changing the look of my NSIS - nsis

So after gettig my installer to do almost everything that I would like it to do I now need to change the look of the installer that you see on run. I am not sure how to do this. I know that it has to do with the MUI but not what part. Would you all be so kind as to help. Thank you

You need basically to include MUI.nsh or preferably MUI2.nsh to redefine the gui layout, then you can tailor the interface to you needs by defining some macros.
The Modern User Interface documentation explain all the possible settings and also links to several examples that you should try to see what to integrate into your setup.
In your own NSIS distribution, these files are also installed in Docs\Modern UI 2\ for the documentation and Examples\Modern UI\ for the sample scripts.

You can use some third party plug-ins, e.g. Graphical Installer ( which allows you to completely reskin your installer.


PProPanel JSX - Basic guide to get started?

I know you can extend Adobe Premiere Pro with some simple JavaScript. The problem with that link (which I got to through the official Adobe website), is that all of sample code links are outdated (they point to the wrong location of the file, to lines that aren't correct anymore).
The second paragraph instructs you to install a bunch of things, none of which seem like things you "install", and they mention ExtendScript, which I don't understand whether is already installed with my Premiere or not (it's not available on Creative Cloud, and also the links I found on Adobe's website for it are, again, dead). I keep searching online and finding dead links to tutorials that no longer exist. Really, dead links everywhere.
I'm an experienced developer with good JS background, I just want know what I need, some simple examples of basic usage to get me started and maybe working links to some cheat-sheet I can use when I'm looking for available functions.
Extendscript is the name of the old API for automating Premiere and other Adobe apps. It's built-in and can basically do anything that you can do with the GUI, and it's javascript-based.
There is an IDE for Extendscript, the Extendscript Toolkit (ESTK) which has a debugger and allows you to inspect data etc. It's perplexingly hard to find on the Adobe website; I found it by a duckduckgo search here, I installed it through the creative cloud desktop manager, though I'm not sure how you do that with the current version.
As far as documentation goes, you're right, it's dead link city. There is a Javascript Tools Guide included with the Extendscript Toolkit, on windows it's in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC\SDK\. That covers creating UI elements, but doesn't explain Premiere's object model. AFAIK there is no official documentation for this, you have to use the ESTK data browser to look for yourself.
The CEP extensions are a new development and allow for easier integration with the host. I think you already have all the documentation there is for it. I'd advise that you pester Adobe to make it easier for developers like yourself to create tools for their users.
Here is for anyone else who gets here from a Google search: You can also go to this link to download the ESTK:

IDE support for developing OpenCart

What IDE can I use to edit OpenCart?
I dont see any specific,
I have been using Sublime and PHP storm (Prefer sublime if your system is slow else PHP Storm).
I don't think there is a specific application for developing an OpenCart website. Moreover, this question also depends on the system you use...
I currently use Eclipse, but I'm certain that softwares like Atom or Brackets can be perfectly appropriate: in my opinion, the only feature you need is a tree view to be able to manage the whole project.
I think NetBeans is very good with Opencart. Give it a try.

How to build an shipable, "local", branded mini-browser

Since I don't really have a good idea for word to search with myself I’d like to ask you:
Is there some project, technology, w/e that enables you to build a 'browser' with a very slim ui. Just some CI and a customised "starting page".
I'm thinking of something like the Webkit engine (and interface) Valve/Steam uses for it's clients store page.
In what direction should I search for something like that ? How would one start implement something like that ?
Answers to questions:
We need this to provide something like a "Kiosk" application (for touchscreens) and shippable to our Customers. Running a browser in "full screen" is a temporary solution.
As of Platforms: Windows is absolutely sufficient for now, but Mac/Linux wouldn't hurt.
Prism looks nice so far but lacks the "shippable" part, e.g. I see no way of packaging it.
Take a look at Mozilla Prism. It's a "UI-Less" version of the Mozilla/Gecko rendering engine aimed at deploying web apps on the Desktop. It's also multi-platform. It might be fairly close to what you need, with comparably little work.
WebKit has bindings for many languages, is cross-platform, and is full-featured as a HTML engine. A bit of work capturing signals and calling functions will make it into any kind of web browser you like.
You could use Adobe Air, follow this tutorial and include your website within an iframe. That would allow you to build an executable you can ship to your customer.
Various graphics toolkit libraries contain some components which can display a limited amount of HTML. I've seen this in qt (a C++ GUI library) and in Java Swing, and have indeed built a tiny "browser" in Java within a couple of hours. Java Swing lets you attach a link listener so links can be made clickable and thereby jump to different URLs. Thus, my application could be made to work as a very limited browser.
This approach lets you display text, images and links; in the case of Java, there's even fairly good support for CSS styling. However, there's no simple way to make buttons and form fields work, and of course no support for manipulating the DOM or anything else done in JavaScript.

Web editor question

anybody can recommend a good web editor to me?
page created in windows should be working ok in linux as long as firefox support it, right?
1.) Here you have a list with 10 free web editors for windows:
(the first one komodo it's pretty good at least the mac version I use)
2.) OS and browser doesn't matter with HTML as long as you write (W3C compliant code).
In case of CSS & JavaScript some functions have different behaviors depending on the browser.
Firefox isn't the only browser used on Linux (I'm currently using Chrome). Fonts are something to look out for on Linux, so it's always worth testing.
I use the Telerik editor. It is not cheap, but it is very good. My users like it.
I am assuming you mean a content editor for use on your site.
I've used TextPad in the past. I also like Eclipse.
Are you looking for an editor with Syntax Highlighting then TextPad, KomodoEdit, NotePad++ are good.
Aptana Studio is also free and also provides Intellisense for HTML and Javascript editing.
If your page is W3C compliant, then it should be rendered well in any standard browser. Don't forget your DOCTYPE declaration.
The most suitable web editor depends on what technologies you are using.
If you are using ASP .NET, then you should use Visual Studio.
For Java (JSP), Eclipse is what you want.
If you are asking about a more general web editor (html/javascript) and you are more likely to be using php or Ruby, you really need to give a try to : PSPad. I have been using it for months, and it has a lot of cool features: from basic code editing to code verification etc. And yes, it's free! You can even add to it a lot of extensions.
For interoperability between navigators, you have to test your website on many of them as you can, be careful with Internet Explorer especially, here you can find some known CSS bugs that you may encoutner while running your pages on IE.
Alors I recommand you to use special tools that can do cross-navigator testing for you, like Browsershots.

WiX Standard Dialogues

Does anyone know if there are any WiX standard UI dialouges out there that you can use to integrate into your own WiX msi package?
For example:
Editing Connection Strings to database
Editing paths to log files in web.config/app.config
Setting up users for a Windows Service
Setting up WCF Endpoint addresses and other parameters
This would be very helpful!
I've haven't seen any UI dialog package either.
WixEdit has a dialog editor which I've heard is pretty useful, but I haven't used.
War Setup is a pretty good utility. It's been about a year since I've used it, so I don't remember if it has a dialog editor or not.
Edit: I couldn't think of the one I really loved, but I just found it: WixAware. It has probably the best dialog editor. The only thing is that it's trialware and the full version is $800.
Not today no. They aren't that hard to write though.
