ArrayList changing after sorting function - object

I have just started utilizing ArrayLists in some C# code and am having some problems when sorting.
First I define create an ArrayList object under my class:
ArrayList cutList = new ArrayList;
Then I set and sort the array list to find the minimum:
int minList = (int)GetMinValue(cutList);
Using the function:
public static object GetMinValue(ArrayList arrList)
ArrayList sortArrayList = arrList;
return sortArrayList[0];
Later I try to find the index cutList[2] and I find "1200" because the function also sorted cutList. I have also had the same problem in the past, when I set a variable to an Application settings and then the Applications setting changes when I modify the variable. How to I correctly fix these problems. I have been learning C# on my own and am guilty of skipping around a little bit. Is there a lesson on Objects that I am missing?

The issue in your code is that ArrayList sortArrayList = arrList; does not copy arrList to sortArrayList: the assignment merely creates a new alias for the existing object. To make your code work, use
ArrayList sortArrayList = (ArrayList)arrList.Clone();
I must add that this is probably the most inefficient way of looking up the min element in a list, and also a rather archaic container. I would prefer using List<string> instead of ArrayList, and using LINQ's Min() function to get the minimum element.


Unable to get an object from a map giving d/t result for hardcoded value and dynamic value but having equal value

I dont know how to describe the problem, so weird. I have function like this:
long getPersonId(...){
The above function returns Id of a person based on some arguments.
So I logged the return value of the function and it is 1.
Then I have code like this:
person = myMap.get(getPersonId(..))
which returns null object but this returns a valid Person object, why?:
person = myMap.get(1)
But as I described before getPersonId(..) returns 1, which basically means
myMap.get(getPersonId(..)) == myMap.get(1)
myMap is typed as Map<Long, Person> myMap
What is happening here?
In Groovy, as in Java, 1 is an int literal, not a long, so
is attempting to look up the key Integer.valueOf(1), whereas
is looking up the key Long.valueOf(getPersonId(...)). You need to make sure that when you populate the map you are definitely using Long keys rather than Integer ones, e.g.
myMap.put(1L, somePerson)
In your original version of this question you were calling the GORM get method on a domain class rather than the java.util.Map.get method, and that should work as required as the GORM method call converts the ID to the appropriate type for you before passing it on to Hibernate.
I am so sorry the problem was when I initialize the map myMap
Map<Long, Person> myMap = [1, new Person()]
when you say something like this the key is an integerbut not a long still groovy not complaining.
So the problem is my method was returning a long value (1L) but my actual key on the map is integer value(1).
So changing my map init to Map<Long, Person> myMap = [1L, new Person()] solved the problem.
Probably this due to dynamic nature groovy but irritating unless you know how dynamic langs behave lol.

getDocumentByKey with a number vector doesn't find the document

I have a 2 column sorted view and try to get a document the following code:
var searchArr = new java.util.Vector();
var customerdoc:NotesDocument = viw.getDocumentByKey(searchArr,true);
but the result is null.
If I use only the first element for the key (10000310), then I get (the first) doc with that key. But with the 2-element-vector the lookup returns null.
the same in LotusScript works fine:
Dim searchkey(1) As Double
searchkey(0) = 10000307
searchkey(1) = 45
Set doc = luview.Getdocumentbykey(searchkey, true)
gives me the document I need.
Confusing, for me ....
This is a known bug, hopefully to be fixed in 9.0.2. See this question getDocumentByKey with view category separated by "\\" in XPages
Your LS example uses an array, not a Vector. I am not even sure if it is intended to work with a Vector - never did that. So just use an array here, too, as the key.

How to add individual elements of an object in an Arraylist through a for loop?

I am trying to add all elements of an object into ArrayList. elements of the object are of different type.
e.g. object Employee having attributes like emp_id,name,address,DOB.
I want to store each attribute as an object in an ArrayList. Like,
ArrayList[1] = Employee.emp_id
ArrayList[2] =
ArrayList[3] = Employee.address
I want to do it dynamically. Like, in future more attributes are added in this object, without doing a manual work. Is there a way to create an array List?
ArrayList must be of the same type. You can have an ArrayList of type in which you can do what you are doing, since all objects in Java extend Object. If you are trying to store different Object types in an arraylist, however, this is not possible.
You may know that first part, just was a little unclear in your post.
Here's how to do it with objects using reflection:
//make sure you import java.lang.reflect.*
public void addMyFields(Employee e){
ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList();
for (Field field : emp.getClass().getDeclaredFields())

Is it possible to do data type conversion on SQLBulkUpload from IDataReader?

I need to grab a large amount of data from one set of tables and SQLBulkInsert into another set...unfortunately the source tables are ALL varchar(max) and I would like the destination to be the correct type. Some tables are in the millions of rows...and (for far too pointless policital reasons to go into) we can't use SSIS.
On top of that, some "bool" values are stored as "Y/N", some "0/1", some "T/F" some "true/false" and finally some "on/off".
Is there a way to overload IDataReader to perform type conversion? Would need to be on a per-column basis I guess?
An alternative (and might be the best solution) is to put a mapper in place (perhaps AutoMapper or custom) and use EF to load from one object and map into the other? This would provoide a lot of control but also require a lot of boilerplate code for every property :(
In the end I wrote a base wrapper class to hold the SQLDataReader, and implementing the IDataReader methods just to call the SQLDataReader method.
Then inherit from the base class and override GetValue on a per-case basis, looking for the column names that need translating:
public override object GetValue(int i)
var landingColumn = GetName(i);
string landingValue = base.GetValue(i).ToString();
object stagingValue = null;
switch (landingColumn)
case "D4DTE": stagingValue = landingValue.FromStringDate(); break;
case "D4BRAR": stagingValue = landingValue.ToDecimal(); break;
stagingValue = landingValue;
return stagingValue;
Works well, is extensible, and very fast thanks to SQLBulkUpload. OK, so there's a small maintenance overhead, but since the source columns will very rarely change, this doesn't really affect anything.

Can I set the default value of a custom list column to be a new Guid?

I tried setting the defaultvalue property of the field to Guid.NewGuid() but every item created has the same guid so I guess the Guid.NewGuid() is being stored as the default rather than being run each time.
Is the only way to achieve this to add an event handler to the list for OnAdded?
I'm assuming you're using a Single Line of Text field for this. The standard default for such a field is always a constant, you can't assign a variable or function via the object model. All that would do is assign the static result of that particular call of the function.
While text fields can support a calculated default value, it uses the same functions that are in Calculated columns, which do not support random numbers.
Your best bet is to use an Event Handler, I would recommend ItemAdding over ItemAdded as well. You'd be assigning to properties.AfterProperties["fieldname"] instead of field.DefaultValue, of course.
If you are creating the field through code and setting the field.DefaultValue = Guid.NewGuid(), this will run the Guid.NewGuid() and store the returned Guid as the default
It is the equlivant of running the folowing code:
Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
string newGuidString = newGuid.ToString();
field.DefaultValue = newGuidString;
I dont know of any method you can use to set the field to generate a new Guid on item creation other than using an Event handler.
It should be posable to genrate a random number using the field.DefaultValue = "RANDBETWEEN(10,20)"; but i have not tested this
