I get this error when I source my .vimrc file,
> source ~/.vimrc
bash: /home/dev/.vimrc: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
bash: /home/dev/.vimrc: line 1: `call pathogen#infect()'
The contents of my .vimrc file are,
call pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
set smartindent
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set backupdir=~/.vimbackup
set directory=~/.vimdir
I've also tried using 'execute pathogen#infect()' in the chance that it doesn't like the 'call' keyword.. and I've tried passing in the path to my bundle file as follows,
call pathogen#infect('~/.vim/bundle/{}')
I've also tried just putting 'bundle/{}' as the argument to infect... But I don't understand vim/bash well enough to know what direction to go in, would appreciate any help...
The reason I'm trying to source my .vimrc file is because everytime I use vim to edit a file I get litter from the file in the form of files being left that have this format,
which is really annoying making my dir messy. I've read that I need to have
set backupdir=~/.vimbackup
set directory=~/.vimdir
to not have those files being dropped by vim everywhere... Would appreciate any help with this issue.
You're asking bash to read your .vimrc file, but it isn't equipped to parse that.
You instead need to have vim read it. You can either start a new instance of vim, or type :source ~/.vimrc from normal mode within a running vim session.
If vim is still creating backup files in your current directory, that may be because you haven't created the ~/.vimbackup or ~/.vimdir directory.
As qqx mentioned, I need to ":source ~/.vimrc" inside of vim, not use bash...
To get rid of the .file.un~ files I need to have a
set undodir=path/to/dir
in my vimrc
I'm using CentOS 7 and added set pastetoggle=<F2> in .vimrc to toggle the auto-indentation.
While running source .vimrc, it is throwing the below error
-bash: .vimrc: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
-bash: .vimrc: line 4: `set pastetoggle=<F2>'
Here's my .vimrc file for reference
set ai
set tabstop=2
set expandtab
set pastetoggle=<F2>
Please help me and let me know, how to resolve the issue?
You are trying to source a vim config file in your shell, which would indeed throw an error. If you are trying to update the vim config on the go, then after updating your ~/.vimrc file(assuming you are using vim to edit the vimrc file) , from vim open the command line mode by pressing : and type in source % (where % denotes current file). Then your new config gets updated on the go.
If you're lazy like me then bind it to a key for sourcing, like so in normal mode :
nnoremap <leader>so :w<cr>:source %<cr>
If you are using some other text editor to edit ~/.vimrc, then save and exit the file, then open a new instance of vim and your changes get updated automatically.
I just installed spf13 vim on my machine with CentOS. One thing I noticed is that I was not able to set "syntax on" by default.
The difference are the parenthesis color and the GLOB color. The default color is very light on my monitor, so really want to set syntax on by default.
I am not sure what went wrong. Here is my ~/.vimrc.local
filetype plugin on
syntax on
Setting up vim defaults can be funky on new installs.
First, confirm that the rc is being sourced.
Place the line echom "file is sourced on startup" into your .vimrc.
Open a new instance of vim. Type :messages then <return>. If you don't see that line, the file isn't being sourced.
To find out where vim is looking for your .vimrc:
Enter the command :echo $HOME. The folder it outputs is a good place to try putting a .vimrc or .vimrc.local file. Try both of those.
Also try :e $MYVIMRC, which might find the file you need to edit anyway.
Finally, make sure to put set nocompatible in your rc.
System = OSX 10.9.4
I am trying to turn on syntax highlighting in vim while using the terminal. However, I am unable to get it to work properly.
Things I've tried:
located the vimrc file and added the following code:
set ai " auto indenting
set history=100 " keep 100 lines of history
set ruler " show the cursor position
syntax on " syntax highlighting
set hlsearch " highlight the last searched term
filetype plugin on " use the file type plugins
Located vimrc under directory:
cd /usr/share/vim/
The interesting thing is that once I add the code to the vimrc using vim, followed by exiting (x), and re-opening the file again, syntax is correctly highlighted in the vimrc.
However, when I try to make a new vim file called "test", copy the same code, save and exit. Re-open it, the syntax is not highlighted at all.
It appears that syntax highlighting only works when I open the actually vimrc file---and not when I try to create a new one or open another file that should have syntax highlighting.
I've also tried to create a .vimrc (exact copy) under the ~/ (directory). No success.
Made a new file called "test" and tried turning it on while active as well:
vim test
"then within vim"
:syntax on
I am really confused as to why this partially works.
Any help is much appreciated.
p.s. I have followed these instructions as well from: http://geekology.co.za/article/2009/03/how-to-enable-syntax-highlighting-and-other-options-in-vim
*I am aware of macvim, but would like a solution for the native vim in terminal. Thanks.
NEVER do anything in $VIM as it will work only by luck, cause unexpected behaviors and likely be overwritten next time Vim is updated.
What you have put in /usr/share/vim/vimrc should be in ~/.vimrc.
filetype on and syntax on are the bare minimum you need in your ~/.vimrc for syntax highlighting to work.
$ vim ~/.vimrc gives you syntax highlighting because the file is recognized by Vim as a vim file. Filetype detection is mostly dependent on file extensions so you can't expect any syntax highlighting in a file called test.
$ vim test.py, on the other hand, should give you syntax highlighting.
If the filetype is not detected, you can force it with :set filetype=python.
You most probably want to enable indentation along with syntax highlighting, so add these to lines to ~/.vimrc
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
Steps with screenshots can be found here
Inside of your file, enter command mode and enter the command
:syntax on
I'm on a system (linux) that always recognizes cpp files (*.cc) as tcl files. I don't know what file type that is, but I wanted to override it. The correct syntax highlighting is chosen if I manually do :set ft=cpp. However, I'm having troubles setting that automatically and I don't want to use the modeline option. My own .vimrc doesn't interfere (same result if I rename it).
From the vim help (:help ftplugin-override)
If a global filetype plugin does not do exactly what you want, there are three
ways to change this:
1. Add a few settings.
You must create a new filetype plugin in a directory early in
'runtimepath'. For Unix, for example you could use this file:
vim ~/.vim/ftplugin/fortran.vim
You can set those settings and mappings that you would like to add. Note
that the global plugin will be loaded after this, it may overrule the
settings that you do here. If this is the case, you need to use one of the
following two methods.
I have used this option before on another machine and that worked. I've tried
<file> .vim/ftplugin/tcl.vim
set filetype=cpp
"au BufRead,BufNewFile * set filetype=cpp
The first line correctly sets the filetype (:set ft? returns cpp), but syntax highlighting is not the same as if I said :set ft=cpp. It's still the tcl syntax highlighting. The second line does nothing.
2. Make a copy of the plugin and change it.
You must put the copy in a directory early in 'runtimepath'. For Unix, for
example, you could do this:
cp $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/fortran.vim ~/.vim/ftplugin/fortran.vim
Then you can edit the copied file to your liking. Since the b:did_ftplugin
variable will be set, the global plugin will not be loaded.
A disadvantage of this method is that when the distributed plugin gets
improved, you will have to copy and modify it again.
There seems to be no file in my $VIMRUNTIME directory /usr/share/vim/vim72/ftplugin/ called tcl.vim.
3. Overrule the settings after loading the global plugin.
You must create a new filetype plugin in a directory from the end of
'runtimepath'. For Unix, for example, you could use this file:
vim ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/fortran.vim
In this file you can change just those settings that you want to change.
Has the same effect as 1. Is there anything else I can try? Thanks a lot in advance.
cpp is the default filetype for *.cc and *.cpp files.
The tcl filetype is only set for *.tcl, *.tk, *.itcl, *.itk and *.jacl.
I see no reason why Vim would default to tcl when loading a *.cc file but you could check if theses files are installed:
and if the correct checks are done in:
Are you the only person working on this machine? Do you use modelines?
Is it possible to tell vim to save its viminfo file somewhere else?
Such as in the .vim folder
Try adding set viminfo+=n~/.vim/viminfo to your ~/.vimrc file. From :help 'viminfo':
n Name of the viminfo file. The name must immediately follow
the 'n'. Must be the last one! If the "-i" argument was
given when starting Vim, that file name overrides the one
given here with 'viminfo'. Environment variables are expanded
when opening the file, not when setting the option.
set viminfo='1000,nc:\\users\\abcdef\\_viminfo
This works for me in Windows 7.
I had a similar problem but had no write permission to my home folder (thus could not create the ~/.vimrc).
I solved it by modifying (through the Administrator) the _vimrc in C:\Program Files\VIM to include the line:
I placed it at the beginning of the file and it worked well. Just in case someone comes across this question and this answer didn't work.
I know its quite a while now, but I am just mentioning this for future readers.
I was facing the same issue while trying to change the location for viminfo file in vimrc. At last setting the value of viminfofile option worked for me.
Added the following to my vimrc:
set viminfofile=D:\vim\viminfo
It works for me on windows with vim 8.2
This seems to be a bug in vim where set nocompatible is not idempotent and doesn't follow the principle of least astonishment.
As a workaround, either:
Ensure that you set nocompatible (or the equivalent set nocp) only once, and at the top of your vimrc.
Don't set it again if it's already set:
if &compatible | set nocompatible | endif " Avoid side effects if `nocp` already set
Explanation and bug illustration
From :help compatible (empahsis mine):
This is a special kind of option, because when it's set or reset,
other options are also changed as a side effect. CAREFUL: Setting or
resetting this option can have a lot of unexpected effects: Mappings
are interpreted in another way, undo behaves differently, etc. If you
set this option in your vimrc file, you should probably put it at the
very start.
Note that &viminfo is not listed in the side-effects, however the following lines clearly show the side effect upon &viminfo:
set nocompatible
set viminfo+=nWatch-my-viminfo-file-location-be-ignored
echom &viminfo
set nocompatible " do side effects even though nocomptible is already set
echom 'After 2nd "set nocompatible":'
echom &viminfo
After 2nd "set nocompatible":
vim --version | head -1
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 05 2016 16:48:20)
I have raised two GitHub issues regarding this:
Undocumented "set nocompatible" side effect upon &viminfo
set nocompatible not idempotent - setting produces side effects when already set
See also Vi StackExchange's question: Can't move viminfo file - &viminfo reverts upon loading vim which I raised before seeing this one.
The ordering of settings in the .vimrc affects the use of :set viminfo. The setting of viminfo should be after the setting of nocompatible. After reordering my .vimrc, the above solution to have the viminfo file be located in the .vim directory worked for me.
In gvim8.2 on Windows10, following option works to change path of viminfo :
set viminfofile=$VIM/.viminfo
Write this in .vimrc .
It could to change viminfo file path to under the $VIM.