Standalone and open source library in java that allows document clustering similar to carrot2 - nlp

I am looking to cluster short text documents, each a few hundred character long.
I have been using carrot2 workbench and I really like its capabilities but the API is really archaic and difficult to understand / use.
I am looking for a replacement that has similar capabilities (clustering algorithms) but with a better API.
I'm really looking for something in Java or Python and it has to be open source and free as in beer
So lingpipe ( does not qualify.

scikit-learn is in Python, supports a wide range of machine learning algorithms (including clustering) and is very well documented.


Create right to left and bidirectional PDF files in nodeJS

Can anyone recommend a library who really support RTL languages such as Hebrew or arabic, and also Supports links, support images, thumbnails/in-place images, Handle large spread-sheets, set filters and page breaks and good performance – very important criteria-
I started to use PDFKit who is really good, but the language support is awful and the data that we work with cannot be manipulated, because of that we need to change the library, the price is not a problem. Someone recommended Docmosis, someone has experience with it?
Thank you very much
Docmosis has customers that have been generating RTL documents for successfully for years. Docmosis supports the image handling requirements you mention and large data sets, but has no direct spreadsheet functionality.
I suggest doing a free trial (please note I work for Docmosis) and asking their support team about specific points of interest. The cloud is the easiest way to test functionality (since you have no install or setup to do) even if you wouldn't choose to use cloud for your actual deployment.

High-level level language for image processing

My final year project group is planning to build a real time application with neural network support and need to handle image processing efficiently, Any language suggestions would be very much helpful. Thanks.
Mathematica may offer some useful features. The last couple of releases have added quite a lot of image processing functionality. You can get a taste by looking at these blog entries:
How to Make a Webcam Intruder Alarm with Mathematica
The Battle of the Marlborough Maze at Blenheim Palace Continues
The Incredible Convenience of Mathematica Image Processing
Mathematica is an interpreted language, which would appear to present an obstacle to your real-time constraints. However, Mathematica has always integrated well will foreign code (notably C, Java and .NET) and the latest release adds considerable new capabilities with respect to C-code generation, dynamic-library loading and CUDA / OpenCL GPU programming.
Alas, Mathematica is not FOSS and is pretty expensive for commercial use. However, they give great student discounts (90%+, last time I checked) and some college/university departments have site licenses.
On the down side, the Mathematica language is quite unconventional and it takes time to get into the swing of things. IMO, the effort is worth it, but the learning curve might be too long if your project timelines are short.
Note: I am not affiliated with WRI in any way.
My suggestion is OpenCV and C++. OpenCV is also usable with Python, but I don't recommend it if you need to write fast code, Python can be really slow.
How about Python? There is PIL, which
adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities.
An introductory article about NN with python and a feed forward NN library:
Matlab provides a lot of features for image processing. May be slightly slow, but I assume performance is not an issue.
ImageMagick is suppose to be real good, but I have no first-hand experience. Mathematica?

Platform for creating a visual programming language

I'm interested in creating a visual programming language which can aid non-programmers(like children) to write simple programs, much like Labview or Simulink allows engineers to connect functional blocks together without the knowledge of how they are internally built. Is this called programming by demonstration? What are example applications?
What would be an ideal platform which can allow me to do this(it can be a desktop or a web app)
Check out Google Blockly. Blockly allows a developer to create their own blocks, translations (generators) to virtually any programming language (or even JSON/XML) and includes a graphical interface to allow end users to create their own programs.
Brief summary:
Blockly was influenced by App Inventor, which itself was based off Scratch
App Inventor now uses Blockly (?!)
So does the BBC microbit
Blockly itself runs in a browser (typically) using javascript
Focused on (visual) language developers
language independent blocks and generators
includes a Block Factory - which allows visual programming to create new Blocks (?!) - I didn't find this useful myself...except for understanding
includes generators to map blocks to javascript/python
e.g. These blocks:
Generated this code:
See for more details
Best wishes - Andy
The adventure on which you are about to embark is the design and implementation of a visual programming language. I don't know of any good textbooks in this area, but there are an IEEE conference and refereed journal devoted to this field. Margaret Burnett of Oregon State University, who is a highly regarded authority, has assembled a bibliography on visual programming languages; I suggest you start there.
You might consider writing to Professor Burnett for advice. If you do, I hope you will report the results back here.
There is Scratch written by MIT which is much like what you are looking for.
A restricted form of programming is dataflow (aka. flow-based) programming, where the application is built from components by connecting their ports. Depending on the platform and purpose, the components are simple (like a path selector) or complex (like an image transformator). There are several dataflow systems (just I've made two), some of them has no visual editor, some of them are just a part of a bigger system, and there're some which don't even mention the approach. (Did you think, that make, MS-Excel and Unix Shell pipes are some kind of this?)
All modern digital synths based on dataflow approach, there's an amazing visual example:
AFAIK, there's no dataflow system for definitly educational purposes. For more information, you should check this site:
There is a new open source library out there: TUM.CMS.VPLControl. Get it here. This library may serve as a basis for your purposes.
There is Snap written by UC Berkeley. It is another option to understand VPL.
Pay attention on CoSpaces Edu. It is an online platform that enables the creation of virtual worlds and learning experiences whilst providing a more flexible approach to the learning curriculum.
There is visual coding named "CoBlocks".
Learners can animate and code their creations with "CoBlocks" before exploring and sharing them in mobile VR.
Also It is possible to use JavaScript or TypeScript.
If you want to go ahead with this, the platform that I suggest is the one used to implement Scratch (which already does what you want, IMHO), which is Squeak Smalltalk. The Squeak environment was designed with visual programming explicitly in mind. It's free, and Smalltalk syntax can learned in half an hour. Learning the gigantic class library may take just a little longer.
The blocks editor which was most support and development for microbit is microsoft makecode
Scratch is a horrible language to teach programming (i'm biased, but check out Pipes Visual Programming Language)
What you seem to want to do sounds a lot like Functional Block programming (as in functional block programming language IEC 61499 and other VPLs for mechatronics development). There is already a lot of research into VPLs so you might want to make sure that A) what your are trying to do has an audience and B) what you are trying to do can be done easily.
It sounds a bit negative in tone, but a good place to start to test the plausibility of your idea is by reading Davor Babic's short blog post at
As far as what platform to use - you could use pretty much anything, just make sure it has good graphic libraries (You could use Java with Swing - if you like pain - or Python with TKinter) just depends what you are familiar with. Just keep in mind who you want to eventually launch the language to (if its iOS, then look at using Objective-C, etc.)

A common set of problems to learn new languages

With "Polyglot" programming techniques becoming more relevant, it is almost a necessity to use the "right" PL for the problem. However, learning new languages takes time which usually most project team can't afford. What is the best way to learn a new programming language? Is there a common set of problems that can be solved to reach a certain level of competence?
Well, it depends what you want to do. (web, db, whatever).
Generally I'd want to know:
What's the library like, how do I reference it
What ORMs are there
What build/deployment platforms exist for it
How does it handle updates
How do I do general things, like:
DB Access
File things
Display UI's
and so on.
Really, learning is only by doing -- you need a project that you can use the given language for.
Project Euler is the first thing to come to mind as an oft-used set of problems to try in a new language, even if it's not something I've ever tried.
If the language is another JVM or CLR hosted one, the issues about learning the environment can be set aside -- you can use all your familiar APIs in your Clojure/Scala/F#... code -- and concentrate on the syntax and idiom.
Otherwise, you're probably using the new language because it has a good fit for the particular problem you want to solve (e.g. native code and functional -> Haskell; distributed and concurrent -> Erlang) so the fit of the feature set is known in advance but you have the extra load of learning the standard APIs. And that's what prototyping is for.
The book Programming Challenges and the associated website provide a large list of algorithmic problems, with automatic online judging in several languages (Java, C, C++). Any algorithm textbook can give you lots of examples of basic data structures and procedures to try and implement, which is often a nice way to get some practice with basic language syntax and features. My personal favourite for this is The Algorithm Design Manual, which is language agnostic, but there are plenty of good language-specific books available as well (Mastering Algorithms in Perl or Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, for example).
If you're interested in a general set of mathematical problems to try and solve, Project Euler is a great resource.
For more day to day problems, I find the cookbook approach most helpful. For example, both Perl and Python have excellent O'Reilly cookbooks, as well as online resources, which provide short examples of many common and important problems. As mentioned in another answer, the key here is to find canonical examples of basic features you will need, particularly by leveraging what's available in standard libraries. I usually try and build up my own small library of examples as I go along, e.g. a socket example, a DB access example, a file reading example, a simple numerical solver, etc, which I then pillage for ideas when it's time to write production code.

Should I use LingPipe or NLTK for extracting names and places?

I'm looking to extract names and places from very short bursts of text example
"cardinals vs jays in toronto"
" Daniel Nestor and Nenad Zimonjic play Jonas Bjorkman w/ Kevin Ullyett, paris time to be announced"
"jenson button - pole position, brawn-mercedes - monaco".
This data is currently in a MySQL database, and I (pretty much) have a separate record for each athlete, though names are sometimes spelled wrong, etc.
I would like to extract the athletes and locations.
I usually work in PHP, but haven't been able to find a library for entity extraction (and I may want to get deeper into some NLP and ML in the future).
From what I've found, LingPipe and NLTK seem to be the most recommended, but I can't figure out if either will really suit my purpose, or if something else would be better.
I haven't programmed in either Java or Python, so before I start learning new languages, I'm hoping to get some advice on what route I should follow, or other recommendations.
What you're describing is named entity recognition. So I'd recommend checking out the other questions regarding this topic if you haven't already seen them. This looks like the most useful answer to me.
I can't really comment about whether NLTK or LingPipe is best suited for this task although from looking at the answers it looks like there's quite a few other resources written in Java.
One advantage of going with NLTK is that Python is very accessible as a language. The other advantage is that the NLTK book (which is available for free) offers an introduction to both Python and NLTK at the same time, which would be useful for you.
