When trying to redirect using HTACESS, a string "/redirect:/" gets embedded with the url - .htaccess

I have setup two domains to point to the same hosting server. For eg: the domains be :
I have created a directory called 'home' in my root, and whenever the 2nd domain is accessed, it should get redirected to the home directory.
For eg: example2.com/post.php should get redirected to example2.com/home/post.php
I have done this by creating an htaccess file in my root directory with the following contents:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} example2.com$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !home
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ./home/$1
This is working perfectly. Now, i have a second requirement where i need to redirect users to a php file (post.php) inside home directory whenever the user accesses the url example2.com/gallery/somestring.
So, i created a second htaccess file in my home directory and entered the following code:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^gallery/([^/]+)$ post.php?post=$1
But, whenever i try to access the url example2.com/gallery/somestring, it shows a strange 404 Not Found error :
The requested URL /home/redirect:/home/gallery.html/somestring/somestring was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Here. "redirect:" string is getting concatenated to the redirected URL somehow.
Can any one please give me some idea as to why its happening ??

I solved this problem. I am sharing this if any one gets into this same problem and finds this post. The problem was that there was a file gallery.html in my root folder. This was causing this error. Just delete this file or rename the file to some thing else. Thats it :)


.htaccess Redirecting url to a folder. Error on loading resources

I need to redirect from URL to a folder.
So, in the htaccess file:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.example.com
RewriteRule ^(.*) http://www.example.org/portal/$1 [P]
But, when the portal app is requested it calls many .css .js .png files...
When these files are requesteds, the URL works like this:
and I receive the 404(file not found)
It because when the app requests the files, the htaccess intercepts the call and reirect it to www.example.com/portal/portal/file1.css
So, i need when the exactly domain www.example.com is called, the rule redirect to www.example.com/portal. But when some resource of portal be called, the redirect must be do to www.example.com/resource. Internally it working like: www.example.com/portal/portal and i receive the 404 error
Help-me please.
Probably you're using a relative path to your assets href="/portal/file.css" and the root url is www.example.com/portal
Try using the links without directory like href="/file.css"

.htaccess inconsistent redirect behavior

I'm getting inconsistent results with what appears to me to be the exact same redirect. Can anyone see what I'm missing?
Here's my .htaccess file. You can see where I'm trying to redirect all of the contents of 3 directories to my file_not_found page.
The problem is that only one of the directories is redirecting properly. By "properly" I mean, that it shows in the browsers url bar that it's displaying www.hhoprofessor.com/file_not_found.
The bak directory works, but none of the rest do. For instance see the following examples:
When I type www.hhoprofessor.com/bak/random_file_name, it redirects to www.hhoprofessor.com/file_not_found. This is the correct behavior.
When I do the same with the other 2 directories, I get the following result: Typing www.hhoprofessor.com/inc/random_file_name doesn't change in the address bar, but does correctly show the content of the file_not_found page. Same result when I try the page subdirectory.
I need them to do a full forwarding like they do for the /bak subdir. I don't get why the same directive is not operating the same way.
I've tried this in Chrome and Opera and they both have the same behavior. Apache version is 2.4.33, and this is a hosted lamp server.
ErrorDocument 404 /file_not_found
Redirect 301 /.htaccess http://www.hhoprofessor.com/file_not_found
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
# Redirect directories to file_not_found.php:
RewriteRule ^inc/(.*) file_not_found [R,L]
RewriteRule ^bak/(.*) file_not_found [R,L]
RewriteRule ^pages/(.*) file_not_found [R,L]
# require www prefix
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^hhoprofessor\.com$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS}:s on:(s)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http%1://www\.hhoprofessor\.com/$1 [R=301,L]
# Homepage: / redirects to http
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteRule ^$ http://www\.hhoprofessor\.com/ [R=301,L]
One more datum that might apply: This is an addon domain and is in a subdir to the main domain. I've added the following line to the top of the main domain's .htaccess which is supposed to stop processing anything coming to the addon domain:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?hhoprofessor\.com$
RewriteRule ^.*$ '-' [L]
In looking through that file, I just don't see how it could be affecting this situation, even if the whole main domain .htaccess were being processed.
Can anyone see what I'm missing?
If you want to debug such behavior, the first reflex to adopt is to analyze network traffic and http headers. Thanks to that, you'd have seen that both inc and pages folders end up with a 403 (Forbidden) code. You need to change permissions on those folders (and files recursively, maybe).
bak folder test output:
inc (same for pages) folder test output:
BUT, from a SEO point of view, what you're trying to do is not good. You should only keep ErrorDocument 404 /file_not_found and remove your redirect rules. It automatically sends a 404 (Not Found) code without changing the url. Quick reminder: changing the url means redirect, in your case you send a 302 (Moved Temporarily) code instead of a 404, which is not the expected behavior.
Ok, this resolved thanks to Justin's answer. Although, I'm not sure exactly why. The file permissions and ownership across all 3 directories were identical. So, I still don't know why one worked correctly and the other 2 didn't. There was no permission or ownership problem causing a 403 status code. Dirs were 755 and files were 644.
But I tried making the permissions on all 3 of these dirs 700. After that, all redirects worked as expected. But, it's counter-intuitive. The incorrect behavior was giving the status code of 403 (forbidden). And then when I changed the permissions so that the directory was indeed forbidden, then it redirected with 302. Go figure. But it works.
By the way, I would up-vote Justin's answer more if I could. The tip to analyze the status code will help me with problems in the future. I didn't know about that one.
later edit:
I've removed all redirects and I'm only using the file permissions now. I set up the 404 and 403 documents and everything works fine. It is worthy of note that using the ErrorDocument directive causes these to be sent with a 302 code. But that should be find SEO-wise as none of these are linked anywhere. All normal pages have status code 200.

Rewrite rule to redirect to file and not folder with same name

I am working on a new website and I want the following url /newsite/products to redirect to /newsite/products/product.php.
My .htaccess file is as follows:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^newsite/products$ /newsite/products/product.php
My problem is that there is already a folder called products within newsite and when requesting newsite/products it tries to open that folder rather than go to the php file.
I get:
You don't have permission to access /newsite/products/ on this server.
Is there any way to make this work?
EDIT: Requested url is: http://example.com/newsite/products and location of .htaccess is in root.
You need to turn off the directory slash to rewrite your file :
Try :
DirectorySlash off
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^newsite/products$ /newsite/products/product.php [NC,L]
Don't add a trailing slash in rule pattern
will rewrite to
will open your "products" directory
Note- this is not a safe solution, if you remove the rule and DirectorySlash is off, Your index file will be ignored ,all directories will start listing files and folders.

How to perform htaccess rewrite

Here is the summary of my problem.
I have created a Facebook like button. It works correctly most of the time, however not when following the link from somebody's actual "like" post. It seems that Facebook is adding some more info to the URL. For instance, I have
but Facebook adds
When a user follows this link they get a Mysql syntax error. If they follow the first link there is no problem. I thought I could just strip off all that extra text from the URL.
I created a .htaccess file and placed it in my root directory on GoDaddy.
I Tried several different rewrites.
Nothing has worked. This is the latest thought I tried:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*&)?fb_action_ids=
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1?%1 [R=301]
Do I need to change my .htaccess file or is there another way to solve this problem?
Thanks for the help.

.htaccess - How to hide the internal directory used by subdomains?

I installed a small FTP space for my classmates which allows them to upload school related documents to my server. After the files have been uploaded, they can be easily accessed via a subdomain i.e. ftp.mydomain.com
Everything is working fine, the files can be downloaded and everything works properly.
There are two things which still annoy me though:
If you enter ftp.mydomain.com you see Index of /my_internal_directory instead of something like Index of /
Once you enter a sub-directory and click the Parent Directory link it will redirect you to ftp.mydomain.com/my_internal_directory/ as well
Is there any way to hide my_internal_directory ?
This is the content of my .htaccess file so far:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ftp\.mydomain\.com
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/my_internal_directory/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /my_internal_directory/$1 [L]
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are using linux server then you can remove read permission for folder my_internal_directory
If not resolve, try to add:
Options -Indexes
on top of the file.
If still doesnt resolve please post your .htaccess file... :)
