htaccess file help needed for rewriting url - .htaccess

I need help from experts to solve my problem. I'm just starting to learn rewriterule, rbase, and rcond. I want to rewrite my site link like codeigniter MVC. For example:
http://localhost/app/index.php?page=profile&user=john -> http://localhost/app/index/page/profile/user/john
How to do that? I tried to change for many times, but i don't get url like that but error occured.

RewriteRule ^index/page/(.*)/user/(.*)$ /index.php?page=$1&user=$2 [L]


htaccess from old forum url to new one

until now I have always used htaccess to rewrite URLS in order to have non-SEF url to SEF urls.
Today I am facing a new challenge that honestly, beeing non confident in regular expression, I really don't know how to achieve.
I have a situation where a forum on a website of mine has been update in the following form:
previous link:
new link:
How do I intercept /post/37764 string and tell htaccess to not consider it?
And how to instruct the server to build that kind of url instead of the provious. I am very confused about it.
Any suggestion? Thank you very much. Is there any resource that I can read to help me better understand the case?
Thanks again.
Florian answer is correct. I just added few mods to fit it better.
RewriteEngine On
#RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^forum3/topic/([^/]+)/post/[0-9]+$$1/ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^forum3/topic/([^/]+)-[0-9]+$$1/ [L,R=301]
You can try this code :
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^forum3/topic/([^/]+)/post/[0-9]+$ /Topic-$1/ [L,R=301]
/([^/]+)/ means that we want to catch a string containing one or more characters except / preceded and followed by a /.
This link might help you to test your .htaccess files :
Test your apache htaccess files online

Override htaccess in joomla

I need to rewrite a url for specific component in joomla so that actual component name is not visible in url .
E.g index.php?option=com_mycomponent
I need to replace com_mycomponent to xyz
Also I installed joomsef extension but it does not work fine with language filter plugin in joomla.
So I need to rewrite a url for specific component using htaccess
So please suggest me appropriate solution asap
The "Simple Custom Router" extension may be able to help you:
Hopefully this is ASAP enough for you. :)
Have you tried a basic .htaccess rewrite? Shouldn't be too tough with basic rewrite engine:
RewriteEngine On # Turn on the rewriting engine
RewriteRule ^my_component_pretty_url$ ?option=com_mycomponent [NC,L]
If anyone has better rewrite rules, please add...mine are super basic.
Try this,
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^chaletreservation$ index.php?option=com_jrestaurantreservation [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^chaletreservation(.+)$ index.php?option=com_jrestaurantreservation&$1 [QSA,L]
Then simply use where ever you need this component urls index.php?option=com_jrestaurantreservation like below,
Hope its works..

Removing "feed" folder in htaccess

I've looked everywhere and cannot figure this out and appreciate anyone's help on this:
I have several links that need to be redirected and they look like this:
I just want to remove the folder "/feed" in those URLs and everything I have tried doesn't work:
RewriteRule ^about-us/feed$ [R=301,L]
Also does not work:
redirect 301 about-us/feed
Thanks again for the help. I have a LOT of other redirects to do but will start here. I normally don't have any issues with these but for whatever reason these are causing me some issues. Plus it's Monday so I'm sure that doesn't help any :)

URL rename not showing on Browser

I change my URL name using mod write. But my URL doesn't show the changes on browser.
This is how it looks from before and after
to this
How can I make this: appear on the browser
Another words on my website it should appear instead of this
This is my code:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^toy/xbox$ /toy/image.php* [L,R]
Can someone to explain to me how it works. Did I missed a step? Do I need to used PHP?
If I did make a mistake, correct me so I can learn from my mistakes. I try to google this but I couldn't find what I need to do
Any links or explanations would be appreciated. Thanks.
For it to "show the URL," you need it to do a 301/302 redirect, with a location header. All you have to do is end your RewriteRule line with [L,R=301]
You must perform a redirect using the R flag instead of just a rewrite.
RewriteRule ... ... [R]

Friendly URLs with .htacces NOT working... and stackoverflow URLs style

I know this question has been asked a million of times here at stackoverflow, but I cant get it to work so I need someone who knows to finally resolve this problem!
I want that when this is inserted in the URL:
It really goes to this:
This is how my .htacces file looks like:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?([^/]*)/?$ index.php?ctrl=$1&id=$2&tab=$3 [QSA,L]
But its not working! I just get a 'Not found' error in my web server (only when using the friendly URL, regular is still working fine). How to fix this?
I would also want to know how to be able to add anything at the end of the URL without getting any errors (like stackoverflow URLs).
Like this:
I hope someone can give me an answer, thanks!
I read all of your threads so I'm not going to reiterate what others have said or asked. I'm just throwing out ideas here but...
Sounds like rewrite is working - it's actually redirecting correctly - but it's pointing you to a page that is not found. Have you tried using RewriteBase?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
