Pass Object class to server method using Message Pack RPC - rpc

I want to make a call from a client to a method in the server and I want to pass to the method an argument that is a class written by me. How can I do this using MsgPack RPC.
I know how to pass an int a vector or a string.

You can add to_msgpack attribute to your call and define a encoder for it.
This will let you send an object to server. server will receive it as dictionary.
if you want you can convert it to object.
personally I would like msgpack-rpc to let you specify object_hook also in class say form_msgpack. just to show I have used mgpack in get_object.
Server Code:
import msgpackrpc
import msgpack
def encode_foo(obj):
if isinstance(obj,Foo):
return {'Foo':True,'id','name','email'}
def decode_foo(obj):
if 'Foo' in obj:
return Foo(obj['id'],obj['name'],obj['email'])
def get_object(inobj):
return msgpack.unpackb(msgpack.packb(inobj),object_hook=decode_foo)
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self,a,b,c): c
def something(self):
class SomeService(object):
def TestRPC(self,a):
print a # prints dictionary
setobject = get_object(a)
print setobject # prints object instance
return +10 # do some thing
if __name__ == '__main__':
server = msgpackrpc.Server(SomeService())
server.listen(msgpackrpc.Address("localhost", 8001))
Client Code:
from MSgpackRpcServer import Foo
import msgpackrpc
c = msgpackrpc.Client(msgpackrpc.Address('',8001))
foo= Foo(11,'Hello','hello#hello')


PyTest how to properly mock imported ContextManager class and its function?

This is my sample code:
from path.lib import DBInterface
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.something = "something"
def _my_method(self, some_key, new_setup):
with DBInterface(self.something) as ic:
current_setup = ic.get(some_key)
if current_setup != new_setup:
with DBInterface(self.something) as ic:
def public_method(self, some_key, new_setup):
return self._my_method(some_key, new_setup)
(my actual code is bit more complex, but i cant put it here on public :)
Now, what I want to do is, I want to completely mock the imported class DBInterface, because I do not want my unittests to do anything in DB.
BUT I also need the ic.get(some_key) to return some value, or to be more precise, I need to set the value it returns, because thats the point of my unittests, to test if the method behave properly according to value returned from DB.
This is how far I got:
class TestMyClass:
def test_extractor_register(self, mocker):
fake_db = mocker.patch.object('my_path.my_lib.DBInterface')
fake_db.get.return_value = None
# spy_obj = mocker.spy(MyClass, "_my_method")
test_class = MyClass()
# Test new registration in _extractor_register
result = test_class.public_method(Tconf.test_key, Tconf.test_key_setup)
call().__enter__().set(Tconf.test_key, Tconf.test_key_setup)])
# spy_obj.assert_called_with(ANY, Tconf.test_key, Tconf.test_key_setup)
assert result.result_status.status_code == Tconf.status_ok.status_code
assert result.result_data == MyMethodResult.new_reg
But i am unable to set return value for call().__enter__().get(Tconf.test_key).
I have been trying many approaches:
fake_db.get.return_value = None
fake_db.__enter__().get.return_value = None
fake_db.__enter__.get = Mock(return_value=None)
mocker.patch.object(MyClass.DBInterface, "get").return_value = None
None of that is actually working and I am running out of options I can think about.
Without having more code or errors that are being produced, it's tough to provide a conclusive answer.
However, if you truly only need to specify a return value for set() I would recommend using MagicMock by virtue of patch --
from unittest.mock import patch
#patch("<MyClassFile>.DBInterface", autospec=True)
def test_extractor_register(mock_db):
mock_db.set.return_value = "some key"
# Rest of test code

Python mocking using MOTO for SSM

Taken from this answer:
Python mock AWS SSM
I now have this code:
from unittest import TestCase
import boto3
import pytest
from moto import mock_ssm
def s3ssm():
with mock_ssm():
ssm = boto3.client("ssm")
yield ssm
class MyTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
ssm = boto3.client("ssm")
Description="A test parameter",
Value="this is it!",
def test_param_getting(self):
import real_code
resp = real_code.get_variable("/mypath/password")
assert resp["Parameter"]["Value"] == "this is it!"
and this is my code to test (or a cut down example):
import boto3
class ParamTest:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.client = boto3.client("ssm")
def get_parameters(self, param_name):
return self.client.get_parameters_by_path(Path=param_name)
def get_variable(param_name):
p = ParamTest()
param_details = p.get_parameters(param_name)
return param_details
I have tried a number of solutions, and switched between pytest and unittest quite a few times!
Each time I run the code, it doesn't reach out to AWS so it seems something is affecting the boto3 client, but it doesn't return the parameter. If I edit to not have a class inside it the test passes.
Is it not possible to patch the client inside the class in the file? I'm trying to do this without editing the file at all if possible.
The get_parameters_by_path returns all parameters that are prefixed with the supplied path.
When providing /mypath, it would return /mypath/password.
But when providing /mypath/password, as in your example, it will only return parameters that look like this: /mypath/password/..
If you are only looking to retrieve a single parameter, the get_parameter call would be more suitable:
class ParamTest:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.client = boto3.client("ssm")
def get_parameters(self, param_name):
# Decrypt the value, as it is stored as a SecureString
return self.client.get_parameter(Name=param_name, WithDecryption=True)
Edit: Note that Moto behaves the same as AWS in this.
[The Path-parameter is t]he hierarchy for the parameter. [...] The hierachy is the parameter name except the last part of the parameter. For the API call to succeeed, the last part of the parameter name can't be in the path.

Testing flask_wtf/wtforms with pytest

I'd like to test a POST route that processes a non-trivial form (by working with flask.request.form). I didn't really find a good tutorial for this somehow as most pass json data rather than form (or is it the same?).
I tried to write the code in the following way:
import pytest
import app is the Flask app
def client():['TESTING'] = True
with as client:
yield client
def test_route_webapp_post(client):
form = app.forms.ImputeForm.make_form(data_dict=app.data_dictionary.data_dict,
rv ='/web_app',form=form)
assert rv.status_code==200
The form is generated dynamically and I don't always know ahead of time what are the fields:
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import SelectField, DecimalField, BooleanField
class ImputeForm(FlaskForm):
def make_form(cls, data_dict, numeric_fields, recordname2description, request_form=None):
for key in numeric_fields:
setattr(cls, key, DecimalField(id=key, label=recordname2description[key].split('(')[0]))
setattr(cls, 'mask_' + key, BooleanField(label='mask_' + key))
for key in data_dict:
setattr(cls, key, SelectField(id=key, label=recordname2description[key],
choices=[(-1, 'None selected')]+list(data_dict[key].items())))
setattr(cls, 'mask_' + key, BooleanField(label='mask_' + key))
instance = cls(request_form)
return instance
But this doesn't really work as I can't make a form inside the test case and get
E RuntimeError: Working outside of request context.
E This typically means that you attempted to use functionality that needed
E an active HTTP request. Consult the documentation on testing for
E information about how to avoid this problem.
So what is the proper approach to testing my form (in particular I am ok with sending an empty one)?
The correct way is to create a python dictionary and pass it as "data", not to try to create a form.
In particular case this involved making a new function:
def make_from_data( data_dict, numeric_fields):
data = dict()
for key in numeric_fields:
data['mask_' + key]='y'
for key in data_dict:
data['mask_' + key]='y'
return data
and passing it as follows:
def test_route_webapp_post(client):
data = make_from_data(data_dict=app.data_dictionary.data_dict,
rv ='/web_app',data=data)
assert rv.status_code==200

python3 mock member variable get multiple times

I have a use case where I need to mock a member variable but I want it to return a different value every time it is accessed.
def run_test():
myClass = MyDumbClass()
for i in range(2):
class MyDumbClass():
def __init__(self):
self.response = None
#pytest.mark.parametrize("responses", [[200,201]])
def test_stuff(mockMyDumbClass, responses)
assert stuff
What I am hoping for here is in the run_test method the first iteration will print 200 then the next will print 201. Is this possible, been looking through unittest and pytest documentation but can't find anything about mocking a member variable in this fashion.
Just started learning pytest and unittest with python3 so forgive me if the style isn't the best.
If you wrap myDumbClass.response in a get function - say get_response() then you can use the side_effect parameter of the mock class.
side_effect sets the return_value of the mocked method to an iterator returning a different value each time you call the mocked method.
For example you can do
def run_test():
myClass = MyDumbClass()
for i in range(2):
class MyDumbClass():
def __init__(self):
self.response = None
def get_response(self):
return self.response
#pytest.mark.parametrize("responses", [([200,201])])
def test_stuff( responses):
with mock.patch('blah.MyDumbClass.get_response', side_effect=responses):
assert False
----------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------
No need to patch via context manager e.g with mock.patch. You can patch via decorator in pretty much the same way. For example this works fine
def test_stuff(mockMyDumbClass):
assert False
----------------------------------- Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------

Find owner class of a method in Python

I'm writing decorators, and part of what I need to do is discern whether a function is a function or a method. Is there a way I can find what class a given method is a part of?
e.g. If I was to run this code, what could I write in getOwner to make exampleFunc print something like <class '__main__'.Example>?
class Example:
def method(self):
print("I'm a method")
def exampleFunc(func):
owner = getOwner(func)
test = Example()
If all you need to do is figure out of the thing behaving like a function is a method or a function, that is one purpose of the types module.
import types
def is_method(f):
return type(f) == types.MethodType
In the event that the function-like object is a method, you can find its parent class as follows.
Update Patched for Python3 compatibility.
def method_parent(f):
return f.__self__
If you have a reference to the classes defined in your scope, you'd need to check for each one:
def exampleFunc(f):
class_list = [...]
return any(f in vars(c).values() for c in class_List)
This will return True if function f is an instance method. However, if you wish to return the actual class name:
def exampleFunc(f):
class_list = [...]
for c in class_list:
if f in vars(c).values():
return c.__name__
return 'global function' if 'lambda' not in f.__name__ else 'lambda'
Note that this does not work for __dunder__ methods, and methods that your class inherits. For example,
class A:
def f1(self): pass
class B(A):
def f2(self): pass
mappingproxy({'__doc__': None,
'__module__': '__main__',
'f2': <function __main__.B.f2>})
Note that f1 is not a part of B's mappingproxy.
