot be evaluated. The path is not of a legal form.
for each project in the solution. The message also mentions
It looks like the problem is in msbuild.sdk.extras. How do I fix it?
Please check out the section in the readme about building Catel:
MSBuild.Sdk.Extras is required as sdk for the projects (allows multi-targeting and more). The most important thing is to restore packages. Once packages (especially MSBuild.Sdk.Extras) are restored, it should work as expected.

RFT testscripts not executing

I have just installed RFT version 8.3.0 for testing a mainframe application. I imported the appropriate rftjdtr files to the project. But i am unable to execute any of the testcases. When i press the run ( or debug) button, nothing happens. There are no error messages popping up. I suspect it is a java configuration issue on my machine. I have tried comparing the settings with another machine where it is working fine. It is the first time that i am using RFT, so i do not know what to do. Can somebody please help me with this?
I have encountered the same issue. This may be because of workspace error. Create a new workspace and run the script.

ClearCase: Unable to create directory when trying use 'startview' on Linux

I am really stuck in ClearCase startview on Linux. I tried the below:
ct startview <viewtag>
And met an issue like below:
cleartool: Error: Unable to create directory "": error detected by ClearCase subsystem.
I am sure the view is OK, and I can start it in other host. So perhaps my OS met some issue. Is there some good solution?
And I have restarted my Linux system.
If this is about a dynamic view, you can check technote swg21449500 "Create and startview errors: Cannot start dynamic view and Unable to create directory":
The client or view-server installation is corrupted. The symptoms would typically be seen immediately after applying a Fix Pack of iFix.
Diagnosing the problem
A cleartool -verall showing a mismatch between the MVFS and the other modules is a clear indication of corruption.
Resolving the problem
An uninstall and re-install on the machine will be necessary to resolve the issue.
On Windows, you can see a similar error when a Windows client attempts to start a dynamic view on a Linux or UNIX server running Samba.
See swg21295394.

TFS2012 Access to VSPROPS file denied

So I am trying to run a build on VS2012 paired with TFS2012. I have made some modifications to the build template being used, but none that should be troublesome. My problem comes around when I try to execute the build, the build summary gives me the following error:
Exception Message: Access to the path 'C:\AiDevelopment\AiFramework\toolbox\Accelitec.Utility\Accelitec.Utility.csproj.vsprops' is denied. (type UnauthorizedAccessException)
Now normally I would take this as a permissions issue, however I go to try and find this contentious little file, and it doesn't exist! (At least not in the path specified). Sooooo... what is going on? How can my build report that it is denied access to a file that isn't there? How can I fix it?
Update: I have found the file, it is on the build server. This server has VS2008 installed on it for other uses, which makes me think that VS2008 is interfering with the build somehow, seeing as .vsprops files are used only in VS2008 and older. Why would my VS2012 builds be creating a .vsprops file?

CruiseControl.NET force build not working from CCTray

I really hope someone who is a CC.NET expert can help with this, because this problem is painful!
I have a remote build machine with CruiseControl.NET and CCTray running (version 1.5.7256.1)
On the local machine I have CCtray connecting through HTTP not .NET remoting.
When I configure the projects, I add a server through HTTP and use the following URL:
If I leave [Set to pre-1.5.0 server] UNCHECKED, then it fails to connect with this error:
Failed to connect to server: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
If I set to [Set to pre-1.5.0. server] CHECKED, then it succeeds and I can kick builds off from CCtray on the local machine fine.
Now, if I go back to another machine which I want to connect remotely, I follow same steps. Again, only pre-1.5.0 setting works. WHY?! CruiseControl.NET and CCTray are at 1.5.7256.1?!?
The 2nd problem and main problem which I think may be related to the previous; if I then use the pre-1.5.0 setting the pojects show up but when I force a build I now get this error:
An unexpected error has occurred while trying to force a build.
The method or operation is not implemented.
What am I doing wrong, I'm really struggling with this. I previously was using 1.4 versions and this worked fine, so has something broken? I'm using IIS7 too so don't know if this could be something to do with it.
I had a look at the tray app's source code for the 1.5 release (as well as the current trunk.) When connected to a pre-1.5 server, regardless of whether you specified the connection as remoting or HTTP, you will receive the unimplemented exception message when attempting to force build a project.
Looks like your options at the moment are to wait for a new release or pull down the code and modify (and I have no idea how easy backwards compatibility was maintained between versions...)
It sounds like you may have configuration options that are part of a breaking change perhaps? can you post more of your configuration so we can check it?
Also after you save changes have you looked at the server log? it often has information about what broke. Especially the part that happens right after you change a config file and save.
I'd be interested in seeing log file information. Also, why are you using http rather than remoting? Perhaps show us some of your settings in ccnet.exe.config? here's my remoting setup which I believe is the default:
<channel ref="tcp" port="21234">
<formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full"/>
also you may want to check security issues and firewall settings on that server. (windows event log for security audit failures, etc...)
