How do I get storage size and used storage in google apps API - gmail

I am trying to retrieve the size of users email boxes for my Google apps domain but I am having a hard time finding this in the APIs from Google. Does anyone know where this is? I see that they can do it in the gapps console but can not find where this is.
I am using the gapps .net client so if it is in there that would be awesome.

You can get Gmail quota and usage numbers for a user using the new Admin SDK Reports API calls.


How to post on Instagram via E-Mail?

I'm just wondering if there is some service out there, where I can send an e-mail to with an image attached and that service posts this image to my Instagram account?
If you check out the API endpoints you can see that they are quite limited. Facebook made changes to Instagram's API last summer which did away with lots of features; having an endpoint for posting may have been one of them. Either way, it is no longer around, and seeing as Facebook does not want to encourage using their services outside of their own sites and apps, it is unlikely you'd be able to find the service you are looking for.

How can I get a user's Google account photo using IAP and the People API? (NodeJS preferred)

I have an application that uses Google Cloud IAP to authenticate users. IAP requires the user to authenticate using their Google account, and then headers are passed to the application afterwards that identify that user (user id, user email, and a token).
I would like to get the user's Google account photo after authentication using the People API (would use the Plus api, but it is being shut down).
NodeJS code examples would help a ton, but either a high level guide or examples in other languages would also be very helpful. Thanks in advance!
For anyone that may come across this, here is the solution I found.
You will need to enable the People API in your GCP console. Then create an API key for it.
Get the 'x-goog-authenticated-user-id' header and strip the '' portion of it to just leave the id.
Pass that id and your api key to a GET request, like so:${userId}?personFields=photos&key=${apiKey}
Hope this helps someone else, too!

Proper way to use Google Calendar in an Android app?

My application must create events in a user's Google Calendar, however I'm unsure of how to implement this. My app uses Google Sign-in.
I've looked online and there seem to be multiple APIs that Google provides, but I'm not sure which is appropriate For example, do I use the Google Calendar API, the Calendar Provider API, or Google Play Services? Also, can the inserting of events be handled directly on the app, or should it be done on something like a Heroku server?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Instagram official public_content API vs unofficial JSON API

It seems that Instagram has two means of scraping public data. There is the official API for which you need to get an API key and permissions, as described in the guide For a tag-specific search, the official API uses the endpoint:{tag-name}?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN
But it also seems that many people are scraping Instagram by using a different public API (which I think is the one accessed by the front-end of the website). This "unofficial" API uses the endpoint:{tag-name}/?__a=1
I cannot find any information regarding support for the "unofficial" version. Does anybody know what limitations may exist on this API? If this method of retrieving data satisfies the requirements of our application, is there any reason we should still engage the rigorous API token review process to get our application approved for "official" API public_content permissions?
As far as I know
Does anybody know what limitations may exist on this API?
It is a direct violation of Instagram terms of use as in here
10.We prohibit crawling, scraping, caching or otherwise accessing any content on the Service via automated means, including but not
to, user profiles and photos (except as may be the result of standard
search engine protocols or technologies used by a search engine with
Instagram's express consent).
And as a developer there is no grantee that these API remain
unchanged. so you probably experiencing system fail and be forced to
re develop parts of your code times to time.
Also it worth mentioning that users won't easily give you username
and passwords of their account, as the public API just requires
confirmation to access limited account resources.
is there any reason we should still engage the rigorous API token
review process to get our application approved for "official" API
public_content permissions?
Same as a bow

Instagram API review submission - complete app needed?

I just noticed that new Instagram API's sandbox has too many restrictions and I would need to submit review to build my app. I googled to see if there's a way around but looks like using their API would be better than anything.
The app I was going to build requires all the API endpoints that Instagram doesn't allow Sandbox users to access (such as hashtag search and get recent tags). Do I just build one assuming I can get responses from the endpoints? I am pretty confused. Anything would help. Thanks!
You think you have two options:
Since, instagram allows you get the contents from the user's in the sandbox mode.
Create an App using link and submit for review to get experience with public data available in instagram.
