Install Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2 in Arch Linux - linux

Newbie here,Kindly bear with me.
I would like to install Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2 in Arch Linux.
I've downloaded the then unzipped it to /home/user/Downloads/Disk1. In that folder there is oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm file.
As per this Oracle Installation manual in Arch Linux there are several method. I would like to follow Install method 2 - AUR method as I guess its bit easy than other(Actually I don't understand other method much and have confusions).
But when I try to install oracle from AUR, I found this problem: error: target not found: oracle. I think that package is no more available.
How can I proceed futher? As a learner it would be helpful for me if steps are bit explanatory.

AUR package is named "oracle-xe", not "oracle".
You should download snapshot from
and uncompress it. Then step into oracle-xe directory and type
makepkg -s
But I vote for installing qemu and centos minimal, then Oracle inside it. Oracle is so painful to install even in supported distribs.
Also you will pollute your Arch with unnecessary symlinks and applications.


Has official 32bit support for cmake on Linux been dropped?

I don't mean the version(s) provided by the various distributions but the binary from the official website.
I have an old VM running 32bit OpenSUSE 12.1 that is configured for a project I'm working on at work. I need to install WebKitGTK. The problem is that the cmake in the repositories is ancient 2.x, while WebKitGTK at least 3.6 (or similar). So I went to the official website and (my fault) without looking too much into it downloaded the 3.10 installation for Linux.
Upon executing the binary that was installed I got the error that the file could not be run. I checked the execution rights and it was fine. Then it struck me...I ran file cmake and got 64 instead of the required 32bit.
I went back to the website and all I could find were 32bit versions for Windows but none for Linux.
I can build it from source but just out of curiousity would like to know if support has been dropped. I was unable to find any information so far.
32-bit support for CMake hasn't been dropped. They just don't provide binaries for it on their website as of CMake 3.7.0

Install4j: Unix Installer causes bin/unpack200: not found

we use a setup, created with install4j (we still use 5.0.11). On a new local unix machine (Linux version 3.8.13-44.1.4.el6uek.x86_64) this setup failed, the log shows:
Unpacking JRE ... 210: bin/unpack200: not found
Preparing JRE ...
Error unpacking jar files. The architecture or bitness (32/64) of the bundled JVM might not match your machine.
Searching for this error I found this:
the program tries to run the file /bin/unpack200 which does not exist. However, the file /usr/bin/unpack200 does exist. This is due to the fact that this file is in different places depending on the architecture of the machine used - if it is 32bits, it is in one place, if it is 64bits, it is in the other. I am having this problem because the file was made to run on a 32bit architecture but I am using a 64bits machine. Therefore to fix this problem one must install 32bits libraries.
After running
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
our setup works.
My question: is there a way to configure the "Unix installer" in install4j to build the setup, that it works on 64 bit Linux systems like the mentioned without installing additional libraries on this system? I think not all of our customers would allow this.
Thanks in advance!
No, there is no such functionality in install4j. Bundling JREs on Linux is generally problematic.
One strategy would be to offer installers with 32-bit JRE and installers with 64-bit JREs.

Plone Unified Installer missing Python

I'm trying to install plone 4.3.4 on a SLES 11 SP3 64bit server via the Unified Installer. I've fullfilled all the dependencies listed in the readme.txt, but when I try to get the installer running with the command sudo ./ --password=******* standalone I get the error message: which: no python2.7 in (/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin) Unable to find python2.7 on system exec path.
I find that rather strange as in the description of the unified installer it is said "The new Zope/Plone install will use its own copy of Python, and the Python installed by the Unified Installer will not replace your system's copy of Python. You may optionally use your system (or some other) Python, and the Unified Installer will use it without modifying it or your site libraries." on the Plone-Website.
So - what am I doing wrong???
I've just tried adding the parameter --build-python but had to find out that the libxml2-devel and libxslt-devel libraries that are available for SLES-11-SP-3 are sadly not up-to-date enough 2.7.6 instead of 2.7.8 and 1.1.24 instead of 1.1.26 respectively. So no joy there either. :-(
Is there any way to install the current version of plone on SLES 11 SP3 64bit?
The installer command:
./ standalone --build-python --static-lxml=yes
worked perfectly for me. The installer downloaded and built the Python and libxml2/libxslt components necessary to remedy the terribly out-of-date (and vulnerable) versions included with sles11sp3.
System packages needed for the build were:
All installed via zypper.
I'd advise not using sudo for the install. If you want to, you'll need to create the plone_daemon and plone_buildout users and the plone_group group in advance due to oddities in SUSE's adduser implementation.

Install MonoDevelop IDE for Redhat Linux

I am trying to install and configure MonoDevelop on my Oracle VM Virtual Box. The Operating System that running on the VM is RedHat Linux.
With the help of the below link, I have installed the mono-2.10.8 and also I was able to compile and run the sample c# source code on Linux through the shell.
Now, I am trying to install or configure the IDE, please advise me for the good IDEs.
Thanks for your help
Installed Monodeveloper from the below link. I chose the Operating System as CentOS
This will also install mono-opt from the home:tpokorra repo
mono-opt is the latest stable version (3.6) on mono available from Mono Project
I found this way much easier for installing mono on redhat / centos 6

Postgresql 8.3 version needed for OpenSUSE

I have installed OpenSUSE 12.1 installed on machine.
and i have postgresql-contrib-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-devel-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm, postgresql-docs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-libs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm..
I want to installed postgresql 8.3 version based on above packages..but when i installed with this command .it shows an error.
opnsu121:/ # rpm -Uvh postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
postgresql = 8.3 is needed by postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586
Even i am not able to find postgresql 8.3 base version as i think the above one is update.i have gone throgh the download.openSUSE.orf,
but not able to find what i please help on this,
If at all possible, use YaST or whatever package manager SuSE uses to install the current version of PostgreSQL. From the repository it looks like that's 9.1.1.
If you specifically need PostgreSQL 8.3, I'd recommend using the distro-independent installer from EnterpriseDB. That should work fine on SuSE 12.2. If your organisation has particularly restrictive and unsafe version policies that force you to use old versions with known bugs, you can get 8.3.14 for 32-bit Linux here and 8.3.11 for 32-bit Linux here.
If you have issues with using the well-tested and known-to-work EnterpriseDB binary installer versions of PostgreSQL, your other option (and a good one) is to install from source code. Download the PostgreSQL 8.3.18 sources from the FTP site, then:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/postgresql93
sudo chown `id -un` /opt/postgresql93
./configure --prefix=/opt/postgresql93
make install
after which you can use /opt/postgresql93/bin/initdb (see initdb manual) to create a database and /opt/postgresql93/bin/pg_ctl (see pg_ctl manual) to start/stop it, as per the PostgreSQL documentation.
Don't try to force packages from an old version of SuSE to install on your new version. It'll probably result in an increasing tree of dependencies and end in pain.
If at all possible, try to convince your company that their policy of requiring a specific minor version (eg 8.4.14 not just "8.4.x") of PostgreSQL is unsafe and counterproductive. They're forcing you to do dirty hacks or hand-compile unique, custom installs just for your setup in order to avoid using well tested builds that contain extra bug fixes. Requiring approval before upgrading from 8.3 to 8.4/9.0/9.1/etc makes sense as there are feature and backward compatibility changes that require careful testing, but requiring approval before upgrading from 8.3.14 to 8.3.18 is counterproductive. Minor version upgrades of PostgreSQL are very conservative; you should stay up to date with the latest minor release.
hurray...I got the answer..
I have got the package below:
postgresql-contrib-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm, postgresql-devel-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-docs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-libs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm from the below link:
and the one more package which i have struggled to get is:
postgresql-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm with the following link:
with all above packages i have installed using..
rpm -ivh packagename
if there is a dependency then rpm -ivh --nodeps packagename
great..its done..
