Is it possible to import svg shapes in d3.js? - svg

First day with d3.js, going well, but I need to change my placeholder circle shapes to something a litte more complex.
Can SVG shapes that I've created in, say, Illustrator, be "imported" into a d3.js chart?
I know I can redraw it in d3... but my head hurts right now... er...
it's a simple bubble with a point:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 13.0.2, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 14948) -->
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
width="77px" height="41px" viewBox="0 0 77 41" enable-background="new 0 0 77 41" xml:space="preserve">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#999999" d="M0,13C0,5.82,5.82,0,13,0h51c7.18,0,13,5.82,13,13s-5.82,13-13,13
Can that be imported as a shape?
Or is there a way to translate that path directly in d3js?

If by "imported" you mean be part of the page markup and then used by your d3 code, then yes you can use svg defs element to hold the definition of your custom shape. Then later in your code you create a use element to reference it:
var node = svg.selectAll("g.node")
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d.y + "," + d.x + ")"; } )
Here is a full example of the above approach. I used Inkscape but the concept is the same:
Note that the xlink namespace in the svg definition is important for the use element to work properly, and I see you have it your code already:
If by "imported" you mean loaded on-the-fly, then a different approach is needed, as suggested by #LarsKotthoff. But it sounds like you just want to reuse an existing shape definition, and the above approach lets you do it. The <g> element sets the position of the shapes, and then child node <use> is added to pull in the actual shape defined earlier.
The definition of the shape is in the svg element in the body, not in the javascript itself. This differs from many D3.js examples which have the svg element created dynamically by the javascript code.
The only connection between the two is the string ID that you put in the href ("myshape" in this case) to match the id in the defs section:


Proper use of <use> and <svg>

I'm referencing an svg file's content from my html, like this:
<svg id='container' width="19" height="19">
<use href="../svg.svg#path"/>
viewBox="0 0 19 19"
<path id='path' fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.10156 2.31433C4.85892 2.31433
3.85156 3.32169 3.85156 4.56433V7.27979L5.21733 6.15722C5.88058 5.61207 6.84134 5.62857 7.48549
6.19616L11.5046 9.7376C11.8811 10.0694 12.0971 10.547 12.0976 11.0489L12.1032 16.8638H14.6256C15.8682
16.8638 16.8756 15.8565 16.8756 14.6138V4.56433C16.8756 3.32169 15.8682 2.31433 14.6256 2.31433H6.10156ZM2.35156
4.56433V8.51269L0.879033 9.72301C0.474603 10.0554 0.240234 10.5514 0.240234 11.0749L0.240249
16.6071C0.240252 17.5731 1.02297 18.3564 1.98897 18.3571L12.1047 18.3645L12.1047 18.3638H14.6256C16.6966
18.3638 18.3756 16.6849 18.3756 14.6138V4.56433C18.3756 2.49326 16.6966 0.814331 14.6256 0.814331H6.10156C4.03049
0.814331 2.35156 2.49326 2.35156 4.56433ZM6.49381 7.32159C6.40179 7.2405 6.26454 7.23814 6.16979 7.31602L1.83149 10.8818C1.77372 10.9293 1.74023 11.0002 1.74023 11.0749L1.74025 16.6071C1.74025 16.7451 1.85207 16.857 1.99007 16.8571L5.42188 16.8596V14.1996C5.42188 13.7854 5.75766 13.4496 6.17188 13.4496C6.58609 13.4496 6.92188 13.7854 6.92188 14.1996V16.8607L10.6032 16.8634L10.5976 11.0503C10.5975 10.9786 10.5667 10.9104 10.5129 10.863L6.49381 7.32159Z" />
Question is:
Why do I need to set width and height in container? If I fail to do so, container takes up 150px by 300px.
How could I just make container automatically shrink to fit home's dimensions?
The HTML spec says that if the size of any "replaced element" (that's things like <svg>, <canvas>, <object> etc) is not specified, then its size should default to 300px x 150px.
The <use> points to a <path>, rather than a whole SVG image, so it's size is indeterminate.
Given your use case, you cannot.

D3 and SVG namespaces for custom svg elements or attributes to be valid?

I created some custom svg attributes yet want to pass the svg validator test.
I saw the D3 > Namespace page, the previous How can I specify a custom XML/SVG namespace with D3.js? and thus processed as follow:
// d3.ns.prefix.geo = "";
// d3.ns.prefix.inkscape = "";
// SVG injection:
var width = 600;
var svg ="#hook").append("svg")
.attr("name", "Country's_name_administrative_map_\(2015\)")
.attr("id", "Country_s_name")
.attr("width", width)
// Tags:
.attr(':geo:syntax', "WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees")
.attr(':geo:west', WEST)
.attr('geo:south', SOUTH)
.attr(':geo:east', EAST)
.attr(':geo:north', NORTH)
.attr(':geo:title', title);
Produce :
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg xmlns=""
<defs xmlns="">
<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
svg { border: 1px solid rgb(100, 100, 100); }]]>
<geo:g xmlns:geo=""
geo:syntax="WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees"
geo:title="Country's name" />
<defs><pattern id="hash2_4" width="6" h…
I still get all the errors (larger image) :
The first type of error is related to the custom <geo:g … > element itself, visible above. The 2nd type of errors is related to custom attributes such geo:west="…" or inkscape:group="…", which I expected to be valid due to the earlier xmlns declarations.
Am I walking the wrong road ? How to make custom attribute valid via d3js ?
EDIT: a minimal jsfiddle provide a demo of the buggy output.
About d3js and namespaces. According to Selvin on D3 doesn't append xmlns:something namespace properly to svg element, it's a D3js know bug with known but not yet implemented solution. Also, current way to overcome it is via JQuery
I made some mildly successful tries.
1) Reading: To produce valid svg document which could be saved, #Selim pointed out that d3.ns.prefix is NOT suitable (see d3 doesn't append namespace attributes to svg element ).
2) Reading more: So I read Namespaces Crash Course. The key point is that
[...] namespace prefixes are used to prefix attribute names and tag [element] names [...]
From the official doc with declaration and usages, for the attributes (<script> changed into <a>) :
<svg xmlns=""
<a xlink:href="space-rocket.html">...</a>
and for elements:
<html xmlns=""
<h1>SVG embedded inline in XHTML</h1>
<svg:svg width="300px" height="200px">
<svg:circle cx="150" cy="100" r="50" fill="#ff0000"/>
2) Porting: So I went ahead, NOT d3.ns.prefix, but with the handmade custom namespace ("geo") declaration as an attribute to the svg element via :"svg").attr(":xmlns:geo","")
together with usages such
.attr('manual', "WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees")
.attr('WEST', "-4.05")
.attr('SOUTH', "40.5")
.attr('EAST', "10.0")
.attr('NORTH', "54.5")
.attr('Title', "Imaginary map of Kinglons ruling Europe");
.attr(':geo:manual', "WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees")
.attr(':geo:WEST', "-4.05")
.attr(':geo:SOUTH', "40.5")
.attr(':geo:EAST', "10.0")
.attr(':geo:NORTH', "54.5")
.attr(':geo:Title', "Imaginary map of Kinglons ruling Europe");
.attr(':geo:manual', "WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees")
.attr(':geo:WEST', "-4.05")
.attr(':geo:SOUTH', "40.5")
.attr(':geo:EAST', "10.0")
.attr(':geo:NORTH', "54.5")
.attr(':geo:Title', "Imaginary map of Kinglons ruling Europe");
and about 3 other variants, but none is valid, all fails the svg validator.
I have no more ideas how to get a valid svg.
Fiddle (downloadable) , svg validator

Bind external svg to data

I would like to bind an external svg file to my data-array.
I loaded the element into my dom like this:
defs ="defs");
d3.html("combisymbol.svg", function(data) {
//get a selection of the image so we can pull out the icon
xml =;
icon = document.importNode("#star").node(), true); = "staricon";
// console.log("icon", icon);
Then I tried to make it visible. I used the same approach as when I take circles that I bind to my data. With the circles it works, but my external svg is not visible."body").select("div#divCombiSVG")
.attr("xlink:href", "#staricon");
I don't see the svgs.
I have also tried this:"body").select("div#divCombiSVG")
But then the icon gets only added to the first data-element and not the second. Even though it's added to the first, it's still not visible.
The svg file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" " /DTD/svg10.dtd">
<svg version="1.0" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 37.207 100" enable-background="new 0 0 37.207 100"
<path xmlns="" id="star" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" r2="43"
orient='point' points='3' radial-shift='0' outerCurve='86'
outerOffset='4.1' innerCurve='56' innerOffset='2.2' d="M300,168
345.7070270919484,217.64466544113793 337.23909236273084,228.5
C350.87405522189334,226.59422068634012 385.8158673985199,244.3753308862077 371.014083110324,291
305.1670281299449,305.76111387252195 300,293 C294.83297187005513,305.76111387252195
261.9631726411659,327.1310557718112 228.98591688967605,291 C214.1841326014801,244.37533088620776
249.12594477810666,226.59422068634015 262.7609076372691,228.50000000000003
C254.29297290805158,217.64466544113793 252.22095996031422,178.4936133419811 300,168 "
fill="yellow" stroke="black" stroke-width="2"></path>
combiData currently has two objects.
I have looked for hours at other examples but I can't make it work. I think I'm close though...I'm pretty new to d3 (but very motivated) so please be patient with me. :-)
Thanks in advance for your help!
In the first case, you are doing a .selectAll('star') (searching for the tag star), which probably should have been a .selectAll('#star') (searching for a tag with id star).
Your second approach can be tweaked a little to work as well. Calling node() on a d3 selection always returns just one node. Hence, the subsequent .appendChild happens only on the first node.
You can try this, if you find this more amenable to what you wanted to do:"body").select("div#divCombiSVG")
.each(function (d) {
Since in the comments you asked for which option to prefer: I would recommend the first approach of using the use element. It results in less code and you can even refer to the file containing the star externally which means that you will not have to download and inline the SVG yourself (note the caveat about IE).

SVG (1.1) : how to 'link-to' or 'centre' on a shape in a browser?

Is there is browser-independant way getting the browser to centre on a particular shape (by 'id' attribute) ?
I have tried using xlinks wrapped around shapes like this:
<a xlink:href="#node24"> .... </a>
I have reasonably busy (100+ shapes) directed graph diagrams (generated from dot): and when I load them up in Chrome , more often than not, the intial screen is just blank - forcing the user to use scrollbars to find the diagram at all.
I'm afraid I don't have any good news for you.
For stand-alone SVG documents, you can manipulate the part of an SVG displayed when following a link by linking to a <view> element (distinct from, but making use of, the SVG "viewBox" attribute). The view element specifies the viewBox to use and possibly some other parameters, and the graphic will be displayed with those parameters instead of the default ones.
Example code:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg version="1.1"
viewBox="0 0 100 100"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMin meet" >
<circle cx ="50" r="40"/>
<view id="panUp" viewBox="0 -50 100 100" />
<view id="zoomIn" viewBox="25 25 50 50" />
If you linked to the file as a whole it would show you an image with half a circle centered at the top of the screen.
If, however, you linked to it like, the circle would be the same size but centered on screen. If you linked to, you'd only see the bottom edge of a circle that is twice as big.
(I don't have anywhere to host the file that can serve up raw SVG files, but this CodePen uses data URI to show the effects, although the data URI fragment identifiers doesn't seem to work in Firefox.)
You are supposed to be able to even specify the desired viewBox, transforms, or other attributes as part of the URL fragment (like,0,200,200))), but I don't think that's widely implemented -- it had no effect on either Firefox or Chrome.
And even <view> fragments don't seem to work when the SVG is embedded within an HTML document. So unless your SVG is stand-alone, creating a view for each element (or one view that your dynamically change to match the clicked element), isn't going to be worth the trouble.
So what does work?
The default behaviour, when linking to a fragment (element id) that is not a <view> is to display the nearest ancestor <svg> element that contains that element ("nearest ancestor" because an SVG can contain nested <svg> tags). So if your document has a natural structure to it, you could replace some <g> elements with <svg> with a specified x,y,height and width parameter, and then linking to an element within that sub-graphic would show that view. That should work even when the SVG is embedded within a larger HTML document. But if you've got hundreds of elements moving around, it's probably not a practical solution.
Which leaves #Ian's solution of programmatically manipulating the main SVG viewBox. If you don't want to zoom in, just pan, leave the width and height as the full size of your visualization, and just change the x and y offsets. Something like:
function centerViewOnElement( el ) {
var bbox = el.getBBox()
var elCenterX = bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
elCenterY = bbox.y + bbox.height/2;
svg.setAttribute("viewBox", [(elCenterX - width/2),
(elCenterY - height/2),
].join(" ") );
//assuming you've got the svg, width and height already saved in variables...
Thought I would do a simpler example, as this feels quite useful in general...with a jsfiddle here
<svg id="mySvg">
<circle id="myCirc" cx="20" cy="20" r="20"/>
<rect id="myRect" x="50" y="50" width="50" height="50"/>
var mySvg = document.getElementById("mySvg");
function getNewViewbox( el ) {
var bbox = el.getBBox();
return newViewbox = bbox.x + " " + bbox.y + " " + bbox.width + " " + bbox.height;
function focusElement( ev ) {
mySvg.setAttribute("viewBox", getNewViewbox( ) );
//click on any element, or even the svg paper
document.getElementById("mySvg").addEventListener("click", focusElement);

Half filled circle with d3.js

I am trying to create a half filled circle with d3.js to be like this.
I didn't find any example of how to do it.
How can this be done with d3.js?
Yes, you can do that with an SVG gradient. All you have to do is define it and then use it as fill for the circle.
var grad = svg.append("defs").append("linearGradient").attr("id", "grad")
.attr("x1", "0%").attr("x2", "0%").attr("y1", "100%").attr("y2", "0%");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", "50%").style("stop-color", "lightblue");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", "50%").style("stop-color", "white");
.attr("fill", "url(#grad)");
JSfiddle here.
You may not even require d3 for this simple task. You may use this simple technique, Using Clippath on a circle, I have written it in details in my blog
Use Two circles one above another in a tag.
Fill one with the color you wish and another with white or may be your background color just to make it look like its empty in there.
Then clip the later one using with rectangle in it, assign radius few pixel less than the earlier circle.
Place clip path at the top left .. assign width equal to the diameter of the circle and height will be defined by your data.
The data will act reversible to the filling so you may subtract the actual data from your max. EG: if data is 20/100 do 100-20 so u ll get 80 in this way the empty part will be 80 and filled will be 20.
You may switch between height or width to switch between vertical or horizontal filling axis.
The HTML should look like this.
<svg height="200"> <a transform="translate(100,100)">
<circle fill="#f60" r="50"></circle>
<clippath id="g-clip">
<rect height="50" id="g-clip-rect" width="100" x="-50" y="-50">
<circle clip-path="url(#g-clip)" fill="#fff" r="47"></circle>
I have created a jsfiddle to illustrate this at:
create a div having id name id_cirlce and paste this code inside script tag
<div id="id_circle"></div>
var svg ="#id_circle")
var grad = svg.append("defs")
.append("linearGradient").attr("id", "grad")
.attr("x1", "0%").attr("x2", "0%").attr("y1", "100%").attr("y2", "0%");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", "50%").style("stop-color", "lightblue");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", "50%").style("stop-color", "white");
