VS12 Debugger crashes only for IE - visual-studio-2012

I have an MVC3 app that's been working for quite a while and today began crashing anytime I launch a debugging session with IE as the initial browser. If my initial browser is Chrome or FF - no problem. Further....if I open the site with IE _after it's been launched to one of these other browsers, no problem. The debugger's break points respond just as expected. So that's pretty strange, yes?
I can F10 without hitting any problems until the point where the browser is invoked and, up to this point, haven't been able to catch the last couple lines in VS's output windows - it crashes and restarts without giving opportunity to copy any of that output.
Event viewer shows:
Fault bucket 3561940412, type 5
Event Name: CLR20r3
Exception code: 0xe0434352
(there's more erreta if you'd like deeper details) - searching against those codes looks like it's a fairly general/generic error.
I've stepped out to the file system and deleted the .obj and .bin folders for all the projects in the solution, rebooted a couple times, and am in the process of getting on with my life cuz, as of right now, this is easy enough to work around.
I suppose i could delete windows temp files and check again. Any other thoughts?


NPM Nodejs crashes with BSOD

So I'm getting a blue screen of death whenever I have "npm start" running for a reactjs app. It's an intermittent crash, i.e. it doesn't happen every time I run it nor are there any exact steps to duplicate the crash, but I'll try to explain below under what circumstances it happens.
Create a reactjs app using create-react-app npm module.
Start the app using npm start. Chrome window opens, webpack is listening to changes I make to the source files.
Change any source file, and save it. NPM compiles it, Chrome page refreshes, and I can see my changes.
The above things work fine as expected "normally", but once in a while, right after I save a file, the system crashes with a BSOD saying DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_EQUAL_TO_OR_GREATER_THAN (NETIO.SYS) There is no definite "step" or action other than saving the file, or refreshing Chrome that would cause this to happen, and it also doesn't happen every single time.
Here are the steps I took to find out/eliminate the root cause of this issue:
Disabled by AV (Symantec Endpoint Protection).
Use a different browser (Mozilla, hell, even IE).
Changed the system (used a different laptop, although the same type - Microsoft Surface on Windows 10)
Updated all drivers, etc. (Verified by my organization admins)
Closing all other programs, etc. that might potentially be interfering (Atom IDE, Eclipse, etc.)
The necessary conditions for the crash to happen are:
npm start must be running (webpack server on localhost:3000)
A browser window must be open connected to localhost:3000 (if no browser is connected, it doesn't crash even if you change and save the file 200 times - I checked). Also, doesn't matter which browser (Checked with Mozilla/Edge/Chrome)
I believe the crash happens when NPM is recompiling the files and serving it to the browser (asking it to refresh using some websockets), but I'm not an expert on NodeJS/NPM so I'm not sure.
I've been stuck on this issue for more than 2 weeks now. Any help would be really appreciated. Kindly let me know if more information is needed.
The issue was with Symantec DLP (Data Loss Prevention) that was also installed on all our systems. The issue resolved itself after the admins added application exceptions for Nodejs, NPM, my reactjs project workspace paths.
Just posting this so that in case someone has a similar issue they can try this or remove Symantec DLP altogether.

Debugging Azure WebJob locally - recompile fails

I have a webjob that I'm debugging locally as a console app. But once I stop the code from within VS2017 I'm unable to recompile the exe as I get the following error
Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\******.******.exe" to "bin\Debug\******.******.exe". Access to the path 'bin\Debug\******.******.exe' is denied.
When I look at the processes that are running theres nothing there that jumps out.
I've closed VS and restarted it, but thats not cleared the issue.
Other than restarting my machine is there anything else I can try?
You can use the Windows Resource Monitor tool. Once opened, navigate to the CPU tab and enter the full path of the .exe (e.g. C:\Project\bin\debug\App.exe) in the Search Handles text box in the bottom-mid right corner and search. You should see the list of processes currently locking on the particular resource (in this case, the .exe). Select all the unwanted processes, right-click and end process. Depending upon on the version of Windows you are running, the experience might differ a bit but the general idea is more or less the same.

Cloud9`s terminal works slowly

Started using the Cloud9, for small practices with Nodejs, my apps are always very simple.
I noticed, that on the first time I launched the workspace, terminal works fine and responds immediately. But after a few executions or few minutes, it starts freezing and my typing responds in a few seconds, but not immediatelly.
I am using the free account. But my performance(CPU, RAM) parameters(in the top right corner) are absolutley okay.
So is it a c9.io server trouble? Or it is about javascript in my browser? And how can I make my work easier there?
updt1: Text editor area and workplace navigation area works absolutley fine. The only thing works badly - terminal.
updt2: When I am opening a new Terminal it works fast again.
I had the same issue and noticed when the terminal was freezing, there was a message "Updating Git..." in the lower left of the screen. Anytime git does an auto-refresh, it seems to hang up the terminal. If you don't need the git autorefresh feature, you can turn it off as follows.
In Preferences, look under Extensions / Git, there is a setting "Git: Autorefresh". Turn it off.
Ideally, this is something AWS should be able to fix. This is just a work-around.

Specific Page Won't Update

I'm making an app in the Cloud9 IDE using Node.js with the Express.js framework. Something very odd is happening to a specific .ejs file where if I try to update it (like typing some mumbo jumbo in an h1 tag and then saving and restarting the server), it NEVER gets reflected in the browser no matter what I do. For example, if I delete my jumbotron, save, restart the server, and then refresh the browser, I still see the same page with the jumbotron. I also tried deleting this entire file and then restarting the server and I still see the page and it doesn't break my application which is bizarre. All other .ejs files are fine and I can see the changes that I make.
I've spent about 4 hours trying to figure this out and no one else seems to have my specific issue. I tried clearing my browser cache, using different browsers, logging in/out from Cloud9, creating a new database, going back to older versions of my code, etc. and nothing seems to be working. I'm not even sure what code to post on here since my entire app is about 2000 lines of code so far. Does anyone have any suggestions because this is really frustrating.

IIS Not Loading Some Pages

Website in question:
http://redbirdled.com/ (very apparent)
So RedBirdLED mainly loads fine but hangs many other times if I leave it alone and try to load a new page. The only way to get it to load is to try and load it again and it immediately loads after that. This is not a client issue as many people are reporting the problem. I've tried a few things such as idle-timeout and weird stuff with IIS already but it didn't help.
Overall the thing I am getting is that if I try to load something, it will wait and simply timeout from waiting. However if I press the button again immediately it is very likely to instantly load without issue. What is going on and is there any way I can trace the issue?
I'm going to assume it has little to do with idling unless it is possible to idle within 10 seconds... This issue is random at times. I don't understand what is happening.
Visit http://sole-revival.com/ and let me know if there are any issues. For me personally, the website runs PERFECTLY and without issue. That's the weirdest part. Some pools hang and some don't? I have never modified these pools from the default setting until tonight as I try to resolve the issue.
I'm using IIS 8.0 on Win Server 2012.
