Passing messages between processes - linux

I need to write a simple function which does the following in linux:
Create two processes.
Have thread1 in Process1 do some small operation, and send a message to Process2 via thread2 once operation is completed.
*Process2 shall acknowledge the received message.
I have no idea where to begin
I have written two simple functions which simply count from 0 to 1000 in a loop (the loop is run in a function called by a thread) and I have compiled them to get the binaries.
I am executing these one after the other (both running in the background) from a shell script
Once process1 reaches 1000 in its loop, I want the first process to send a "Complete" message to the other.
I am not sure if my approach is correct on the process front and I have absolutely no idea how to communicate between these two.
Any help will be appreciated.

You'd probably want to use pipes for this. Depending on how the processes are started, you either want named or anonymous pipes:
Use named pipes (aka fifo, man mkfifo) if the processes are started independently of each other.
Use anonymous pipes (man 2 pipe) if the processes are started by a parent process through forking. The parent process would create the pipes, the child processes would inherit them. This is probably the "most beautiful" solution.
In both cases, the end points of the pipes are used just like any other file descriptor (but more like sockets than files).
If you aren't familiar with pipes yet, I recommend getting a copy of Marc Rochkind's book "Advanced UNIX programming" where these techniques are explained in great detail and easy to understand example code. That book also presents other inter-process communication methods (the only really other useful inter-process communication method on POSIX systems is shared memory, but just for fun/completeness he presents some hacks).

Since you create the processes (I assume you are using fork()), you may want to look at eventfd().
eventfd()'s provide a lightweight mechanism to send events from one process or thread to another.
More information on eventfd()s and a small example can be found here

Signals or named pipes (since you're starting the two processes separately) are probably the way to go here if you're just looking for a simple solution. For signals, your client process (the one sending "Done") will need to know the process id of the server, and for named pipes they will both need to know the location of a pipe file to communicate through.
However, I want to point out a neat IPC/networking tool that can make your job a lot easier if you're designing a larger, more robust system: 0MQ can make this kind of client/server interaction dead simple, and allows you to start up the programs in whatever order you like (if you structure your code correctly). I highly recommend it.


Synchronization in a multi-threaded program versus between parent and child processes

As described in the title. What are the differences between them?
While your question is not very specific, this is what I believe would best answer it:
In a multi-threaded program, there is a single process that has multiple threads. All these threads have their own stack, but share everything else. In other words, if you have (for example) a global variable, changing it in one thread will change it for all other threads. This is a form of communicating between different threads of the same process.
When you have a parent process and a child process, you have two different processes altogether that don't share anything (well, the child depends on the parent to stay alive, but that's an entirely different conversation). As you can't directly modify variables of the other process (like you could do with the global variable from earlier), to send data from one process to another you will need to use other techniques, the most common of which are pipes. You can think of pipes the same way you think of files: when you want to send data to another process, you write data to the pipe; when you want to get received data from another process, you read data from the pipe.
Here's a link with examples of how pipes work:
Here's a link with examples of how accessing the same global variables in different threads works:
Glad to try clarify this if you have additional questions / if this doesn't answer your question
Edit: To tackle the "synchronisation" part: In a multi-threaded program, you can use structures like mutexes or barriers that are shared as a global variable and easily accessible by all the threads in your process.
In a multi-process program, you will need to synchronise using very similar techniques that are built as an abstraction layer over the inter-process communication system that I talked about above.
An example of such an abstraction layer is how MPI does synchronisation:
Of course, you can implement your own functions over the pipes.

Correct way of calling fork() after parent has created threads?

I'm implementing a complex application that takes third-party plug-ins, and I want to run the plug-in code in child processes for isolation. The parent process needs to be multithreaded, but I have read that fork may be unsafe in multithreaded processes, particularly if you do not immediately call execve, and that pthread_atfork is not a complete solution.
What do other complex applications do about this? I know Chrome uses both subprocesses and multithreading simultaneously, so it must be possible.
The behavior of fork() in a multithreaded program is well-defined. On success, the child process has exactly one thread -- the same one that called fork() in the parent program. Although this can be a problem, whether it actually is a problem depends on the circumstances.
When is fork()ing a problem for a multithreaded program?
The main reason for fork()ing to present a problem in a multithreaded program is that the child process depends on mutexes, condition variables, etc. that other threads can no longer be relied upon to manipulate. For example, if the child needs to acquire a process-private mutex that it does not already hold, then it may be that that mutex was held by a different thread at the time of the fork. In that case, it will never be released in the child process, because no thread that could release it exists in the child.
When is fork()ing not a problem for a multithreaded program?
One of the common idioms involving fork() is to immediately follow it up by execing another program. That's no problem, regardless of the threadedness of the parent.
Alternatively, if the child process does not depend on any problematic resources, then nothing special need be done. Note that process-shared interthread objects are not "problematic" in this sense. This situation is fairly common, and it sounds like it might be your case.
Otherwise, it's not a problem if the parent's forking thread can and does acquire all the process-private interthread resources that the child will need before it forks. Handlers registered by pthread_atfork() can help with this under some circumstances, but under others, it makes more sense for that to be done in the immediate environs of the fork call.
You've presented the question as if fork()ing was a deep and troublesome problem for multithreaded programs. It is certainly a problem that should be considered, and it is typically best to avoid using both multiple threads and multiple processes. Therefore, inasmuch as you want multiple processes so as to have separate address spaces and perhaps name spaces into which to load plugins, perhaps you should consider using separate processes wherever you now use threads. On the other hand, if you exercise some thought and care, you can probably make it work just fine for your multi-threaded process to fork children and interact with them.
If you cannot ensure that fork is only used under safe circumstances, as described in John Bollinger's answer, a general workaround is to use a "fork server". Before creating any threads, the original process forks once. The child process is the fork server; it remains single-threaded. The parent process now goes ahead and creates its threads. Whenever the parent would want to call fork, it instead sends a message to the fork server asking it to do so.
If the (ultimate) child processes also need to communicate with the parent, the easiest way to accomplish this is to have the parent create pipes for each child's stdin and stdout, and then transfer the child sides of those pipes to the fork server, using a SCM_RIGHTS special message. You can send file descriptors and data simultaneously. The communication protocol between the fork server and the parent might need to get pretty fancy — look at the posix_spawn API for a more-or-less complete list of all the knobs you might want. (Note: posix_spawn is just a library wrapper around fork; using it will not avoid the original problem.)
The fork server is also responsible for calling waitpid and relaying exit statuses back to the parent. This is trickier than it ought to be, because the standard APIs for waiting for the next of several possible events (select and poll) do not accept a process ID as one of the things to wait for. (BSD's kqueue does, but you're probably not on a BSD.) You have to do a messy dance with SIGCHLD and a pipe-to-self instead.

How can independent processes running on the same Ubuntu Machine communicate with each other?

This question is meant to be language and connection method independent. Actually finding methods is the question.
I know that I can directly pipe two processes through a call like prog1 | prog2 in the shell, and I've read something about RPC and Sockets. But everything was a little too abstract to really get a grip on it. For example it's not clear to me, how the sockets are created and if each process needs to create a socket or if many processes can use the same socket to transfer messages to each other or if I can get rid of the sockets completely.
Can someone explain how Interprocess-Communication in Linux really works and what options I have?
In a producer-consumer scenario, you can use pipes, it's an IPC. A pipe is just what the name suggest, it connects a sink and a source together. In he shell the source is the standard output and the sink the standard input, so cmd1 | cmd2 just connects the output of cmd1 to the input of cmd2.
Using a pipe, it creates you two file descriptors. You can use one for the sink and the other one for the source. Once the pipe is created, you fork and one process uses one oof the file descriptor while the other one uses the other.
Other IPC
IPCs are various: pipe (in memory), named pipe (through a file), socket, shared memory, semaphore, message queue, signals, etc. All have pro's and con's. There are a lot of litterature online and in books about them. Describing them all here would be difficult.
Basically you have to understand that each process has it's own memory, separated from other processes. So you need to find shared resources through which to exchange data. A resource can be "physical" like a network (for socket) or mass storage (for files) or "abstract" like a pipe or a signal.
If one of the process is producer and other is a consumer then you can go for shared memory communication. You need a semaphore for this. One process will lock the semaphore then write to the shared memory and other will lock the semaphore and read the value. Since you use semaphore dirty reads/writes will be taken care.

How do programs communicate with each other?

How do procceses communicate with each other? Using everything I've learnt to fo with programming so far, I'm unable to explain how sockets, file systems and other things to do with sending messages between programs work.
Btw I use a Linux based OS if your going to add anything OS specific. Thanks in advance. The question's been bugging me for ages. I'm also guessing the kernel has something to do with it.
In case of most IPC (InterProcess Communication) mechanisms, the general answer to your question is this: process A calls the kernel passing a pointer to a buffer with data to be transferred to process B, process B calls the kernel (or is already blocked on a call to the kernel) passing a pointer to a buffer to be filled with data from process A.
This general description is true for sockets, pipes, System V message queues, ordinary files etc. As you can see the cost of communication is high since it involves at least one context switch.
Signals constitute an asynchronous IPC mechanism in which one process can send a simple notification to another process triggering a handler registered by the second process (alternatively doing nothing, stopping or killing that process if no handler is registered, depending on the signal).
For transferring large amount of data one can use System V shared memory in which case two processes can access the same portion of main memory. Note that even in this case, one needs to employ a synchronization mechanism, like System V semaphores, which result in context switches as well.
This is why when processes need to communicate often, it is better to make them threads in a single process.

Twisted: use of multiple threads and processes together

The Twisted documentation led me to believe that it was OK to combine techniques such as reactor.spawnProcess() and threads.deferToThread() in the same application, that the reactor would handle this elegantly under the covers. Upon actually trying it, I found that my application deadlocks. Using multiple threads by themselves, or child processes by themselves, everything is fine.
Looking into the reactor source, I find that the SelectReactor.spawnProcess() method simply calls os.fork() without any consideration for multiple threads that might be running. This explains the deadlocks, because starting with the call to os.fork() you will have two processes with multiple concurrent threads running and doing who knows what with the same file descriptors.
My question for SO is, what is the best strategy for solving this problem?
What I have in mind is to subclass SelectReactor, so that it is a singleton and calls os.fork() only once, immediately when instantiated. The child process will run in the background and act as a server for the parent (using object serialization over pipes to communicate back and forth). The parent continues to run the application and may use threads as desired. Calls to spawnProcess() in the parent will be delegated to the child process, which will be guaranteed to have only one thread running and can therefore call os.fork() safely.
Has anyone done this before? Is there a faster way?
What is the best strategy for solving this problem?
File a ticket (perhaps after registering) describing the issue, preferably with a reproducable test case (for maximum accuracy). Then there can be some discussion about what the best way (or ways - different platforms may demand different solution) to implement it might be.
The idea of immediately creating a child process to help with further child process creation has been raised before, to solve the performance issue surrounding child process reaping. If that approach now resolves two issues, it starts to look a little more attractive. One potential difficulty with this approach is that spawnProcess synchronously returns an object which supplies the child's PID and allows signals to be sent to it. This is a little more work to implement if there is an intermediate process in the way, since the PID will need to be communicated back to the main process before spawnProcess returns. A similar challenge will be supporting the childFDs argument, since it will no longer be possible to merely inherit the file descriptors in the child process.
An alternate solution (which may be somewhat more hackish, but which may also have fewer implementation challenges) might be to call sys.setcheckinterval with a very large number before calling os.fork, and then restore the original check interval in the parent process only. This should suffice to avoid any thread switching in the process until the os.execvpe takes place, destroying all the extra threads. This isn't entirely correct, since it will leave certain resources (such as mutexes and conditions) in a bad state, but you use of these with deferToThread isn't very common so maybe that doesn't affect your case.
The advice Jean-Paul gives in his answer is good, but this should work (and does in most cases).
First, Twisted uses threads for hostname resolution as well, and I've definitely used subprocesses in Twisted processes that also make client connections. So this can work in practice.
Second, fork() does not create multiple threads in the child process. According to the standard describing fork(),
A process shall be created with a single thread. If a multi-threaded process calls fork(), the new process shall contain a replica of the calling thread ...
Now, that's not to say that there are no potential multithreading issues with spawnProcess; the standard also says:
... to avoid errors, the child process may only execute async-signal-safe operations until such time as one of the exec functions is called ...
and I don't think there's anything to ensure that only async-signal-safe operations are used.
So, please be more specific as to your exact problem, since it isn't a subprocess with threads being cloned.
Returning to this issue after some time, I found that if I do this:
reactor.callFromThread(reactor.spawnProcess, *spawnargs)
instead of this:
then the problem goes away in my small test case. There is a remark in the Twisted documentation "Using Processes" that led me to try this: "Most code in Twisted is not thread-safe. For example, writing data to a transport from a protocol is not thread-safe."
I suspect that the other people Jean-Paul mentioned were having this problem may be making a similar mistake. The responsibility is on the application to enforce that reactor and other API calls are being made within the correct thread. And apparently, with very narrow exceptions, the "correct thread" is nearly always the main reactor thread.
fork() on Linux definitely leaves the child process with only one thread.
I assume you are aware that, when using threads in Twisted, the ONLY Twisted API that threads are permitted to call is callFromThread? All other Twisted APIs must only be called from the main, reactor thread.
