Trying to call a script while passing two arguments [duplicate] - linux

This question already has answers here:
Attempting to pass two arguments to a called script for a pattern search
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a script that greps with $1 and $2, first argument being a pattern and second being a file.
I need to create another script that calls this first one, passes the two arguments to it, and if the second is a directory, loops it on all the files in the directory.
Does anyone know how I'd go about this? I keep coming close but failing miserably.
Thought that the other post I had made didn't go through, Somehow got it lost. I apologize to everyone, so sorry.
Please forgive me. :(

if [[ -d $2 ]]; then
find "$2" -type f -exec ./script "$1" {} \;
./script "$1" "$2"
If $2 is a directory then the find command finds all of the files in it and calls ./script once for each file. The curly braces {} are a placeholder for these file names.

Something like:
[[ -d "$2" ]] && grep -e "$1" -r "$2" || grep -e "$1" "$2"
It tests whether arg 2 is a directory (bash syntax) and if so it invokes grep in recursive mode, otherwise in non-recursive.


Shell - iterate over content of file but do something only the first x lines

So guys,
I need your help trying to identify the fastest and the most "fault" tolerant solution to my problem.
I have a shell script which executes some functions, based on a txt file, in which I have a list of files.
The list can contain from 1 file to X files.
What I would like to do is iterate over the content of the file and execute my scripts for only 4 items out of the file.
Once the functions have been executed for these 4 files, go over to the next 4 .... and keep on doing so until all the files from the list have been "processed".
My code so far is as follows.
number_of_files_in_folder=$(cat list.txt | wc -l)
while IFS= read -r files
while [[ $number_of_files_in_folder -gt 0 ]]; do
while [[ $i -le $max_number_of_files_to_process ]]; do
my_first_function "$files" & # I execute my translation function for each file, as it can only perform 1 file per execution
find /home/german_translator/ -name '*.logs' -exec mv {} $Translated_files \; # As there will be several files generated, I have them copied to another folder
sed -i "/$files/d" list.txt # We remove the processed file from within our list.txt file.
my_second_function # Without parameters as it will process all the files copied at step 2.
# here, I want to have all the files processed and don't stop after the first iteration
done < list.txt
Unfortunately, as I am not quite good at shell scripting, I do not know how to structure it so that it won't waste any resources and mostly, to make sure that it "processes" everything from that file.
Do you have any advice on how to achieve what I am trying to achieve?
only 4 items out of the file. Once the functions have been executed for these 4 files, go over to the next 4
Seems to be quite easy with xargs.
your_function() {
echo "Do something with $1 $2 $3 $4"
export -f your_function
xargs -d '\n' -n 4 bash -c 'your_function "$#"' _ < list.txt
xargs -d '\n' for each line
-n 4 take for arguments
bash .... - run this command with 4 arguments
_ - the syntax is bash -c <script> $0 $1 $2 etc..., see man bash.
"$#" - forward arguments
export -f your_function - export your function to environment so child bash can pick it up.
I execute my translation function for each file
So you execute your translation function for each file, not for each 4 files. If the "translation function" is really for each file with no inter-file state, consider rather executing 4 processes in parallel with same code and just xargs -P 4.
If you have GNU Parallel it looks something like this:
doit() {
my_first_function "$1"
my_first_function "$2"
my_first_function "$3"
my_first_function "$4"
my_second_function "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"
export -f doit
cat list.txt | parallel -n4 doit

Shell Scripting to Compress directory [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Shell spacing in square brackets [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
$1 is file / folder that want to compressed
Output filename is the same name, plus current date and ext
if output name exist, then just give warning
./ /home/user
It will be /home/user to /home/user_2018-03-11.tar.bz2
i already have lead, but i'm stuck
if ["$1" == ""]; then
echo "Help : To compress file use argument with directory"
exit 0
if [[ -f "$1" || -d "$1" ]]; then
tar -cvjSf $1"_"$(date '+%d-%m-%y').tar.bz2 $1
but the output is _22-04-2018.tar.bz2
I see that you're using quotes to avoid the problem the underscore getting used as part of the variable name. So while $1 is a positional paramater, $1_ is a variable that you have not set in your script. You can avoid this issue by using curly braces, like ${1}. Anything inside the braces is part of the variable name, so ${1}_ works. This notation would be preferable to $1"_" which leaves a user-provided variable outside of quotes. (Of course, "$1"_ would do the job as wel.)
Also, it's probably safer to set the filename in a variable, then use that for all your needs:
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Help : To compress file use argument with directory"
exit 0
filename="${1}_$(date '+%F').tar.bz2"
if [ -e "$filename" ]; then
echo "WARNING: file exists: $filename" >&2
tar -cvjSf "$filename" "$#"
you need spaces around your square brackets in an if condition,
while you can test for equivalence to a null string, -z is cleaner, though you could also test for [ $# -eq 0 ], counting the parameters provided,
using $filename makes sure that your test and your tar will always use the same name, even if the script runs over midnight, and is way more readable,
variables should always be quoted.
Also, are you sure about the -S option for tar? On my system, that option extracts sparse files, and is only useful in conjunction with -x.
ALSO, I should note that as I've rewritten it, there's nothing in this script which is specific to bash, and it should be portable to POSIX shells as well (ash/dash/etc). Bash is great, but it's not universal, and if through your learning journey you can learn both, it will give you useful skills across multiple operating systems and environments.
Use -z switch to check if blank
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "Help : To compress file use argument with directory"
exit 0
if [[ -f "$1" || -d "$1" ]]; then
tar -cvjSf $1"_"$(date '+%d-%m-%y').tar.bz2 $1

extracting files that doesn't have a dir with the same name

sorry for that odd title. I didn't know how to word it the right way.
I'm trying to write a script to filter my wiki files to those got directories with the same name and the ones without. I'll elaborate further.
here is my file system:
what I need to do is print a list of those files which have directories in their name and another one of those without.
So my ultimate goal is getting:
with dirs:
without dirs:
I managed to get those files with dirs. Here is me code:
getname () {
file=$( basename "$1" )
echo $file2
for d in Mywiki/* ; do
if [[ -f $d ]]; then
file=$(getname $d)
for x in Mywiki/* ; do
dir=$(getname $x)
if [[ -d $x ]] && [ $dir == $file ]; then
echo $dir
but stuck with getting those without. if this is the wrong way of doing this please clarify the right one.
any help appreciated. Thanks.
Here's a quick attempt.
for file in Mywiki/*.txt; do
test -d "${file%.txt}" && printf "%s\n" "$nodir" >&3 || printf "%s\n" "$nodir"
done >with 3>without
This shamelessly uses standard output for the non-orphans. Maybe more robustly open another separate file descriptor for that.
Also notice how everything needs to be quoted unless you specifically require the shell to do whitespace tokenization and wildcard expansion on the value of a token. Here's the scoop on that.
That may not be the most efficient way of doing it, but you could take all files, remove the extension, and the check if there isn't a directory with that name.
Like this (untested code):
for file in Mywiki/* ; do
if [ -f "$d" ]; then
dirname=$(getname "$d")
if [ ! -d "Mywiki/$dirname" ]; then
echo "$file"
To List all the files in current dir
list1=`ls -p | grep -v /`
To List all the files in current dir without extension
list2=`ls -p | grep -v / | sed 's/\.[a-z]*//g'`
To List all the directories in current dir
list3=`ls -d */ | sed -e "s/\///g"`
Now you can get the desired directory listing using intersection of list2 and list3. Intersection of two lists in Bash

List files greater than 100K in bash

I want to list the files recursively in the HOME directory. I'm trying to write my own script , so I should not use the command find or ls. My script is:
printFiles() {
for x in "$1/"*; do
if [ -d "$x" ]; then
printFiles "$x";
size=$(wc -c "$x");
if [[ "$size" -gt "$minSize" ]]; then
echo "$size";
printFiles "/~";
So, the problem here is that when I run this script, the terminal throws Line 11: division by 0 and /home/gandalf/Videos/*: No such file or directory. I have not divided by any number, why I'm getting this error?. And the second one?
Alternatively, I can't use find or ls because I have to display the files one by one asking to the user if he want to see the next file or not. This is possible using the command find or ls or only can be done writing my own function?
size=$(wc -c "$x");
That's the line that is failing. When you run that wc command manually you should be able to see why:
$ wc -c /tmp/out
5 /tmp/out
The output contains not only the file size but also the file name. So you can't use $size with the -gt comparator on the next line. One way to fix that is to change the wc line to use cut (or awk, or sed, etc) to keep just the file size.
size=$(wc -c "$x" | cut -f1 -d " ")
A simpler alternative suggested by #mklement0:
size=$(wc -c < "$x")

Linux: Update directory structure for millions of images which are already in prefix-based folders

This is basically a follow-up to Linux: Move 1 million files into prefix-based created Folders
The original question:
I want to write a shell command to rename all of those images into the
following format:
original: filename.jpg new: /f/i/l/filename.jpg
Now, I want to take all of those files and add an additional level to the directory structure, e.g:
original: /f/i/l/filename.jpg new: /f/i/l/e/filename.jpg
Is this possible to do with command line or bash?
One way to do it is to simply loop over all the directories you already have, and in each bottom-level subdirectory create the new subdirectory and move the files:
for d in ?/?/?/; do (
cd "$d" &&
printf '%.4s\0' * | uniq -z |
xargs -0 bash -c 'for prefix do
mkdir -p "$s" && mv "$prefix"* "$s"
done' _
) done
That probably needs a bit of explanation.
The glob ?/?/?/ matches all directory paths made up of three single-character subdirectories. Because it ends with a /, everything it matches is a directory so there is no need to test.
( cd "$d" && ...; )
executes ... after cd'ing to the appropriate subdirectory. Putting that block inside ( ) causes it to be executed in a subshell, which means the scope of the cd will be restricted to the parenthesized block. That's easier and safer than putting cd .. at the end.
We then collecting the subdirectories first, by finding the unique initial strings of the files:
printf '%.4s\0' * | uniq -z | xargs -0 ...
That extracts the first four letters of each filename, nul-terminating each one, then passes this list to uniq to eliminate duplicates, providing the -z option because the input is nul-terminated, and then passes the list of unique prefixes to xargs, again using -0 to indicate that the list is nul-terminated. xargs executes a command with a list of arguments, issuing the command several times only if necessary to avoid exceeding the command-line limit. (We probably could have avoided the use of xargs but it doesn't cost that much and it's a lot safer.)
The command called with xargs is bash itself; we use the -c option to pass it a command to be executed. That command iterates over its arguments by using the for arg in syntax. Each argument is a unique prefix; we extract the fourth character from the prefix to construct the new subdirectory and then mv all files whose names start with the prefix into the newly created directory.
The _ at the end of the xargs invocation will be passed to bash (as with all the rest of the arguments); bash -c uses the first argument following the command as the $0 argument to the script, which is not part of the command line arguments iterated over by the for arg in syntax. So putting the _ there means that the argument list constructed by xargs will be precisely $1, $2, ... in the execution of the bash command.
Okay, so I've created a very crude solution:
for file1 in *; do
if [[ -d "$file1" ]]; then
cd "$file1"
for file2 in *; do
if [[ -d "$file2" ]]; then
cd "$file2"
for file3 in *; do
if [[ -d "$file3" ]]; then
cd "$file3"
for file4 in *; do
if [[ -f "$file4" ]]; then
echo "mkdir -p ${file4:3:1}/; mv $file4 ${file4:3:1}/;"
mkdir -p ${file4:3:1}/; mv $file4 ${file4:3:1}/;
cd ..
cd ..
cd ..
I should warn that this is untested, as my actual structure varies slightly, but I wanted to keep the question/answer consistent with the original question for clarity.
That being said, I'm sure a much more elegant solution exists than this one.
