Installing Postgresql 8.1.17 server on RHEL - linux

I have a my production database on PostgreSQL 8.1.17 server.
I want to migrate it from one Linux server to another.
On another Linux server I am not able to install the PostgreSQL 8.1.17 server using rpm.
I got the rpm file from link.
But while updating rpm repository using rpm -i postgresql-8.1.17-1PGDG.rhel4.x86_64.rpm
I am getting below error.
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by postgresql-8.1.17-1PGDG.rhel4.x86_64 is needed by postgresql-8.1.17-1PGDG.rhel4.x86_64 is needed by postgresql-8.1.17-1PGDG.rhel4.x86_64 is needed by postgresql-8.1.17-1PGDG.rhel4.x86_64 is needed by postgresql-8.1.17-1PGDG.rhel4.x86_64
How will I resolve this dependency.
The End Of Life (EOL) dates for 8.1 version is November 2010. Does it mean we won't be able to install 8.1 version after November 2010. Referring below link.
I don't want to upgrade the PostgreSQL version for now.

Make a full systen backup, then launch the following command:
rpm -i --nodeps postgresql-8.1.17-1PGDG.rhel4.x86_64.rpm


Apache version upgrade issue

At present we are on Apache/2.2.15 (UNIX) version. To fix the vulnerabilities we are suggested to upgrade to new version. I got new version from online using "wget" command and followed steps mentioned on this link
Once I am done, checked version using httpd -v. It gives me old version Apache/2.2.15 (UNIX). If I check using /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd - v. It gives me new version. Did I successfully upgraded the version or not? If not what should I do?
I tried "yum install httpd" - It says "Nothing to do".
You now have two versions of Apache installed. You have the one installed with the system package manager (yum) in /usr/sbin/httpd. You have one installed manually in /usr/local/apache2/....
Which one you get will be determined entirely by which path you use.
In general, mixing system-managed packages with manually installed packages is a recipe for trouble. If you want to stick with the newer version in /usr/local, you should remove the system version, and realize that you will lose some manageability. For example, you will no longer be able to use yum install ... to install new Apache modules, and you will not be able to verify the installed files using tools like rpmverify.
If your distribution currently has Apache 2.2.x, that suggests your distribution is fairly old. For example, RHEL (and CentOS) 7 (and similar variants) have version 2.4.6 packaged, so you may want to update your host to something newer than whatever you're running now.
Yes, its successfully upgraded as per the screenshot.
httpd 2.2.15 is the version with RHEL 6 repository, here HTTPD_HOME is /etc/httpd (Highest version provided for HTTPD via RPM RHEL 6 is 2.2.15)
httpd 2.4.6 is the version with EPEL-HTTPD24 repository, here HTTPD_HOME is /usr/local/apache2/

Install Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2 in Arch Linux

Newbie here,Kindly bear with me.
I would like to install Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2 in Arch Linux.
I've downloaded the then unzipped it to /home/user/Downloads/Disk1. In that folder there is oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm file.
As per this Oracle Installation manual in Arch Linux there are several method. I would like to follow Install method 2 - AUR method as I guess its bit easy than other(Actually I don't understand other method much and have confusions).
But when I try to install oracle from AUR, I found this problem: error: target not found: oracle. I think that package is no more available.
How can I proceed futher? As a learner it would be helpful for me if steps are bit explanatory.
AUR package is named "oracle-xe", not "oracle".
You should download snapshot from
and uncompress it. Then step into oracle-xe directory and type
makepkg -s
But I vote for installing qemu and centos minimal, then Oracle inside it. Oracle is so painful to install even in supported distribs.
Also you will pollute your Arch with unnecessary symlinks and applications.

Compatibility Issue from centos 5.x to 6.x

I have an rpm compiled in centos 5.x which requires and other shared objects. I want to create an rpm of it which is to be run on centos 6.x but it fails to install as on installation it says :
error: Failed dependencies: is needed and so on...
But Centos 6.x contains
So I created symbolic links of of
But problem is still the same.
So can you please help me to resolve this problem?
If recompiling for Centos 6 isn't an option, you can try two things, first, install the correct libnetsnmp in the Centos 6 server. If that's not an option, you can add the following to your RPM spec file:
Autoreq: no
This will cause it not to scan your binary for dependencies (such as dynamically linked libraries), and automatically build that into the RPM.
Of course, if that version of libnetsnmp is ACTUALLY required, your just hosing yourself down the road, but likely newer versions will work just fine.

Postgresql 8.3 version needed for OpenSUSE

I have installed OpenSUSE 12.1 installed on machine.
and i have postgresql-contrib-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-devel-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm, postgresql-docs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-libs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm..
I want to installed postgresql 8.3 version based on above packages..but when i installed with this command .it shows an error.
opnsu121:/ # rpm -Uvh postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
postgresql = 8.3 is needed by postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586
Even i am not able to find postgresql 8.3 base version as i think the above one is update.i have gone throgh the download.openSUSE.orf,
but not able to find what i please help on this,
If at all possible, use YaST or whatever package manager SuSE uses to install the current version of PostgreSQL. From the repository it looks like that's 9.1.1.
If you specifically need PostgreSQL 8.3, I'd recommend using the distro-independent installer from EnterpriseDB. That should work fine on SuSE 12.2. If your organisation has particularly restrictive and unsafe version policies that force you to use old versions with known bugs, you can get 8.3.14 for 32-bit Linux here and 8.3.11 for 32-bit Linux here.
If you have issues with using the well-tested and known-to-work EnterpriseDB binary installer versions of PostgreSQL, your other option (and a good one) is to install from source code. Download the PostgreSQL 8.3.18 sources from the FTP site, then:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/postgresql93
sudo chown `id -un` /opt/postgresql93
./configure --prefix=/opt/postgresql93
make install
after which you can use /opt/postgresql93/bin/initdb (see initdb manual) to create a database and /opt/postgresql93/bin/pg_ctl (see pg_ctl manual) to start/stop it, as per the PostgreSQL documentation.
Don't try to force packages from an old version of SuSE to install on your new version. It'll probably result in an increasing tree of dependencies and end in pain.
If at all possible, try to convince your company that their policy of requiring a specific minor version (eg 8.4.14 not just "8.4.x") of PostgreSQL is unsafe and counterproductive. They're forcing you to do dirty hacks or hand-compile unique, custom installs just for your setup in order to avoid using well tested builds that contain extra bug fixes. Requiring approval before upgrading from 8.3 to 8.4/9.0/9.1/etc makes sense as there are feature and backward compatibility changes that require careful testing, but requiring approval before upgrading from 8.3.14 to 8.3.18 is counterproductive. Minor version upgrades of PostgreSQL are very conservative; you should stay up to date with the latest minor release.
hurray...I got the answer..
I have got the package below:
postgresql-contrib-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm, postgresql-devel-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-docs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-libs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm from the below link:
and the one more package which i have struggled to get is:
postgresql-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm with the following link:
with all above packages i have installed using..
rpm -ivh packagename
if there is a dependency then rpm -ivh --nodeps packagename
great..its done..

Multiple sqlite installs on same server

I've got a server at work on which I am basically building an apache/mysql/subversion/php/python development base. I've found that the RPM repos the server is pointed at only have version 3.3.6-5 of sqlite, which subversion 1.6.17 chokes on, requiring at least version 3.4:
An appropriate version of sqlite could not be found. We recommmend 3.6.13,
but require at least 3.4.0. Please either install a newer sqlite on this
system or get the sqlite 3.6.13 amalgamation from:
unpack the archive using tar/gunzip and copy sqlite3.c from the
resulting directory to:
This file also ships as part of the subversion-deps distribution.
I managed to download and build sqlite (sqlite-autoconf-3070701.tar.gz), but now when I run sqlite3, I'm getting the error:
sqlite3: symbol lookup error: sqlite3: undefined symbol: sqlite3_sourceid
I'm sure this is because the PATH variable has the so files for both the rpm installation of sqlite (/usr), and the compiled version I installed (/usr/local). I can't yum remove the exiting sqlite because it is tied to the installation of rpm, so what I would like to do is add whatever I need to my profile or bashrc or whatever other black magic is needed to allow some users to run the updated sqlite install, while others just default to the original install.
Other info:
# cat /etc/*-release
Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 (Carthage)
Oracle Linux Server release 5.6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 (Tikanga)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 (Tikanga)
# uname -m
Can anyone tell me what I can do to get the two copies of sqlite to play together nicely?
Have you tried what the error message from subversion proposes?
...get the sqlite 3.6.13 amalgamation from: unpack the
archive using tar/gunzip and copy sqlite3.c from the resulting
directory to:
