Resize (downsize) YUV420sp image - image-resizing

I am trying to resize (scale down) an image which comes in YUV420sp format. Is it possible to do such image resizing without converting it into RGB, so directly manipulating the YUV420sp pixel array? Where can I find such algorithm?

YUV 4:2:0 planar looks like this:
| Y | Cb|Cr |
Y = width x height pixels
Cb = Y / 4 pixels
Cr = Y / 4 pixels
Total num pixels (bytes) = width * height * 3 / 2
And the subsamling used like this:
Which means that each chroma-pixel-value is shared between 4 luma-pixels.
One approach is just to remove pixels, making sure that corresponding Y-Cb-Cr relationship are kept/recalculated.
Something close to the Nearest-neighbor interpolation but reversed.
Another approach is to first convert the 4:2:0 subsampling to 4:4:4
Here you have a 1 to 1 mapping between luma and chroma data.
This is the correct way to interpolate chroma between 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 (luma is already at correct resolution)
Code in python, follow html-link for c-dito.
Code is not very pythonic, just a direct translation of the c-version.
def __conv420to422(self, src, dst):
420 to 422 - vertical 1:2 interpolation filter
Bit-exact with
w = self.width >> 1
h = self.height >> 1
for i in xrange(w):
for j in xrange(h):
j2 = j << 1
jm3 = 0 if (j<3) else j-3
jm2 = 0 if (j<2) else j-2
jm1 = 0 if (j<1) else j-1
jp1 = j+1 if (j<h-1) else h-1
jp2 = j+2 if (j<h-2) else h-1
jp3 = j+3 if (j<h-3) else h-1
pel = (3*src[i+w*jm3]
dst[i+w*j2] = pel if pel > 0 else 0
dst[i+w*j2] = pel if pel < 255 else 255
pel = (3*src[i+w*jp3]
dst[i+w*(j2+1)] = pel if pel > 0 else 0
dst[i+w*(j2+1)] = pel if pel < 255 else 255
return dst
Run this twice to get 4:4:4.
Then it's just a matter of removing rows and columns.
Or you can just quadruple the chroma-pixels to go from 4:2:0 to 4:4:4, remove rows and columns and then average 4 Cb/Cr values into 1 to get back to 4:2:0 again, it all depends on how strict you need to be :-)

Here is a Java function I use to scale down a YUV 420 (or NV21) by a factor of two.
The function takes the image in a byte array along with the width and height of the original image as an input and returns an image in a byte array which has width and heigh both equal to the half of the original width and height.
As a basis for my code I used this: Rotate an YUV byte array on Android
public static byte[] halveYUV420(byte[] data, int imageWidth, int imageHeight) {
byte[] yuv = new byte[imageWidth/2 * imageHeight/2 * 3 / 2];
// halve yuma
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < imageHeight; y+=2) {
for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x+=2) {
yuv[i] = data[y * imageWidth + x];
// halve U and V color components
for (int y = 0; y < imageHeight / 2; y+=2) {
for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x += 4) {
yuv[i] = data[(imageWidth * imageHeight) + (y * imageWidth) + x];
yuv[i] = data[(imageWidth * imageHeight) + (y * imageWidth) + (x + 1)];
return yuv;

YUV420sp has the Y in one plane and the U&V in another. If you split the U& V into separate planes, you can then perform the same scaling operation on each of the 3 planes in turn, without first having to go from 4:2:0 -> 4:4:4.
Have a look at the source code for libyuv; it just scales the planes:


basic fractal coloring problems

I am trying to get more comfortable with the math behind fractal coloring and understanding the coloring algorithms much better. I am the following paper:
The paper gives specific parameters to each of the functions, however when I use the same, my results are not quite right. I have no idea what could be going on though.
I am using the iteration count coloring algorithm to start and using the following julia set:
c = 0.5 + 0.25i and p = 2
with the coloring algorithm:
The coloring function simply returns the number of
elements in the truncated orbit divided by 20
And the palette function:
I(u) = k(u − u0),
where k = 2.5 and u0 = 0, was used.
And with a palette being white at 0 and 1, and interpolating to black in-between.
and following this algorithm:
Set z0 to correspond to the position of the pixel in the complex plane.
Calculate the truncated orbit by iterating the formula zn = f(zn−1) starting
from z0 until either
• |zn| > M, or
• n = Nmax,
where Nmax is the maximum number of iterations.
Using the coloring and color index functions, map the resulting truncated
orbit to a color index value.
Determine an RGB color of the pixel by using the palette function
Using this my code looks like the following:
float izoom = pow(1.001, zoom );
vec2 z = focusPoint + (uv * 4.0 - 2.0) * 1.0 / izoom;
vec2 c = vec2(0.5f, 0.25f) ;
const float B = 2.0;
float l;
for( int i=0; i<100; i++ )
z = vec2( z.x*z.x - z.y*z.y, 2.0*z.x*z.y ) + c;
if( length(z)>10.0) break;
float ind = basicindex(l);
vec4 col = color(ind);
and have the following index and coloring functions:
float basicindex(float val){
return val / 20.0;
vec4 color(float index){
float r = 2.5 * index;
float g = r;
float b = g;
vec3 v = 0.5 - 0.5 * sin(3.14/2.0 + 3.14 * vec3(r, g, b));
return vec4(1.0 - v, 1.0) ;
The paper provides the following image:
While my code produces:
I get the correct results by using k = 1.0 instead of 2.5, however I would prefer to understand why my results are incorrect. When extending this to the smooth coloring algorithms, my results are still incorrect so I would like to figure this out first.
Let me know if this isn't the correct place for this kind of question and I can move it to the math stack exchange. I wasn't sure which place was more appropriate.
Your image is perfectly implemented for Figure 3.3 in the paper. The other image you posted uses a different routine.
Your figure seems to have that bit of perspective code there at top, but remove that and they should be the same.
If your objection is the color extremes you set that with the "0.5 - 0.5 * ..." part of your code. This makes the darkest black originally 0.5 when in the example image you're trying to duplicate the darkest black should be 1 and the lightest white should be 0.
You're making the whiteness equal to the distance from 0.5
If you ignore the fractal all together you are getting a bunch of values that can be normalized between 0 and 1 and you're coloring those in some particular ways. Clearly the image you are duplicating is linear between 0 and 1 so putting black as 0.5 cannot be correct.
o = {
length : 500,
width : 500,
c : [.5, .25], // c = x + iy will be [x, y]
maxIterate : 100,
canvas : null
function point(pos, color){
var c = 255 - Math.round((1 + Math.log(color)/Math.log(o.maxIterate)) * 255);
c = c.toString(16);
if (c.length == 1) c = '0'+c;
o.canvas.fillRect(pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1);
function conversion(x, y, R){
var m = R / o.width;
var x1 = m * (2 * x - o.width);
var y2 = m * (o.width - 2 * y);
return [x1, y2];
function f(z, c){
return [z[0]*z[0] - z[1] * z[1] + c[0], 2 * z[0] * z[1] + c[1]];
function abs(z){
return Math.sqrt(z[0]*z[0] + z[1]*z[1]);
function init(){
var R = (1 + Math.sqrt(1+4*abs(o.c))) / 2,
z, x, y, i;
o.canvas = document.getElementById('a').getContext("2d");
for (x = 0; x < o.width; x++){
for (y = 0; y < o.length; y++){
i = 0;
z = conversion(x, y, R);
while (i < o.maxIterate && abs(z) < R){
z = f(z, o.c);
if (abs(z) > R) break;
if (i) point([x, y], i / o.maxIterate);
<canvas id="a" width="500" height="500"></canvas>

Code explanation for bitmap conversion
public static Bitmap BitmapTo1Bpp(Bitmap img)
int w = img.Width;
int h = img.Height;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
Why this addition and division?
byte[] scan = new byte[(w + 7) / 8];
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
{////Why this condition check?
if (x % 8 == 0)
//Why divide by 8?
scan[x / 8] = 0;
Color c = img.GetPixel(x, y);
//Why this condition check?
if (c.GetBrightness() >= 0.5)
// What is going on here?
scan[x / 8] |= (byte)(0x80 >> (x % 8));
// Why Martial.Copy() called here?
Marshal.Copy(scan, 0, (IntPtr)((long)data.Scan0 + data.Stride * y), scan.Length);
return bmp;
The code uses some basic bit-hacking techniques, required because it needs to set bits and the minimum storage element you can address in C# is a byte. I intentionally avoided using the BitArray class.
int w = img.Width;
I copy the Width and Height properties of the bitmap into a local variable to speed up the code, the properties are too expensive. Keep in mind that w are the number of pixels across the bitmap, it represents the number of bits in the final image.
byte[] scan = new byte[(w + 7) / 8];
The scan variable stores the pixels in one scan line of the bitmap. The 1bpp format uses 1 bit per pixel so the total number of bytes in a scan line is w / 8. I add 7 to ensure the value is rounded up, necessary because integer division always truncates. w = 1..7 requires 1 byte, w = 8..15 requires 2 bytes, etcetera.
if (x % 8 == 0) scan[x / 8] = 0;
The x % 8 expression represents the bit number, x / 8 is the byte number. This code sets all the pixels to Black when it progresses to the next byte in the scan line. Another way to do it would be re-allocating the byte[] in the outer loop or resetting it back to 0 with a for-loop.
if (c.GetBrightness() >= 0.5)
The pixel should be set to White when the source pixel is bright enough. Otherwise it leaves it at Black. Using Color.Brightness is a simple way to avoid dealing with the human eye's non-linear perception of brightness (luminance ~= 0.299 * red + 0.587 * green + 0.114 * blue).
scan[x / 8] |= (byte)(0x80 >> (x % 8));
Sets a bit to White in the scan line. As noted x % 8 is the bit number, it shifts 0x80 to the right by the bit number, they are stored in reverse order in this pixel format.

Finding image pixel coordinates (integers) from UV values (floats) of obj file

I am parsing an obj file which contains the texture coordinates (vt) values. From what I understand, vt values are a mapping into the texture image corresponding to this obj.
Assume, I have image im = 400x300 pixels
and I have a vt value
vt .33345 .8998
The mapping says, in the image, go the coordinate :
imageWidth x .3345 , imageHeight x .8998 and use the value there.
I have loaded the image values in a 2-d array.
The problem is, these mapping coordinates are floating values, how am I suppose to map them to the integer values of the pixel coordinates ? I can always truncate the decimal part, round off etc. But does the standard defines which one of the option is to be done ?
UV coordinates to Pixel coordinates :
pix.x = (uv.x * texture.width) -0.5
pix.y = ((1-uv.y) * texture.height) -0.5
The y axis of uv coordinates is opposite to the Pixel coordinates on an image.
For nearest neighbor interpolation, just round off the pixel coordinates.
For bilinear interpolation, calculate the participation percentage from the four neighbouring pixels and do a weighed average.
When UV coordinates go outside of range, there is a choice on how to handle the "texture wrapping":
Here's some java code for bilinear interpolation with "repeat" texture wrapping:
private static int billinearInterpolation(Point2D uv, BufferedImage texture) {
uv.x = uv.x>0 ? uv.x%1 : 1+(uv.x%1);
uv.y = uv.y>0 ? uv.y%1 : 1+(uv.y%1);
double pixelXCoordinate = uv.x * texture.getWidth() - 0.5;
double pixelYCoordinate = (1-uv.y) * texture.getHeight() - 0.5;
pixelXCoordinate = pixelXCoordinate<0?texture.getWidth()-pixelXCoordinate: pixelXCoordinate;
pixelYCoordinate = pixelYCoordinate<0?texture.getHeight()-pixelYCoordinate : pixelYCoordinate;
int x = (int) Math.floor(pixelXCoordinate);
int y = (int) Math.floor(pixelYCoordinate);
double pX = pixelXCoordinate - x;
double pY = pixelYCoordinate - y;
float[] px = new float[]{(float) (1 - pX), (float) pX};
float[] py = new float[]{(float) (1 - pY), (float) pY};
float red = 0;
float green = 0;
float blue = 0;
float alpha = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < px.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < py.length; j++) {
float p = px[i] * py[j];
if (p != 0) {
int rgb = texture.getRGB((x + i)%texture.getWidth(), (y + j)%texture.getHeight());
alpha += (float) ((rgb >> 24) & 0xFF) * p;
red += (float) ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF) * p;
green += (float) ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF) * p;
blue += (float) ((rgb >> 0) & 0xFF) * p;
return (((int) alpha & 0xFF) << 24) |
(((int) red & 0xFF) << 16) |
(((int) green & 0xFF) << 8) |
(((int) blue & 0xFF) << 0);
Uv-Coordinates are always in the range [0,1]. This means, you will get the actual pixel coordinates by multiplying them with the image size:
texel_coord = uv_coord * [width, height]
Note, that even here one gets floating point values and there are several ways how to deal with them. The most primitive one is to simply round to the next integer to get the nearest texel. A more sophisticated method would be bilinear filtering.

Need Algorithm for Tie Dye Pattern

I am looking for an algorithm or help developing one for creating a tie-dye pattern in a 2-dimensional canvas. I will be using HTML Canvas (via fabric.js) or SVG and JavaScript, but I'm open to examples in any 2D graphics package, like Processing.
I would draw concentric rings of different colors, and then go around radially and offset them. Here's some pseudo-code for drawing concentric rings:
const kRingWidth = 10;
const centerX = maxX / 2;
const centerY = maxY / 2;
for (y = 0; y < maxY; y++)
for (x = 0; x < maxX; x++)
// Get the color of a concentric ring - assume rings are 10 pixels wide
deltaX = x - centerX;
deltaY = y - centerY;
distance = sqrt (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
whichRing = int(distance / kRingWidth);
setPixel(x, y, myColorTable [ whichRing ]); // set the pixel based on a color look-up table
Now, to get the offsets, you can perturb the distance based on the angle of (x, y) to the x axis. I'd generate a random noise table with, say 360 entries (one per degree - you could try more or fewer to see how it looks). So after calculating the distance, try something like this:
angle = atan2(y, x); // This is arctangent of y/x - be careful when x == 0
if (angle < 0) angle += 2.0 * PI; // Make it always positive
angle = int(angle * 180 / PI); // This converts from radians to degrees and to an integer
distance += noiseTable [ angle ]; // Every pixel at this angle will get offset by the same amount.

How to test if a line segment intersects an axis-aligned rectange in 2D?

How to test if a line segment intersects an axis-aligned rectange in 2D? The segment is defined with its two ends: p1, p2. The rectangle is defined with top-left and bottom-right points.
The original poster wanted to DETECT an intersection between a line segment and a polygon. There was no need to LOCATE the intersection, if there is one. If that's how you meant it, you can do less work than Liang-Barsky or Cohen-Sutherland:
Let the segment endpoints be p1=(x1 y1) and p2=(x2 y2).
Let the rectangle's corners be (xBL yBL) and (xTR yTR).
Then all you have to do is
A. Check if all four corners of the rectangle are on the same side of the line.
The implicit equation for a line through p1 and p2 is:
F(x y) = (y2-y1)*x + (x1-x2)*y + (x2*y1-x1*y2)
If F(x y) = 0, (x y) is ON the line.
If F(x y) > 0, (x y) is "above" the line.
If F(x y) < 0, (x y) is "below" the line.
Substitute all four corners into F(x y). If they're all negative or all positive, there is no intersection. If some are positive and some negative, go to step B.
B. Project the endpoint onto the x axis, and check if the segment's shadow intersects the polygon's shadow. Repeat on the y axis:
If (x1 > xTR and x2 > xTR), no intersection (line is to right of rectangle).
If (x1 < xBL and x2 < xBL), no intersection (line is to left of rectangle).
If (y1 > yTR and y2 > yTR), no intersection (line is above rectangle).
If (y1 < yBL and y2 < yBL), no intersection (line is below rectangle).
else, there is an intersection. Do Cohen-Sutherland or whatever code was mentioned in the other answers to your question.
You can, of course, do B first, then A.
Wrote quite simple and working solution:
bool SegmentIntersectRectangle(double a_rectangleMinX,
double a_rectangleMinY,
double a_rectangleMaxX,
double a_rectangleMaxY,
double a_p1x,
double a_p1y,
double a_p2x,
double a_p2y)
// Find min and max X for the segment
double minX = a_p1x;
double maxX = a_p2x;
if(a_p1x > a_p2x)
minX = a_p2x;
maxX = a_p1x;
// Find the intersection of the segment's and rectangle's x-projections
if(maxX > a_rectangleMaxX)
maxX = a_rectangleMaxX;
if(minX < a_rectangleMinX)
minX = a_rectangleMinX;
if(minX > maxX) // If their projections do not intersect return false
return false;
// Find corresponding min and max Y for min and max X we found before
double minY = a_p1y;
double maxY = a_p2y;
double dx = a_p2x - a_p1x;
if(Math::Abs(dx) > 0.0000001)
double a = (a_p2y - a_p1y) / dx;
double b = a_p1y - a * a_p1x;
minY = a * minX + b;
maxY = a * maxX + b;
if(minY > maxY)
double tmp = maxY;
maxY = minY;
minY = tmp;
// Find the intersection of the segment's and rectangle's y-projections
if(maxY > a_rectangleMaxY)
maxY = a_rectangleMaxY;
if(minY < a_rectangleMinY)
minY = a_rectangleMinY;
if(minY > maxY) // If Y-projections do not intersect return false
return false;
return true;
Since your rectangle is aligned, Liang-Barsky might be a good solution. It is faster than Cohen-Sutherland, if speed is significant here.
Siggraph explanation
Another good description
And of course, Wikipedia
You could also create a rectangle out of the segment and test if the other rectangle collides with it, since it is just a series of comparisons. From pygame source:
def _rect_collide(a, b):
return a.x + a.w > b.x and b.x + b.w > a.x and \
a.y + a.h > b.y and b.y + b.h > a.y
Use the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm.
It's used for clipping but can be slightly tweaked for this task. It divides 2D space up into a tic-tac-toe board with your rectangle as the "center square".
then it checks to see which of the nine regions each of your line's two points are in.
If both points are left, right, top, or bottom, you trivially reject.
If either point is inside, you trivially accept.
In the rare remaining cases you can do the math to intersect with whichever sides of the rectangle are possible to intersect with, based on which regions they're in.
Or just use/copy the code already in the Java method
java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.intersectsLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Here is the method after being converted to static for convenience:
* Code copied from {#link java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D#intersectsLine(double, double, double, double)}
public class RectangleLineIntersectTest {
private static final int OUT_LEFT = 1;
private static final int OUT_TOP = 2;
private static final int OUT_RIGHT = 4;
private static final int OUT_BOTTOM = 8;
private static int outcode(double pX, double pY, double rectX, double rectY, double rectWidth, double rectHeight) {
int out = 0;
if (rectWidth <= 0) {
} else if (pX < rectX) {
out |= OUT_LEFT;
} else if (pX > rectX + rectWidth) {
out |= OUT_RIGHT;
if (rectHeight <= 0) {
} else if (pY < rectY) {
out |= OUT_TOP;
} else if (pY > rectY + rectHeight) {
out |= OUT_BOTTOM;
return out;
public static boolean intersectsLine(double lineX1, double lineY1, double lineX2, double lineY2, double rectX, double rectY, double rectWidth, double rectHeight) {
int out1, out2;
if ((out2 = outcode(lineX2, lineY2, rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight)) == 0) {
return true;
while ((out1 = outcode(lineX1, lineY1, rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight)) != 0) {
if ((out1 & out2) != 0) {
return false;
if ((out1 & (OUT_LEFT | OUT_RIGHT)) != 0) {
double x = rectX;
if ((out1 & OUT_RIGHT) != 0) {
x += rectWidth;
lineY1 = lineY1 + (x - lineX1) * (lineY2 - lineY1) / (lineX2 - lineX1);
lineX1 = x;
} else {
double y = rectY;
if ((out1 & OUT_BOTTOM) != 0) {
y += rectHeight;
lineX1 = lineX1 + (y - lineY1) * (lineX2 - lineX1) / (lineY2 - lineY1);
lineY1 = y;
return true;
A quick Google search popped up a page with C++ code for testing the intersection.
Basically it tests the intersection between the line, and every border or the rectangle.
Rectangle and line intersection code
Here's a javascript version of #metamal's answer
var isRectangleIntersectedByLine = function (
a_p2y) {
// Find min and max X for the segment
var minX = a_p1x
var maxX = a_p2x
if (a_p1x > a_p2x) {
minX = a_p2x
maxX = a_p1x
// Find the intersection of the segment's and rectangle's x-projections
if (maxX > a_rectangleMaxX)
maxX = a_rectangleMaxX
if (minX < a_rectangleMinX)
minX = a_rectangleMinX
// If their projections do not intersect return false
if (minX > maxX)
return false
// Find corresponding min and max Y for min and max X we found before
var minY = a_p1y
var maxY = a_p2y
var dx = a_p2x - a_p1x
if (Math.abs(dx) > 0.0000001) {
var a = (a_p2y - a_p1y) / dx
var b = a_p1y - a * a_p1x
minY = a * minX + b
maxY = a * maxX + b
if (minY > maxY) {
var tmp = maxY
maxY = minY
minY = tmp
// Find the intersection of the segment's and rectangle's y-projections
if(maxY > a_rectangleMaxY)
maxY = a_rectangleMaxY
if (minY < a_rectangleMinY)
minY = a_rectangleMinY
// If Y-projections do not intersect return false
if(minY > maxY)
return false
return true
I did a little napkin solution..
Next find m and c and hence the equation y = mx + c
y = (Point2.Y - Point1.Y) / (Point2.X - Point1.X)
Substitute P1 co-ordinates to now find c
Now for a rectangle vertex, put the X value in the line equation, get the Y value and see if the Y value lies in the rectangle bounds shown below
(you can find the constant values X1, X2, Y1, Y2 for the rectangle such that)
X1 <= x <= X2 &
Y1 <= y <= Y2
If the Y value satisfies the above condition and lies between (Point1.Y, Point2.Y) - we have an intersection.
Try every vertex if this one fails to make the cut.
I was looking at a similar problem and here's what I came up with. I was first comparing the edges and realized something. If the midpoint of an edge that fell within the opposite axis of the first box is within half the length of that edge of the outer points on the first in the same axis, then there is an intersection of that side somewhere.
But that was thinking 1 dimensionally and required looking at each side of the second box to figure out.
It suddenly occurred to me that if you find the 'midpoint' of the second box and compare the coordinates of the midpoint to see if they fall within 1/2 length of a side (of the second box) of the outer dimensions of the first, then there is an intersection somewhere.
i.e. box 1 is bounded by x1,y1 to x2,y2
box 2 is bounded by a1,b1 to a2,b2
the width and height of box 2 is:
w2 = a2 - a1 (half of that is w2/2)
h2 = b2 - b1 (half of that is h2/2)
the midpoints of box 2 are:
am = a1 + w2/2
bm = b1 + h2/2
So now you just check if
(x1 - w2/2) < am < (x2 + w2/2) and (y1 - h2/2) < bm < (y2 + h2/2)
then the two overlap somewhere.
If you want to check also for edges intersecting to count as 'overlap' then
change the < to <=
Of course you could just as easily compare the other way around (checking midpoints of box1 to be within 1/2 length of the outer dimenions of box 2)
And even more simplification - shift the midpoint by your half lengths and it's identical to the origin point of that box. Which means you can now check just that point for falling within your bounding range and by shifting the plain up and to the left, the lower corner is now the lower corner of the first box. Much less math:
(x1 - w2) < a1 < x2
(y1 - h2) < b1 < y2
[overlap exists]
or non-substituted:
( (x1-(a2-a1)) < a1 < x2 ) && ( (y1-(b2-b1)) < b1 < y2 ) [overlap exists]
( (x1-(a2-a1)) <= a1 <= x2 ) && ( (y1-(b2-b1)) <= b1 <= y2 ) [overlap or intersect exists]
coding example in PHP (I'm using an object model that has methods for things like getLeft(), getRight(), getTop(), getBottom() to get the outer coordinates of a polygon and also has a getWidth() and getHeight() - depending on what parameters were fed it, it will calculate and cache the unknowns - i.e. I can create a polygon with x1,y1 and ... w,h or x2,y2 and it can calculate the others)
I use 'n' to designate the 'new' item being checked for overlap ($nItem is an instance of my polygon object) - the items to be tested again [this is a bin/sort knapsack program] are in an array consisting of more instances of the (same) polygon object.
public function checkForOverlaps(BinPack_Polygon $nItem) {
// grab some local variables for the stuff re-used over and over in loop
$nX = $nItem->getLeft();
$nY = $nItem->getTop();
$nW = $nItem->getWidth();
$nH = $nItem->getHeight();
// loop through the stored polygons checking for overlaps
foreach($this->packed as $_i => $pI) {
if(((($pI->getLeft() - $nW) < $nX) && ($nX < $pI->getRight())) &&
((($pI->getTop() - $nH) < $nY) && ($nY < $pI->getBottom()))) {
return false;
return true;
Some sample code for my solution (in php):
// returns 'true' on overlap checking against an array of similar objects in $this->packed
public function checkForOverlaps(BinPack_Polygon $nItem) {
$nX = $nItem->getLeft();
$nY = $nItem->getTop();
$nW = $nItem->getWidth();
$nH = $nItem->getHeight();
// loop through the stored polygons checking for overlaps
foreach($this->packed as $_i => $pI) {
if(((($pI->getLeft() - $nW) < $nX) && ($nX < $pI->getRight())) && ((($pI->getTop() - $nH) < $nY) && ($nY < $pI->getBottom()))) {
return true;
return false;
