How to create an Excel File with Nodejs? - excel

I am a nodejs programmer . Now I have a table of data that I want to save in Excel File format . How do I go about doing this ?
I found a few Node libraries . But most of them are Excel Parsers rather than Excel Writers .I am using a Linux Server . Hence need something that can run on Linux . Please let me know if there are any helpful libraries that you know of .
Or is there a way I can convert a CSV file to an xls file ( programmatically ) ?

excel4node is a maintained, native Excel file creator built from the official specification. It's similar to, but more maintained than msexcel-builder mentioned in the other answer.
// Require library
var excel = require('excel4node');
// Create a new instance of a Workbook class
var workbook = new excel.Workbook();
// Add Worksheets to the workbook
var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');
var worksheet2 = workbook.addWorksheet('Sheet 2');
// Create a reusable style
var style = workbook.createStyle({
font: {
color: '#FF0800',
size: 12
numberFormat: '$#,##0.00; ($#,##0.00); -'
// Set value of cell A1 to 100 as a number type styled with paramaters of style
// Set value of cell B1 to 300 as a number type styled with paramaters of style
// Set value of cell C1 to a formula styled with paramaters of style
worksheet.cell(1,3).formula('A1 + B1').style(style);
// Set value of cell A2 to 'string' styled with paramaters of style
// Set value of cell A3 to true as a boolean type styled with paramaters of style but with an adjustment to the font size.
worksheet.cell(3,1).bool(true).style(style).style({font: {size: 14}});

I just figured a simple way out . This works -
Just create a file with Tabs as delimiters ( similar to CSV but replace comma with Tab ). Save it with extension .XLS . The file can be opened in Excel .
Some code to help --
var fs = require('fs');
var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream("file.xls");
var header="Sl No"+"\t"+" Age"+"\t"+"Name"+"\n";
var row1 = "0"+"\t"+" 21"+"\t"+"Rob"+"\n";
var row2 = "1"+"\t"+" 22"+"\t"+"bob"+"\n";
This creates the file in XLS file format . It doesnt work if you try XLSX instead of XLS .

Use msexcel-builder. Install it with:
npm install msexcel-builder
// Create a new workbook file in current working-path
var workbook = excelbuilder.createWorkbook('./', 'sample.xlsx')
// Create a new worksheet with 10 columns and 12 rows
var sheet1 = workbook.createSheet('sheet1', 10, 12);
// Fill some data
sheet1.set(1, 1, 'I am title');
for (var i = 2; i < 5; i++)
sheet1.set(i, 1, 'test'+i);
// Save it{
if (!ok)
console.log('congratulations, your workbook created');

Although this question has several answers, they may now be a little dated.
New readers may prefer to consider the xlsx or "sheetsJS" package, which now seems to now be by far the most popular node package for this use case.
The current top answer recommends excel4node , which does look quite good - but the latter package seems less maintained (and far less popular) than the former.
Answering the question directly, using xlsx:
const XLSX = require('xlsx');
/* create a new blank workbook */
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
// Do stuff, write data
// write the workbook object to a file
XLSX.writeFile(workbook, 'out.xlsx');

You should check ExcelJS
Works with CSV and XLSX formats.
Great for reading/writing XLSX streams. I've used it to stream an XLSX download to an Express response object, basically like this:
app.get('/some/route', function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="file.xlsx"',
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
var workbook = new{ stream: res })
var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('some-worksheet')
worksheet.addRow(['foo', 'bar']).commit()
Works great for large files, performs much better than excel4node (got huge memory usage & Node process "out of memory" crash after nearly 5 minutes for a file containing 4 million cells in 20 sheets) since its streaming capabilities are much more limited (does not allows to "commit()" data to retrieve chunks as soon as they can be generated)
See also this SO answer.

Using fs package we can create excel/CSV file from JSON data.
Step 1: Store JSON data in a variable (here it is in jsn variable).
Step 2: Create empty string variable(here it is data).
Step 3: Append every property of jsn to string variable data, while appending put '\t' in-between 2 cells and '\n' after completing the row.
var fs = require('fs');
var jsn = [{
"name": "Nilesh",
"school": "RDTC",
"marks": "77"
"name": "Sagar",
"school": "RC",
"marks": "99.99"
"name": "Prashant",
"school": "Solapur",
"marks": "100"
var data='';
for (var i = 0; i < jsn.length; i++) {
fs.appendFile('Filename.xls', data, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('File created');

XLSx in the new Office is just a zipped collection of XML and other files. So you could generate that and zip it accordingly.
Bonus: you can create a very nice template with styles and so on:
Create a template in 'your favorite spreadsheet program'
Save it as ODS or XLSx
Unzip the contents
Use it as base and fill content.xml (or xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml) with your data
Zip it all before serving
However I found ODS (openoffice) much more approachable (excel can still open it), here is what I found in content.xml
<table:table-row table:style-name="ro1">
<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" table:style-name="ce1">
<text:p>here be a1</text:p>
<table:table-cell office:value-type="string" table:style-name="ce1">
<text:p>here is b1</text:p>
<table:table-cell table:number-columns-repeated="16382"/>

Or - build on #Jamaica Geek's answer, using Express - to avoid saving and reading a file:
var header="Sl No"+"\t"+" Age"+"\t"+"Name"+"\n";
var row1 = [0,21,'BOB'].join('\t')
var row2 = [0,22,'bob'].join('\t');
var c = header + row1 + row2;
return res.send(c);

install exceljs
npm i exceljs --save
import exceljs
var Excel = require('exceljs');
var workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
create workbook
var options = {
filename: __dirname+'/Reports/'+reportName,
useStyles: true,
useSharedStrings: true
var workbook = new;
after create worksheet
var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('Rate Sheet',{properties:{tabColor:{argb:'FFC0000'}}});
in worksheet.column array you pass column name in header and array key
pass in key
worksheet.columns = [
{ header: 'column name', key: 'array key', width: 35},
{ header: 'column name', key: 'array key', width: 35},
{ header: 'column name', key: 'array key', width: 20},
after using forEach loop append row one by one in exel file
array.forEach(function(row){ worksheet.addRow(row); })
you can also perfome loop on each exel row and cell
worksheet.eachRow(function(row, rowNumber) {
console.log('Row ' + rowNumber + ' = ' + JSON.stringify(row.values));
row.eachCell(function(cell, colNumber) {
console.log('Cell ' + colNumber + ' = ' + cell.value);

Use exceljs library for creating and writing into existing excel sheets.
You can check this tutorial for detailed explanation.

First parameter is the source file
Second parameter is the separator
Third parameter is the resulting file (*.xlsx)
Attention: to increase node heap use: node --max-old-space-size=4096 index.js
const fs = require('fs');
var xl = require('excel4node');
const data = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf-8');
const lines = data.split(/\r?\n/);
const linesFromOne = [null].concat(lines);
var wb = new xl.Workbook();
var ws = wb.addWorksheet('Planilha 1');
for (let j=1;j<=linesFromOne.length-1;j++){
// Create a reusable style
var style = wb.createStyle({
font: {
color: '#050000',
size: 12,
pieces = linesFromOne[j].split(process.argv[3])
pieces.forEach((element, index) =>{
ws.cell(j, index+1).string(element)


As I am new to nodejs, I am Unable to create file in tmp location of aws lambda using nodejs

Error:"errorMessage": "ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/tmp/excel.xlsx'"
Below is the code snippet. Can anyone please assist on this.
NOTE: I tried in python and it is working as expected but in nodejs it's not working.
// Require library
var excel = require('excel4node');
// Create a new instance of a Workbook class
var workbook = new excel.Workbook();
// Add Worksheets to the workbook
var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('Sheet 1');
var worksheet2 = workbook.addWorksheet('Sheet 2');
// Create a reusable style
var style = workbook.createStyle({
font: {
color: '#FF0800',
size: 12
numberFormat: '$#,##0.00; ($#,##0.00); -'
// Set value of cell A1 to 100 as a number type styled with paramaters of style
// Set value of cell B1 to 300 as a number type styled with paramaters of style
// Set value of cell C1 to a formula styled with paramaters of style
worksheet.cell(1,3).formula('A1 + B1').style(style);
// Set value of cell A2 to 'string' styled with paramaters of style
// Set value of cell A3 to true as a boolean type styled with paramaters of style but with an adjustment to the font size.
worksheet.cell(3,1).bool(true).style(style).style({font: {size: 14}});
var XLSX = require('xlsx')
var workbook = XLSX.readFile('/tmp/excel.xlsx');enter code here
var sheet_name_list = workbook.SheetNames;
var xlData = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheet_name_list[0]]);
This is an asynchronous function, and takes a callback function as a 2nd parameter.
If you want to act on this file after it writes, you must put your other logic in the callback function. e.g.
workbook.write('/tmp/excel.xlsx', function(err, stats) => {
// err would be the error from the interior fs.writeFile

office.js code after context.sync not running

I'm having trouble to extract values from an excel file with the office.js add in I'm writing.
The add in shall help my colleagues to prepare report sheets for each teacher.
It is supposed to filter the corresponding courses from the master table and send the data to the next processing step (create word files for each teacher).
I've tried filtering ranges with autofilter and creating a table with the data, but it seems that no code is executed after return context.sync()
I've read the official tutorial and some of the code on but my function never executes the code after "return context.sync()"
function mselectTeacher(teachers) { (context) {
var sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
var lfv = sheet.tables.add("A1:M211", true);
var wsy = lfv.columns.getItem("WS/SS");
var studium = lfv.columns.getItem("Studium");
// some more colums
return context.sync()
.then(function () {
//I actually want to filter the rows by teacher,
//this is only for testing
for (var i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
console.log(wsy[i] + "," + studium[i]);
Is the problem, that I'm calling from within another function?
Could you try this?
function mselectTeacher(teachers) { (context) {
var sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
var lfv = sheet.tables.add("A1:M211", true);
var wsy = lfv.columns.getItem("WS/SS");
var studium = lfv.columns.getItem("Studium");
// some more colums
//I actually want to filter the rows by teacher,
//this is only for testing
for (var i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
console.log(wsy[i] + "," + studium[i]);
I tried your code in ScriptLab on excel web and saw "The requested resource doesn't exist"error in F12
I think it's due to no columns named "WS/SS" "Studium" in your new added table. It works after i changed the columns name with "WS/SS" "Studium"

Attach excel workbook or convert sheets into excel, then send via gmail using gscript, so that workbook is editable by recipient?

I want to be able to send an email to 100+ emails that I have, with an attachment. The attachment needs to be an editable excel file for the recipients. I can access it either as excel or sheets, whichever is easier.
I've tried as much as I could find already online. And I can send a PDF, and I can send a Google Drive link which delivers an editable sheets doc; but I want the end user to be able to access/edit it even if they do not have Google Drive.
This one successfully sends an editable PDF:
function sendEmails() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process
var numRows = 1; // Number of rows to process
// Fetch the range of cells A2:B2
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 1);
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (i in data) {
var row = data[i];
var emailAddress = row[0]; // First column
var message = row[1]; // Second column
var subject = 'Sending emails from a Spreadsheet'
var file = DriveApp.getFileById("xxxxxxxxx");
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message, {attachments: [file]});
I tried this one, to be able to attach a document (hoping an editable excel file) but I get an error code saying that the document is missing (even though it's the exact same doc ID I use in the above, which works):
function sendEmails() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process
var numRows = 1; // Number of rows to process
// Fetch the range of cells A2:B2
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 1);
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (i in data) {
var row = data[i];
var emailAddress = row[0]; // First column
var message = row[1]; // Second column
var subject = 'Sending emails from a Spreadsheet'
var file = DocumentApp.openById("xxxxxxxxx");
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message, {attachments: [file]});
I wanted it to send an excel file, but it won't even find the document even when I use the same doc ID that I use in the 1st syntax above, which works.
This sends an excel doc.. but recipient unable to open. Is this not formatting correctly?
function getGoogleSpreadsheetAsExcel(){
try {
/*var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();*/
var ss = DriveApp.getFileById("xxxxx");
var url = "
key=" + ss + "&exportFormat=xlsx";
var params = {
method : "get",
headers : {"Authorization": "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()},
muteHttpExceptions: true
var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params).getBlob();
blob.setName(ss.getName() + ".xlsx");
MailApp.sendEmail("xxxx", "Google Sheet to Excel", "The
XLSX file is attached", {attachments: [blob]});
} catch (f) {
Here's the correct syntax to send email from gmail with an excel attachment using google script
function excelemail(){
var file = DriveApp.getFileById('1pJpDI2HD28_gPWGnj-emV0L4rXBBS0HC');
GmailApp.sendEmail('xxxx', 'Attachment example', 'Please see the attached file.' , {attachments: [file], name: 'Automatic Emailer Script' })

How to export single cell from google sheets into a text file

I have a Google Sheet with a bunch of numbers that get added up and totalled using the SUM feature.
The totals are in cells D2 and E2
I need a Google Apps Script that will export each of those cells individually to their own .txt files (labelled D2Total.txt & E2Total.txt) in my google drive.
I need them to overwrite themselves every time the script is run because I will be having them update constantly (every few minutes) using the triggers in G Suite.
This is probably pretty straight forward but I am lame when it comes to coding.
I tried some random code on the internet that was kind of close but would only export the entire spreadsheet.
Append a table of data from Spreadsheet to a Google Doc or Ascii Text File
Assuming you have CSV data in a 'A2' like this '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
13,14,14,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 with line delimiters '\n' the you can use this code to create a Google Document and append it as a table or simply export it to an ascii text file.
Export to Google Document:
function exportToGDoc() {
var fn=Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "MM/dd/yy:HH:mm") + '_Report';
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet62');//Need Sheet Name
var rg=sh.getRange(1,1);
var csv=rg.getValue();
var vA=Utilities.parseCsv(csv);
var fldr=DriveApp.getFolderById('Your Folder Id');//Need Folder Id
var dk=DocumentApp.create(fn);
var bd=dk.getBody();
var fileId=dk.getId();
Drive.Files.update({"parents": [{"id": fldr.getId()}]}, dk.getId());//Need to install Drive API
Export to Ascii Text File:
function exportToAsciiText() {
var fn=Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "MM/dd/yy:HH:mm") + '_Report.csv';
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet62');//Need Sheet Name
var rg=sh.getRange(1,1);//A1
var csv=rg.getValue();
var fldr=DriveApp.getFolderById('Your Folder Id');//Need Folder Id
var file=fldr.createFile(fn, csv, MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT);
Reloading the same ascii text file
function exportToAsciiText() {
var fn='MyReport.csv';//Your report name
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet62');//Need Sheet Name
var rg=sh.getRange(1,1);//A1
var csv=rg.getValue();
var fldr=DriveApp.getFolderById('Your Folder Id');//Need Folder Id
var files=fldr.getFilesByName(fn);
var n=0;
while(files.hasNext()) {
switch (n) {
case 0:
var file=fldr.createFile(fn, csv, MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT);
case 1:
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(Utilities.formatString('You have more than one file named %s in folder named %s.',fn,fldr.getName())), 'Error: To many files with that name.');
Drive API
DocumentApp Class
SpreadsheetApp Class

Updating a google spreadsheet table with an excel file

I need to update a table that is shared. The info for this table is first collected into an Excel table files and then uploaded to google drive every day. I found some code that converts the .xls files to a google spreadsheet file, I need to copy the data from this converted file and update the shared one each day. My problem now is that the file I will use for updating the shared spreadsheet will be different eachday, so how can I have the script to get the new file ID eachday. I need these updates to be done automatically each day.
This is the code I have found so far but can't seem to get it to work. First part converts the .xls file to google spreadsheet file that part works but i cant seem to get the function for updating the shared table to work, i cant get the ID of the created file. Would also be nice if a function an be added to the code to to delete the files after they have been converted and the shared table has been updated with them.
function importXLS(){
var files = DriveApp.searchFiles('title contains ".xls"');
var destinationFolderId = "ID of folder with .xls file that is being converted each day";
var existingFileNames = getFilesInFolder(destinationFolderId);
var xFile =;
var name = xFile.getName();
try {
if (existingFileNames[name] && (name.indexOf('.xls')>-1)) {
var ID = xFile.getId();
var xBlob = xFile.getBlob();
var newFile = { title : name,
key : ID,
'parents':[{"id": destinationFolderId}]
file = Drive.Files.insert(newFile, xBlob, {
convert: true
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error with file " + name + ": " + error);
* Get an object of all file names in the specified folder.
* #param {string} folderId
* #returns {Object} files - {filename: true}
function getFilesInFolder(folderId) {
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
var filesIterator = folder.getFiles();
var files = {};
while (filesIterator.hasNext()) {
var file =;
files[file.getName()] = true;
return files;
function CopyContent() {
var ID = importXLS(ID);
var source = SpreadsheetApp.openById(importXLS(ID));//the source needs to be the new file i get eachday
var sheet = source.getSheets()[0];
var destination = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID of shared table here");
Use Paste Special > Paste values only
The copypastetype to use is PASTE_VALUES
Example from
// The code below copies only the values of the first 5 columns over to the 6th column.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
sheet.getRange("A:E").copyTo(sheet.getRange("F1"), spreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES);
