Temporarily hiding a message in azure service bus queue/topic - azure

I have a scenario where some of the messages depend no the completion of another messages to be completed. So there is a precondition for a set of messages to be processed that another message should be processed first. The precondition message is a long running process which can take up to 30 minutes to process.
What I would like is to hide a message for lets say 5 minutes from all the subscribers when I sense that precondition is not complete and then after 5 minutes it is available again and hidden for next 5 minutes if cant be processed and so on.
I can see that I can use sessions and defer could be solution but I do not want to go that way. Since that will require to maintain a storage to keep the defered messages in a non queue storage.
Another way could be that I do a peak lock on the message and then leave it alone and let the lock expire so that in due time it will reappear in the queue.
Is there a better way of doing this?

There are a couple ways to achieve this. When you get a message to can choose to Defer it. This will remove it from the active queue and you will have to later ask for this message specifically with a MessageId. For your scenario it may be possible to use Scheduled messages (see below) but that will involve receiving the message and then scheduling another one using the following:


Status as never finished by one of my Webjob while processing the message

I have a webjob which process the message only once by using the condition (DevliverCount = 1). Because I don't want other instance to process it if the locktime expired by first webjob. As other webjob try to process the message after locktime expired, the condition (DevliverCount = 1) will not met and comes out of the method which deletes the message from the queue automatically.
The problem over here is if the message state went to never finished (other than success) I wont have message in queue to process. How to handle this situation?
I think part of the problem is that you're trying to use the MaxDeliveryCount property to prevent concurrent message processing:
The max delivery count setting is not used to prevent multiple consumers from processing a message at the same time, it's used to prevent "poison messages" where any consumer attempts to process a message whose contents prevent successful processing, and therefore the message would otherwise be processed forever.
I recommend you determine exactly what it is you're trying to accomplish. If you want a simple competing consumers scenario where multiple webjobs consume messages from a single queue, then there are standard ways to accomplish that:
good description of competing consumers
competing consumers with Service Bus queues
You can use MaxDeliveryCount in conjunction with competing consumers... if you want to prevent poison messages you can set MaxDeliveryCount to something larger than 1 and still give other consumers a chance to process messages whose locks expire.
Azure Service Bus supports dead-lettering of poison messages that exceed max delivery count, so you're able to examine such messages offline... they aren't simply deleted forever.
You might also need to add code in your webjobs to renew locks prior to their expiration... otherwise service bus can't differentiate between "valid messages that are taking a long time to process" and "poison messages that can't be processed". Without lock renewal your long-running valid messages will be dead-lettered the same as poison messages, which is almost certainly not what you want.
Good luck!

Requeue or delete messages in Azure Storage Queues via WebJobs

I was hoping if someone can clarify a few things regarding Azure Storage Queues and their interaction with WebJobs:
To perform recurring background tasks (i.e. add to queue once, then repeat at set intervals), is there a way to update the same message delivered in the QueueTrigger function so that its lease (visibility) can be extended as a way to requeue and avoid expiry?
With the above-mentioned pattern for recurring background jobs, I'm also trying to figure out a way to delete/expire a job 'on demand'. Since this doesn't seem possible outside the context of WebJobs, I was thinking of maybe storing the messageId and popReceipt for the message(s) to be deleted in Table storage as persistent cache, and then upon delivery of message in the QueueTrigger function do a Table lookup to perform a DeleteMessage, so that the message is not repeated any more.
Any suggestions or tips are appreciated. Cheers :)
Azure Storage Queues are used to store messages that may be consumed by your Azure Webjob, WorkerRole, etc. The Azure Webjobs SDK provides an easy way to interact with Azure Storage (that includes Queues, Table Storage, Blobs, and Service Bus). That being said, you can also have an Azure Webjob that does not use the Webjobs SDK and does not interact with Azure Storage. In fact, I do run a Webjob that interacts with a SQL Azure database.
I'll briefly explain how the Webjobs SDK interact with Azure Queues. Once a message arrives to a queue (or is made 'visible', more on this later) the function in the Webjob is triggered (assuming you're running in continuous mode). If that function returns with no error, the message is deleted. If something goes wrong, the message goes back to the queue to be processed again. You can handle the failed message accordingly. Here is an example on how to do this.
The SDK will call a function up to 5 times to process a queue message. If the fifth try fails, the message is moved to a poison queue. The maximum number of retries is configurable.
Regarding visibility, when you add a message to the queue, there is a visibility timeout property. By default is zero. Therefore, if you want to process a message in the future you can do it (up to 7 days in the future) by setting this property to a desired value.
Optional. If specified, the request must be made using an x-ms-version of 2011-08-18 or newer. If not specified, the default value is 0. Specifies the new visibility timeout value, in seconds, relative to server time. The new value must be larger than or equal to 0, and cannot be larger than 7 days. The visibility timeout of a message cannot be set to a value later than the expiry time. visibilitytimeout should be set to a value smaller than the time-to-live value.
Now the suggestions for your app.
I would just add a message to the queue for every task that you want to accomplish. The message will obviously have the pertinent information for processing. If you need to schedule several tasks, you can run a Scheduled Webjob (on a schedule of your choice) that adds messages to the queue. Then your continuous Webjob will pick up that message and process it.
Add a GUID to each message that goes to the queue. Store that GUID in some other domain of your application (a database). So when you dequeue the message for processing, the first thing you do is check against your database if the message needs to be processed. If you need to cancel the execution of a message, instead of deleting it from the queue, just update the GUID in your database.
There's more info here.
Hope this helps,
As for the first part of the question, you can use the Update Message operation to extend the visibility timeout of a message.
The Update Message operation can be used to continually extend the
invisibility of a queue message. This functionality can be useful if
you want a worker role to “lease” a queue message. For example, if a
worker role calls Get Messages and recognizes that it needs more time
to process a message, it can continually extend the message’s
invisibility until it is processed. If the worker role were to fail
during processing, eventually the message would become visible again
and another worker role could process it.
You can check the REST API documentation here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh452234.aspx
For the second part of your question, there are really multiple ways and your method of storing the id/popReceipt as a lookup is a possible option, you can actually have a Web Job dedicated to receive messages on a different queue (e.g plz-delete-msg) and you send a message containing the "messageId" and this Web Job can use Get Message operation then Delete it. (you can make the job generic by passing the queue name!)

Set visibilitytimeout to 7days means automatically delete for azure queue?

It seems that new azure SDK extends the visibilitytimeout to <= 7 days. I know by default, when I add a message to an azure queue, the live time is 7days. When I get message out, and set the visibilitytimeout to 7days. Does that mean I don't need to delete this message if I don't care about message reliable? the message will disappear later 7 days.
I want to take this way because DeleteMessage is very slow. If I don't delete message, doesn't it have any impact on performance of GetMessage?
Based on the documentation for Get Messages, I believe it is certainly possible to set the VisibilityTimeout period to 7 days so that messages are fetched only once. However I see some issues with this approach instead of just deleting the message once the process is done:
What happens when you get the message and start processing it and somehow the process fails? If you set the visibility timeout to be 7 days, then the message would never appear in the queue again and thus the process it was supposed to do never gets done.
Even though the message is hidden, it is still there in the queue thus you keep on incurring storage charges for that message. Even though the cost is trivial but why keep the message when you don't really need it.
A lot of systems rely on Approximate Messages Count property of a queue to check on the health of processes which are performed by messages in a queue. Please note that even though you make the message hidden, it is still there in the queue and thus will be included in total messages count in the queue. So if you're building a system which relies on this for health check, you will always find your system to be unhealthy because you're never deleting the messages.
I'm curious to know why you find deleting messages to be very slow. In my experience this is quite fast. How are you monitoring message deletion?
Rather than hacking around the problem I think you should drill into understanding why the deletes are slow. Have you enabled logs and looked at the e2elatency and serverlatency numbers across all your queue operations. Ideally you shouldn't be seeing a large difference between the two for all your queue operations. If you do see a large difference then it implies something is happening on the client that you should investigate further.
For more information on logging take a look at the following articles:
Information on client side logging can also be found in this post: e client side logging – which you can learn more about in this blog post. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazurestorage/archive/2013/09/07/announcing-storage-client-library-2-1-rtm.aspx
Please let me know what you find.

Azure ServiceBus Retry Delay

I am using the Microsoft Azure ServiceBus for Queue messages using WCF for the subscriptions. I am trying to implement retry logic. I use Peak/Lock to view the message and then have to do some local processing on the message. If that processing fails, I unlock the message so I can try processing it again. The problem is I need to build a have a delay in-between processing tries. Currently it is popped back into the queue and then is processed almost immediately. There needs to be about 2 minutes between attempts.
If you always have to wait 2 minutes before re-processing the message of that particular queue, you could try to configure the lock-timeout on the queue to be 2 minutes (plus the time you expect it will take you to process the message) and then just let the lock expire, instead of unlocking it. This has the downside that you would need to keep an eye on your processing time, and extend the lock's timeout if needed.
Another option could be to receive and complete the message, set a scheduled delivery of 2 minutes into the future, and re send the message. This has the downside that you need to consume it and ack it, which involves certain risks (e.g. your process dies before you get a chance to re-send the message).
"If the message is Peeked in Peek Lock mode from a Queue then you don't have the receive context in the message. You can receive the message in Peek Lock mode, which will lock the message for the interval specified for the 'lock duration' property of the queue. Locked messages cannot be received until its lock expires. Thus, by setting the lock duration to 2 minutes and Receiving messages in Peek Lock mode will solve this issue.
You can either write custom code to update the Lock Duration property. Tools like Service Bus Explorer, Serverless360 etc provides options to update property using graphical user interface."

Controlling azure worker roles concurrency in multiple instance

I have a simple work role in azure that does some data processing on an SQL azure database.
The worker basically adds data from a 3rd party datasource to my database every 2 minutes. When I have two instances of the role, this obviously doubles up unnecessarily. I would like to have 2 instances for redundancy and the 99.95 uptime, but do not want them both processing at the same time as they will just duplicate the same job. Is there a standard pattern for this that I am missing?
I know I could set flags in the database, but am hoping there is another easier or better way to manage this.
As Mark suggested, you can use an Azure queue to post a message. You can have the worker role instance post a followup message to the queue as the last thing it does when processing the current message. That should deal with the issue Mark brought up regarding the need for a semaphore. In your queue message, you can embed a timestamp marking when the message can be processed. When creating a new message, just add two minutes to current time.
And... in case it's not obvious: in the event the worker role instance crashes before completing processing and fails to repost a new queue message, that's fine. In this case, the current queue message will simply reappear on the queue and another instance is then free to process it.
There is not a super easy way to do this, I dont think.
You can use a semaphore as Mark has mentioned, to basically record the start and the stop of processing. Then you can have any amount of instances running, each inspecting the semaphore record and only acting out if semaphore allows it.
However, the caveat here is that what happens if one of the instances crashes in the middle of processing and never releases the semaphore? You can implement a "timeout" value after which other instances will attempt to kick-start processing if there hasnt been an unlock for X amount of time.
Alternatively, you can use a third party monitoring service like AzureWatch to watch for unresponsive instances in Azure and start a new instance if the amount of "Ready" instances is under 1. This will save you can save some money by not having to have 2 instances up and running all the time, but there is a slight lag between when an instance fails and when a new one is started.
A Semaphor as suggested would be the way to go, although I'd probably go with a simple timestamp heartbeat in blob store.
The other thought is, how necessary is it? If your loads can sustain being down for a few minutes, maybe just let the role recycle?
Small catch on David's solution. Re-posting the message to the queue would happen as the last thing on the current execution so that if the machine crashes along the way the current message would expire and re-surface on the queue. That assumes that the message was originally peeked and requires a de-queue operation to remove from the queue. The de-queue must happen before inserting the new message to the queue. If the role crashes in between these 2 operations, then there will be no tokens left in the system and will come to a halt.
The ESB dup check sounds like a feasible approach, but it does not sound like it would be deterministic either since the bus can only check for identical messages currently existing in a queue. But if one of the messages comes in right after the previous one was de-queued, there is a chance to end up with 2 processes running in parallel.
An alternative solution, if you can afford it, would be to never de-queue and just lease the message via Peek operations. You would have to ensure that the invisibility timeout never goes beyond the processing time in your worker role. As far as creating the token in the first place, the same worker role startup strategy described before combined with ASB dup check should work (since messages would never move from the queue).
