Groovy: Got StackOverflowError when override invokeMethod with a closure - groovy

I'm trying to enhance my Grails project with Groovy AOP approach. However I always got StackOverflowError if I override invokeMethod with a closure. Here is my test code, I can reproduce the error with groovy 2.1.3, thanks!
class A implements GroovyInterceptable
void foo(){
System.out.println( "");
class B extends A
void foo(){
System.out.println( "");;
def mc = B.metaClass;
mc.invokeMethod = { String name, args ->
// do "before" and/or "around" work here
try {
def value = mc.getMetaMethod(name, args).invoke(delegate, args)
// do "after" work here
return value // or another value
catch (e) {
// do "after-throwing" work here
B b = new B();;

Looks like, if you have a call to super() then metaClass uses the cache to find the method and throws a StackOverflow eventually. In that case if you metaClass A instead of B, it all works fine.
def mc = A.metaClass
I can infer it this way, class implementing GroovyInterceptable directly should override invokeMethod.
#Source MetaClassImpl


Riddle me this: Inconsistent groovy meta programming behaviour

I stumbled across this when updating a large app from groovy 2 to 3 (and also to corresponding newer spock and geb versions).
This code behaves strange and also a different kind of strange in groovy 2 versus groovy 4.
I think we are running without "indy" here. I guess because all the transitive dependencies of our large app bring in specific groovy jars without indy. I should probably goe through them carefully and adapt our gradle build so that only "indy" versions of all jars are picked.
class A {
def foo() {
protected void bar(String value) { println '' }
protected void beep(Optional<String> value) { println 'A.beep' }
class B extends A {
protected void bar(String value) { println '' }
protected void beep(Optional<String> value) { println 'B.beep' }
class C extends B implements GroovyInterceptable {
def invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
static void main(String[] args) {
new C().foo()
println '---'
C c = new C()'hello')
Output for groovy 2.5.15:
Output for groovy 4.0.0:
What I would have expected:
What's going on here? Bug or some strange, but expected corner case?
Where is the difference in behavior in between groovy 2 and 4 documented?
In our real app there was a difference already in between groovy 2 and 3 but I have been unable so far to create example code for that.
Is there a way to call the original method inside of invokeMethod? (Can't find anything in the docs, which are very sparse btw.)
I get your 3.0.9 output for Groovy 2.5.16, 3.0.10 and 4.0.1 -- indy enabled for all three.
Your implementation of invokeMethod relies on the behavior of ScriptBytecodeAdapter#invokeMethodOnSuperN which is what is behind super."$name"(*args). When handling "bar" message, the meta-method index has for "this" and B.super$2$bar(java.lang.String) for "super". super$2$bar is a meta-object protocol (MOP) method that provides the necessary INVOKESPECIAL instruction to reach A#bar(java.lang.String).
If you want the output of all calls to be from B then you can use this."$name"(*args) instead. In your specific case, there is no need to implement C as GroovyInterceptable and to try and route "foo", "bar" and "beep" yourself.
You can make your code produce the expected output by making the B class compiled statically:
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
class A {
def foo() {
protected void bar(String value) { println '' }
protected void beep(Optional<String> value) { println 'A.beep' }
class B extends A {
protected void bar(String value) { println '' }
protected void beep(Optional<String> value) { println 'B.beep' }
class C extends B implements GroovyInterceptable {
def invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
static void main(String[] args) {
new C().foo()
println '---'
C c = new C()'hello')
As it was mentioned by emilies in his answer, in the MOP use case scenario something like this happens:'Hello')
invokeMethod('bar', ['Hello'] as Object[])
super."bar"(['Hello'] as Object[])
This super."bar"(['Hello'] as Object[]) is represented by B.super$2$bar(java.lang.String) method object which forces to be invoked right in the next call frame.
However, if you make the B class to be compiled statically, the method that is found to satisfy the super."bar"(['Hello'] as Object[]) expression, in that case, is, and thus it gets invoked directly.
Regarding the differences between Groovy 2.5 and Groovy >=3.0, it looks like you have encountered a compiler bug. The bar('hello') inside the method ignores the MOP and goes directly to which in this case is
It looks like it happens for the java.lang.String type (didn't check other types). However, when the type is java.util.Optional, then a call like beep(Optional.of('Hello')) inside the method goes through the MOP and thus it discovers B.super$2$beep(java.util.Optional) method to be invoked:

Kotlin function parameter with receiver, called from Groovy

Kotlin and Groovy both provide a way to write a high-order function where the function parameter has an implicit receiver.
Kotlin Version
class KotlinReceiver {
fun hello() {
println("Hello from Kotlin")
class KotlinVersion {
fun withReceiver(fn: KotlinReceiver.() -> Unit) {
// And then I can call...
val foo = KotlinVersion()
foo.withReceiver { hello() }
Groovy Version
class GroovyReceiver {
void hello() {
println("Hello from Groovy")
class GroovyVersion {
void withReceiver(Closure fn) {
fn.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
fn.delegate = new GroovyReceiver()
// And then I can call...
def foo = new GroovyVersion()
foo.withReceiver { hello() }
My goal is to write the withReceiver function in Kotlin, but call it from groovy and have { hello() } work. As written, though, Kotlin generates bytecode like
public final void withReceiver(#NotNull Function1 fn) { /* ... */ }
which Groovy treats as a function with a parameter. In other words, to call Kotlin's withReceiver from Groovy, I have to do this:
(new KotlinVersion()).withReceiver { it -> it.hello() }
In order to allow { hello() } with no it -> it., I have to add an overload that takes a groovy.lang.Closure as its parameter.
Kotlin Version
import groovy.lang.Closure
class KotlinVersion {
fun withReceiver(fn: KotlinReceiver.() -> Unit) {
fun withReceiver(fn: Closure<Any>) = withReceiver {
fn.delegate = this
fn.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
With that overload in place, given a KotlinVersion instance called foo the following line works in both languages:
// If this line appears in Groovy code, it calls the Closure overload.
// If it's in Kotlin, it calls the KotlinReceiver.() -> Unit overload.
foo.withReceiver { hello() }
I'm trying to keep that syntax, but avoid having to write that extra boilerplate overload for each high-order function my Kotlin library defines. Is there a better (more seamless/automatic) way of making Kotlin's function-with-receiver syntax usable from Groovy so I don't have to manually add a boilerplate overload to each of my Kotlin functions?
The complete code and compile instructions for my toy example above are on gitlab.
in groovy you can define new functions dynamically
KotlinVersion.metaClass.withReceiver = { Closure c->
this will define new function withReceiver for class KotlinVersion
and will allow to use this syntax to KotlinVersion instance:
kv.withReceiver{ toString() }
in this case toString() will be called on kv
you can write the function that iterates through declared methods of your kotlin class with kotlin.Function parameter and declare new method but with groovy.lang.Closure parameter through metaClass.

On closures and groovy builder pattern

Starting to grasp closures in general and some groovy features.
Given the following code:
class Mailer {
void to(final String to) { println "to $to" }
void from(final String from) { println "from $from" }
static void send(Closure configuration) {
Mailer mailer = new Mailer()
mailer.with configuration
class MailSender {
static void sendMessage() {
Mailer.send {
to 'them'
from 'me'
What happens under the hood when you pass a closure to Mailer.send method?
Does to and from are passed as arguments from the Closure point of view? Which types the Closure maps them?
And then inside the Mailer.send method at the moment the Mailer object calls mailer.with receiving the configuration object, the object maps them into method calls. Groovy does this by reflection?
Groovy can dynamically define the delegate of a closure and even the this object.
with is setting the delegate and executing the closure. This is a verbose way to achieve the same:
def math = {
given 4
sum 5
class PrintMath {
def initial
def given(val) {
initial = val
def sum(val) {
initial += val
def getPrint() {
println initial
return initial
math.delegate = new PrintMath()
math.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
assert math() == 9
What happens under the hood when you pass a closure to Mailer.send method?
It receives a not-yet-executed block of code.
Does to and from are passed as arguments from the Closure point of view?
No, it is better thinking of them as an anonymous class/lambda in java, or a function(){} in javascript.
Which types the Closure maps them?
None, they are method calls waiting to be executed. They can be delegated to different objects, though.
And then inside the Mailer.send method at the moment the Mailer object calls mailer.with receiving the configuration object, the object maps them into method calls. Groovy does this by reflection?
You can decompile a Groovy class file to see what is going on. IIRC, Groovy currently uses a "reflector" strategy (with an arrayOfCallSite caching) to make calls faster OR it can use invokedynamic.
The closure math in the code above will result in this class:
// .. a lot of techno-babble
public Object doCall(Object it) {
CallSite[] arrayOfCallSite = $getCallSiteArray();
arrayOfCallSite[0].callCurrent(this, Integer.valueOf(4));
arrayOfCallSite[1].callCurrent(this, Integer.valueOf(5));
return arrayOfCallSite[2].callGroovyObjectGetProperty(this);
return null;

Using a Closure as an argument to a superclass constructor

I seem unable to use a Closure as a parameter to a superclass constructor when it is specified inline.
class Base {
def c
Base(c) {
this.c = c
void callMyClosure() {
class Upper extends Base {
Upper() {
super( { println 'called' } )
u = new Upper()
The compilation fails with the message Constructor call must be the first statement in a constructor..
I realize this a somewhat strange use-case, and I can design around it for the time being. But I'm interested, is this is to be expected? Or have I got the syntax incorrect?
I think that the problem is related to the fact that Groovy turns the constructor into something different while trying to compile it as a Java class. Maybe the closure definition is expanded before the call to super generating that error.
A workaround is to define the closure outside the constructor itself:
class Base {
def c
Base(c) {this.c = c}
void callMyClosure() {
class Upper extends Base {
static cc = {println 'called'}
Upper() {
u = new Upper()
It's not so nice but at least it works.. another way could be to define the closure by using a normal new Closure(...) syntax
It might be confusing a closure and a block...can you try
super( { -> println 'called' } )

Groovy methodMissing

I have a closure within an object Foo and inside the closure i define a method called 'myStaticMethod' that I want to resolve once the closure is called outside the object Foo. I also happen to have 'on purpose' a static method within my object Foo with the same name. When I call the closure i set the 'resolve strategy' to DELEGATE_ONLY to intercept the call to myStaticMethod that is defined within the closure.
I tried to achieve that through missingMethod but the method is never intercepted. When i make the Foo.myStaticMethod non static, the method is intercepted. I don't quite understand why this is happening though my resolve strategy is set to DELEGATE_ONLY. having the Foo.myStaticMethod static or not shouldn't matter or I am missing something
class Foo {
static myclosure = {
static def myStaticMethod() {}
class FooTest {
def c = Foo.myclosure
c.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
def missingMethod(String name, def args) {
println $name
To solve the problem, I ended up overriding the invokeMethod right before calling the closure in FooTests
Foo.metaClass.'static'.invokeMethod = { String name, args ->
println "Static Builder processing $name "
While trying to solve this problem, i discovered a very weird way to intercept missing static methods. Might be useful to some of you in the future.
static $static_methodMissing(String name, args) {
println "Missing static $name"
Static methods unfortunately aren't intercepted by the closure property resolution. The only way that I know to intercept those is to override the static metaClass invokeMethod on the class that owns the closure, ex:
class Foo {
static myclosure = {
static myStaticMethod() {
return false
Foo.metaClass.'static'.invokeMethod = { String name, args ->
println "in static invokeMethod for $name"
return true
def closure = Foo.myclosure
assert true == closure()
