I am trying to use require.js to load my modules dependencies and so far it is working, but I have a doubt. I've created a little function to test the modules and placed it in a file called panelTest.js:
define(['./panel/View', './panel/TitleView'], function(View, TitleView) {
return function test(container) {
// main view
var panel = new View(container, 'main');
var panelTitle = new TitleView(panel.getContainer(), 'main-title');
panelTitle.setTitle('Properties Panel');
// sections
var top = new View(panel.getContainer(), 'top');
var middle = new View(panel.getContainer(), 'middle');
var bottom = new View(panel.getContainer(), 'bottom');
In the html that uses the modules I included this script tag as shown in the require.js documentation to load panelTest.js.
<script data-main="panelTest.js"
My question is how can I call the test function from outside the module, since the container parameter it is supposed to come from outside the module.
You have to access the module through the appropriate channels provided by RequireJS. You could do it like this in a script tag that appears after the one that loads RequireJS:
require(['panelTest'], function (panelTest) {
panelTest(/* some value */);
Given the code you show, your panelTest module does not seem to really make sense as a "main module" so I would not put it as data-main.
If you want to use it from anther module, put the module in its own file and define it like this:
define(['panelTest'], function (panelTest) {
panelTest(/* some value */);
I have an application which has an app object which does the start routine and stores useful things like app.state and app.user. However I am trying to access this app instance without passing this from the app instance all the way around my large codebase.
Strangely I work on other projects which include app in the same way as in something.js and it works but I can't see why.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Cannot require app in another file</title>
<script data-main="config" src="require.js"></script>
deps: ['app']
], function(Something) {
'use strict';
var App = function() {
this.name = 'My app';
return new App();
], function (require, app) {
'use strict';
var SomeModule = function() {
app = require('app'); // EXCEPTION
console.log('App:', app);
return new SomeModule();
When loading this requirejs exception is throw because of the require in SomeModule:
Uncaught Error: Module name "app" has not been loaded yet for context: _
Demo of above (see console for error): http://dominictobias.com/circulardep/
It's not clear to me why you need to have a circular dependency. As stated in the documentation for RequireJS:
Circular dependencies are rare, and usually a sign that you might want to rethink the design.
This being said, if you do need the circular dependency, the issue with your code is that require('app') is called too early. It cannot be called until after the module something has returned its value. Right now, it is called before the value is returned. If you look at the code given as example in the documentation:
define(["require", "a"],
function(require, a) {
//"a" in this case will be null if a also asked for b,
//a circular dependency.
return function(title) {
return require("a").doSomething();
you see that the module returns a function which then would be called by the code that required the module, which happens after this module has returned its value.
So how do you fix this? What you could do is have the class you return call a function that fetches module app whenever needed. So:
], function (require) {
'use strict';
var app_;
function fetch_app() {
if (app_ === undefined)
app_ = require("app");
return app_;
var SomeModule = function() {
// ...
SomeModule.prototype.doSomethingWithApp = function () {
var app = get_app();
return new SomeModule();
I've removed app from the list of arguments and store the value of the app module in app_ because doing it this way provides for early detection of a missing call to get_app() in any method of SomeModule. If app is made a parameter of the module's factory function then using app inside a method without calling get_app() first would be detected only if it so happened that no other method that calls get_app() was called first. (Of course, I could type app_ and face the same problem as the one I aim to prevent. It's a matter of respective likelihoods: I'd be very likely to forget to call get_app() everywhere it is needed because I don't usually write code with circular dependencies. However, I'd be unlikely to type app_ for app because I don't usually put _ at the end of my variable names.)
I am new to nodejs and browserify. I started with this link .
I have file main.js which contains this code
var unique = require('uniq');
var data = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6];
this.LogData =function(){
Now I Install the uniq module with npm:
npm install uniq
Then I bundle up all the required modules starting at main.js into a single file called bundle.js with the browserify command:
browserify main.js -o bundle.js
The generated file looks like this:
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var unique = require('uniq');
var data = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6];
this.LogData =function(){
"use strict"
function unique_pred(list, compare) {
var ptr = 1
, len = list.length
, a=list[0], b=list[0]
for(var i=1; i<len; ++i) {
b = a
a = list[i]
if(compare(a, b)) {
if(i === ptr) {
list[ptr++] = a
list.length = ptr
return list
function unique_eq(list) {
var ptr = 1
, len = list.length
, a=list[0], b = list[0]
for(var i=1; i<len; ++i, b=a) {
b = a
a = list[i]
if(a !== b) {
if(i === ptr) {
list[ptr++] = a
list.length = ptr
return list
function unique(list, compare, sorted) {
if(list.length === 0) {
return []
if(compare) {
if(!sorted) {
return unique_pred(list, compare)
if(!sorted) {
return unique_eq(list)
module.exports = unique
After including bundle.js file into my index.htm page, how do I call logData function ??
The key part of bundling standalone modules with Browserify is the --s option. It exposes whatever you export from your module using node's module.exports as a global variable. The file can then be included in a <script> tag.
You only need to do this if for some reason you need that global variable to be exposed. In my case the client needed a standalone module that could be included in web pages without them needing to worry about this Browserify business.
Here's an example where we use the --s option with an argument of module:
browserify index.js --s module > dist/module.js
This will expose our module as a global variable named module.
Thanks to #fotinakis. Make sure you're passing --standalone your-module-name. If you forget that --standalone takes an argument, Browserify might silently generate an empty module since it couldn't find it.
Hope this saves you some time.
By default, browserify doesn't let you access the modules from outside of the browserified code – if you want to call code in a browserified module, you're supposed to browserify your code together with the module. See http://browserify.org/ for examples of that.
Of course, you could also explicitly make your method accessible from outside like this:
window.LogData =function(){
Then you could call LogData() from anywhere else on the page.
#Matas Vaitkevicius's answer with Browserify's standalone option is correct (#thejh's answer using the window global variable also works, but as others have noted, it pollutes the global namespace so it's not ideal). I wanted to add a little more detail on how to use the standalone option.
In the source script that you want to bundle, make sure to expose the functions you want to call via module.exports. In the client script, you can call these exposed functions via <bundle-name>.<func-name>. Here's an example:
My source file src/script.js will have this:
module.exports = {myFunc: func};
My browserify command will look something like this:
browserify src/script.js --standalone myBundle > dist/bundle.js
And my client script dist/client.js will load the bundled script
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
and then call the exposed function like this:
There's no need to require the bundle name in the client script before calling the exposed functions, e.g. <script src="bundle.js"></script><script>var bundled = require("myBundle"); bundled.myFunc();</script> isn't necessary and won't work.
In fact, just like all functions bundled by browserify without standalone mode, the require function won't be available outside of the bundled script. Browserify allows you to use some Node functions client-side, but only in the bundled script itself; it's not meant to create a standalone module you can import and use anywhere client-side, which is why we have to go to all this extra trouble just to call a single function outside of its bundled context.
I just read through the answers and seems like nobody mentioned the use of the global variable scope? Which is usefull if you want to use the same code in node.js and in the browser.
class Test
global.TestClass = Test;
Then you can access the TestClass anywhere.
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
var test = new TestClass(); // Enjoy!
Note: The TestClass then becomes available everywhere. Which is the same as using the window variable.
Additionally you can create a decorator that exposes a class to the global scope. Which is really nice but makes it hard to track where a variable is defined.
Read README.md of browserify about --standalone parameter
or google "browserify umd"
Minimal runnable example
This is basically the same as: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43215928/895245 but with concrete files that will allow you to just run and easily reproduce it yourself.
This code is also available at: https://github.com/cirosantilli/browserify-hello-world
const uniq = require('uniq');
function myfunc() {
return uniq([1, 2, 2, 3]).join(' ');
exports.myfunc = myfunc;
<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Browserify hello world</title>
<div id="container">
<script src="out.js"></script>
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = browserify_hello_world.myfunc();
Node.js usage:
#!/usr/bin/env node
const browserify_hello_world = require('./index.js');
Generate out.js for browser usage:
npx browserify --outfile out.js --standalone browserify_hello_world index.js
Both the browser and the command line show the expected output:
1 2 3
Tested with Browserify 16.5.0, Node.js v10.15.1, Chromium 78, Ubuntu 19.10.
To have your function available from both the HTML and from server-side node:
var unique = require('uniq');
function myFunction() {
var data = [1, 2, 2, 4, 3];
return unique(data).toString();
console.log ( myFunction() );
// When browserified - we can't call myFunction() from the HTML, so we'll externalize myExtFunction()
// On the server-side "window" is undef. so we hide it.
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.myExtFunction = function() {
return myFunction();
<script type='text/javascript' src="bundle.js"></script>
Result: <span id="demo"></span>
<script>document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = myExtFunction();</script>
npm install uniq
browserify main.js > bundle.js
and you should get same results when opening main.html in a browser as when running
node main.js
Whole concept is about wrapping.
1.) Alternative - Object "this"
for this purpose I'll assume you have "only 1 script for whole app {{app_name}}" and "1 function {{function_name}}"
add function {{function_name}}
function {{function_name}}(param) { ... }
to object this
this.{{function_name}} = function(param) { ... }
then you have to name that object to be available - you will do it add param "standalone with name" like others advised
so if you use "watchify" with "browserify" use this
var b = browserify({
standalone: '{{app_name}}'
or command line
browserify index.js --standalone {{app_name}} > index-bundle.js
then you can call the function directly
2.) Alternative - Object "window"
add function {{function_name}}
function {{function_name}}(param) { ... }
to object window
window.{{function_name}} = function(param) { ... }
then you can call the function directly
You have a few options:
Let plugin browserify-bridge auto-export the modules to a generated entry module. This is helpful for SDK projects or situations where you don't have to manually keep up with what is exported.
Follow a pseudo-namespace pattern for roll-up exposure:
First, arrange your library like this, taking advantage of index look-ups on folders:
--- index.js
--- someHelper.js
--- index.js
--- someProvider.js
With this pattern, you define entry like this:
exports.Helpers = require('./helpers');
exports.Providers = require('./providers');
Notice the require automatically loads the index.js from each respective sub-folder
In your subfolders, you can just include a similar manifest of the available modules in that context:
exports.SomeHelper = require('./someHelper');
This pattern scales really well and allows for contextual (folder by folder) tracking of what to include in the rolled-up api.
You can also call your function from the html file like this:
main.js: (will be in bundle.js)
window.onload = function () {
.addEventListener('click', buildFile)
function buildFile() {
<button id="build-file"">Build file</button>
window.LogData =function(data){
return unique(data);
Call the function simply by LogData(data)
This is just a slight modification to thejh's answer but important one
For debugging purposes I added this line to my code.js:
window.e = function(data) {eval(data);};
Then I could run anything even outside the bundle.
My project includes the following files:
The index.html has the following relevant snippet:
<script data-main="js/main.js" src="js/vendor/require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
require(['viewmodel/vm', 'ko'],
function(viewmodel, ko) {
The js/main.js file is as follows:
var root = this;
define('jquery', ['http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.8.3.js'], function () { return root.$; });
define('ko', ['http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/knockout/knockout-2.1.0.js'], function (ko) { return ko; });
The js/viewmodel/vm.js file...
define(['jquery', 'ko'],
function($, ko) {
return {
subject: 'world',
greeting: 'hello'
When you open a browser to index.html, then the browser tries to load a file called js/ko.js instead of using the module defined in main.js. It seems like the js file pointed to by the data-main attribute is not guaranteed to run before dependency resolution. This does not seem correct to me since one purpose of the data-main js file is to define require configuration (i.e. path, shim, etc). I am using require v2.1.2.
This works perfectly fine if I copy the contents of my main.js file into the script block in index.html. By "perfectly fine" I mean that it resolved ko to be a module and finds the appropriate CDN link to resolve ko instead of trying to download ./js/ko.js.
to use the data-main attribute for configuring your whole application, it is necessary that it is the single entry point for all your code.
your 2nd script block breaks this requirement by providing a 2nd entry point. since these entry points will resolve independently of each other (and asynchronously), you cannot rely on one to affect the other.
to resolve it, refactor your code in a way that provides a single entry point to your application and do your configuration via this entry point.
That's because requirejs sets the async. Attribute on the script.
The boolean async attribute on script elements allows the external
JavaScript file to run when it's available, without delaying page load
This means that both scripts are loaded and evaluated parallel, so none of the two scripts can access methods or functions from the other one.
If you want to define requirejs variables in one script you mustn't load that script with require js.
For me there are three possibilities how you can solve that problem:
Add the content of main.js to your page (as you mention)
Load the main.js file without requirejs as normal script
Define the require config before loading the scripts (link to requirejs docu )
I had the same problem. The architecture of the site that i was working was components that was loading asynchronous at each part of the page.
Each component has its own html, css, and js code.
So, my solution is to keep a guard function for all the required dependency code, to protect them from running before the main javascript file:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.BeforeMainGuard = {
beforeMainLoadedFunctions: [],
hasMainLoaded: false,
guard: function( func ) {
console.assert( typeof func === 'function' );
if( this.hasMainLoaded ) {
}else {
this.beforeMainLoadedFunctions.push( func );
onMainLoaded: function() {
for( var i = 0; i<this.beforeMainLoadedFunctions.length; ++i ) {
var beforeMainLoadedFunction = this.beforeMainLoadedFunctions[i];
this.beforeMainLoadedFunctions = null;
this.hasMainLoaded = true;
<script data-main="js/main.js" src="js/vendor/require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.BeforeMainGuard.guard( function() {
require(['viewmodel/vm', 'ko'],
function(viewmodel, ko) {
// your config
require( [ 'AppLogic' ], function( AppLogic ){
} );
I tried to run the https://github.com/flatiron/director#client-side example to get familiar with director.js.
I am not able to setup the flatiron module on the client-side.
In my html page (say, <my_project>/page.html) I replaced the location of director.js with
a location of its counterpart from my project:
Upon loading the <my_project>/page.html page in the browser
I got errors: export and Router not defined.
First idea: After all, on the browser side there is no nodejs...
Ok, I thought that browserify could help me with it.
I generated a single 'browser-side' bundle (was it necessary?):
my_project> node node_modules/browserify/bin/cli.js node_modules/flatiron/node_modules/director/lib director.js -o cs_director.js
and I used it in the line: <script src="cs_director.js"></script>
The problem is that the error
Uncaught ReferenceError: Router is not defined
(anonymous function)
still appears so I guess the whole example will not work.
I am new to node/js and I am not sure if it makes sens what I have done in my case described above...
Does anybody how to solve it?
Or generally, how to use 'isomorphic' stuff on a browser-side?
The html examples on Github just refer to the same .js files
as server-side examples ...
Can you recommend any tutorials, examples?
You can find a browser-specific build of director here which has all of the server code stripped away.
Thanks DeadDEnD,
Now it works like a charm!
I have no idea how I could missed that info in readme ... I read the manual first, I swear:-)
Here is my sample code:
<script src="director-1.0.7.min.js"></script>
var author = function () { console.log("author called.");},
books = function () { console.log("books called."); },
viewBook = function(bookId) { console.log("viewBook called."); };
var routes = {
'/author': author,
'/books': [books, function() { console.log("anonymous fun called."); }],
'/books/view/:bookId': viewBook
var router = Router(routes);
Click me to call two functions at a time.