How do programs communicate with each other? - linux

How do procceses communicate with each other? Using everything I've learnt to fo with programming so far, I'm unable to explain how sockets, file systems and other things to do with sending messages between programs work.
Btw I use a Linux based OS if your going to add anything OS specific. Thanks in advance. The question's been bugging me for ages. I'm also guessing the kernel has something to do with it.

In case of most IPC (InterProcess Communication) mechanisms, the general answer to your question is this: process A calls the kernel passing a pointer to a buffer with data to be transferred to process B, process B calls the kernel (or is already blocked on a call to the kernel) passing a pointer to a buffer to be filled with data from process A.
This general description is true for sockets, pipes, System V message queues, ordinary files etc. As you can see the cost of communication is high since it involves at least one context switch.
Signals constitute an asynchronous IPC mechanism in which one process can send a simple notification to another process triggering a handler registered by the second process (alternatively doing nothing, stopping or killing that process if no handler is registered, depending on the signal).
For transferring large amount of data one can use System V shared memory in which case two processes can access the same portion of main memory. Note that even in this case, one needs to employ a synchronization mechanism, like System V semaphores, which result in context switches as well.
This is why when processes need to communicate often, it is better to make them threads in a single process.


How to stop a program in production safely

We have multiple machines running as "servers". On them, they have a program that listen to requests from different clients.
In part of a continuous deployment process, updating the servers program can cause unfinished business to be killed. This is undesirable. I'm looking for an approach to drain the work from one node so we can update it while the other gets the load.
As for a more specific question representing my current mindset :
How do you send a "signal" so :
while True and no_signal:
stops if we need to upgrade it.
For our infrastructure, we have many clients sending request to multiple RabbitMQ nodes where servers consume their queues.
Edit : On linux, using python3
(I guess you are on Linux, or at least on POSIX machines)
For well-written server programs, you should send them a SIGTERM signal (see signal(7) for details) to terminate them gently, and they should explicitly (and cleverly) handle that signal. A common way to do so is to use the kill(1) program (or the underlying kill(2) system call).
Badly written server programs might not handle SIGTERM as they should. Then (a few seconds later) you might need to kill them with SIGKILL, but that could leave them (or their files) in some inconsistent state, since SIGKILL cannot be caught.
Some server programs are documented to behave differently. For example, they might use some other inter-process communication facility to be asked to to terminate gently.
Handling SIGTERM properly is a widely used convention (but read also signal-safety(7) if you are coding a server handling it). Some servers might have a different one.
BTW, there are several tricks to write safe signal handlers (read carefully signal-safety(7)) at the C level. One is to have a global volatile sig_atomic_t variable that is set by your signal handler, and tested regularly in your code (perhaps in your event loops). Another is to set up (at initialization, using pipe(2)) a pipe(7) to self, to have your signal handler write(2) one or a few bytes into it (this is legal, since write(2) is an async-signal-safe function) and to poll(2) and read(2) that pipe in your event loop. The later trick is common enough to be documented in Qt.
Probably, Python handles signals using the first trick or something similar (perhaps related to its infamous GIL). Since it is free software, you could study its source code (right now, I am too lazy for that).

Do all types of interprocess/interthread communication need system calls?

In Linux,
do all types of interprocess communication need system calls?
Types of interprocess communication are such as
Message Queues
Shared Memory
Do all types of interthread communication need system calls?
I would like to know if all interprocess communications and interthread communications involve switching from user mode to kernel mode so that the OS kernel will run to perform the communications? Since system calls all involve such switch, I asked if the communications need system calls.
For example, "Shared memory" can be used for both interprocess and interthread communcations, but i am not sure if it requires system calls or involvement of OS kernel to take over the cpu to perform something.
For interprocess communication I am pretty sure you cannot avoid system calls.
For interthread communication I cannot give you a definitive answer, but my educated guess would be "yes-and-no". You see, you can communicate between threads using thread-safe queues, and the only thing that a thread-safe queue needs in order to work is a lock. If a lock is unavailable at the moment that a thread wants to obtain it, then of course the system must be involved in order to put the thread in a waiting mode. But if the lock is available to obtain, then the thread should be able to proceed without the need for any system call.
That's what I would guess, and I would be quite disappointed to find out that things do not actually work this way, because that would mean that code which I have up until now been considering pretty innocent in fact has a tremendous additional hidden overhead.
Yes, every IPC was set by some syscalls(2).
It might happen that some IPC was set by a previous program (e.g. the program in the same process before execve), for example when running a pipeline like ls | ./yourprog it is the shell which has called pipe(2), not yourprog.
Since threads -in the same process- (by definition) share a common address space they can communicate using some shared data. However, they often need some syscall for synchronization (e.g. with mutexes), see e.g. futex(7) - because you want to avoid spinlocks (i.e. wasting CPU power for waiting). But in practice you should use pthreads(7)
In practice you cannot use shared memory (like shm_overview(7)) without synchronization (e.g. with semaphores, see sem_overview(7)). Notice that cache coherence is tricky and makes memory model sometimes non-intuitive (and processor specific).
At least, you do not need a system call for each read/write to shared memory. Setting up shared memory will for sure and synchronizing threads/processes will often involve system calls.
You could use flags in shared memory for synchronization, but note that read and write of flags may not be atomic actions.
(For example if you set up a location in shared memory to be 0 in the beginning and then check for it to be non-zero, while the other process sets it to non-zero when ready for something)

C# When thread switching will most probably occur?

I was wondering when .Net would most probably switch from a thread to another?
I understand we can't predict when this will happen exactly, but is there any intelligence in this? For example, when a thread is executed will it try to wait for a method to returns or a loop to finish before switching?
I'm not an expert on .NET, but in general scheduling is handled by the kernel.
Either your thread's timeslice has expired (threads/processes only get a certain amount of CPU time)
Your thread has blocked for IO.
Some other obscure reason, like waiting for an IPC message, a network packet or something.
Threads can be preempted at any point along their execution path, be it in a loop or returning from a function. This in general isn't handled by the underlying VM (.NET or JVM) but is controlled by the OS.
Of course there is 'intelligence', of a sort:). The set of running threads can only change upon an interrupt, either:
An actual hardware interrupt from a peripheral device, eg. disk, NIC, KB, mouse, timer.
A software interrupt, (ie. a system call), that can change the state of thread/s. This encompasses sleep calls and calls to wait/signal on inter-thread synchro objects, as well as I/O calls that request data that is not immediately available.
If there is no interrupt, the OS cannot change the set of running threads because it is not entered. The OS does not know or care about loops, function/methods calls, (except those that make system calls as above), gotos or any other user-level flow-control mechanisms.
I read your question now, it may not be rellevant anymore, but after reading the above answers, i want to just to make sure:
Threads are managed (or as i know) by the process they belong to. There is nothing to do with the Operation System(and that's is the main reason why working with multithreads is more faster than working with multiprocess, because there are data sharing between threads and the switching between them is occuring faster than the context switch wich occure between process by the Short-Term-Scheduler).
(NOTE: There are two types of threads: USER_MODE' threads and KERNEL_MODE' threadss, and each os can have both of them or just on of them. Anyway a thread that working in a user application environment is considered as a USER_MODE' thread and managed by the process it's belong to.)
Am I Write?

"Multi-process" vs. "single-process multi-threading" for software modules communicating via messaging

We need to build a software framework (or middleware) that will enable messaging between different software components (or modules) running on a single machine. This framework will provide such features:
Communication between modules are through 'messaging'.
Each module will have its own message queue and message handler thread that will synchronously handle each incoming message.
With the above requirements, which of the following approach is the correct one (with its reasoning)?:
Implementing modules as processes, and messaging through shared memory
Implementing modules as threads in a single process, and messaging by pushing message objects to the destination module's message queue.
Of source, there are some apparent cons & pros:
In Option-2, if one module causes segmentation fault, the process (thus the whole application) will crash. And one module can access/mutate another module's memory directly, which can lead to difficult-to-debug runtime errors.
But with Option-1, you need to take care of the states where a module you need to communicate has just crashed. If there are N modules in the software, there can be 2^N many alive/crashed states of the system that affects the algorithms running on the modules.
Again in Option-1, sender cannot assume that the receiver has received the message, because it might have crashed at that moment. (But the system can alert all the modules that a particular module has crashed; that way, sender can conclude that the receiver will not be able to handle the message, even though it has successfully received it)
I am in favor of Option-2, but I am not sure whether my arguments are solid enough or not. What are your opinions?
EDIT: Upon requests for clarification, here are more specification details:
This is an embedded application that is going to run on Linux OS.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you about the project itself, but I can say that there are multiple components of the project, each component will be developed by its own team (of 3-4 people), and it is decided that the communication between these components/modules are through some kind of messaging framework.
C/C++ will be used as programming language.
What the 'Module Interface API' will automatically provide to the developers of a module are: (1) An message/event handler thread loop, (2) a synchronous message queue, (3) a function pointer member variable where you can set your message handler function.
Here is what I could come up with:
Multi-process(1) vs. Single-process, multi-threaded(2):
Impact of segmentation faults: In (2), if one module causes segmentation fault, the whole application crashes. In (1), modules have different memory regions and thus only the module that cause segmentation fault will crash.
Message delivery guarantee: In (2), you can assume that message delivery is guaranteed. In (1) the receiving module may crash before the receival or during handling of the message.
Sharing memory between modules: In (2), the whole memory is shared by all modules, so you can directly send message objects. In (1), you need to use 'Shared Memory' between modules.
Messaging implementation: In (2), you can send message objects between modules, in (1) you need to use either of network socket, unix socket, pipes, or message objects stored in a Shared Memory. For the sake of efficiency, storing message objects in a Shared Memory seems to be the best choice.
Pointer usage between modules: In (2), you can use pointers in your message objects. The ownership of heap objects (accessed by pointers in the messages) can be transferred to the receiving module. In (1), you need to manually manage the memory (with custom malloc/free functions) in the 'Shared Memory' region.
Module management: In (2), you are managing just one process. In (1), you need to manage a pool of processes each representing one module.
Sounds like you're implementing Communicating Sequential Processes. Excellent!
Tackling threads vs processes first, I would stick to threads; the context switch times are faster (especially on Windows where process context switches are quite slow).
Second, shared memory vs a message queue; if you're doing full synchronous message passing it'll make no difference to performance. The shared memory approach involves a shared buffer that gets copied to by the sender and copied from by the reader. That's the same amount of work as is required for a message queue. So for simplicity's sake I would stick with the message queue.
in fact you might like to consider using a pipe instead of a message queue. You have to write code to make the pipe synchronous (they're normally asynchronous, which would be Actor Model; message queues can often be set to zero length which does what you want for it to be synchronous and properly CSP), but then you could just as easily use a socket instead. Your program can then become multi-machine distributed should the need arise, but you've not had to change the architecture at all. Also named pipes between processes is an equivalent option, so on platforms where process context switch times are good (e.g. linux) the whole thread vs process question goes away. So working a bit harder to use a pipe gives you very significant scalability options.
Regarding crashing; if you go the multiprocess route and you want to be able to gracefully handle the failure of a process you're going to have to do a bit of work. Essentially you will need a thread at each end of the messaging channel simply to monitor the responsiveness of the other end (perhaps by bouncing a keep-awake message back and forth between themselves). These threads need to feed status info into their corresponding main thread to tell it when the other end has failed to send a keep-awake on schedule. The main thread can then act accordingly. When I did this I had the monitor thread automatically reconnect as and when it could (e.g. the remote process has come back to life), and tell the main thread that too. This means that bits of my system can come and go and the rest of it just copes nicely.
Finally, your actual application processes will end up as a loop, with something like select() at the top to wait for message inputs from all the different channels (and monitor threads) that it is expecting to hear from.
By the way, this sort of thing is frustratingly hard to implement in Windows. There's just no proper equivalent of select() anywhere in any Microsoft language. There is a select() for sockets, but you can't use it on pipes, etc. like you can in Unix. The Cygwin guys had real problems implementing their version of select(). I think they ended up with a polling thread per file descriptor; massively inefficient.
Good luck!
Your question lacks a description of how the "modules" are implemented and what do they do, and possibly a description of the environment in which you are planning to implement all of this.
For example:
If the modules themselves have some requirements which makes them hard to implement as threads (e.g. they use non-thread-safe 3rd party libraries, have global variables, etc.), your message delivery system will also not be implementable with threads.
If you are using an environment such as Python which does not handle thread parallelism very well (because of its global interpreter lock), and running on Linux, you will not gain any performance benefits with threads over processes.
There are more things to consider. If you are just passing data between modules, who says your system needs to use either multiple threads or multiple processes? There are other architectures which do the same thing without either of them, such as event-driven with callbacks (a message receiver can register a callback with your system, which is invoked when a message generator generates a message). This approach will be absolutely the fastest in any case where parallelism isn't important and where receiving code can be invoked in the execution context of the caller.
tl;dr: you have only scratched the surface with your question :)

What mechanism do PIPES use to "wake up" the recipient?

I have two questions is one here.
On Windows, I am familiar with pipes and how they work. However, I am curious as to what mechanism the OS uses to notify the recipient thread of a message arrival.
Does the thread "poll & sleep" continuously for data? Does the OS check to see if the thread is sleeping and wake it up? Or is there some other mechanism used?
Specifically, I want to build an IPC system where many threads need to pass messages. I don't need to use pipes, but I do need to know the most efficient notification method possible.
The developer can decide how they want to work with the pipe, whether they will sleep/poll or else they want to call blocking functions and wait until the data is available.
About the mechanism that the pipe has for waking up the process --assuming that the process is in a blocking read call-- it is not the pipe, but the OS the one that takes charge, like in any other OS call: it registers the operation and blocks the process/thread until the data is available. When the data is available, it completes the system call.
This is an answer for Unix. I'd lay good money on Windows being pretty similar as the solution has been around a long time and is well known to be robust. The details will vary a bit (different API calls, specifics of semantics, etc.)
It depends on whether the other end is using the pipe's file descriptor in blocking or non-blocking mode.
In blocking mode, the process is waiting in the OS kernel for the data to become available. The way in which notification happens there depends on the OS. Chances are it involves a queue of processes that are considered to be runnable, and everything's made simpler by the fact that the kernel can (largely) control what interrupts it. In a simple (single processor) implementation you could go for something as trivial as noting on write to the pipe that the other process is waiting to read from it (via some kind of “interest set”), and so marking the reader as runnable at that point (at which time it becomes up to the scheduler to decide).
In non-blocking mode, either the process is polling from time to time (yuck!) or they're using a system call like select() or poll() (there are some higher-performance variants too). That's very much like the Windows call WaitForMultipleObjects() and works just great with pipes. That in turn ends up back at that runnable process queue, the interest set, and the scheduler.
It also doesn't really matter too much whether it's blocking because the pipe is full or the pipe is empty, as the control flow is pretty much symmetric between readers and writers. (Unlike the data flow, of course.)
