I have read the answer at Best strategies for reading J code, but in my console, I am not seeing the box structure. My console has the original command returned.
Please help me with I have missed.
Thank you.
#Eelvex correctly identifies the underlying mechanisms which control display of results in J. However, 5!:2 only applies to its argument, and (9!:3) 2 will last throughout the session, but be reset to linear display (i.e. the "original command" you're seeing) when you restart J or spin up a new session.
If you want this change to persist, you can configure the session manager with your preference. That way, every time you start a new J session, the display will default to boxed.
How to configure the IDE depends on which version of J you're running, and which frontend you're using. Below is a screenshot of how to configure J6, which currently has the largest install base (though it's been superceded by J7 and J8).
If you tell us which version of J and which frontend you're using, we can give you instructions specific to your environment. Otherwise, the general advice is to add the line (9!:3) 2 to your personal startup script.
Note also that other displays are available:
Linear: "original command returned"
Paren: similar, but command is fully parenthesized
Box: Shows structure of command
Tree: shows relationship between components of command
You can configure the session manager to display commands in one or more of these formats. Try selecting multiple checkboxes in the configuration dialog, or listing out several options in the argument to 9!:3, as in:
(9!:3) 5 2 NB. Linear followed by boxed
+/ % #
+/ % #
||+|/|| | |
|+-+-+| | |
Finally, while these fancy display formats are useful when you're learning J, you're likely to find them less useful as your understanding of the language develops, and ultimately they may become distracting. That's why the default display is "linear", and most J developers end up using it, supplemented by the occasional analysis using 5!:2, 5!:4, or even userland tools like "map display"
You can use a representation like this:
f =: (+/) % #
5!:2 <'f'
││+│/││ │ │
│└─┴─┘│ │ │
or you can turn on the box representation by setting it's global parameter:
(9!:3) 2
││+│/││ │ │
│└─┴─┘│ │ │
Boxed representation (9!:3) 2 was default in previous versions of J.
See also Learning J/Chapter 27
So the idea is to make an encryption software which will work only on .txt files and apply some encryption functions on it and generate a new file. To avoid the hassle of user having to drag-and-drop the file, I have decided to make an option similar to my anti-virus here.
I want to learn how to make these for various OS, irrespective of the architecture :)
What are these menus called? I mean the proper name so next time I can refer to them in a more articulate way
How to make these?
My initial understanding:
What I think it will do is: pass the file as an argument to the main() method and then leave the rest of the processing to me :)
Probably not exactly the answer you were hoping for, but it seems that this is a rather complicated matter. Anyway, I'll share what I know about it and it will hopefully prove enough to (at least) get you started.
Unfortunately, the easiest way to create a context menu using Java is editing the Registry. I'll try to summarize the milestones of the overall requirements and steps to achieve our objective.
See at the end of the post for links to sample code and a working demo.
What needs to be done
We need to edit the Registry adding an additional entry (for our java-app) in the context menus of the file-types we are interested in (e.g. .txt, .doc, .docx).
We need to determine which entries in Registry to edit, because our targeted file-extensions might be associated with another 'Class' (I couldn't test it on XP, but on Windows 7/8 this seems to be the case). E.g. instead of editing ...\Classes\.txt we might need to edit ...\Classes\txtfile, which the .txt Class is associated with.
We need to specify the path to the installed jre (unless we can be sure that the directory containing javaw.exe is in the PATH variable).
We need to insert the proper keys, values and data under the proper Registry nodes.
We need a java-app packaged as a .JAR file, with a main method expecting a String array containing one value that corresponds to the path of the file we need to process (well, that's the easy part - just stating the obvious).
All this is easier said than done (or is it the other way around ?), so let's see what it takes to get each one done.
First of all, there are some assumption we'll be making for the rest of this post (for the sake of simplicity/clarity/brevity and the like).
We assume that the target file-category is .TXT files - the same steps could be applied for every file-category.
If we want the changes (i.e. context-menus) to affect all users, we need to edit Registry keys under HKCR\ (e.g. HKCR\txtfile), which requires administrative priviledges.
For the sake of simplicity, we assume that only current user's settings need to be changed, thus we will have to edit keys under HKCU\Software\Classes (e.g. HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile), which does not require administrative priviledges.
If one chooses to go for system-wide changes, the following modifications are necessary:
In all REG ADD/DELETE commands, replace HKCU\Software\Classes\... with HKCR\... (do not replace it in REG QUERY commands).
Have your application run with administrative priviledges. Two options here (that I am aware of):
Elevate your running instance's priviledges (can be more complicated with latest windows versions, due to UAC). There are plenty of resources online and here in SO; this one seems promising (but I haven't tested it myself).
Ask the user to explicitely run your app "As administrator" (using right-click -> "Run as administrator" etc).
We assume that only simple context-menu entries are needed (as opposed to a context-submenu with more entries).
After some (rather shallow) research, I have come to believe that adding a submenu in older versions of Windows (XP, Vista), would require more complex stuff (ContextMenuHandlers etc). Adding a submenu in Windows 7 or newer is considerably more easy. I described the process in the relevant part of this answer (working demo provided ;)).
That said, let's move on to...
Getting things done
You can achieve editing the Registry by issuing commands of the form REG Operation [Parameter List], with operations involving ADD, DELETE, QUERY (more on that later).
In order to execute the necessary commands, we can use a ProcessBuilder instance. E.g.
String[] cmd = {"REG", "QUERY", "HKCR\\.txt", "/ve"};
new ProcessBuilder(cmd).start();
// Executes: REG QUERY HKCR\.txt /ve
Of course, we will probably want to capture and further process the command's return value, which can be done via the respective Process' getInputStream() method. But that falls into scope "implementation details"...
"Normally" we would have to edit the .txt file-class, unless it is associated with another file-class. We can test this, using the following command:
// This checks the "Default" value of key 'HKCR\.txt'
// Possible output:
(Default) REG_SZ txtfile
All we need, is parse the above output and find out, if the default value is empty or contains a class name. In this example we can see the associated class is txtfile, so we need to edit node HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile.
Specifying the jre path (more precisely the path to javaw.exe) falls outside the scope of this answer, but there should be plenty of ways to do it (I don't know of one I would 100% trust though).
I'll just list a few off the top of my head:
Looking for environment-variable 'JAVA_HOME' (System.getenv("java.home");).
Looking in the Registry for a value like HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\<CurrentVersion>\JavaHome.
Looking in predifined locations (e.g. C:\Program Files[ (x86)]\Java\).
Prompting the user to point it out in a JFileChooser (not very good for the non-experienced user).
Using a program like Launch4J to wrap your .JAR into a .EXE (which eliminates the need of determining the path to 'javaw.exe' yourself).
Latest versions of Java (1.7+ ?) put a copy of javaw.exe (and other utilities) on the path, so it might be worth checking that as well.
3. So, after collecting all necessary data, comes the main part: Inserting the required values into Registry. After compliting this step, our HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile-node should look like this:
|_____MyCoolContextMenu: [Default] -> [Display name for my menu-entry]
|_____Command: [Default] -> [<MY_COMMAND>]*
*: in this context, a '%1' denotes the file that was right-clicked.
Based on how you addressed step (1.2), the command could look like this:
"C:\Path\To\javaw.exe" -jar "C:\Path\To\YourApp.jar" "%1"
Note that javaw.exe is usually in ...\jre\bin\ (but not always only there - recently I've been finding it in C:\Windows\System32\ as well).
Still being in step (1.3), the commands we need to execute, in order to achieve the above structure, look as follows:
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile\Shell\MyCoolContextMenu /ve /t REG_SZ /d "Click for pure coolness" /f
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile\Shell\MyCoolContextMenu\Command /ve /t REG_SZ /d "\"C:\Path\To\javaw.exe\" -jar \"C:\Path\To\Demo.jar\" \"%%1\" /f"
// Short explanation:
REG ADD <Path\To\Key> /ve /t REG_SZ /d "<MY_COMMAND>" /f
\_____/ \___________/ \_/ \_______/ \_______________/ \_/
__________|_______ | | |___ | |
|Edit the Registry | | _______|________ | _______|_______ |
|adding a key/value| | |Create a no-name| | |Set the data | |
-------------------- | |(default) value | | |for this value.| |
| ------------------ | |Here: a command| |
_______________|______________ | |to be executed.| |
|Edit this key | | ----------------- |
|(creates the key plus | ____|_________ _________|_____
| any missing parent key-nodes)| |of type REG_SZ| |No confirmation|
-------------------------------- |(string) | -----------------
Implementation Considerations:
It is probably a good idea to check if our target class (e.g. txtfile), does already have a context-menu entry named "MyCoolContextMenu", or else we might be overriding an existing entry (which will not make our user very happy).
Since the data part of the value (the part that comes after /d and before /f) needs to be enclosed in "", keep in mind that you can escape " inside the string as \".
You also need to escape the %1 so that it is stored in the Registry value as-is (escape it like: %%1).
It is a good idea to provide your user with an option to "un-register" your context-menu entry.
The un-registering can be achieved by means of the command:
REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile\Shell\MyCoolContextMenu /f
Omitting the /f at the end of the commands may prompt the "user" (in this case your app) for confirmation, in which case you need to use the Process' getOutputStream() method to output "Yes" in order for the operation to be completed.
We can avoid that unnecessary interaction, using the force flag (/f).
Almost, there !
Finding ourselves at step (2), we should by now have the following:
A context-menu entry registered for our files in category txtfile (note that it is not restricted to .TXT files, but applies to all files pertained by the system as "txtfiles").
Upon clicking that entry, our java-app should be run and its main() method passed a String array containing the path to the right-clicked .TXT file.
From there, our app can take over and do its magic :)
That's (almost) all, folks !
Sorry, for the long post. I hope it turns out to be of use to someone.
I'll try to add some demo-code soon (no promises though ;)).
The demo is ready !
I created a tiny demo-project.
Here is the source code.
Here is a ready-to-go JARred App.
I'm new to Python/AnyTree and am trying to get a list of raw ingredients to make a bunch of Harburgers (Hamburgers at Point San Pablo Harbor near San Francisco - you need to check it out if you're in the area!! In fact, the winning answer here gets a free Harburger on me next time you're in town!) But I digress...
The question is how can I get access to the 'qty' and 'uom' fields in the tree?
from anytree import Node, RenderTree, PreOrderIter
Harburger=Node("Harburger", children=[
Node("RoundRoll", qty=1, uom='ea'),
Node("GriddleGhee", qty = 1, uom='gm'),
Node("SmashedBurger", qty = 5, uom='oz')])
├── Node('/Harburger/RoundRoll', qty=1, uom='ea')
├── Node('/Harburger/GriddleGhee', qty=1, uom='gm')
└── Node('/Harburger/SmashedBurger', qty=5, uom='oz')
So far, so good.
Now I can traverse the tree, like:
#print ingredients for 5 Harburgers
print([(node.name for node in PreOrderIter(Harburger)])
['Harburger', 'RoundRoll', 'GriddleGhee', 'SmashedBurger']
How can I modify this command to get qty and uom?
I've tried
print([(node.name, node.qty) for node in PreOrderIter(Harburger)])
only to get errors!
The issue your code accessing the extra attributes has is that the top-level Node doesn't have the qty and uom attributes, so when it comes up first in the pre-order tree traversal, the code quits with an exception.
You can fix this in a few ways. One way, which you've commented has worked, is to add the attributes to the root node too.
Another option might be to test for the attributes before using them, with something like:
print([(node.name, node.qty) for node in PreOrderIter(Harburger) if hasattr(node, "qty")])
If you can rely upon your tree only having the two levels (the top-level root node and its children), you can iterate over just the child nodes instead of doing a full traversal. Just use Harburger.children rather than PreOrderIter(Harburger).
I have a question. Let's say that I have created User Defined Attribute attr with values A,B,C.
How to configure taskwarrior to automatically change the attr value from A to B when I enter
task x start
and change attr from B to C when
task x done
Disadvantage of suggested solution:
You continuously need to have a script running in the background.
There can occur a small delay between your task x start command, and the change of UDA attr
It is a bit of a tedious method, perhaps you can also accomplish your goal using solely taskwarrior commands/settings.
It is made for fun and I can currently not offer any security or proper functioning guarantees. I tested and use it on WSL Ubuntu 16.04.
If you enter task x start the attribute Start is set to a valid date.
You can have a script running in the background that reads the properties of all tasks, and as soon as it detects a valid date in the Start attribute of a tasks, and a value of B in the UDA attr then it sets the UDA attr to C by executing the command task x modify attr:C command.
I made a script/small project that sorts on a custom setting of project and urgency, and it contains the functionalities of:
Running in the background from startup automatically,
Scanning the taskproperties and automatically applying the changes that are programmed in the script.
So in effect,
You should modify/add the UDA attr here:
And duplicate and change for example method private static void setCustomSort(ArrayList<Task> taskList) {1 on line 88 of the main
(For the 2nd step, between //get uuid and //create command you should add the condition that checks the task for a valid id. Then if it has, change the command that is generated to task modify attr:C)
The instructions to compile the java code and set up automation are listed here.
I'm using Uno choice plugin to select parameter values based on previous selections.
(This plugin helped me to reduce parameter count. I can reuse same parameter for multiple platform based on the platform selection)
I used the groovy script to select parameter values.
But it takes too much time to load parameters.
Is there any way to speed up this process?
I had faced similar issues and I was also using groovy scripts to cal shell scripts.I did the following things to reduce time:-
When you click on build with Parameters all task(scripts run at once together) are performed at once.
Use else conditions properly.
Also use Fallback script.
For eg:-
you have parameters such as
1) country
2) state
3) city
each parameter depends on the previous values.
1) Try to only display contents on Jenkins front-end.(cat command).
2) Call a script if only it matches valid values in the previous parameter.
3) minimum on the fly scripts.
4) optimize delays/sleep according to your load time.
5) Remove any extensions whether in chrome/Firefox.
5) Try using the same page in incognito mode.
6) If options are invalid through invalid option without going into any computation.
7) Uninstall plugin which are not required.
Will add more suggestions as I find.
I would request you also to please update if you find any method to optimize time.
I've recently installed arbtt which seems to be an intersting, rule based, automatic time tracker. http://arbtt.nomeata.de/#what
I've got it working for the most part, but after 30 minutes or so of gathering stats, I end up with the following error.
Processing data [=>......................................................................................................................................................................................] 1%
arbtt-stats: Prelude.(!!): index too large
Does anyone have any suggestions on ways I can troubleshoot this issue, or better yet, solve it? I have 0 experience with the coding language used to create the rules (Haskell I believe). All I've done to this point is follow the documentation as closely as possible.
This error ultimately renders the tool useless since it doesn't gather data any longer than 30 minutes. To fix it, I have to delete the log and start from scratch. I'm primarily interested in the notion of having a customizable, rule based time tracker but I'm by no means tied to using arbtt.
Based on the comments below, I'm including some more information below.
When I try to run arbtt-recover I get a long list of errors that look like this. All of them seem to be related to an Unsupported TimeLogEntry.
Trying at position 1726098.
Failed to read value at position 1726098:
Unsupported TimeLogEntry version tag 0
As for the configuration file, here is what I have so far.
$idle > 30 ==> tag inactive,
-- A rule that matches on a list of strings
current window $program == ["Chrome", "Firefox"] ==> tag Web,
current window $program == ["skype"] ==> tag Skype,
current window $program == ["jetbrains-phpstorm"] ==> tag PhpStorm,
( current window $title =~ m!Inbox! ||
current window $title =~ m!Outlook! ) ==> tag Emails,
( current window $title =~ m!AdWords! ||
current window $title =~ m!Analytics! ) ==> tag Adwords,
It goes on further, but I'm fairly confident I've followed this same syntax for all other lines. The rest of the lines are following the same format but are project/client specific for me. If required, I'm happy to include the rest of the file.
As discussed in the comments: This is a case of a corrupt ~/.arbtt/capture.log. You can usually fix this by
running arbtt-recover
and then moving ~/.arbtt/capture.log.recovered to ~/.arbtt/capture.log.
The second manual step is required to avoid accidentially deleting too much data. You can test that the recovered file is better by making arbtt-stats using the recovered file by passing --logfile=~/.arbtt/capture.log.recovered to it.
Data corruption happens for example when there is an unclean shutdown, or other undetermined reasons. But the log file format is such that even after a corruption (e.g. a partial write of one sample), further samples will be written correctly and should be picked up by arbtt-recover, so you did not lose more than a few samples.