groovy change bean variables using properties - groovy

Is there a way in groovy to do something like:
class Person{
def name, surname
public void aMethod(anoherBean){
def bean = retrieveMyBean() =
The property properties is final, is there another way to do this shortcut?

properties is a virtual property; you have to call the individual setters. Try this:
def values = [name: 'John', surname: 'Lennon']
for( def entry : values.entries() ) {
p.setProperty( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
Or, using MOP:
Object.class.putAllProperties = { values ->
for( def entry : values.entries() ) {
p.setProperty( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
Person p = new Person();
p.putAllProperties [name: 'John', surname: 'Lennon']
[EDIT] To achieve what you want, you must loop over the properties. This blog post describes how to do that:
def copyProperties(def source, def target){{
if (source.metaClass.hasProperty(source, && != 'metaClass' && != 'class')
it.setProperty(target, source.metaClass.getProperty(source,

If you don't have any special reason then just use named parameters
def p = new Person(name: 'John', surname: 'Lennon')
After question being updated
static copyProperties(from, to) { { key, value ->
if (to.hasProperty(key) && !(key in ['class', 'metaClass']))
to[key] = value


Groovy: writing dynamically compiled class to disc

In my app I need to compile classes / scripts in runtime.
as a Class:
Class<? extends LoginAdapter> clazz = groovyClassLoader.loadClass name
LoginAdapter la = clazz.newInstance id, logo
or as a Closure:
Closure action = groovyShell.evaluate( script, name ) as Closure
Both ways work like charm.
Now I need to be able to write the compiled classes/scripts to some persistant storage (disc) and later restore them back without compiling from scratch.
How can this be done?
For those who might be interested, this is my programming kata:
class Base {
String answer() { null }
String question() { 'WHAT IS.... ?' }
class ClazzSpec extends Specification {
def "test compile"() {
String packageName = 'some.pckg'
String body = """
package $packageName
class SomeClass extends Base {
Closure cl = { a -> println a }
#Override String answer(){ '42' }
String json( m ){ JsonOutput.toJson( m ) }
String longOne( int times ){
times.times{ sleep 100 }
CompilerConfiguration cc = new CompilerConfiguration( targetDirectory:new File( './out' ) )
ImportCustomizer imp = new ImportCustomizer()
imp.addStarImports 'groovy.json',
cc.addCompilationCustomizers imp, new ASTTransformationCustomizer( value:1, TimedInterrupt )
new Compiler( cc ).compile packageName + '.SomeClass', body
File base = new File( './out' )
GroovyClassLoader gcl = new GroovyClassLoader()
gcl.addClasspath './out'
Class clazz = gcl.loadClass 'some.pckg.SomeClass'
def inst = clazz.newInstance()
inst.question() == 'WHAT IS.... ?'
inst.answer() == '42'
inst.json( [ q:42 ] ) == '{"q":42}'
inst.longOne( 2 ) == 'done'
inst.longOne 11
thrown TimeoutException

Compare all Fields of an Object

In our Integration Tests we wan't to compare every field of an Object returned by an Rest Controller with an object constructed in the test.
This example illustrates the problem:
class RestIntegrationTest extends Specification {
def "Should return contracts"() {
def actual = callRestController()
// compare all fields of actual with "contract"
actual == new Contract(
number: "123",
signDate: "2017-04-01",
address: new Address(
name: "Foobar",
street: "Foostreet",
city: "Frankfurt",
zip: "60486"
persons: [new Person(name: "Christian")]
def callRestController() {
return new Contract(
number: "123",
signDate: "2017-04-01",
address: new Address(
name: "Foobar",
street: "Wrong Street",
city: "Frankfurt",
zip: "60486"
persons: [new Person(name: "Frank")]
static class Contract {
String number
String signDate
Address address
Person[] persons
static class Address {
String name
String street
String city
String zip
static class Person {
String name
As output we like expect something like this:
address.street "Wrong Street" != "Foostreet"
persons[0].name "Christian" != "Frank"
Breaking the assert into multiple "==" lines would lead into the correct output, but that will be not handy since some objects are quite huge.
You can try the groovy's #EqualsAndHashCode:
import groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode
static class Address {
String name
String street
String city
String zip
You can use unitils assertReflectionEquals
It's not comprehensive but may be sufficient for your needs:
def compareFields( obj1, obj2, propName = null ) { {
if ( it.value instanceof Object[] ) {
def obj2Len = obj2."${it.key}".length
it.value.eachWithIndex { collObj, idx ->
if ( idx + 1 <= obj2Len )
compareFields( collObj, obj2."${it.key}"[idx], "${it.key}[${idx}]" )
if ( !it.value.class.getCanonicalName().contains( 'java' ) ) {
compareFields( it.value, obj2."${it.key}", it.key )
if ( it.value.class.getCanonicalName().contains( 'java' ) &&
it.key != 'class' &&
it.value <=> obj2."${it.key}") {
println "${propName ? "$propName." : ''}${it.key}: '${it.value}' != '" + obj2."${it.key}" + "'"

Convert NodeBuilder result to object hierarchy

Imagine nodeBuilder used to express an object hierarchy:
class TestBuilder {
static main(args) {
def builder = new NodeBuilder()
def ulcDate = new Date(107,0,1)
def invoices = builder.invoices{
invoice(date: ulcDate){
product(name:'ULC', dollar:1499)
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
invoice(date: new Date(106,1,2)){
item(count:4) {
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
class Invoice {
List items
Date date
class LineItem {
Product product
int count
int total()
return product.dollar * count
class Product {
String name
def dollar
How do I actually convert invoices object, which was generated by NodeBuilder, to an instance of Invoice class with everything configured from the invoices object? I probably have to have use GPath to do so (?) but how would that code look like?
The reason that I need to do so is that the other methods of other classes require an instance of the Invoice class to operate further and won't accept a NodeBuilder output I guess.
I think the easiest way is simply to do node traversal for your particular set of objects.
import groovy.util.*
// build Node tree as asked in original post
def builder = new NodeBuilder()
def ulcDate = new Date(107,0,1)
def invoices = builder.invoices {
invoice(date: ulcDate) {
item(count:5) {
product(name:'ULC', dollar:1499)
item(count:1) {
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
invoice(date: new Date(106,1,2)){
item(count:4) {
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
// define objects. It is easy to have these in Java
class Invoice {
def date
def items = []
class Item {
def count
def product
class Product {
def name
def dollar
// convert from nodes to objects
def invoiceNodeList = invoices.get("invoice")
def invoiceList = []
invoiceNodeList.each { def invoiceNode ->
def date = invoiceNode.attribute("date")
Invoice invoice = new Invoice(date: date)
invoiceNode.children().each { def itemNode ->
def count = itemNode.attribute("count")
Product product = null
// assume only one Product per Item, but we'll
// use children() for simplicity
itemNode.children().each { def productNode ->
def name = productNode.attribute("name")
def dollar = productNode.attribute("dollar")
product = new Product(name: name, dollar: dollar)
Item item = new Item(count: count, product: product)
invoice.items << item
invoiceList << invoice
// print out objects
invoiceList.each { Invoice invoice ->
println "--------"
invoice.items.each { Item item ->
println item.count
println item.product.dollar
Giving a slight tweak to your base classes:
class Invoice {
List lineItems = []
Date date
String toString() {
String ret = "Invoice $date $lineItems"
class LineItem {
Product product
int count
int total() {
product.dollar * count
String toString() {
"$product * $count"
class Product {
String name
int dollar
String toString() {
"$name ($dollar)"
Means you can easily use ObjectGraphBuilder to build your list:
List invoices = new ObjectGraphBuilder(classLoader: getClass().classLoader).with {
invoice( date: new Date( 107, 0, 1 ) ) {
lineItem( count: 5 ) {
product( name: 'ULC', dollar: 1499 )
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
invoice(date: new Date(106,1,2)){
lineItem(count:4) {
product(name:'Visual Editor', dollar:499)
If it isn't possible to tweak the base classes, you can customise how properties are looked up by setting the resolvers before building your graph

How to verify if an object has certain property?

I want to use either a value of expected property or a specified default.
How to achieve this in groovy?
Let's look at the example:
def printName(object) {
//if object has initialized property 'name' - print 'name', otherwise print ToString
if (object<some code here>name && {
} else {
print object
You can use hasProperty. Example:
if (object.hasProperty('name') && {
} else {
println object
If you're using a variable for the property name, you can use this:
String propName = 'name'
if (object.hasProperty(propName) && object."$propName") {
Assuming your object is a Groovy class, you can use hasProperty in the object metaClass like so:
def printName( o ) {
if( o.metaClass.hasProperty( o, 'name' ) && ) {
println "Printing Name : $"
else {
println o
So, then given two classes:
class Named {
String name
int age
String toString() { "toString Named:$name/$age" }
class Unnamed {
int age
String toString() { "toString Unnamed:$age" }
You can create instance of them, and test:
def a = new Named( name: 'tim', age: 21 )
def b = new Unnamed( age: 32 )
printName( a )
printName( b )
Which should output:
Printing Name : tim
toString Unnamed:32
You can write your own method via meta-programming:
class Foo {
def name = "Mozart"
def f = new Foo()
Object.metaClass.getPropertyOrElse = { prop, defaultVal ->
delegate.hasProperty(prop) ? delegate."${prop}" : defaultVal
assert "Mozart" == f.getPropertyOrElse("name", "")
assert "Salzburg" == f.getPropertyOrElse("city", "Salzburg")
If I simply want to assert that an object has some property, I just test the following:
If myObject does not have myProperty the assertion will fail with a null pointer exception:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'name' on null object

Dynamic object graph navigation in Groovy

I want to be able to navigate Groovy object graph dynamically, having the path in string:
def person = new Person("john", new Address("main", new Zipcode("10001", "1234")))
def path = ''
I know that I can access a property in map notation, but it's only one level deep:
def path = 'address'
assert person[path] == address
Is there any way to evaluate deeper path?
This can be achieved by overriding the getAt operator and traversing the property graph. The following code uses Groovy Category but inheritance or mixins could also be used.
class ZipCode {
String basic
String segment
ZipCode(basic, segment) {
this.basic = basic
this.segment = segment
class Address {
String name
ZipCode zip
Address(String name, ZipCode zip) { = name = zip
class Person {
String name
Address address
Person(String name, Address address) { = name
this.address = address
class PropertyPath {
static String SEPARATOR = '.'
def getAt(String path) {
if (!path.contains(SEPARATOR)) {
return this."${path}"
def firstPropName = path[0..path.indexOf(SEPARATOR) - 1]
def remainingPath = path[path.indexOf(SEPARATOR) + 1 .. -1]
def firstProperty = this."${firstPropName}"
def person = new Person('john', new Address('main', new ZipCode('10001', '1234')))
use(PropertyPath) {
assert person['name'] == 'john'
assert person[''] == 'main'
assert person[''] == '10001'
PropertyPath.SEPARATOR = '/'
use(PropertyPath) {
assert person['address/zip/basic'] == '10001'
