URL rename not showing on Browser - .htaccess

I change my URL name using mod write. But my URL doesn't show the changes on browser.
This is how it looks from before and after
to this
How can I make this: www.mydomain.com/toy/xbox appear on the browser
Another words on my website it should appear www.mydomain.com/toy/xbox instead of this
This is my code:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^toy/xbox$ /toy/image.php* [L,R]
Can someone to explain to me how it works. Did I missed a step? Do I need to used PHP?
If I did make a mistake, correct me so I can learn from my mistakes. I try to google this but I couldn't find what I need to do
Any links or explanations would be appreciated. Thanks.

For it to "show the URL," you need it to do a 301/302 redirect, with a location header. All you have to do is end your RewriteRule line with [L,R=301]

You must perform a redirect using the R flag instead of just a rewrite.
RewriteRule ... ... [R]


RewriteEngine: Ignore all query strings

I would like to ignore all query-strings in my redirect. How would I achieve this?
Basically, /project/(.*) should always redirect to /?tag=project&id=$1
should end et the ? and only redirect to Id 100.
Thank You!
I tried the following:
to put the query-string behind another &, but this only works if the first URL hast a / at the end of it, which it often hasn't and the RewriteRule can't detect the ? sadly.
With your shown samples, please try following htaccess rules file.
RewriteEngine ON
RewriteRule ^(project)/(.*)/?$ index.php?tag=$1&id=$2 [QSA,NC,L]
Please make sure:
You clear your browser cache before testing your URLs.
You make sure to keep your index.php file along with your htaccess rules file. Also add / in case both of these files are in root location in your system.

Redirect the URL using .htaccess file

I have a page showing the products with the hyperlink for it as
now my client needs to add store and needs the URL to show as
I have done it via code and now when I click on it for a detail page, its still redirecting to
but need to be
tried with this:
RewriteRule ^store/?$ domianname.com/?$ [NC,L]
in .htaccess file, not sure whether I'm on page
Can any one tell me how to do it via .htaccess file.
Your RewriteRule is backwards: you need the path you're matching first, then the path you're redirecting to. Try this:
RewriteRule !^/store/(.*) /store/$1 [NC,L]
Also, you don't actually need mod_rewrite to do this. You could try mod_redirect, which is simpler and easier to understand:
RedirectMatch !^/store/ /store/
(N.B. I haven't tried either of these, so I'm not 100% certain they do what you want.)

Is possible redirecting without change the url in .htaccess?

I have this url:
This returns me this file:
Now I want the urls with this structure:
will redirect me to the search.html file too. But without changing the url.
For example with this urls:
would return the same file:
Note: the urls of man and women does not has any existing path in the server.
Any advice or help would be appreciated. If you need more info, let me know and I'll edit the post.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^search/ /search.html
Will just work fine. Unless you explicitly request an external redirect, a RewriteRule on the same domain will not do one, thus not changing the URL visible in the browser.
if you don't need the rest of url then you can use this
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^search/(.*)$ /search.html [L]
if you need to other parameters of url then let me know
edited version, Niels Keurentjes has a point if you don't need the rest of url
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^search /search.html

htaccess rule to redirect?

I have a link like www.example.com/hello-1/hey-2, now what I want to do is that I want to redirect to this link from www.example.com/hello-1/hey. How to write a htaccess rule for this. I have tried searching on it, tried the same way to reduce index.php but that didn't work.Thank you.
See, basically I want people to be redirected when the type www.example.com/hello-1/hey this was my old link. I want them to be redirected to www.example.com/hello-1/hey-2, where this 2 is important as it's passing a parameter for me.
Basically, it's possible to do so;
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^hello-1/hey$ hello-1/hey-2 [R=301,L]

.htaccess and url

Is it possible somehow using mod_rewrite change the url from http://www.mywebsite.com/company/123/reviews to http://www.mywebsite.com/company-123/reivews?
It's not a redirect. The problem is that the real path is the first one and I need my browser to display the second path. So when the user goes to company-123/reviews the content of the page is displayed from company/123/reviews.
Thank you.
RewriteRule ^/([a-z]*?)-([0-9]*?)/([a-z]*?)$ /$1/$2/$3
I think this will work, the regex does it's job atleast.
Use this rule to rewrite the former URL path to the latter one:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)-([0-9]+)/([^/]+)$ $1/$2/$3 [L]
But you already need the former URLs in your documents to get this rewriting work.
