Assigning a GUID in C# - c#-4.0

I've got a lot of code that is using GUIDs (an architecture handed to me--not my choice).
Mostly, the values come from a database and load into memory from there. However, I'm doing some testing and I'm hard-coding some GUIDs into the code.
I haven't found an easy way to assign GUIDs, so I've ended up using Guid.Parse("...."). Is there an easier way to assign GUIDS in C#?
value = Guid.Parse("11223344-5566-7788-99AA-BBCCDDEEFF00");
It just seems like a lot of overhead to create the string then parse it. I would think there would be an easier way to directly assign it.

If you already have a string representation of the Guid, you can do this:
Guid g = new Guid("11223344-5566-7788-99AA-BBCCDDEEFF00");
And if you want a brand new Guid then just do
Guid g = Guid.NewGuid();

In case you use the guid as a constant - you can put the guid in your project settings.
than you can reach you values the following way:
var myGuid = Properties.Settings.Default.MyGuid;

if you go for the constant option you can use this Guid method (one of six available):
private static const Guid PUBLIC_KEY = new Guid((int)0x93EE8E7F, 0x13FA, 0x4C6D,
new byte[] { 0x9D, 0x32, 0xE6, 0xEC, 0xD1, 0x4A, 0x91, 0xA7 });
// {93EE8E7F-13FA-4C6D-9D32-E6ECD14A91A7}


Haxe - use string as variable name with DynamicAccess

I am trying to use a string ('npcName') as a variable name. So far I have tried casting dialogMap into a DynamicAccess object, but it gives me the error 'Invalid array access' when I try this:
var npcName:String = 'TestNPC';
var casted = (cast Registry.dialogMap:haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>);
var tempname = casted[root.npcName[0].message];
'dialogMap' is an empty map which I want to fill like so:
Registry.dialogMap['message'] = root.npcName[0].message;
How can I use npcName, a string, in the above line of code? Is there a way to transform the string into something usable? Any help would be appreciated.
The haxe.DynamicAccess doesn't have array access (like map[key]), but is an abstract type for working with anonymous structures that are intended to hold collections of objects by the string key. It is designed to work with map.get(key) and map.set(key). It is basically a nicer wrapper around Reflect.field and Reflect.setField and does some safety checks with Reflect.hasField.
var variable = "my_key";
var value = 123;
var dynamicMap = new haxe.DynamicAccess<Dynamic>();
dynamicMap.set(variable, value);
I'm noticing you are doing very much cast and dynamic, so untyped code, which is a bit of contradiction in a typed language. What is the actual type of dialogMap?
Not sure you are aware of it but, Haxe has its own maps, which are fully typed, so you don't need casts.
var map = new Map<String, Int>();
map[variable] = value;
I think this article helps understanding how to work with dynamic (untyped) objects.
Tip; for testing such small functionalities you can doodle around on the try.haxe site :
Hope this helps, otherwise here is some relevant documentation:

Is it possible to do data type conversion on SQLBulkUpload from IDataReader?

I need to grab a large amount of data from one set of tables and SQLBulkInsert into another set...unfortunately the source tables are ALL varchar(max) and I would like the destination to be the correct type. Some tables are in the millions of rows...and (for far too pointless policital reasons to go into) we can't use SSIS.
On top of that, some "bool" values are stored as "Y/N", some "0/1", some "T/F" some "true/false" and finally some "on/off".
Is there a way to overload IDataReader to perform type conversion? Would need to be on a per-column basis I guess?
An alternative (and might be the best solution) is to put a mapper in place (perhaps AutoMapper or custom) and use EF to load from one object and map into the other? This would provoide a lot of control but also require a lot of boilerplate code for every property :(
In the end I wrote a base wrapper class to hold the SQLDataReader, and implementing the IDataReader methods just to call the SQLDataReader method.
Then inherit from the base class and override GetValue on a per-case basis, looking for the column names that need translating:
public override object GetValue(int i)
var landingColumn = GetName(i);
string landingValue = base.GetValue(i).ToString();
object stagingValue = null;
switch (landingColumn)
case "D4DTE": stagingValue = landingValue.FromStringDate(); break;
case "D4BRAR": stagingValue = landingValue.ToDecimal(); break;
stagingValue = landingValue;
return stagingValue;
Works well, is extensible, and very fast thanks to SQLBulkUpload. OK, so there's a small maintenance overhead, but since the source columns will very rarely change, this doesn't really affect anything.

Generating a random hex string (of length 50) in Java ME/J2ME

My app needs to generate a hex string to use as a session ID. Java's SecureRandom doesn't seem to be working ("java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/security/SecureRandom: Cannot create class in system package")
I thought of doing something like this:
byte[] resBuf = new byte[50];
new Random().nextBytes(resBuf);
String resStr = new String(Hex.encode(resBuf));
But the method nextBytes(byte[] bytes) isn't available for some strange reason.
Does anyone have a means of generating a random hex number in Java ME/J2ME?
Many thanks.
Edit: The above generator seems to work when using Bouncy Castle lcrypto-j2me-145 (but not lcrypto-j2me-147).
JavaME is a subset of JavaSE, so many classes and methods in the desktop version are not available.
Looks like you are trying to get a random string of a given length. You can do something like this:
private String getRandomHexString(int numchars){
Random r = new Random();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while(sb.length() < numchars){
return sb.toString().substring(0, numchars);

ArrayList changing after sorting function

I have just started utilizing ArrayLists in some C# code and am having some problems when sorting.
First I define create an ArrayList object under my class:
ArrayList cutList = new ArrayList;
Then I set and sort the array list to find the minimum:
int minList = (int)GetMinValue(cutList);
Using the function:
public static object GetMinValue(ArrayList arrList)
ArrayList sortArrayList = arrList;
return sortArrayList[0];
Later I try to find the index cutList[2] and I find "1200" because the function also sorted cutList. I have also had the same problem in the past, when I set a variable to an Application settings and then the Applications setting changes when I modify the variable. How to I correctly fix these problems. I have been learning C# on my own and am guilty of skipping around a little bit. Is there a lesson on Objects that I am missing?
The issue in your code is that ArrayList sortArrayList = arrList; does not copy arrList to sortArrayList: the assignment merely creates a new alias for the existing object. To make your code work, use
ArrayList sortArrayList = (ArrayList)arrList.Clone();
I must add that this is probably the most inefficient way of looking up the min element in a list, and also a rather archaic container. I would prefer using List<string> instead of ArrayList, and using LINQ's Min() function to get the minimum element.

Using *.resx files to store string value pairs

I have an application that requires mappings between string values, so essentially a container that can hold key values pairs. Instead of using a dictionary or a name-value collection I used a resource file that I access programmatically in my code. I understand resource files are used in localization scenarios for multi-language implementations and the likes. However I like their strongly typed nature which ensures that if the value is changed the application does not compile.
However I would like to know if there are any important cons of using a *.resx file for simple key-value pair storage instead of using a more traditional programmatic type.
There are two cons which I can think of out of the blue:
it requires I/O operation to read key/value pair, which may result in significant performance decrease,
if you let standard .Net logic to resolve loading resources, it will always try to find the file corresponding to CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture property; this could be problematic if you decide that you actually want to have multiple resx-es (i.e. one per language); this could result in even further performance degradation.
BTW. Couldn't you just create helper class or structure containing properties, like that:
public static class GlobalConstants
private const int _SomeInt = 42;
private const string _SomeString = "Ultimate answer";
public static int SomeInt
return _SomeInt;
public static string SomeString
return _SomeString;
You can then access these properties exactly the same way, as resource files (I am assuming that you're used to this style):
textBox1.Text = GlobalConstants.SomeString;
textBox1.Top = GlobalConstants.SomeInt;
Maybe it is not the best thing to do, but I firmly believe this is still better than using resource file for that...
