Is there any issue in using nsDialogs in experience UI in nsis - nsis

As part of solving problem posted here
I just thought is there any problem in using nsDialogs in experience UI in nsis.
I am strugling like anything while migrating from MUI to experience UI.

can you rule out that nsDialogs is causing this problem, did you try commenting out all nsDialogs-code? just wondering how that error message would indicate such a thing.


How to handle Prompt in karate UI [duplicate]

I have stared using Karate, as suggested by one of my client for our UI automation. it was some how going in good direction but as of now I am struggling to handle alert box on browser. I tried few things like switchFarme or input('body', Key.ENTER) but no success.
Can any one help me.
See if dialog() helps:
Else follow this process:

How to add preview functionality for markdown/LaTex code in ReactJS application

Recently I have create a fullstack bloging website here. For writing blog I used react-quill because its extensible architecture and an expressive API, I can completely customize it to fulfill my needs. But Now I feeling that I need something which can handle markdown and LaTeX also. I was wondering is there any library which can handle both or at least LaTeX one with an expressive API?
And one more question, How stackoverflow give preview system(live preview of our markdown/LaTex code) when we ask a question? Because it's a really an important functionality when you writing a blog. It will be great help if anyone let me informed anything related with this.
I found react-latex and react-markdown to handle markdown and LaTex seperately. But still hanging on how to setup preview functionality. Any idea will be appreciated.
Input the text to react-markdown and preview the output in a div element.
You can check the source code of some open-source online markdown editor. They support latex also.

How to properly use CDialog::Create for Modalless dialogs MFC

I am trying to create a Modalless dialog in my exsisting project. CDialog::Create cause debug assertion. I tried a new Dialog based application and followed the same steps, the dialog gets created without any error.
Also in my exsisiting project I am using MFC as static Library, can this affect the functionality?
really looking forward for any helpful replies
Best Regards
Well this is just a stab in the dark given the vagueness and lack of information in the question, but have you created the dialog as a WS_CHILD and not WS_POPUP?

Is there a framework similar to the EditorKit, in the JavaFX?

Is anyone aware of the similar framework based on JavaFX?
I was looking through the JavaFX API. Searched the web for third-party library that offers similar functionality, but failed to find anything remotely similar to the EditorKit...
There is HTMLEditor for HTML editing, if needed. By default JFX doesn't provide anything similar.
Question from developer : "what is missing from what we offer presently?" you (and anybody who wants) can comment on it in the issue. It is closed as not an issue for now, as, there not enough info about needs of such extensions.

WiX Standard Dialogues

Does anyone know if there are any WiX standard UI dialouges out there that you can use to integrate into your own WiX msi package?
For example:
Editing Connection Strings to database
Editing paths to log files in web.config/app.config
Setting up users for a Windows Service
Setting up WCF Endpoint addresses and other parameters
This would be very helpful!
I've haven't seen any UI dialog package either.
WixEdit has a dialog editor which I've heard is pretty useful, but I haven't used.
War Setup is a pretty good utility. It's been about a year since I've used it, so I don't remember if it has a dialog editor or not.
Edit: I couldn't think of the one I really loved, but I just found it: WixAware. It has probably the best dialog editor. The only thing is that it's trialware and the full version is $800.
Not today no. They aren't that hard to write though.
