Yii search with criteria and add parameters - search

I have one form and i want to search in my database. I create the object with all parameters but i have one problem. When write in one textfield search works fine and the query run correctly . When write two or more textfields params doesn't work and i have a fail execution of query :
((((id_reservation=:id_reservation) AND (start=:start)) AND (end=:end)) AND
params doesn't replace.
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->with =array('fkCustomer');
$criteria->limit = 100;

It's because in every if block you replace the params array. Build an array in the if blocks then add it to $criteria->params on the last line, outside the blocks.
For instance:
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->with =array('fkCustomer');
$my_params = array();
$my_params['end'] = $end;
$my_params['first_name'] = $merge->customer_name;
// other ifs ..
$criteria->limit = 100;
$criteria->params = $my_params;
Also, if I remember correctly, you don't need to write ':end' and ':first_name' in the params array, it will work without the colon.

You also have the following alternative
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->with = 'fkCustomer';
$criteria->compare('end', $end);
$criteria->compare('fkCustomer.first_name', $merge->customer_name);
// The following conditions ..
// Limit:
$criteria->limit = 100;

Hi i think this is the same problem i have before with the params variable, for avoid this problem i use the CMap::mergeArray function
this happens because you overwrite the variable each time that the condition passed over it.
This is the syntax for avoid it, its an example
$criteria=new CDBCriteria;
//$criteria->params=array(":type"=>"1"); //This is wrong, overwrites addBetweenCondition params
)); //This is ok, mantain all parameters in the params var

можно обратиться напрямую
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->with =array('fkCustomer');
$criteria->limit = 100;


Best way to navigate throught a JSON in Node while validating the path

I'm trying to get some info out of a API call in Nodejs, structured something like a JSON:
I'm not sure about the presence of none of these fields(Json could be incomplete).
Is there a better way to get the value of "name" in JSON.event.event_context.sport.name without an ugly if to not get errors like "cannot get field 'sport' of undefined"?
Currently, I'm doing
if(json.event && json.event.event_context && json.event.event_context.sport) {
return json.event.event_context.sport.name;
Is there a better way?
Thank you!
what do you mean by saying "I'm not sure about the presence of none of these fields"?
i don't understand what your'e trying to achieve.
Looks like there is also an interesting package that will allow more conditions on searching json :
let getNested = (path, obj) => {
return path.split(".").reduce( getPath, obj);
let getPath = (path, key) => {
return (path && path[key]) ? path[key] : null
let test = {
"foo": "bar",
"baz": { "one": 1, "two": ["to", "too", "two"] },
"event": { "event_context": { "sport": { "name": "soccer" } } }
console.log(getNested("none", test))
console.log(getNested("baz.one", test))
console.log(getNested("baz.two", test))
console.log(getNested("event.event_context.sport.name", test))
You can use lodash get to get a potentially deeply-nested value, and also specify a default in case it doesnt exist.
const _ = require('lodash');
const my_object = {
_.get(my_object, 'event.event_context.sport.name'); // "Soccer"
_.get(my_object, 'event.event_context.sport.nonExistentField', 'default val'); // "default val"
Article: https://medium.com/#appi2393/lodash-get-or-result-f409e73e018b
You can check by using a function to check object keys like :
function checkProperty(checkObject, checkstring){
return false;
var propertiesKeys = checkstring.split('.');
propertiesKeys.forEach(element => {
if(!checkObject|| !checkObject.hasOwnProperty(element)){
return false;
} else {
checkObject= checkObject[element];
return true;
var objectToCheck = {
if (checkProperty(objectToCheck ,'event.event_context.sport.name'))
console.log('object to find is : ', objectToCheck .event.event_context.sport.name;)
Yeah there are better ways!
For example, you could use lodash's get() method to reach a nested value.
var object = { 'a': [{ 'b': { 'c': 3 } }] };
_.get(object, 'a[0].b.c');
// => 3
But there is also a native solution.
Currently (11.2019) only Babel can handle this.
I am speaking of Optional chaining. It's new in the Ecmascript world.
Why I like it? Look here!
// Still checks for errors and is much more readable.
const nameLength = db?.user?.name?.length;
What happens when db, user, or name is undefined or null? With the optional chaining operator, JavaScript initializes nameLength to undefined instead of throwing an error.
If you are using Babel as a compiler then you could use it now.
Related link: https://v8.dev/features/optional-chaining

Error: wait.for can only be called inside a fiber

I have 2 scipts almost identical with a cascade of function calls nested in a fiber.
This one (parsing Tx in a blockchain) with three calls works perfectly
function blockchain() {
foreach block {
parseBlock (blockIndex)
function parseBlock(blockIndex) {
foreach Tx in block {
function parseTx (txHash) {
if ( txHashInDB(txHash) ) {
do something
function txHashInDB (txHash) {
var theTx = wait.forMethod(Tx, 'findOne', {'hash': txHash});
return (theTx) ? true : false;
Then I have to do something similar with the mempool. In this case I don't have blocks, only transactions, so I have only 2 calls and I get this error message:
Error: wait.for can only be called inside a fiber
function watchMempool() {
web3.eth.filter('pending', function (error, txHash) {
function parseTx (txHash) {
if ( txHashInDB(txHash) ) {
do something
function txHashInDB (txHash) {
var theTx = wait.forMethod(Tx, 'findOne', {'hash': txHash});
return (theTx) ? true : false;
I don't understand what the problem is. Those two scripts have the same structure !
I think for array functions like map or filter you need to use the wait.parallel extensions, i.e. in your case something like:
function watchMempool() {
wait.parallel.filter(web3.eth, parseTx);
(Note: I'm just assuming web3.eth is an array; if not, you should probably add a bit more context to your question, or try to boil down the problem to a more generic example).

Initialize a Blockly Mutator within JavaScript

as far as I know, custom blocks in Blockly can be defined wether in JSON or in JavaScript, but how can a mutator be initialized in JavaScript?
with JSON:
"mutator": "myMutatorName"
Then the Mutator_MIXIN must be defined and with Blockly.Extension.registerMutator('myMutatorName', Blockly.myMutator_MIXIN, null, null) the mutator is added to the Block.
with JavaScript:
Blockly.Blocks['blockName'] = {
init: function() = {
??? this.setMutator(???)???
So how can this be done in JavaScript?
Kind regards
a new one
I might be just a little bit late here, but I'll leave the answer anyway for those who need a bit more concrete example.
In JavaScript, you don't actually need to bind a mutator to your block, you just need to define mutationToDom() and domToMutation(xmlElement) functions, like so:
Blockly.Blocks['my_custom_block'] = {
init() {
// Define your basic block stuff here
// Mutator functions
mutationToDom() {
let container = document.createElement('mutation');
// Bind some values to container e.g. container.setAttribute('foo', 3.14);
return container;
domToMutation(xmlElement) {
// Retrieve all attributes from 'xmlElement' and reshape your block
// e.g. let foo = xmlElement.getAttribute('foo');
// this.reshape(foo);
// Aux functions
// Reshape your block...
Blockly will automagically take care of the rest and allow you to treat your block as dynamic one.
And if you need to used Mutator Editor UI, you must define decompose(workspace) and compose(containerBlock) functions and call this.setMutator(...) to set which blocks are used in the Mutator Editor UI, like so:
Blockly.Blocks['my_custom_block'] = {
init() {
// Define your basic block stuff here
// Set all block that will be used in Mutator Editor UI, in this
// case only 'my_block_A' and
this.setMutator(new Blockly.Mutator(['my_block_A', 'my_block_B']));
// Mutator functions
mutationToDom() {
// Same as previous example
domToMutation(xmlElement) {
// Same as previous example
decompose(workspace) {
// Decomposeyour block here
compose(containerBlock) {
// Compose your block here
// Aux functions
// Same as previous example
Hope that these short examples help someone :)
You have to declare how the xml is loaded to dom, and how it is saved to xml and redrawn. Also notice how it attaches a mutator to a block element in case that is the only part you need to reference a mutator already present.
init: initFunction (Like you have declared.)
mutationToDom: MutationToDom,
domToMutation: DomToMutation,
updateShape_: UpdateShape`
If all you require is to create a reference to a mutator then what you need is an element of this kind, which we will programatically create in a bit:
<mutation mutator_name="true"></mutation>
The following snippet is an example of the extra functions mutationToDom, DomtoMutation UpdateShape which attaches extra input conditionally. I have a block with a checkbox that when enabled, adds an extra input.
function MutationToDom() {
var container = document.createElement('mutation');
var continueOnError = (this.getFieldValue('HasCONTINUE') == 'TRUE');
container.setAttribute('continueOnError', continueOnError);
return container;
function DomToMutation(xmlElement) {
var continueOnError = (xmlElement.getAttribute('continueOnError') == 'true');
function UpdateShape(continueOnError) {
// Add or remove a Value Input.
if (continueOnError) {
} else {
if (this.childBlocks_.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.childBlocks_.length; i++) {
if (this.childBlocks_[i].type == 'continue_on_error') {

How Express routes similar url links?

Developing web app with node.js and express.
I have following two urls to distinguish:
I come up a naive solution. I leave such similar urls to one route method and use if eles to specify solutions, i.e:
//solution with id
//solution with timestamp and count but without id
Apparently, this is not clean. Because in the future,I may want to add new field which will make this router huge and ugly.
So How can I overcome this? Or to change url structure.I want to build a Restful api.
Try to put together all the properties in a list and use Array#every to check if all the values in Array evaluates to true.
Maybe something like this:
(( /* req, res */)=>{
// Dummy express Request Object
const req = {
params : {
//id : '123',
count : 10,
timestamp : 1555050505,
newParameter : 'whatever value'
let { params } = req;
let {
, count
, timestamp
, newParameter
} = params;
console.log('Action with id');
let secondConditionArray = [
count, timestamp, newParameter
if( secondConditionArray.every(Boolean) ){
console.log('Second Action')
} else {
console.log('Some values are no truthy')
You can get Url parameters with req.params
//solution with id
if(req.params.timestamp && req.params.count){
//solution with timestamp and count but without id

Map/Reduce differences between Couchbase & CloudAnt

I've been playing around with Couchbase Server and now just tried replicating my local db to Cloudant, but am getting conflicting results for my map/reduce function pair to build a set of unique tags with their associated projects...
// map.js
function(doc) {
if (doc.tags) {
for(var t in doc.tags) {
emit(doc.tags[t], doc._id);
// reduce.js
function(key,values,rereduce) {
if (!rereduce) {
var res=[];
for(var v in values) {
return res;
} else {
return values.length;
In Cloudbase server this returns JSON like:
That's exactly what I wanted & expected. However, the same query on the Cloudant replica, returns this:
So it somehow only returns the length of the value array... Highly confusing & am grateful for any insights by some M&R ninjas... ;)
It looks like this is exactly the behavior you would expect given your reduce function. The key part is this:
else {
return values.length;
In Cloudant, rereduce is always called (since the reduce needs to span over multiple shards.) In this case, rereduce calls values.length, which will only return the length of the array.
I prefer to reduce/re-reduce implicitly rather than depending on the rereduce parameter.
function(doc) { // map
if (doc.tags) {
for(var t in doc.tags) {
emit(doc.tags[t], {id:doc._id, tag:doc.tags[t]});
Then reduce checks whether it is accumulating document ids from the identical tag, or whether it is just counting different tags.
function(keys, vals, rereduce) {
var initial_tag = vals[0].tag;
return vals.reduce(function(state, val) {
if(initial_tag && val.tag === initial_tag) {
// Accumulate ids which produced this tag.
var ids = state.ids;
ids = [ state.id ]; // Build initial list from the state's id.
return { tag: val.tag,
, ids: ids.concat([val.id])
} else {
var state_count = state.ids ? state.ids.length : state;
var val_count = val.ids ? val.ids.length : val;
return state_count + val_count;
(I didn't test this code, but you get the idea. As long as the tag value is the same, it doesn't matter whether it's a reduce or rereduce. Once different tags start reducing together, it detects that because the tag value will change. So at that point just start accumulating.
I have used this trick before, although IMO it's rarely worth it.
Also in your specific case, this is a dangerous reduce function. You are building a wide list to see all the docs that have a tag. CouchDB likes tall lists, not fat lists. If you want to see all the docs that have a tag, you could map them.
for(var a = 0; a < doc.tags.length; a++) {
emit(doc.tags[a], doc._id);
Now you can query /db/_design/app/_view/docs_by_tag?key="3d" and you should get
