Azure Queues vs Topics [duplicate] - azure

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Writing a listner to Azure Queue
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am developing a website to be deployed in Azure. Right now I am using an Azure Queue to send emails to users. I am checking the Queue for received messages after each 60 seconds by sleeping the current Thread.
My problem is I do not want to wait the Thread and wait for 60 seconds, instead I want to trigger the message sending functionality when the Queue actually receives a message. I found the mechanism of Service Bus Topics/Subscriptions but I want to know whether I can implement the same Subscription mechanism with Azure Queues (without using Topics/Subscriptions). Is this possible? Can an Azure Queue listen to something so it can run only when a message is received to the Queue. I certainly don't want to sleep the Thread.
Thank you.

The question of Azure Queues supporting long-polling has been asked before - which is why I marked this as a duplicate.
Regarding thread-sleep: Not sure why you certainly don't want to sleep a thread to listen on a queue. It can be a separate thread, meaning you're not tying up other processes. And... as long as there are messages on the queue, you don't need to sleep between calls to GetMessage() - just keep reading until the queue is empty.
Also: Why wait 60 seconds? Start with 1 second, maybe exponential backoff to, say, 16 seconds, then stay there? Barely costs anything to check every few seconds (a penny per 100K transactions). This is a very common pattern, even with multiple role instances running.


How to throttle my cron worker form pushing messages to RabbitMQ?

We have micro service which consumes(subscribes)messages from 50+ RabbitMQ queues.
Producing message for this queue happens in two places
The application process when encounter short delayed execution business logic ( like send emails OR notify another service), the application directly sends the message to exchange ( which in turn it is sent to the queue ).
When we encounter long/delayed execution business logic We have messages table which has entries of messages which has to be executed after some time.
Now we have cron worker which runs every 10 mins which scans the messages table and pushes the messages to RabbitMQ.
Let's say the messages table has 10,000 messages which will be queued in next cron run,
9.00 AM - Cron worker runs and it queues 10,000 messages to RabbitMQ queue.
We do have subscribers which are listening to the queue and start consuming the messages, but due to some issue in the system or 3rd party response time delay it takes each message to complete 1 Min.
9.10 AM - Now cron worker once again runs next 10 Mins and see there are yet 9000+ messages yet to get completed and time is also crossed so once again it pushes 9000+ duplicates messages to Queue.
Note: The subscribers which consumes the messages are idempotent, so there is no issue in duplicate processing
Design Idea I had in my mind but not best logic
I can have 4 status ( RequiresQueuing, Queued, Completed, Failed )
Whenever a message is inserted i can set the status to RequiresQueuing
Next when cron worker picks and pushes the messages successfully to Queue i can set it to Queued
When subscribers completes it mark the queue status as Completed / Failed.
There is an issue with above logic, let's say RabbitMQ somehow goes down OR in some use we have purge the queue for maintenance.
Now the messages which are marked as Queued is in wrong state, because they have to be once again identified and status needs to be changed manually.
Another Example
Let say I have RabbitMQ Queue named ( events )
This events queue has 5 subscribers, each subscribers gets 1 message from the queue and post this event using REST API to another micro service ( event-aggregator ). Each API Call usually takes 50ms.
Use Case:
Due to high load the numbers events produced becomes 3x.
Also the micro service ( event-aggregator ) which accepts the event also became slow in processing, the response time increased from 50ms to 1 Min.
Cron workers follows your design mentioned above and queues the message for each min. Now the queue is becoming too large, but i cannot also increase the number of subscribers because the dependent micro service ( event-aggregator ) is also lagging.
Now the question is, If keep sending the messages to events queue, it is just bloating the queue. - While reading this page, i found out that rabbitmq won't even accept the connection if it reaches high watermark fraction (default is 40%). Of course this can be changed, but this requires manual intervention.
So if the queue length increases it affects the rabbitmq memory, that is reason i thought of throttling at producer level.
How can i throttle my cron worker to skip that particular run or somehow inspect the queue and identify it already being heavily loaded so don't push the messages ?
How can i handle the use cases i said above ? Is there design which solves my problem ? Is anyone faced the same issue ?
Thanks in advance.
Check the accepted answer Comments for the throttling using queueCount
You can combine QoS - (Quality of service) and Manual ACK to get around this problem.
Your exact scenario is documented in This example is for python, you can refer other examples as well.
Let says you have 1 publisher and 5 worker scripts. Lets say these read from the same queue. Each worker script takes 1 min to process a message. You can set QoS at channel level. If you set it to 1, then in this case each worker script will be allocated only 1 message. So we are processing 5 messages at a time. No new messages will be delivered until one of the 5 worker scripts does a MANUAL ACK.
If you want to increase the throughput of message processing, you can increase the worker nodes count.
The idea of updating the tables based on message status is not a good option, DB polling is the main reason that system uses queues and it would cause a scaling issue. At one point you have to update the tables and you would bottleneck because of locking and isolations levels.

Difference between Azure service bus message time to live vs scheduled enqueue time?

I'm having a little trouble understanding the difference between a message that has a scheduled message time ('scheduledEnqueueTime') and the time to live (default 14 days).
What's the difference between the them?
I'm understanding it as the longest time that I can put something on the queue before it wakes up and does a dequeue is 14 days (default). Is this incorrect?
FYI - In my app I need to place messages on the queue to wake up, in some cases, up to 60 days from the current day. I see I can increase the pricing tier of the service bus to standard pricing and that will increase the time to live. Is this what I need to do?
Time to Live is the duration until ServiceBus will discard the message if nobody processed it.
With Scheduled Enqueue Time you can hide the message so nobody can process the message until you want it to. This is independent from the time to live.
Scheduled messages do not materialize in the queue until the defined enqueue time
Sidenote: You can also "defer" messages, but you have to explicitly unlock these messages from the queue. Scheduling would be better for your case.

Azure Service Bus Queue Performance

I am using the Azure service bus queue for one of my requirements. The requirement is simple, an azure function will act as an API and creates multiple jobs in the queue. The function is scalable and on-demand new instance creation. The job which microservice creates will be processed by a windows service. So the sender is Azure function and the receiver is windows service. Since the azure function is scalable, there will be multiple numbers of functions will be executed in parallel. So, the number of jobs getting created into the queue will be in parallel, and probably one job in every 500MS. Windows service is a single instance that is a Queue listener listens to this Queue and executes in parallel. So, the number of senders might be more, the receiver is one instance. And each job can run in parallel must be limited(4, since it takes more time and CPU) Right now, I am using Aure Service Bus Queue with the following configuration. My doubt is which configuration produces the best performance for this particular requirement.
The deletion of the Job in the queue will not be an issue for me. So, Can I use Delete instead of Peek-Lock?
Also, right now, the number of items receiving by the listener is not in order. I want to maintain an order in which it got created. My requirement is maximum performance. The job is done by the windows service is a CPU intensive task, that's why I have limited to 4 since the system is a 4 Core.
Max delivery count: 4, Message lock duration: 5 min, MaxConcurrentCalls: 4 (In listener). I am new to the service bus, I need a suggestion for this.
One more doubt is, let's consider the listener got 4 jobs in parallel and start execution. One job completed its execution and became a completed status. So the listener will pick the next item immediately or wait for all the 4 jobs to be completed (MaxConcurrentCalls: 4).
The deletion of the Job in the queue will not be an issue for me. So, Can I use Delete instead of Peek-Lock?
Receiving messages in PeekLock receive mode will less performant than ReceiveAndDelete. You'll be saving roundtrips to the broker to complete messages.
Max delivery count: 4, Message lock duration: 5 min, MaxConcurrentCalls: 4 (In listener). I am new to the service bus, I need a suggestion for this.
MaxDeliveryCount is how many times a message can be attempted before it's dead-lettered. It appears to be equal to the number of cores, but it shouldn't. Could be just a coincidence.
MessageLockDuration will only matter if you use PeekLock receive mode. For ReceiveAndDelete it won't matter.
As for Concurrency, even though your work is CPU bound, I'd benchmark if higher concurrency would be possible.
An additional parameter on the message receiver to look into would be PrefetchCount. It can improve the overall performance by making fewer roundtrips to the broker.
One more doubt is, let's consider the listener got 4 jobs in parallel and start execution. One job completed its execution and became a completed status. So the listener will pick the next item immediately or wait for all the 4 jobs to be completed (MaxConcurrentCalls: 4).
The listener will immediately start processing the 5th message as your concurrency is set to 4 and one message processing has been completed.
Also, right now, the number of items receiving by the listener is not in order. I want to maintain an order in which it got created.
To process messages in the order they were sent in you will need to send and receive messages using sessions.
My requirement is maximum performance. The job is done by the windows service is a CPU intensive task, that's why I have limited to 4 since the system is a 4 Core.
There are multiple things to take into consideration. The location of your Windows Service location would impact the latency and message throughput. Scaling out could help, etc.

Temporarily hiding a message in azure service bus queue/topic

I have a scenario where some of the messages depend no the completion of another messages to be completed. So there is a precondition for a set of messages to be processed that another message should be processed first. The precondition message is a long running process which can take up to 30 minutes to process.
What I would like is to hide a message for lets say 5 minutes from all the subscribers when I sense that precondition is not complete and then after 5 minutes it is available again and hidden for next 5 minutes if cant be processed and so on.
I can see that I can use sessions and defer could be solution but I do not want to go that way. Since that will require to maintain a storage to keep the defered messages in a non queue storage.
Another way could be that I do a peak lock on the message and then leave it alone and let the lock expire so that in due time it will reappear in the queue.
Is there a better way of doing this?
There are a couple ways to achieve this. When you get a message to can choose to Defer it. This will remove it from the active queue and you will have to later ask for this message specifically with a MessageId. For your scenario it may be possible to use Scheduled messages (see below) but that will involve receiving the message and then scheduling another one using the following:

Wake up Windows Azure worker role

What is the best way to handle 'urgent' messages in a Windows Azure Worker role?
I have a worker role that starts, does an infinite while(true) loop and in this loop:
reads to see if the queue has messages
processes them and deletes them
if there are no more messages in goes to sleep with Thread.Sleep(interval) for smaller intervals (10s) at first and progressively increases the sleep interval up to 2 minutes
if a message appears in the queue it resets the sleep interval to 0s and goes back to step one
The problem is that if the worker is sleeping for 2 minutes and a message appears in the queue I would like to wake up the worker and not wait for the remaining time.
Is there any way to get the worker role's instance and tell it to wake up?
I thought about writing something in the database, but then I have the same problem, even if I have a role that does this, how would I go about waking up the other worker role that is already sleeping?
This is one of the downsides of using Windows Azure Storage Queues. You have to make a choice between cost and latency. If you want to optimize costs you'll implement a backoff policy (like you did) but this means this will have an impact on when your message will be processed (increased latency).
In your case it might be interesting to evaluate Windows Azure Service Bus Queues (read about the differences here). The advantage of using Service Bus Queues is that it supports long-polling, meaning it will keep a connection to the server until a message arrives (or the timeout elapsed).
Here is some example code you would typically write (you will still need to manage exceptions etc...):
QueueClient queueClient = factory.CreateQueueClient("myqueue");
while (true)
BrokeredMessage msg = queueClient.Receive(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45));
if (msg != null)
var request = msg.GetBody<CreateOrderMessage>();
// Do something
Here are a few good resources that will get you started:
Just sleep for less time. Why are you sleeping for two minutes instead of, say, just one second? Polling a queue once per second from one instance will cost about $0.25 per month in transactions.
