Convert NodeBuilder result to object hierarchy - groovy

Imagine nodeBuilder used to express an object hierarchy:
class TestBuilder {
static main(args) {
def builder = new NodeBuilder()
def ulcDate = new Date(107,0,1)
def invoices = builder.invoices{
invoice(date: ulcDate){
product(name:'ULC', dollar:1499)
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
invoice(date: new Date(106,1,2)){
item(count:4) {
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
class Invoice {
List items
Date date
class LineItem {
Product product
int count
int total()
return product.dollar * count
class Product {
String name
def dollar
How do I actually convert invoices object, which was generated by NodeBuilder, to an instance of Invoice class with everything configured from the invoices object? I probably have to have use GPath to do so (?) but how would that code look like?
The reason that I need to do so is that the other methods of other classes require an instance of the Invoice class to operate further and won't accept a NodeBuilder output I guess.

I think the easiest way is simply to do node traversal for your particular set of objects.
import groovy.util.*
// build Node tree as asked in original post
def builder = new NodeBuilder()
def ulcDate = new Date(107,0,1)
def invoices = builder.invoices {
invoice(date: ulcDate) {
item(count:5) {
product(name:'ULC', dollar:1499)
item(count:1) {
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
invoice(date: new Date(106,1,2)){
item(count:4) {
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
// define objects. It is easy to have these in Java
class Invoice {
def date
def items = []
class Item {
def count
def product
class Product {
def name
def dollar
// convert from nodes to objects
def invoiceNodeList = invoices.get("invoice")
def invoiceList = []
invoiceNodeList.each { def invoiceNode ->
def date = invoiceNode.attribute("date")
Invoice invoice = new Invoice(date: date)
invoiceNode.children().each { def itemNode ->
def count = itemNode.attribute("count")
Product product = null
// assume only one Product per Item, but we'll
// use children() for simplicity
itemNode.children().each { def productNode ->
def name = productNode.attribute("name")
def dollar = productNode.attribute("dollar")
product = new Product(name: name, dollar: dollar)
Item item = new Item(count: count, product: product)
invoice.items << item
invoiceList << invoice
// print out objects
invoiceList.each { Invoice invoice ->
println "--------"
invoice.items.each { Item item ->
println item.count
println item.product.dollar

Giving a slight tweak to your base classes:
class Invoice {
List lineItems = []
Date date
String toString() {
String ret = "Invoice $date $lineItems"
class LineItem {
Product product
int count
int total() {
product.dollar * count
String toString() {
"$product * $count"
class Product {
String name
int dollar
String toString() {
"$name ($dollar)"
Means you can easily use ObjectGraphBuilder to build your list:
List invoices = new ObjectGraphBuilder(classLoader: getClass().classLoader).with {
invoice( date: new Date( 107, 0, 1 ) ) {
lineItem( count: 5 ) {
product( name: 'ULC', dollar: 1499 )
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
invoice(date: new Date(106,1,2)){
lineItem(count:4) {
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
If it isn't possible to tweak the base classes, you can customise how properties are looked up by setting the resolvers before building your graph


How to iterate into the collection of class objects in node.js

I have two classes one and two
class One {
constructor(field1, field2) {
this.field1 = field1;
this.field2 = field2;
module.exports = one;
class Two {
constructor(field11, field22, list) {
this.field11 = field11;
this.field22 = field22;
this.list = list;
add(one) {
module.exports = Two;
Third class imports both classes
const one= require('./one.js');
const two= require('./two.js');
Now, I have a function which creates an object of class two and add some values like,
two = new two();
two.add(new one(1,1000));
two.add(new one(2,2000));
////list is a collection of class one object
Till this point is working fine, I am getting collection
My query is how to iterate through collection
like, I want to access
// not getting the property field1
Try this:
class One {
constructor(field1, field2) {
this.field1 = field1; this.field2 = field2;
class Two {
constructor(field11, field22, list = []) {
this.field11 = field11; this.field22 = field22;
this.list = list
add(one) {
two = new Two();
two.add(new One(1, 1000));
two.add(new One(2, 2000));
There are some issues in code:
Naming and bracket is not closing correct
Default list parameter is also written in wrong format
class One {
constructor(field1, field2) {
this.field1 = field1;
this.field2 = field2;
class Two {
constructor(field11, field22, list = []) {
this.field11 = field11;
this.field22 = field22;
this.list = list;
add(one) {
two = new Two();
two.add(new One(1,1000));
two.add(new One(2,2000));
Updated your code. Try running it

Groovy - add missing method to Closure

I am trying to mock dockerImage.inside() call
but I am getting following error. I tried just about anything, but am not able to add inside():
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.inside() is applicable for argument types: (String, com.dsl.shared.CustomService$_createMethod_closure15$_closure27) values: [-u root, com.dsl.shared.CustomService$_createMethod_closure15$_closure27#4248ed58]
Possible solutions: size(), size(), intern(), inspect(), find()
at com.dsl.shared.CustomService$_createMethod_closure15.doCall(CustomService.groovy:677)
class BuildContextMock {
String commandCalled
class dockerMock {
def image(def imageName){
return imageName
dockerMock docker = new dockerMock()
def sh(String command) {
commandCalled = command
def usernamePassword(Map inputs) {
def string(Map inputs) {
def withCredentials(List args, Closure closure) {
def delegate = [:]
for (arg in args) {
delegate[arg.get('usernameVariable')] = 'the_username'
delegate[arg.get('passwordVariable')] = 'the_password'
delegate[arg.get('variable')] = 'the_apikey'
closure.delegate = delegate
class CustomServiceTest {
void testCreateMaintenanceWindow() {
def buildContextMock = new BuildContextMock()
def mockForBuildInfo = new MockFor(BuildInfo)
def mockBuildInfo = mockForBuildInfo.proxyInstance()
AEMBuildHelper aemBuildHelper = new AEMBuildHelper(buildContextMock, "artifactory", mockBuildInfo)
CustomService customService = aemBuildHelper.customService
String id = customService.createMethod()
assert id !== null
class CustomService extends BuildHelper {
String createMaintenanceWindow(){
ApiKey, variable:'ApiKey')]){
.inside('-u root'){
return sh(script: "test", returnStdout: true).trim()
class BuildHelper extends ContextHolder implements Serializable {
protected def mavenBuildHelper = null
BuildHelper(buildContext, mavenBuildHelper) {
this.mavenBuildHelper = mavenBuildHelper
BuildHelper(buildContext, credentialId, buildContainerEntryPointCommand) {
this.mavenBuildHelper = new MavenBuildHelper(buildContext, credentialId, buildContainerEntryPointCommand)
class DockerBuildHelper extends BuildHelper {
DockerBuildHelper(buildContext, mavenBuildHelper, credentialsID = null) {
super(buildContext, mavenBuildHelper)
this.artifactoryCredentialsId = credentialsID
String getWdBuildDockerImageName() {
return wdBuildDockerImageName
String getDockerImage(String imageName) {
return buildContext.docker.image(imageName)

Print the specific field from list

Please help to print the assetNumber. Need to search for specific assetname and print its associated assetNumber using list in groovy.
Currently, it does not print value. It struck once search criteria is entered.
class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
List list = new ArrayList()
Asset asset = new Asset()
def name
def assetNumber
def assigneeName
def assignedDate
def assetType
String userInput = "Yes"
println "Enter the asset details:" = br.readLine()
asset.assetNumber= Integer.parseInt(br.readLine())
asset.assigneeName = br.readLine()
asset.assignedDate = Date.parse('dd/MM/yyyy', br.readLine())
println "Do you want to continue(yes/no)"
userInput = br.readLine()
println "Enter the asset type:"
assetType = br.readLine()
println "Asserts with type "+assetType+":"
def items = list.findAll{p-> == assetType }
items.each { println it.assetNumber }
class Asset
def name
def assetNumber
def assigneeName
def assignedDate
You are overwriting the value in your Asset object, then adding the same object to the list every time
If you create a new asset inside the loop (rather than outside it), it should work...
Something like this:
import groovy.transform.*
class Main {
static main(args) {
def console = System.console()
def list = []
while (true) {
def name = console.readLine 'Enter the asset name:'
def number = console.readLine 'Enter the asset number:'
def assignee = console.readLine 'Assignee name:'
def date = console.readLine 'Date (dd/MM/yyyy):'
list << new Asset(
name: name,
assetNumber: Integer.parseInt(number),
assigneeName: assignee,
assignedDate: Date.parse('dd/MM/yyyy', date)
if ('Y' != console.readLine('Enter another (y/n):')?.take(1)?.toUpperCase()) {
def type = console.readLine 'Enter the asset type:'
println "Assets with type $type:"
list.findAll { p -> == type }
.each { println it.assetNumber }
static class Asset {
def name
def assetNumber
def assigneeName
def assignedDate

Creation of custom comparator for map in groovy

I have class in groovy
class WhsDBFile {
String name
String path
String svnUrl
String lastRevision
String lastMessage
String lastAuthor
and map object
def installFiles = [:]
that filled in loop by
WhsDBFile dbFile = new WhsDBFile()
installFiles[svnDiffStatus.getPath()] = dbFile
now i try to sort this with custom Comparator
Comparator<WhsDBFile> whsDBFileComparator = new Comparator<WhsDBFile>() {
int compare(WhsDBFile o1, WhsDBFile o2) {
if (FilenameUtils.getBaseName( > FilenameUtils.getBaseName( {
return 1
} else if (FilenameUtils.getBaseName( > FilenameUtils.getBaseName( {
return -1
return 0
but get this error java.lang.String cannot be cast to WhsDBFile
Any idea how to fix this? I need to use custom comparator, cause it will be much more complex in the future.
p.s. full source of sample gradle task (description of WhsDBFile class is above):
project.task('sample') << {
def installFiles = [:]
WhsDBFile dbFile = new WhsDBFile()
installFiles['sample_path'] = dbFile
Comparator<WhsDBFile> whsDBFileComparator = new Comparator<WhsDBFile>() {
int compare(WhsDBFile o1, WhsDBFile o2) {
if ( > {
return 1
} else if ( > {
return -1
return 0
You can try to sort the entrySet() :
def sortedEntries = installFiles.entrySet().sort { entry1, entry2 ->
entry1.value <=> entry2.value
you will have a collection of Map.Entry with this invocation. In order to have a map, you can then collectEntries() the result :
def sortedMap = installFiles.entrySet().sort { entry1, entry2 ->
sort can also take a closure as parameter which coerces to a Comparator's compare() method as below. Usage of toUpper() method just mimics the implementation of FilenameUtils.getBaseName().
installFiles.sort { a, b ->
toUpper( <=> toUpper(
// Replicating implementation of FilenameUtils.getBaseName()
// This can be customized according to requirement
String toUpper(String a) {

groovy change bean variables using properties

Is there a way in groovy to do something like:
class Person{
def name, surname
public void aMethod(anoherBean){
def bean = retrieveMyBean() =
The property properties is final, is there another way to do this shortcut?
properties is a virtual property; you have to call the individual setters. Try this:
def values = [name: 'John', surname: 'Lennon']
for( def entry : values.entries() ) {
p.setProperty( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
Or, using MOP:
Object.class.putAllProperties = { values ->
for( def entry : values.entries() ) {
p.setProperty( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
Person p = new Person();
p.putAllProperties [name: 'John', surname: 'Lennon']
[EDIT] To achieve what you want, you must loop over the properties. This blog post describes how to do that:
def copyProperties(def source, def target){{
if (source.metaClass.hasProperty(source, && != 'metaClass' && != 'class')
it.setProperty(target, source.metaClass.getProperty(source,
If you don't have any special reason then just use named parameters
def p = new Person(name: 'John', surname: 'Lennon')
After question being updated
static copyProperties(from, to) { { key, value ->
if (to.hasProperty(key) && !(key in ['class', 'metaClass']))
to[key] = value
