add custom webpi feed programmatically - web-platform-installer

Is it possible to add custom feed programmatically to Web Platform Installer? I tried adding the feed manually and found that the feed location is stored in `%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\web.preferences file. However the file seems somewhat cryptic and I would not like to modify it manually. Is there any API for that?
Update: even if this web.preferences file could be edited it is not the way to go as it is user specific file and I need system wide configuration.

Based on this link,
Sorry, there isn't a way to do that currently (for security reasons,
we don't allow an untrusted feed to be loaded without the user's
Once the feed is added via the Options dialog, it does persist between
I think we can't add custom feed without intervene from user. Maybe you can use WebpiCmd.exe
that can be configured programmatically via scripts.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer>WebpiCmd.exe /List /Feeds:

A little late, but maybe it may interest others. You can modify the file %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\webpi.preferences. Yes, it is a little cryptic, but here's my post about how to do it.
The file webpi.preferences is user-specific. If you want to set settings for all users, all I can think of is to write a bootstrapper application that first modifies webpi.preferences (using the code in the post) and then runs WebPlatformInstaller.exe.


How do I make ( Users and Organizations ) as a portlet in liferay 7.3.6

I'm trying to use "Users and Organizations" as a portlet.
I have tried as mentioned in this outdated (6.x) article but it doesn't work.
This can be done without any code at all, but you'll need quite a bit of configuration.
The portlet is an OSGi component. First, figure out the implementation class. The URL gives a hint, as it contains com_liferay_users_admin_web_portlet_UsersAdminPortlet. However, in this case, that's just the key. Grep the sourcode, or use any other means to find where it's used, and you'll get to com.liferay.users.admin.web.internal.portlet.UsersAdminPortlet. If you look at its properties configuration, you'll find the line
If you guess that this is the reason why the portlet is not available for just any page: you're right.
Now, any OSGi declarative service's properties can be altered by just creating a config file, which you can drop into Liferay's deploy folder (or directly into osgi/configs if you like).
So, create a file named com.liferay.users.admin.web.internal.portlet.UsersAdminPortlet.config with the single line content
and you're set.
However, regular permission checks likely are very restrictive and you should be very aware that opening up those permissions can easily open security holes (imagine someone creating a full Administrator account, or turning an existing account into an administrative one)
A better way to go ahead might be to selectively just provide the proper permissions to operate this portlet, and provide access to it in ControlPanel without opening everything else up as well. This is part of the regular roles&permissions configuration, and also doesn't require any line of code.

Overide Defaultappassociations.xml and let user select the application

I am working on Win 10 upgrade activity. As you know we can select application for file extension. So, those file will open on that app. e.g. html files only open in Chrome when user double click on that.
We can create XML file (DefaultAppAssociations.xml) and place it in C:\windows\system32
Now, I got the request to make one application default but let user decide if they want any other app. Is there any way to handle such things because defaultappassociations.xml will hard code this. Every time machine restart and it will set the same.
This is only possible as part of the operating system deployment or rather for newly created user profiles.
The command (official documentation):
Dism.exe /online /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:<path to exported xml>
However as I said you cannot alter existing profiles that way. Altering existing profiles in any way that is not the force via gpo is afaik not possible anymore because Microsoft does not want to allow it. A pretty stupid decision but at least you can tell whoever made the request that it is by MS design.

Issue related to layout of custom webpart

According to requirement of application, I have developed a custom web part in Kentico 9. This web part is using with same functionality at various places but we have to use with different layout structure.
As per my understanding, we can create custom layouts for a single web part from "Layout Tab" in web part configuration. As I used same things with various Kentio built in web part like Logon form, Logon-Mini form, etc.
But while trying to create new layout for my custom web part, I am getting web part loading error and when I checked into event log it is showing following error:
The file
does not exist.
Here, internally system looking for ".CS" file under "CMSVirtualFiles" folder, which has actually under the "CMSWebParts" directory in which I have created my user control.
Is there any specific configuration required in custom web part to implement multiple layout of it? Please help me and guide me, what am I missing or doing wrong?
Check your webpart code file property in the ascx file. You need to specifically declare the full relative path to the .cs file and not just the filename. For example:
Please make sure you don't have the store virtual files in the file system setting enabled.

In Plone is it possible to remove certain stripped and nasty tags for manager role only?

I'd like to side-step some of the security filtering done by Plone but only for people with manager or site admin roles. I want regular members to be able to add content but that content should still be filtered. Specifically at this moment I'm looking at allowing iFrames for manager role but this question is also more generic. The access to Plone that I'm referring to is a person editing a site page through Plone's standard editing system, TinyMCE.
If you look at the TinyMCE code you'll see that it load some configuration from the server. through the safe_html tranform inside the portal_transforms tool (
You can simply patch the getValidElements method above (adding here some user permission checking before removing/adding stripped tags) but it's not enough: this will simply change TinyMCE behavior (client side) but an evil user can access your site with TinyMCE disabled (really simple to do, just disable JavaScript in the browser), then upload a custom HTML without those filters.
So: the best thing to do is to customize the safe_html transform with the same permission checking. The simple way to add new stuff here withouy monkey-patching is to register a new plone.outputfilters adapter as described here:
Simply patching safe_html will not work for several reasons:
html is not only filtered on save but also on display. That means that admins would see your iframe but normal users would not.
The filter is only executed once at the first display and then cached for one hour. Adding code that distinguishes between roles would have no effect on the second visitor.

SharePoint - Connection String dialog box during FeatureActivated event

Does anyone know if it is possible to display a prompt to a user/administrator when activating or installing a sharepoint feature?
I am writing a custom webpart and it is connecting to a separate database, I would like to allow the administrator to select or type in a connection string when installing the .wsp file or activating the feature.
I am looking inside the FeatureActivated event and thinking of using the SPWebConfigModification class to actually write the connection string to the web.config files in the farm.
I do not want to hand edit the web.configs or hard code the string into the DLL.
If you have other methods for handling connection strings inside sharepoint I would be interested in them as well.
Unfortunately there is no way to swap to a screen where you can get user via the feature activation process. Couple of comments for you:
I'm assuming the connection string is going to be different for every installation, so there is no way you can include it directly in the Solution.
I'm assuming that you couldn't programmatically construct this during installation.
Therefore, you need some way to get user input. Here are a couple of options:
It could be a web part property, though this would mean setting it each and every time the web part was added, and you would need to then maitain those settings individually.
You could build out your own _layouts settings screen (good post:, and from there users can maintain the property, storing it in either the Web Property bag, or inside the Web.Config. I try to avoid using the Web.Config where I can, but if you do wish to go this route then MAKE SURE you use the SPWebConfigModification class (Read this great blog:
Finally, a technique I often use is storing configuration information in a SharePoint List. Chris O'Brien has a great framework for that here:
Hope that helps,
Sounds good. I will look at these possible solutions.
I do not think #1 will work since I am deploying multiple webparts inside a single solution which all use the same connectionString.
#3 sounds like a very clean solution. I see the config items are cached so it looks like if I need to store a connection string, I will not be hit with a SP lookup each time I need that string.
While searching for a solution I did stumble across another method.
If you dig around their code, I looks like they have created an installer that accepts application specific values, adds the values into a FeatureTemplate.xml file and passes them to the SPFeatureReceiverProperties object in the Reciever.
I was about to start tackling this method, but I think #3 would be better.
Thank you,
