How does send messages across multiple servers? - node.js

The API has the ability to send messages to all clients.
With one server and all sockets in memory, I understand how that server one can send a message to all its clients, that's pretty obvious. But what about with multiple servers using Redis to store the sockets?
If I have client a connected to server y and client b connected to server z (and a Redis box for the store) and I do socket.broadcast.emit on one server, the client on the other server will receive this message. How?
How do the clients that are actually connected to the other server get that message?
Is one server telling the other server to send a message to its connected client?
Is the server establishing its own connection to the client to send that message? uses MemoryStore by default, so all the connected clients will be stored in memory making it impossible (well, not quiet but more on that later) to send and receive events from clients connected to a different server.
One way to make all the servers receive all the events is that all servers use redis's pub-sub. So, instead using socket.emit one can publish to redis.
redis_client = require('redis').createClient();
redis_client.publish('channelName', data);
And all the socket servers subscribe to that channel through redis and upon receiving a message emit it to clients connected to them.
redis_sub = require('redis').createClient();
redis_sub.subscribe('channelName', 'moreChannels');
redis_sub.on("message", function (channel, message) {
socket.emit(channel, message);
Complicated Stuff !! But wait, turns out you dont actually need this sort of code to achieve the goal. has RedisStore which essentially does what the code above is supposed to do in a nicer way so that you can write code as you would write for a single server and will still get propagated over to other server through redis.
To summarise sends messages across multiple servers by using redis as the channel instead of memory.

There are a few ways you can do this. More info in this question. A good explanation of how pub/sub in Redis works is here, in Redis' docs. An explanation of how the paradigm works in general is here, on Wikipedia.
Quoting the Redis docs:
SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE and PUBLISH implement the Publish/Subscribe
messaging paradigm where (citing Wikipedia) senders (publishers) are
not programmed to send their messages to specific receivers
(subscribers). Rather, published messages are characterized into
channels, without knowledge of what (if any) subscribers there may be.
Subscribers express interest in one or more channels, and only receive
messages that are of interest, without knowledge of what (if any)
publishers there are. This decoupling of publishers and subscribers
can allow for greater scalability and a more dynamic network topology.


Mongoose - Send message to websocket clients from other thread

I am using mongoose in a c++ application to provide a websocket server.
Now I would like to send a bigger amount of data to the connected
clients, triggered by the server itself.
The problem is that the server and the send (or broadcast) function run in different threads.
Does anybody know if there is a solution of synchronizing these two threads?

Multiple websockets onto multiple servers: how do they communicate?

I have a node server accepting websocket connections from the clients. Each client can broadcast a message to all of the other clients.
UPDATE: I am using as my library of choice.
At the moment, the server has an array with all of the connections. Each connection has a tabId. When one of the client emits a message, I go through all of the connections and check: if the connection's tabId doesn't match, I send the message to the client.
For loading issues, I am facing the problem of having to have more than one server. So, there will be say two servers, each one with a number of clients.
How do I make sure that a message gets broadcast to all of the websocket clients, and not only the ones connected to the same server?
One possible solution I thought is to have the connections stored on a database, where each record has the tabId and the serverId. However, even a simple broadcast gets tricky as messages to "local" sockets are easy to broadcast (the socket is local and available) whereas messages to "remote" sockets are tricky, and would imply intra-server communication.
Is there a good pattern to solve this? Surely, this is something that people face every day.
You could use a messagequeue like RabbitMQ.
When a client logs in to your server, create a consumer which listens to a queue which will receive messages directed to that particular client. And when the clients are sending messages, just use a publisher to publish them to the recipients queue.
This way it doesn't matter and you don't need to know on which nodes the clients are on, or if they jump from a node to another.

Synchronisation: Client, Server Chat

I am writing a Client, Server-based chat. The Server is the central component and handles all the incoming messages and outgoing messages. The clients are that chat users. They see the chat in a frame and can also write chat messages. These messages are sent over to the server. The server in turn updates all clients.
My problem is synchronisation of the clients. Since the server is multi-threaded, both messages can be received from clients and updates (in form of messages) have to be sent out aswell. Since each client is getting updated in in its own thread, there is no guarantee that all clients will receive the same messages. We have a snychronisation problem.
How do I solve it?
I have messed with timestamps and a buffer. But this is not a good solution again because there is no guarantee that after assigning a timestamp the message will be put into the buffer immediately afterwards.
I shall add that I do not know the clients. That is, I only have one open connection in each thread on the server. I do not have an array of clients or something like that to keep track of all the clients.
I suggest that you implement a queue for each client proxy (that's the object that manages the communication with each client).
Each iteration of your server object's (on its own thread) work:
1. It reads messages from the queues of all client proxies first
2. Decides if it needs to send out any messages based on its internal logic and incoming messages
3. Prepares and puts any outgoing messages to the queues of all its client proxies.
The client proxy thread work schedule is this:
1. Read from the communication.
2. Write to the queue from client proxy to server (if received any messages).
3. Read from the queue from server to client proxy.
4. Write to communication channel to client (if needed).
You may have to have a mutex on each queue.
Hope that helps

how to send a message to individual clients with with multiple server processes?

I'm about to begin with and this is more of a theoretical question,
let's say that I want to send a message to a specific user with,
normally I would have to store the socketid with the relevant userid and when sending, get the socketid and send to.
but what if I have mutliple server processes running ? I'll have to make sure the correct server that the client is actually connected to does the sending. is it possible ?
For multiple server instances, you need to have a caching service (memcache, redis) for authentication and a central message queue service (stormMQ, rabbitMQ, AQ, java-based mq) where all your node instances bind to. Thus, a Node instance binds to the message queue for each client / channel / whatever, and all the other bound Node instances receive the messages and forward them to the client.
The problem is typically about how to play with a WebSocket cluster:
Several front-end servers which will be in charge of handling bidirectional connections with each client. They form the WebSocket cluster.
Several back-end servers which will be in charge of handling the business logic of your application.
Each time the back-end wants to inform the client, it will send a request to the WebSocket cluster which has the responsibility to communicate with the client.
A possible scenario:
Identify each WebSocket cluster's server with a unique id.
Identify each client with a unique id.
Each time a client will connect one of your WebSocket cluster's server, store its unique id along with the server's unique id in a a distributed key/value like database.
Thus you know which client is connected with which server.
The next time your back-end application wants to notify a client there are two possibilities:
The pair (clientId, serverId) is not present in the database and you cannot inform the client.
The pair (clientId, serverId) is present in the database, then you have to ask to the server identified by serverId to notify the client identified by clientId.
Each WebSocket cluster's server can run a node.js instance supercharged with It has to provide a route which will take the clientId as a parameter and will use to notify this client. Indeed, is aware of whcih client is using which socket on this server.
Every time your server will crash, you have to clean your database and remove all pairs which contain the server id.
Deploying a WebSocket cluster can be tedious, so you have commercial offers like Kaazing.
A good distributed key/value like database is Riak. It is better than Redis or Memcached for the above purpose because it can be easily distributed in a data-center and over several data-centers.

Publish subscribe with nodejs and redis(node_redis)

I am trying to build a generic publish/subscribe server with nodejs and node_redis that receives requests from a browser with a channel name and responds with any data that has been published too that channel. To do this, I am using long polling requests from the browser and dealing with these requests by sending a response when a message is received on a channel.
For each new request, an obect is created for subscribing to the channel (if and only if it does not already exist).
clients = {};
//when request comes in,
clients[channel] = redis.createClient();
Is this the best way to deal with the subscribtion channels, or is there some other more intuitive way?
I don't know what's your design, but you can subscribe with one redis client on multiple channels (after you subscribe with client, then you can only subscribe to other channel or unsubscribe within this connection:, because after you receive message, you have full information which channel this message comes from. Then you can distribute this message to all interested clients.
This helped me a little, because I could put type of message in channel name and then dynamically choose action for each message from small function, instead of generating separate subscription for each channel with separate logic.
Inside my node.js server I have only 2 redis clients:
simple client for all standard actions - lpush, sadd and so on
subscribe client - which listens for messages over subscribed channels, then this messages are distribute to all sessions (stored as sets for each channel type) using first redis client.
I would like to point you out to my post about pubsub using together with redis. is a very good library =>
How to use redis PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE with nodejs to notify clients when data values change?
I think the design is very simple and it should also be very scalable.
That seems like a pretty reasonable solution to me. What don't you like about it?
Something to keep in mind is that you can have multiple subscriptions on each Redis connection. This might end up complicating your logic, which is the opposite of what you are asking for. However, at scale this might be necessary. Each Redis connection is relatively inexpensive, but it does require a file descriptor and some memory.
Complete Redis Pub/Sub Example (Real-time Chat using Hapi.js &
We were trying to understand Redis Publish/Subscribe ("Pub/Sub") and all the existing examples were either outdated, too simple or had no tests.
So we wrote a Complete Real-time Chat using Hapi.js + + Redis Pub/Sub Example with End-to-End Tests!
The Pub/Sub component is only a few lines of node.js code:
Rather than pasting it here (without any context) we encourage you to checkout/try the example.
We built it using Hapi.js but the chat.js file is de-coupled from Hapi and can easily be used with a basic node.js http server or express (etc.)
