NSIS installer remembering previous install directory - nsis

I've got a problem where the NSIS installer is remembering the previous install location of the product I want to install after the previous version of the product is installed.
I want to prevent this behavior ... so that the installer uses the default directory I specify in the script.

Found the solution ... needed to remove InstallDirRegKey from my script.


FileNotFoundError: fbs could not find executable 'makensis'. Please install NSIS and add its installation directory to your PATH envir onment variable

I wanted to create an installer for my exe programm (with fbs). Then I saw that I need to install NSIS (Error: FileNotFoundError: fbs could not find executable 'makensis'. Please install NSIS and add its installation directory to your PATH envir
onment variable). I did install NSIS. After that, I got the same error. Can somebody help me?
NSIS does not automatically add itself to %Path% when you install it. If fbs cannot detect NSIS then I suppose you have to manually update the path variable yourself.
Hi ckeck the location where NSIS software installed.
mine C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS
when i try to uninstall it's showing correct file location then i am adding that file location to path user variabels
Try to install "HM NIS Edit", you can choose your makensis.exe following NSIS -> Configuration.

I cannot Uninstall Tcl from my linux system

I installed tcl to learn it, however, I installed all the files in the wrong location. I am trying to uninstall it, But the uninstall file does not work. I am trying to carry out the instructions form their website:
To uninstall ActiveTcl, run the "uninstall.tcl" script that is located in the directory where you extracted the ActiveTcl archive. Note that you must use the "wish" in the distribution you wish to uninstall. For example:
% /path/Tcl/bin/wish /path/Tcl/lib/ppm/log/ActiveTcl/uninstall_ActiveTcl.tcl
stored, by default, in the directory /lib/ppm/log/ActiveTcl. You must use the wish interpreter from the distribution you wish to uninstall. Ensure that you do not run the uninstall script from a directory that will be removed during the uninstallation.
For example:
% /path/Tcl/bin/wish /path/Tcl/lib/ppm/log/ActiveTcl/uninstall_ActiveTcl.tcl
Note: if you are uninstalling both ActiveTcl and Tcl Dev Kit, uninstall Tcl Dev Kit before uninstalling ActiveTcl.
There is no uninstall_ActiveTcl.tcl. I do see an "uninstall" file but it does not have an extension, and I do not know how to run it.
Any help is appreciated
Thank you
Try editing the file to a uninstall.tcl file and see if that works. Take a back-up first though. Because we might need that file later
I re-installed it in a new location, compared the files that were installed between the old and the new location and deleted the file sin the old location. Unfortunately I could not delete many of the hidden files, as I did not know if they were there originally or if they belonged to Tcl. I am really surprised and disappointed there is no easy way to uninstall tcl properly.
I strongly suspect that you should uninstall ActiveTcl as follows:
Open a command prompt
Change directory to where you found the install file - e.g.
$ cd path_to_Tcl_installation/bin
Run the file
$ ./uninstall
On linux systems, you don't need any particular file extension in order to be able to run a file.
I don't know CentOS but a little googling led me to a forum thread that describes how to open a command prompt.
Good luck

Prevent additional uninstaller uninstall everything

I have an innosetup installer which installs a plugin into the root directory of an application which is also installed with innosetup. After installing my plugin into this dir there are multiple uninst* files:
unins000.exe (the apps uninstaller)
unins001.exe (another plugin's uninstaller)
unins002.exe (my plugin's uninstaller)
Problem is running unins002.exe uninstalls all files in this folder, I need only the files created by my plugin to be uninstalled.
How can I achieve this?
In the [setup] section you need to provide a different (or non-default) AppId value.
When the installer runs and the same the AppId exists for an existing uninstall manifest then Inno will merge them.
Fixed. It was due to a misconfigured UninstallDelete section.

Why my uninstaller is not working properly in nsis?

I have written a nsis script in which i need to prompt the user where there was previous installation and uninstall the previous version if user select the same folder as previous version.It is working fine.But suppose user choose different directory than the uninstall.exe is giving problem.
Ex-suppose user install version 1.2 in folder a and then agian version 1.2 in folder B .
Than in every case the uninstall .exe is pointing to folderb not folder a.How can i solve this issue
In the uninstaller, $instdir is just the directory the uninstaller is in so the uninstaller itself should not care.
You say you are prompting the user, so you already know the location of the old install so all you have to do is to invoke the uninstaller with the special parameter so it knows where to uninstall from...

unattended cygwin setup without setup.ini

I´m doin a unattended cygwin installation and I was wondering if there will occure any problems without a setup.ini.
Following: my "install-folder" includes a setup.exe and a subfolder release (within all the packages packed).
I´m starting the setup silent (with Nsis) and install the packages. In NSIS I define the Root, the location of the packages etc.
I think it works so far (I´m not sure because i´ve got a curious error in cmake). There are many instructions how to modify the whole setup for an offline installation. But I don´t get the point why I have to modify it at all.
I hope anyone has got experience with this issue!
#Daniel Le cygwin installs the packages without the .ini (all of them). And there has nothing to be downloaded because the packages are on the local machine.
I believe the setup.ini is essential to the setup process, as it indicates which packages to be downloaded and installed.
The Ini file is so far only a description for file locations and paths to be set as default. It is not necessary to have the ini file if you wanna install some packages!
That´s my conclusion.
