Sharepoint CSOM OpenBinaryDirect in Powershell, Method not found - sharepoint

I'm trying to use powershell and Sharepoint 2013 CSOM to copy attachments of one item to a new item in another list. I've been able to successfully generate an attachments folder for the new item, so in theory all I need to do is move the files from the old attachments folder to the new one. CopyTo and MoveTo only seem to work for moving files within a list, so I thought to use OpenBinaryDirect and SaveBinaryDirect with the site context. However, in powershell, calling either of these methods results in the following error: Method invocation failed because [System.RuntimeType] doesn't contain a method named 'OpenBinaryDirect'.
$attachments = $item.AttachmentFiles
if($attachments.Count -gt 0)
#Creates a temporary attachment for the new item to genereate a folder, will be deleted later.
$attCI = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AttachmentCreationInformation
$attCI.FileName = "TempAttach"
$enc = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
$buffer = [byte[]] $enc.GetBytes("Temp attachment contents")
$memStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream (,$buffer)
$attCI.contentStream = $memStream
$sourceIN = $sourceList.Title
$archIN = $archList.Title
$sourcePath = "/" + "Lists/$sourceIN/Attachments/" + $item.Id
$archPath = "/" + "Lists/$archIN/Attachments/" + $newItem.Id
$sFolder = $web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl($sourcePath)
$aFolder = $web.GetFolderByServerRelativeURL($archPath)
$sFiles = $sFolder.Files
$aFiles = $aFolder.Files
foreach($file in $sFiles)
$fileInfo = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File].OpenBinaryDirect($ctx, $file.ServerRelativeUrl)
[Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.File].SaveBinaryDirect($ctx, $archPath, $fileInfo.Stream, $true)
Any help on either getting the BinaryDirect methods to work or just a generalized strategy for copying attachments across lists using powershell + CSOM would be greatly appreciated.

You have the wrong syntax for invoking a static method. You want [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File]::OpenBinaryDirect( ... )
Note the double colons syntax :: between the type name and the method name. Same for SaveBinaryDirect invocation.


How to delete 10000 items from a Custom list in sharepoint using powershell script

my sharepoint site list is having too many items and i need to delete 10000 files from it.How to do that using powershell script.
Create the query:
$list = (Get-Spweb http://devmy101).GetList("http://devmy101/Lists/smarEnteredTerritorialWaters")
$query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery;
$query.ViewAttributes = "Scope='Recursive'";
$query.RowLimit = 2000;
$query.Query = '<Where><Gt><FieldRef Name="Created"/><Value Type="DateTime" IncludeTimeValue="TRUE">2013-07-10T14:20:00Z</Value></Gt></Where>';
Build the command (note the query is limited to returning 2000 items at a time, and uses the ListItemCollectionPosition property to continue retrieving items in batches of 2000 until all the items have been queried. See this MSDN documentation for more info.)
$itemCount = 0;
$listId = $list.ID;
[System.Text.StringBuilder]$batchXml = New-Object "System.Text.StringBuilder";
$batchXml.Append("<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"UTF-8`"?><Batch>");
$command = [System.String]::Format( "<Method><SetList>{0}</SetList><SetVar Name=`"ID`">{1}</SetVar><SetVar Name=`"Cmd`">Delete</SetVar></Method>", $listId, "{0}" );
$listItems = $list.GetItems($query)
$query.ListItemCollectionPosition = $listItems.ListItemCollectionPosition
foreach ($item in $listItems)
if($item -ne $null){$batchXml.Append([System.String]::Format($command, $item.ID.ToString())) | Out-Null;$itemCount++;}
while ($query.ListItemCollectionPosition -ne $null)
And lastly (and most importantly!), run the query
$web = Get-Spweb http://inceweb/HKMarineDB;
$web.ProcessBatchData($batchXml.ToString()) | Out-Null;
You will want to run this in SharePoint Management Shell as Admin.
This is verbatim takin from a blog post by Matthew Yarlett. I posted the majority of the post here incase his blog ever goes away.

Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC (Trying to modify cell in Excel through PowerShell)

I just recently joined an IAM team, and this month had to send out hundreds of emails to people notifying them of an account expiration (they are asked to either request for an extension or termination of the account). Thankfully, there's already a script made to do that part, but for dealing with the responses there is not. There's an excel spreadsheet where I record what is to happen to each account. I was hoping to make a script that can go through each of the responses and mark in the desired field in the spreadsheet accordingly. I've been having trouble with the part of the script where I modify the value under the desired field for the user.
I'm fairly new to PowerShell, so I'm not sure what the issue is. I already spent a few hours looking online and found quite a few possible solutions, but none of them have worked for me. A common problem is apparently using an older excel file, but it's fresh and it's Excel 2016. Another one is not having the correct file type, but I checked and that's not it either. The line of code in question is $extend.Cells.Item($modifyCell.Cells.Row) = "$data".
Any ideas what the problem could be?
# Path to .msg files
$msgDir = "C:\Users\me\Desktop\Test"
# Array to store results
$msgArray = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[object]
# Loop throuch each .msg file
Get-ChildItem "$msgDir" -Filter *.msg |
ForEach-Object {
# Open .msg file
$outlook = New-Object -comobject outlook.application
$msg = $outlook.Session.OpenSharedItem($_.FullName)
# Add .msg file Subject and Body to array
$msg.Close(0) # Close doesn't always work, see KB2633737 -- restart ISE/PowerShell
# Loop though / parse each message
ForEach ($message in $msgArray) {
$subject = $message.subject
$body = $message.body
$regex = [regex] '\s*(\w*)\s*\|$'
If ($body -match $regex) {
$username = $body
$parse = $body | Select-String -Pattern "Please extend"
If ($parse -eq "Please extend") {
$data = "Y"
# Open Excel
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $True
$OpenFile = $Excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\me\Desktop\test.xlsx")
$Workbook = $OpenFile.Worksheets
$Worksheet = $Workbook.Item(1)
# Get the values for each column
$samacctname = $Worksheet.Cells | where {$_.value2 -eq "SAM Account Name"} | select -First 1
$extend = $Worksheet.Cells | where {$_.value2 -eq "Extend"} | select -First 1
# Get the values for each row in SAM Account Name
$userValues = #()
for($i=2; $samacctname.Cells.Item($i).Value2 -ne $null; $i++ ){
$userValues += $samacctname.Cells.Item($i)
# Get the values where the cell value of SAM Account matches the username
$modifyCell = $userValues | where {$_.Value2 -eq $username}
# Modify the Extend cell using the username's row position
$extend.Cells.Item($modifyCell.Cells.Row) = "$data"
# Save the file
Edit 1: I went back into my code and first tried to hard-code the data value I was trying to add to the cell, but I still got the same error. I then tried hard-coding it right when I call the line $extend.Cells.Item($modifyCell.Cells.Row) = "Y" and it works as it should. So how I'm trying to use regex to pull the username is likely not right. Probably how I'm pulling the data as well.

Adding Same Column Header Names to all worksheets in an Excel Book

I have a script that will create worksheets based on the number of files that it finds in a directory. From there it changes the name of the sheets to the file name. During that process, I am attempting to add two Column header values of "Hostname" and "IP Address" to every sheet. I can achieve this by activating each sheet individually but this becomes rather cumbersome as the amount of sheets goes past 20+ and thus I am trying to find a dynamic way of doing this regardless the amount of sheets that are present.
This is the code that I have to do everything up to the column header portion:
$WorksheetCount = (Get-ChildItem $Path\Info*.txt).count
$TabNames = Get-ChildItem $Path\Info*.txt
$NewTabNames = Foreach ($file IN $TabNames.Name){$file.Substring(0,$file.Length-4)}
$Break = 0
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $true
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Add()
$null = $Excel.Worksheets.Add($MissingType, $Excel.Worksheets.Item($Excel.Worksheets.Count),
$WorksheetCount - $Excel.Worksheets.Count, $Excel.Worksheets.Item(1).Type)
Start-Sleep -s 1
ForEach ($Name In $NewTabNames){
$Excel.Worksheets.Item($Break).Name = $Name
I have attempted to insert my code as such:
ForEach ($Name In $NewTabNames){
$Excel.Worksheets.Item($Break).Name = $Name
$cells.item(1,2)="IP Address"
When I attempt to run the script, I get the following error..
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
And then it proceeds to list each line of the code that I had put in. I thought that since I created a variable during the operation, that it was the issue:
I thought That perhaps if I moved it before the ForEach command that it would resolve it but I still receive the same issue. I have looked through various ways of trying to select ranges of sheets within excel via powershell but have not found anything helpful.
Would appreciate any assistance on this.
This is actually my first post in StackOverflow ever and I feel pretty excited to finally help out. I made some small modifications to your code and seems to work fine. I noticed some odd behavior when I removed the $null variable that was getting assigned because it seemed strange to me why it was being done, but after removing that assignment my outlook application open by itself automatically every time I ran the script. I found the site where you got the code from just to see if there were any changes to the original code.
I found this Microsoft documentation very helpful to figure this out.
This is what I modified
ForEach ($Name In $NewTabNames){
$Excel.Worksheets($Break).Name = $Name
$Excel.Worksheets($Break).Cells(1,1).Font.Bold = $true
$Excel.Worksheets($Break).Cells(1,1) = "Hostname"
$Excel.Worksheets($Break).Cells(1,2).Font.Bold = $true
$Excel.Worksheets($Break).Cells(1,2) = "IP Address"

Create a 'Link to a Document' in a SharePoint Shared Document List using PowerShell

I'm trying to create a link to a document in SharePoint 2010 using PowerShell 2.0. I've already enabled other content types and added the 'Link to a Document' content type to the document library in question.
The document that I'm trying to link to is in a different shared document list on another web in the same site collection. The actual file is nested in a subfolder called "PM". The file types may range from excel files to word files to PDFs.
I've tested the process manually (Shared Documents -> New Document -> Link to a Document -> ...) and it worked fine (as was indicated by the document icon with an arrow over the bottom right corner when I was done), but I cannot seem to get it to work with PowerShell. Any ideas?
This is the only non-PowerShell solution that I've come accross so far:
I got it working finally by porting the aforementioned solution. There's superfluous detail here, but the gist of it is easy enough to parse out:
# Push file links out to weekly role page
$site = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($roleURL)
$web = $site.OpenWeb()
$listName = "Shared Documents"
$list = $web.Lists[$listName]
$fileCollection = $list.RootFolder.files
ForEach ($doc in $docLoadList) {
$parsedFileName = $d.Split("\")
$index = $parsedFileName.Length
$index = $index - 1
$actualFileName = $parsedFileName[$index]
$existingFiles = Get-ExistingFileNames $homeURL
If ($existingFiles -Match $actualFileName) {
$existingFileObject = Get-ExistingFileObject $actualFileName $homeURL
$docLinkURL = Get-ExistingFileURL $actualFileName $homeURL
# Create new aspx file
$redirectFileName = $actualFileName
$redirectFileName += ".aspx"
$redirectASPX = Get-Content C:\Test\redirect.aspx
$redirectASPX = $redirectASPX -Replace "#Q#", $docLinkURL
$utf = new-object System.Text.UTF8Encoding
$newFile = $fileCollection.Add($redirectFileName, $utf.GetBytes($redirectASPX), $true)
# Update the newly added file's content type
$lct = $list.ContentTypes["Link to a Document"]
$lctID = $lct.ID
$updateFile = $list.Items | ? {$_.Name -eq $redirectFileName}
$updateFile["ContentTypeId"] = $lctID
I may end up stringing together the .aspx file in the script too at some point...

Listing excel tables with OleDbConnection::GetOleDbSchemaTable()

The following PowerShell snippet will list all worksheets and named ranges in an excel spreadsheet via OleDbConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable():
$file = "C:\Users\zippy\Documents\Foo.xlsx";
$cnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=`"$($file)`";Extended Properties=`"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES`";";
$cn = New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection $cnStr;
# to list the sheets
$worksheets = $cn.GetOleDbSchemaTable([System.Data.OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid]::Tables,$null);
$worksheets | Format-List;
This will however, not list tables (called lists in Excel 2003), or a named range that refers to a list.
If I pass an OleDbSchemaGuid of type Procedures or Views I get a MethodInvocationException with a message of Operation is not supported for this type of object.
Is this possible to list the tables by tweaking with the connection strings or restrictions parameter?
Try this simple source:
using (var connection = (OleDbConnection)GetConnection())
var dt = connection.GetSchema("TABLES");
var list=dt.Select().Where(w => w["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()).ToList();
