Python 3 How to delete images in a folder - python-3.x

How do I delete all png format pics in a folder using Python 3?

This single line statement will take each file in a specified path and remove it if the filename ends in .png:
import os
os.remove(file) for file in os.listdir('path/to/directory') if file.endswith('.png')

import glob
removing files = glob.glob('file path/*.jpg')
for i in removing files:
replace file path with the directory to the image folder

this function will help you to delete a single image file all you need to do is put it in for loop to delete the multiple images or file..just double check that you are providing valid path to your file.
def remove_img(self, path, img_name):
os.remove(path + '/' + img_name)
# check if file exists or not
if os.path.exists(path + '/' + img_name) is false:
# file did not exists
return True


Read folders in folder one by one

I am trying to read folders in one folder, and analyse the daten in these folders. My idea is to write two loop: one to choose the folder, one to analyse daten in the chosen folder. But i don't know how can i write the new path with iterate variable. line3 of this snapshot is my problem.
Thank you for any input.
If you only want to get the folders inside another folder (subfolders) and aren't interested in other files that could be in the root folder you could use:
import os
path = '...'
for file_folder in os.listdir(path):
path1 = os.path.join(path, file_folder)
if os.path.isdir(path1):
# do something
import glob
path = '...'
for folder in glob.glob(f'{path}/*/'):
# do something
In line number two & three from the image, you have written:
for file_folder in os.listdir(path):
path1 = 'path' + '\' + str(file_folder)
file_folder is like a temporary variable holding folder name value for a particular iteration.
It should instead be:
for file_folder in os.listdir(path):
path1 = 'path' + '\\' + file_folder

Python Pillow library not saving files with same name in same location

Below is the code I am using to convert a binary data into image and then saving it
img = base64.b64decode(rec.image3)
img_conv =
img_format = img_conv.format'{}/{}'.format(path, rec.image_name), format(img_format))
There are 4 images with same code and I want to handle the scenario where if all the file names are same in the same location, it should force to save the 4 images even though it has duplicate name.
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.
Supposing that you want to keep each file under a different name: Append '_' to the original filename as long as a file with such a name exists in your directory.
from pathlib import Path
path_to_save = Path(path, rec.image_name)
while path_to_save.exists():
path_to_save = Path(str(path_to_save) + '_'), format(img_format))

How to rename the files of different format from the same folder but different subfolder using python

I have one scenario where i have to rename the files in the folder. Please find the scenario,
Example :
Elements(Main Folder)<br/>
2(subfolder-1) <br/>
I want to modify the names of the files as,
Elements(Main Folder)<br/>
Could anyone guide on how to write the code?
Recursive directory traversal to rename a file can be based on this answer. All we are required to do is to replace the file name instead of the extension in the accepted answer.
Here is one way - split the file name by _ and use the last index of the split list as the new name
import os
import sys
directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath("/path/to/parent/folder")) #get the directory of your script
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for filename in files:
subdirectoryPath = os.path.relpath(subdir, directory) #get the path to your subdirectory
filePath = os.path.join(subdirectoryPath, filename) #get the path to your file
newFilePath = filePath.split("_")[-1] #create the new name by splitting the old name by _ and grabbing last index
os.rename(filePath, newFilePath) #rename your file
Hope this helps.
check below code example for the first filename1, replace path with the actual path of the file:
import os
print("File Renamed!")

Select specific files with their name in folders then manipulate them (Python)

I am trying to write a script to select specific files from their names in several folders and them copy those files in a new folder.
More precisely, I have a directory that contains 29 folders, in each folders there are hundreds of '*.fits' files.
I want to select among those fits files those which do not have the numbers '4' or '8' in the last 3 digits before .fits
For example: "ngc6397id016000520jd2456870p5705f002.fits" has '002' as last three digits before the extension .fits
I am kind of lost here as I am pretty new to this, can anyone help ?
Thank you!
import os
import shutil
data_path = ".<your directory with 29 folders>"
data_dir = os.listdir(data_path)
# for each folder in the directory
for fits_dir in data_dir:
fits_path = data_path + "/" + log_dir + "/"
# for each .fits file in the folder
for file in os.listdir(fits_path):
# if neither 4 or 8 are in the last 3 digits before the dot
if '4' not in file.split(".")[0][-3:] and '8' not in file.split(".")[0][-3:]:
shutil.copy(fits_path + "/" + file, destination)
SO is for code help, however, this should get you started.
The below code will print out the desired files by traversing all subdirectories and contained files. There are improvements you must make to this code for it to be reliable; such as error and case checking, however, it will serve to get you going.
import os
TARGET_DIR = r"C:\yourDir"
IGNORE_NUM = ['4', '8']
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(TARGET_DIR):
for index, file in enumerate(files):
fileSplit = os.path.splitext(file)
if(fileSplit[1] != ".fits"):
lastThree = fileSplit[0][-3:]
print(f"[{index}] {file}")
From that, it is trivial to copy the file over to your desired directory using the shutil library.
shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
Combine all of that and you have your script.

creating corresponding subfolders and writing a portion of the file in new files inside those subfolders using python

I have a folder named "data". It contains subfolders "data_1", "data_2", and "data_3". These subfolders contain some text files. I want to parse through all these subfolders and generate corresponding subfolders with the same name, inside another folder named "processed_data". I want to also generate corresponding files with "processed" as a prefix in the name and want to write all those lines from the original file where "1293" is there in the original files.
I am using the below code but not able to get the required result. Neither the subfolders "data_1", "data_2", and "data_3" nor the files are getting created
import os
def pre_processor():
data_location="D:\data" # folder containing all the data
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_location):
for dir in dirs:
for filename in files:
with open(os.path.join(root, filename),encoding="utf8",mode="r") as f:
processed_file_name = 'D:\\processed_data\\'+folder_name+'\\'+'processed'+filename
processed_file = open(processed_file_name,"w", encoding="utf8")
for line_number, line in enumerate(f, 1):
if "1293" in line:
You might need to elaborate on the issue you are having; e.g., are the files being created, but empty?
A few things I notice:
1) Your indentation is off (not sure if this is just a copy-paste issue though): the pre_processor function is empty, i.e. you are defining the function at the same level as the declaration, not inside of it.
try this:
import os
def pre_processor():
data_location="D:\data" # folder containing all the data
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_location):
for dir in dirs:
for filename in files:
with open(os.path.join(root, filename), encoding="utf8",mode="r") as f:
processed_file_name = 'D:\\processed_data\\'+folder_name+'\\'+'processed'+filename
processed_file = open(processed_file_name,"w", encoding="utf8")
for line_number, line in enumerate(f, 1):
if "1293" in line:
2) Check if the processed_data and sub_folders exist; if not, create them first as this will not do so.
Instead of creating the path to the new Folder by hand you could just replace the name of the folder.
Furthermore, you are not creating the subfolders.
This code should work but replace the Linux folder slashes:
import os
def pre_processor():
data_location="data" # folder containing all the data
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_location):
for dir in dirs:
# folder_name=""
folder_name = dir
for filename in files:
joined_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
with open(joined_path, encoding="utf8", mode="r") as f:
processed_folder_name = root.replace("data/", 'processed_data/')
processed_file_name = processed_folder_name+'/processed'+filename
if not os.path.exists(processed_folder_name):
processed_file = open(processed_file_name, "w", encoding="utf8")
for line in f:
if "1293" in line:
