Watermark an image with reportviewer (full page report) - visual-studio-2012

I know i can watermark an image with reportviewer 2012 in the body part of the page.
My report has header and footer, i need watermark an image in angle for the full page, from the bottom-left to the top-right and that will include the header, body and footer.
Any Idea? Thank you.

SSRS doesn't natively have a Watermark function, but you have a couple workarounds.
Fix 1 - Background Image
Create an image with the watermark you want (save as .bmp)
Add the image to the report
Set the Report Body Background property to use the image.
Body Properties
For Step 1, I like the following method:
Create a Word Document
Go to Page Layout > Watermark > Custom > and add whatever watermark you want
Save the Word Document as PDF.
Open the PDF and Select "Copy File to Clipboard"
This will create the correct sized image at 612x792. Paste into MSPaint and save as a bitmap. Here's a sample generated image that just says "TEST" that you can use.
Conditionally Applying:
Most times you have a watermark, you want to eventually remove it. Let's say you have a test and production report and you want to toggle the watermark. You can do it like this:
Add a Boolean Parameter, here called IsTest. It should look like this:
On the Body Properties menu, set the background image to use the following formula:
When you're calling the report, make sure to pass in the parameter like this:
report.SetParameters(New ReportParameter("IsTest", appSettings.IsTestEnvironment))
Fix 2 - Text Field
Alternatively, you can do this with a text field for a little less heavy handed of an approach, but it cannot be rotated at a 45o angle.
Add a text field to the report. Make it large and grey.
Right click on the text field and click Send to Back so it appears behind all the other elements.
Make sure that any other fields with a white background have a transparent background, otherwise you'll get a blotchy display.
Further Reading
Watermark printing in SSRS report
How To Watermark your Report With Custom Image

Try if this will help. It shows several workarounds: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/b9c25fc1-00a5-4957-8f02-f91bf5984d76/how-to-achieve-watermark-underlay-feature-in-ssrs-2008


How to grab numbers from chart in powerpoint with broken link to excel sheet

I have a Powerpoint file that has been emailed to me. It has a chart with selectable columns and labels, indicating that it's not just an image. When I try to edit the chart in order to extract the data, I get the message "The linked file is not available. To edit the link, click the File tab. Click the info tab, and then under Related Documents, click Edit Links to Files."
If i click Open Source, it says it can't find it. If I click Break Link, it's no longer editable when right clicking the table.
The data must be in there since it's displaying the values. How can I extract the data?
Generally, what you see on screen is a metafile picture of the linked chart or other content. The data behind it is unavailable if the link's broken or missing. You may be able to get what you want by ungrouping the chart (or better, a copy of it). You'll probably need to ungroup a few times, but you should be able to access the text (as individual, unrelated text boxes).

Excel - how to hide value in a chart's datalebel

I have embedded an image to a chart's datalabel. I want to only keep the image and not the value which appears on top of the image.
However I'm not sure how i can get rid of the value to only show the image?
I thought could've set the font colour to transparent but that's not available. I also played around with the number formatter but had no luck?
I'm using Windows/Excel 2010
Clicking on one of the data labels once will select all of them, clicking a second time will select only the one you clicked on. Then just hit the delete button. (You should also be able to edit the font/colour in the Home tab.)

How can I show the selected item centred of the pivot header in UWP?

By default the item selected from the pivot header appears on the left side. This behavior can be changed so that it appears centered or right side?
I have a list of 20 items and therefore they don't appear all at the pivot header. So it is visually more appealing if the selected item appears centered on the screen.
Currently is working like the follow image:
enter image description here
I would like it will work like the follow image:
enter image description here
Here's what you need, skip to 26:30.
There's a lot to it, but you can do it using the Pivot control.
Best of luck.
please check this post
you need to modify HorizontalContentAllignment property to center the content
Here is some example modifying the style with setters

Dynamically change chart after clicking an icon in Excel

I am doing a dashboard. To resolve the problem with the space, I would like to show a chart which changes depending of which icon an user clicks (see image in following link: http://screencast.com/t/IvzllhxCi).
Charts are already done and ranges defined. The chart showed in the dashboard was inserted using the "Paste picture link" function (sorry if this is not the correct name, but I use Excel in spanish). I assume, that the best way to do it is creating different macros which define the data of a chart and are fired which every icon click, but... is there a more efficient way to do it?
How about just creating all the charts, putting them on top of each other and then showing / hidding the appropriate chart when a user clicks the icons via:
chart.Visible = xlSheetHidden;
chart.Visible = xlSheetVisible;

How to force a textbox to split, rather than move to a second page in SSRS 2005 (PDF Export)?

This question is a follow up to my original question, I've done a bit more reseach, i narrowed a problem down quite a bit.
I've also uploaded a sample .rdl to illustrate the problem
I've got the following report setup: a header (image in the body), two textboxes, and a footer.
First textbox has a little bit of text, and second textbox has lots of text. Second textbox can fit on one page by itself, but won't fit on the page with my header and the first textbox.
The problem is that for some reason, the second textbox in the report is unaware of other contents of that same report, and as long as that one textbox fits on one page - it will be moved to the second page. (once the textbox grows larger than 1 page - it will split, and will achieve the desired behavior)
Desired behavior is to split the second textbox, and keep as much text on the first page as possible, and move the rest to the second page.
I'm not sure about v.2005 but in v.2008 you can set a textbox property: KeepTogether to false.
This will fit as much text on the first page than the rest on the second page.
This is pretty standard behaviour in SSRS. Like many issues with the Reporting engine, you have to trick it.
In this case you could try to provide the 'lines' for the second text box as individual rows in a Detail, then use a repeater or table to display them. Alternatively you could break on 'paragraph'. Unfortunately you'll have to do this in your data source, probably in a stored procedure, depending on how you're getting the data to the report.
If appropriate you could look at client-side reporting (.rdlc files), which allows you to pre-process the data in a .NET application, although setting up for printing can be more complex.
