Find files in website directory - web

Let's say there's a website Accessing that link takes you to
There are files like and These are also accessible to the public, but there's no link to these from index.html.
Is there a systematic way to find out these files? I'm asking because I'm going to set up my website, and I also want to put up a few files that I don't necessarily want every one to see, only people who I give the link to. So I'm wondering how easy/hard it is to find out that those files exist in my directory.

Most importantly you have to switch off the possibility to just browse the directory with the browser. Every server has its own way to switch this off. Then you can use the proposed way of "security through obscurity".
Another way can be, to have a specific folder whos access is restricted by a http basic authentication. This can be configured in the .htaccess file which you put in the root folder of your directory you want to share only with specific people.
Just google ".htacces" and "basic authentication".

HTTP does not provide a directory listing method as such. Most web servers can be set up to provide a HTML-formatted directory listing if an index file such as index.html does not exist. If you provide an index file so that autoindexing does not happen (or if you disable autoindex by web server configuration), and if your "hidden" file names are hard to guess, they should be pretty hard to find. I sometimes publish such files in a directory with a random gibberish name.
"Share links" used by Dropbox, Picasa and other services do the same, they just use longer random file/directory names or random parameters in the URL.
To provide real security you'll want to set up https (SSL/TLS) so that any eavesdroppers on the network cannot easily look at the requested URLs, and authentication such as HTTP Basic Authentication with username/password. For less sensitive stuff, http to a random hidden directory will often do fine.


Joomla malicious file upload and cross site scripting

My site is under security audit to get the security certification. After audit they gave me two security issues to look at.
Stored Cross Site Scripting: The application must implement server side validation for all user-entered inputs. Only expected values should be accepted. Script tags should be rejected. All user inputs should be sanitized.
Malicious File Upload
I have added the at filter tags in Joomla global configuration text filters. And also though I have clearly stated for all file upload elements to only use .jpg,.jpeg,.png extensions, I can still upload .php extension files.
How can we rectify these two issues?
Use the defines.php file to clean the POST data before it reaches the Joomla site, and block any request with $_FILES in it.
If your website needs to allow users to upload files, then make sure that these files only consist of specific file types, and, if you don't need the external world to have access to these files, then block access to these files (in the folder you have them uploaded to) using an htaccess rule.

How to prevent users from browsing certain files of my website

I have recently launched a website on GoDaddy hosting. I have keept some images and JavaScript files used in website, in separate folders. I want to prevent the users from browsing those images and files by simply appending the folder and file name in the website URL. For example
If I understand correctly, you want to have html file with images, that shouldn't be accessible alone? If yes, then it cannot be done. You can watch for correct HTTP Referrer header, but it can be simply faked and it also makes it inaccessible for browsers that don't send referrer or having sending it forbidden for "privacy" reasons.
If you want hide files to be accessible only by server side scripts, ftp/scp, then you can try to use .htaccess (if GoDaddy runs on Apache) and correct configuration:
Another way could be hiding that files and creating one-shot token like this:
<img src=<?pseudocode GEN_TOKEN("file.jpg") ?> /> with another file serving these hidden files just for generated token, then deleting it from DB. Nevertheless, this will not protect anybody from downloading or accessing these files, if they want...
But, anyway, try to clarify your question better...
If you are keeping images/files in folder which is open to public, I guess you kept in that folder for purpose, you want public to access those images and files.
How public know images file name? Stop file content listing for your web site.
I am not aware which language you are using on web server, but in ASP.NET you may write module/ middle ware which can intercept in coming request and based on your logic (e.g. authentication and authorization) you can restrict access. All modern languages support this kind of functionality.

Is a file hosted on a webserver discoverable/accessable if there is no link to that file in any page?

Say I have folderX on the Public_html folder of my web-server.
A) If I rename the folderX to something very long and random, is it technically possible for someone to access the files in that folder? (other than brute forcing the folder name, which should be slim chances).
B) since there is no link to the files in the renamed folder, or the folder itself, the web crawlers and search engines won't be able to index its content, right?
I understand that this is not a normal way to secure content, and it is recommend to move non-public data to the web-server root ( above the public_html) folder, or password protect them with .htaccess or so. But here I am asking what are chances, and if it is technically possible, and how?
I thought about putting the name of folder in the robots.txt file to also make sure it is excluded from the web crawlering bots. But it seems counterproductive!! The robots.txt file is not obligatory for robots to follow, and by revealing the name of the folder that file a malicious bot can intentionally go there and crawl it. Am I missing something?
Yes it is.
If the connection is over plain HTTP, then any network sniffers could
determine the URL that is being accessed. The solution to this it to implement certificates and TLS so that the URL is HTTPS, protecting the path and query string portions.
Even if the connection is HTTPS, many corporate networks decrypt the connection on an outbound proxy because the certificate the proxy server uses is trusted by the client. This may reveal your URL path to network administrators if your URLs are accessed from corporate locations.
If there are any outbound links or external resources on your "hidden" pages, the referer header will leak the URL of your hidden pages to them.
Tools such as Nikto or Dirbuster can find common hidden URLs.
Don't use robots.txt for the reasons you describe. However, meta tags can be used to prevent the indexing of HTML pages.

Is it really possible to hack the a forbidden web browser area that throws a 403 error?

I am not asking how. I am asking if. Is it possible to bypass a 403 error on the web?
Let me explain a bit in detail. On a web server the IIS has set up a directory for a project we are such that it is not accessable to the outside. So if you type the path to that directory in a web browser, the web browser will say that it is not accessable and it will throw a 403 error.
Now, here is the problem. Some files are placed there with some secure information. A programmer on our team has made a big deal about this and the fact that the files are placed on a server that is accessalbe to the outside world. On the other hand, I think this is not such a big deal since if a user on the outside tried to go to that directory, his web browser will throw the 403 error. But other people on the team say that a hacker can still somehow access it.
So that leads me here and to my question. Is it possible to bypass a 403 error on the web? I say no. Some network guys at work say maybe. I am not asking how to do it. I am only asking if it is really possible.
I gather from your information that there is a web server with a directory setup on the web like so
Now, if you navigate to this URL you get a 403 Forbidden error? However, if you know the name of a file you can go to and it is possible to view the document at this location?
Unless there is a runnable script on your server that does this, it is not possible to view the directory contents via the web. However, URLs are not considered secure as they are logged in browser history, proxy and server logs and can also be leaked by browsers' referer header. I assume the files are stored here so they can be accessed by a remote application?
File names can be easily brute forced by an attacker. Tools such as dirbuster and dirb do this automatically. Therefore, if the files do not need to be readable remotely, they should be moved to an internal server, not accessible from the internet or DMZ.
If access is needed you should implement some sort of authentication. At the very least activate basic auth on IIS. This will prompt a web browser user for a username and password in order to view files, or the files can be accessed programmatically by setting the appropriate Authorization header, which is an encoded username and password.
Better would be something with comprehensive session management, like an application pre-built for this purpose. E.g. a CMS which is kept up-to-date and securely configured.
Also you should make sure that the IIS website is only configured to be accessed via HTTPS which will protect against traffic snooping of the credentials, URL path, headers and file contents.
In some cases (e.g. Back-end or web server mis-configuration) it's possible to bypass 403. For understanding those methods read this script:
this script contained well-known methods and collected from various bug bounty communities.
So if your back-end server not vulnerable to this script, probably it's safe.
So basically it is NOT possible if the server software itself doesn't has any bug. But if you have other parts of your website that are public and probably using a dynamic scripting language that may higher your risk if someone is able to find a hole with something like "access file from filesystem".
In general I would recommend you to NOT store any security relevant files on a public server that don't need to!
If you could avoid it, it's always the better way.
There is a simple exploit to bypass .httacess restrictions... Try to Google "bypass error 403" and you will find the method. As auditor I can confirm that it is not a good practice (and if I see it I will always raise it as an issue) if you store credentials (or any other sensitive information) in plain text on web server.

codeigniter controlled access to a url/folder

I am stuck at the situation where I want the url, which contains a folder having some files (html, swf etc.), to be accessible after I validate the user.
For example.
The url to access is:
A -
And this above url is accessible from the link,
B -
I have implemented a way to hide the URL A from a normal user but if the user somehow is a semi-techie person then he can know the swf file location from firebug or other tools. So, to make the access-to-file secure what should I do?
If a user somehow knows the first url(A) and then enters it in browser, i have to check if the user is logged-in and if validation is done it lets the url A to be loaded.
Since, in CI, the controller names cannot be named same as the folders in the root directory, in this case i cannot have a controller called “files”. So, the only option left to make this secure access to url work is to use htaccess rule/cond. If this is the only option, then how can it be achieved by htaccess and if not, then what other options do i have.
Will the codeigniter's URI Routes work because when i tried like this:
$route[‘files/version/1/(:any)’] = “view/$1”;
and it doesnt work, maybe because there is no controller/function/param as files/versions/1 ...
looking for quick help. Thanks
There isn't a sure-fire way to do it without, for example, using .htpasswd.
One thing you could implement is sort of "Security by Obscurity". In that case you could redirect all requests to a file to the URL and then instead of loading the requested file directly, you would load a .php template with the appropriate headers - be it an image, a flash file or anything else.
But it really depends on how the files are going to be managed, since every file will need an entry in the database and you would have to output different headers for different types of files. And if someone still manages to guess the path to the file, it will be directly accessible.
