Removing "feed" folder in htaccess - .htaccess

I've looked everywhere and cannot figure this out and appreciate anyone's help on this:
I have several links that need to be redirected and they look like this:
I just want to remove the folder "/feed" in those URLs and everything I have tried doesn't work:
RewriteRule ^about-us/feed$ [R=301,L]
Also does not work:
redirect 301 about-us/feed
Thanks again for the help. I have a LOT of other redirects to do but will start here. I normally don't have any issues with these but for whatever reason these are causing me some issues. Plus it's Monday so I'm sure that doesn't help any :)


How to rewrite directories into query string

Yay, my first Stackoverflow question ever! Been around for years but this one gets me.
I have an URL:
(I need to test this locally first which is why I have set it this way)
I want to change the URL into:
I have my .htaccess file in / and the content is:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ([a-z0-9_-]*-f)([0-9]+)\/([a-z0-9_-]*-t)([0-9]+)(-([0-9]+))?\.html$ viewtopic.php?f=$2&t=$4&start=$6 [QSA,NE,L,NC]
I have AllowOverRide set and the rewrite mod is enabled.
This seems to work in
but not at the actual site. I'm going crazy. What's wrong with me?
This helped me to solve my problem

htaccess: rewrite to optional amount of "subfolders"

sorry for my bad english and wrong use of technical terms.
So I got these links on my site:
I want to rewrite via htaccess like this:
/.../ meaning that I want to be able to be as flexible with my "link-design" as I want.
I tried it this way:
RewriteRule ^.+/([a-z-.-?]+) index.php?link=$1 [NC,L]
and it works, but the strange part is, that it doesnt work all the time, or it totally stops working. Sometimes images and css is not being loaded anymore.
Then I switched to test it with
RewriteRule ^.+/m/([a-z-.-?]+) index.php?link=$1 [NC,L]
and this works fine, but I'm abviously stuck with the /m/-part like:
Is there even any option to do this?
Thank you very much.

.htaccess rewriterule problems

I need a few redirects in my .htaccess file, and what I've done works perfectly well in the htaccess tester, but it doesn't work at all on my server. I've spent days finding a solution, and I'm stuck. It would be wonderful if someone could help!
1) "/-" in URLs
This is a good example:
The "2012-cenotaph/-march-past" is supposed to be "2012-cenotaph-march-past"
I had though a straightforward RewriteRule ^(.*)/-(.*)$ %1-%2 [R=301,L] would do the trick, but it seems to be completely ignored.
2) Repetition needs to be removed:
Due to making the "Replace" a 301 replace too early, the search engine bots try to access very wrong things:
The second "/galleries/rowing" needs to be removed. My attempt via
RewriteRule ^(.+/index\.php)/.*$ /$1 [R,L]
works fine in htaccess tester, but seems to send the website into an endless loop.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated!
htaccess example
I dont know if this is what you really need.
One thing helps me is to change the routes for example:
$route['index.php/galleries/rowing/'] = "index.php";

htaccess file help needed for rewriting url

I need help from experts to solve my problem. I'm just starting to learn rewriterule, rbase, and rcond. I want to rewrite my site link like codeigniter MVC. For example:
http://localhost/app/index.php?page=profile&user=john -> http://localhost/app/index/page/profile/user/john
How to do that? I tried to change for many times, but i don't get url like that but error occured.
RewriteRule ^index/page/(.*)/user/(.*)$ /index.php?page=$1&user=$2 [L]

Looking for answer about Clean URLs that I have not found thus far

I am looking to clean up my URLs and I am having the most difficult time. I have an Apache server on GoDaddy. Not sure if hosting is the problem. I've uploaded many .htaccess files and none have worked.
Goal: I am trying to eliminate ".php" completely from my site.
Example: and
I want it to read and
How do I write a .htaccess file for this? All of the answers I've found deal more with parameters.
and nothing I've done seems to work. Is this a GoDaddy issue? Please help. Thanks in advance.
I think it should be as follows:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule about about.php
RewriteRule folder/anotherpage folder/anotherpage.php
