Multi-user secure shell session sharing [closed] - vim

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking to do some pair programming with a collegue remotely, and I'm looking for the best tool to help us achieve this.
Ideally I'd prefer for the remote user to have as little access as possible, and it'd be preferrable if I could monitor all their actions.
GUI access is not required, shell is enough.
For example, shared tmux or screen sessions would work well, if they were easy to setup and secure.

Just create a new, non-root user account on the machine, then run tmux under that account. Screen sharing is easy and is what will "just happen" if you both "attach" to the same screen session. If there is nothing under that temporary user account that you care about, there is little damage that they could do, AFAIK, though your question may be more appropriate for


How do I avoid permissions problems when syncing files between several Linux systems? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have been using dropbox to sync between 8 different Linux machines. I use BasKet notepads to keep track of projects and it as well as many other applications seem to have problems syncing due to permissions, claiming 'can't sync "such and such file": permission denied.' There are plenty of guides on how to fix this temporarily, involving using the hidden "fix permissions" button in the interface, or using chmod, but the problem comes back because of the umask creating permissions that can't be synced between systems.
What is the best practice for solving this issue? Is there another system such as perhaps Isync with Google Drive, OwnCloud, or Ubuntu One that would be better than Dropbox in this case? Do I just need to host my Dropbox on a FAT partition? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

How can I check the history of my centos VPS? Linux [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm about to hand out my root server password to a company for them to fix an issue that I have with mydns.
I'm sure they are all above board (and I will change the root password after they have finished) but I just want to be sure.
I know (well I think) I can login after them and execute history to see what they did, but I know if they are dishonest, they can just clear the history. I'm worried in case a rogue employee does something malicious or installs keylogging software (which has happened when my mate let another company manage his VPS).
So is there anything I can do? Does the history command backup somewhere? Can I install a keylogger to verify the commands they execute are not malicious?
Any ideas welcome. Ideally I appreciate I shouldn't give out my root password if I don't trust them. But I am in a very difficult situation and have no choice.
Since you are giving them root access, there is nothing you can do from within the machine that they could not subvert with a rootkit.
Your only way to be sure would be to mount the filesystem in another machine and compare the changes made to the files by comparing with a previously made snapshot/backup.

Can we Install a plugin or software from browser? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We are developing a website which is required some software to install for first time like flash player for youtube...
but the question is without asking the user can we install it?
i found this some where but link ., but i dont want to ask the permission from user/OS. By calling the website only software should install if it is not installed on the perticular machine....
Is it possible?
This is not a good question, i know but we want to develop an inhouse website, the website will not go to live for remote users. if any security settings we need to change in our systems we are ready to do.......
No. It's not possible. Browsers are meant to run in sandboxes to prevent remote execution of arbitrary code. So you will need to ask the user for permissions.
If you are on java world you can use JavaWebStart. Otherwise, you could run a FLASH SCRIPT to provide the extra functionality you need for your WebSite. But since you didn't provide extra information on your issue, it's difficult to give you proper recommendations.
Do you mean installing it as in launching the install without the user having to click a "INSTALL" button or do you mean install the software without the user noticing you've done anything at all.
The second is not possible for security reasons.

linux alive message [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm trying to periodically check out if several linux machines are alive.
My idea is to have a main computer that receives a periodic message from every machine, so if any of them stops messaging, the main one will know something's going wrong with that particular equipment.
I want to make it as "lite" as possible, I mean, using the less data transmission possible, because some of the machines I want to look after are placed on installation with a not so good internet connection. So, if it's possible, I'll prefer not to use email or ftp.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
You should use a dedicated piece of software for monitoring your infrastructure. Inventing something from scratch will probably take longer and be much less powerful than such a product. nagios for example is something that is commonly used for this purpose.
Well, you could connect to the main machine on a specific port and keep sending one byte periodically. Is that "lite" enough? :)

Autoblock ip on bruteforce attack on root (linux) [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I noticed recently that I have many login attempts, over 2 million and counting. This is surely a brute force attack.
How can I auto block ip for 15 minutes on root ssh access failure?
I don't need a firewall; just a small option to activate this security feature.
What do you suggest?
I suggest using SSH keys and not using passwords at all. Even if you don't do that I recommend disabling SSH logins as root directly. Either way you won't have to worry about your problem. Remember that if you block IPs on failed login attempts then you'll have to worry about denial of service that can allow anyone to deny you access to your own machine if he's behind the same NAT as you, etc. Also any attacker worth his salt would just distribute the attack across many IPs anyway.
fail2ban (works out of the box, and works quite nicely)
