Vim errorformat for jshint (with example) - vim

I am trying to write efm for this:
file: app/assets/javascripts/topbar.js
line 17, col 3, Missing semicolon.
line 19, col 19, 'is_mobile' was used before it was defined.
line 21, col 1965, Expected '{' and instead saw 'check'.
line 25, col 18, 'onScroll' was used before it was defined.
file: app/assets/javascripts/trends.js
line 2, col 55, Missing semicolon.
line 6, col 27, 'trendTypeSelected' was used before it was defined.
line 7, col 32, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.
JSHint check failed
but I think I am missing the concept of file on separate line. Can someone help me out with
This is what I have so far and it does not work:
%-Pfile:\ %f,line\ %l\,\ col\ %c\,\ %m
set efm=%-Pfile:\ %f,%*[\ ]line\ %l\\,\ col\ %c\\,\ %m,%-Q,%-GJSHint\ check\ failed

Vim provides %P, which pushes the parsed file (%f) onto the stack, see :help errorformat-separate-filename.
So for your error output, it would be something like %+Pfile: %f,...


PyAlgoTrade: How to use resampleBarFeed with multiple instruments?

I am resampling a few instruments with [pyalogtrade][1].
I have a base barfeed for 1-minute data, which is working fine
I have added a resampler to resample for 2 minutes, as follows:
class Strategy(strategy.BaseStrategy):
def __init__(self, instruments,feed, brk):
strategy.BaseStrategy.__init__(self, feed, brk)
self.__position = None
self.__instrument = instruments
self._resampledBF = self.resampleBarFeed(2 * bar.Frequency.MINUTE, self.resampledOnBar_2minute) ("initialised strategy")
I got this error:
2022-09-08 12:36:00,396 strategy [INFO] 1-MIN: INSTRUMENT1: Date: 2022-09-08 12:35:00+05:30 Open: 17765.55 High: 17774.5 Low: 17765.35 Close: 1777
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\strategy\", line 514, in run
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\", line 109, in run
eof, eventsDispatched = self.__dispatch()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\", line 97, in __dispatch
if self.__dispatchSubject(subject, smallestDateTime):
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\", line 75, in __dispatchSubject ret = subject.dispatch() is True
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\feed\", line 106, in dispatch
dateTime, values = self.getNextValuesAndUpdateDS()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\feed\", line 81, in getNextValuesAndUpdateDS
dateTime, values = self.getNextValues()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\barfeed\", line 101, in getNextValues
raise Exception(
Exception: Bar date times are not in order. Previous datetime was 2022-09-08 12:34:00+05:30 and current datetime is 2022-09-08 12:34:00+05:30
However, the error does not occur if the self._resampledBF = self.resampleBarFeed is commented out.
Also, on searching online, I found a similar report/ possible fix reported earlier on Google groups:
The solution recommended was:
Sorry never mind, I fixed it. Using current timestamp instead of the one from IB and that fixed it.
Not sure if this is has been resolved.
Would like to know how to resolve the error while resampling.

I am getting this error: MermaidExtension.extendMarkdown() missing 1 required positional argument: 'md_globals'

This was working not too long ago (probably inadvertently upgraded a library somewhere.) All of my libraries are up to date.
Here is the stack trace:
File "C:\Users\jorda\Documents\projects\python\poolBoy\", line 422, in about
html += markdown.markdown(text, extensions=['md_mermaid', 'fenced_code', 'tables'])
File "C:\Users\jorda\Documents\projects\python\poolBoy\venv\lib\site-packages\markdown\", line 386, in markdown
md = Markdown(**kwargs)
File "C:\Users\jorda\Documents\projects\python\poolBoy\venv\lib\site-packages\markdown\", line 96, in __init__
self.registerExtensions(extensions=kwargs.get('extensions', []),
File "C:\Users\jorda\Documents\projects\python\poolBoy\venv\lib\site-packages\markdown\", line 125, in registerExtensions
TypeError: MermaidExtension.extendMarkdown() missing 1 required positional argument: 'md_globals'
Any suggestions would be most appreciated!
Must have upgraded Markdown inadvertently. I added the following to my requirements and it is working fine now:

View exported console coloured logs

Is there a way to view exported coloured logs as in console (with colour)?
My program uses colour coding for errors, warnings, etc. If I redirect output of my program to file.log, I get records like:
[32m[1m(INF)[0m /environment/converter: State map: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ][0m
[32m[1m(INF)[0m /environment/converter: Action map: [ -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ][0m
[32m[1m(INF)[0m PyEnv: Observation dims: 15[0m
[32m[1m(INF)[0m PyEnv: Action dims: 6[0m
Random seed None
[32m[1m(INF)[0m GRL seed 1428[0m
Now I want to see file.log, but without colour codes or even better with colours preserved.
I have tried nano, vi and gedit but they all do not do what I want.
Here are some ideas if you're still wondering for a good way to do this.
A text editor won't be able to read the color codes, as those are Bash specific. However, cat works because it can interpret the color codes. However, the way you're storing the colors isn't formatted correctly in the first place.
I'm not sure how you are writing into your log file, but I echoed your example and redirected the output into a file. I didn't see colors either. The reason is that you have to escape every square bracket for the codes to be interpreted by Bash.
So the way that I escaped the brackets is by manually adding \e before every square bracket and using echo -e to evaluate the escape characters:
`echo -e "\e[32m\e[1m(INF)\e[0m /environment/converter: State map: [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ]\e[0m`
`\e[32m\e[1m(INF)\e[0m /environment/converter: Action map: [ -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]\e[0m`
`\e[32m\e[1m(INF)\e[0m PyEnv: Observation dims: 15\e[0m`
`\e[32m\e[1m(INF)\e[0m PyEnv: Action dims: 6\e[0m`
`Random seed None`
`\e[32m\e[1m(INF)\e[0m GRL seed 1428\e[0m " > example.txt`
Now when I open the file with cat I see correctly colored text:
The color codes are now stored and escaped correctly in the .txt file:
^[[32m[1m(INF)[0m GRL seed 1428^[[0m
[32m[1m(INF)[0m GRL seed 1428[0m
An alternative solution is to use a package like Ansi Html Adapter (Aha).
It will produce HTML instead of plain text. Then you can open the output in your browser, and it would have the right color coding.
However, you would meet with the same problem. If the color codes aren't escaped correctly, the output is not going to be colored.
I ran the following command to convert the correctly formatted text to HTML:
aha -f example.txt > example.html
Here's the result in the browser:
You can find more info on how to use colors in bash in this Bash Tips article.

pywinauto error argument 4: int too long to convert

I use Python3/pywinauto/and tested app - all are 64.
I got a error when I trying to expend a tree
tree_item = systreeview.GetItem([current_menu_item, u'xxxxxx'])
everything worked with 32 app.
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\pywinauto\controls\", line 1523, in get_item
texts = [r.text() for r in roots]
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\pywinauto\controls\", line 1523, in <listcomp>
texts = [r.text() for r in roots]
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\pywinauto\controls\", line 960, in text
return self._readitem()[1]
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\pywinauto\controls\", line 1383, in _readitem
ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 4: <class 'OverflowError'>: int too long to convert*
It was a bug. Fixed now. Thank you everyone.
Fixed another way in pull request #373. pywinauto 0.6.3 is out with the fix.
Just replaced 2 remaining win32functions.SendMessage calls with self.send_message everywhere.

vim grepformat for node-jslint output

What is the Vim grepformat of the following error output (error output from node-jslint)?
#1 Expected 'this' at column 5, not column 3.
this.JSON2 = {}; // Line 44, Pos 3
#2 Expected 'use strict' at column 5, not column 3.
"use strict"; // Line 48, Pos 3
Found answer at
Used ...
setlocal efm=%-P%f,
\%E%>\ #%n\ %m,%Z%.%#Line\ %l\\,\ Pos\ %c,
\%-G%f\ is\ OK.,%-Q
Plus :make:cw
