Forward amazon feedback to personal email [closed] - amazon

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering around to find if its possible or not.
I want to forward the feedbacks that i received on orders by our customers (buyers)
to my personal email account.
When a buyers places a feedback to an orders, I just want that feedback to be forwarded to my personal email address.
I was looking at the amazon forum, but didn't get any response.
Also, I am trying to find the solution on google, but noting helped me.
Please help me and tell me if its possible or not.

Assuming your using MWS (per your previous posts)
Forwarding the data to your personal email can be done, but probably not how you expect.
For the MWS API there is no facility to communicating to anyone outside of MWS. In order to take whatever information you want and forward it to the appropriate parties you will need to leverage whatever programming language you're using to send the email via code.
i.e for Java check out JavaMail, for C# look at this post and for php check out the mail API.
The key with working with MWS is knowing that the MWS API is specific to only MWS. Any additional functionality needs to be included by the implementer. So essentially it is up to you to parse the feedback report, extract the required data and email it to the interested parties.
Hope that helps.


New to Netsuite [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm new to Netsuite world but need to do some administration at my current job. Here are my questions related to Netsuite.
Where can I create a Developer Account/signup for Netsuite so that I can login and learn some configuration.
Any online resources to learn configuration/administration or I need to take the actual training?
What are the programming languages we need to know for development and what is the scope of customization in Netsuite?
Thanks in Advance!
1) Here is the link for Developer Account/Signup for Netsuite.
They usually take some time to process your Dev account request, once they verify your details, you'll get a response mail from Netsuite with a given link to access it with a temporary password.
2) Truely speaking, you have to grab everything on your own efforts.There is no decent and pretty formatted way to get everything from one particular place(unless you ready to pay for some heavy amount for the webinars).
Once you get the login access in to Netsuite (Dev account) you can explore the help documents for more details.
Next thing in the series and which is very obvious is to join Netsuite User Forum. Once you became a member, you can post queries and discover a lot of new ideas about how industry is using Netsuite in different fields.
3) Netsuite provides supports for Java, .NET & PHP (SOAP based access).
Apart from that Netsuite does also provide a REST based access through RESTlets which is an extension of server side javascript.

Send webhook upon sending or receipt of email [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have been looking around for how to create a webhook that is triggered when an email is sent or received in Gmail. For example someone sends an email, that email gets POSTed as a JSON object to one of my applications. I have found many middleman applications/services that do this (zapier offers all the functionality I want, but it costs money), but I can't find any documentation on how to actually do this myself so I don't need to pay for it.
Is this possible?
After some research the best solution I could find was to use the gmail API
To achieve the functionality that zapier offers you would have to have a service or something polling google and querying the status of a users in box. There are also a couple of ways to trigger calls to code, but I do not think this is what zapier does. Check the gmail API for more information.
You can try using They allow you to connect multiple gmail (and others) mailboxes and then create webhooks for different actions. They handle the polling for you and then whenever the condition is met, they call the URL that you provide.

How to create an email account/address in Linux terminal? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to create an email account under Linux* in the terminal? I've been looking to see if it is possible to generate email account dynamically for user registration purposes with my website.
I've found lots of valuable resources on stack overflow and elsewhere regarding sending and receiving email, but none in regard to actually creating an account.
To answer your question, it is possible to create an email account/address via the command line on a Linux/Unix system.
The first step is to create a user account on that system for the user in question. There are different ways to do this. I found this guide, The Ultimate Guide to Create Users in Linux/Unix, to be one of the better overviews.
The next step requires understanding that email on Linux systems is often handled by two different systems/commands.
First is sending email. This is done quite often via sendmail. If a user can execute sendmail, then they can send mail via smtp to the world. This overly simplifies things, but it provides enough to get you started.
Receiving mail on the system and its delivery to users depends on the mail system and protocols being used. If you are using postfix, then the following article shows how to setup an email account.
My answer assumes you are not using LDAP or another directory service to maintain users.
This question probably belongs over in serverfault. I couldn't find an exact match to it over there, so I answered it here and flagged it to be moved.

Is there an alternative google-apps for mail? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Google Stops offering Google Apps for free.
Are there any alternatives to link your own domain with a good mail server as Gmail?
So registering mail provider with his own domain.
I'm basically looking for alternatives too and so far I can only recommend Zoho Mail:
They have a lite version supporting 5 email accounts.
Update: as of 2014-11-18, Zoho's lite version now has 10 email accounts and Zoho has improved quite substantially. They now have mobile apps to access Zoho emails (very important for your technically challenged clients) and also their web interface and overall stability have improved. My recommendation for them is now stronger.
You might also want to check other paid services which are not as expensive as Google Apps:
Unfortunately, I don't think you'll find something as decent and as reliable as Google Apps for a better price but if you're looking for something with less features and you need to pay less for such a service, the above might be your best options.
Depends on your feelings for MS, but should do what you want. Though for me I'm OK with paying to stay on Gmail vs Hotmail, personal preference only though :)

Protecting from "registration bots"? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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What is best strategy of protecting from "registration bots". Ones that just POSTing registration forms to my server, creating dumb users.
For my application, it started with just several new accounts per day. But now it became a real problem.
I would like to avoid confirmation mail, as much as possible. What are strategies to prevent this?
You can use a variety of techniques here:
Use a CAPTCHA like reCaptcha
Present the user with a trivial problem like "2+2=?". A human will be able to respond correctly where as a bot won't.
Add a hidden text field to your form. Bots are programmed to fill in every field they can. If you find that the hidden field has some data in it when the form was submitted, discard the request.
Use something like reCaptcha
Any kind of captcha will do it. eg: reCAPTCHA, but for popular bots a simple check like: "from the following checkboxes below please select the nth one" will do it.
Also, if you use a popular app like phpBB, just a little tweaking of registration page will do it.
If your site is very popular, then it's a different story altogether, and there will be always a way to write bots specifically designed for your site, but these basic tricks should be enough to stop generic bots.
You could log the IPs of those bots and block them. That is if they are not rotating lots of IPs.
