How to handle Prompt in karate UI [duplicate] - cucumber

I have stared using Karate, as suggested by one of my client for our UI automation. it was some how going in good direction but as of now I am struggling to handle alert box on browser. I tried few things like switchFarme or input('body', Key.ENTER) but no success.
Can any one help me.

See if dialog() helps:
Else follow this process:


Rally API Add Tags to existing userstory NodeJS

I have been stuck on this issue for a while and I finally ended up asking on here. I need an example on how to add existing tags on existing test case using the NodeJS rally api. I have already seen the Java implementation and it does not help me too much.
I already have an application which creates/updates test cases, test folders, etc. I just got an extra requirement to add tags. I have been looking at their APIs and I am so confused on how to attach the tags. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Check out this section in the user guide:
That code example is adding defects to a story, but it should be super straightforward to change that to tags...

Connections in Pyqt forms

I have been newly working on developing a desktop application and i am stuck with this topic. I have two forms and I want to connect Buttons/widgets of one form to Buttons/widgets of another. Is it even possible to do that? I know it can be done in the same form but if someone knows about it, please help. Thanks in advance

NodeJS execute flow in background (server side) and grab the html

I am having a website which has many sections and multiple pages in each section.
There is a feature called "Generate PDF" which will traverse through all the sections and pages one by one and grab the HTML from the browser and then generate its PDF. This is working fine as of now.
But this is holding the user from doing anything until the PDF is generated.
I want to have some help on how I can do the same process in background (on server side) ? I have heard from someone that node-curl may help in this but I am not familiar with that.
Can anyone suggest me some ways to proceed further?
If anyone aware about node-curl and just can give hint that it may help me to resolve the issue then also it will be good. I will learn about it and invest my time to get it done.
Or else if someone came across the same kind of problem and have any idea then it will be good.
I am open to use any npm to get it done.
We are also using EmberJs so if any suggestions on that part then also welcomed.
Thank you.
Do you mean you implemented 'Generate PDF' in your client side emberjs code?
If you are running a nodejs based server, you can use node-curl to grab the HTML from intended URL. It is can be risky and you might end up in similar problem of blocking because nodejs runs on single thread. Better you fork a new process to execute 'Generate PDF' logic on separate thread. For details -

Rhomobile add buttons and toolbar to mapview

I am using Rhodes 3.1.0 and trying to implement some mapViews on my App.
From the tutorial I can display the map correctly with all the points I need. Now what I need to do is add some extra buttons/toolbar there so the user can perform some desired actions.
I haven't been able to find any information about this. I have been asking on Rhomobile's Google Group, but haven't got any good answers yet.
I got a suggestion to try this example app, but the app stops responding or I get an error when I try to view the Map.
Any help on how to add additional buttons to the view is greatly appreciated
Related to your other question, I think the way to handle this will be to have the URL for your pin point to a controller and action within your application in the form "/app/Controller/action".
The extra buttons can only be added on the working master branch. It does not work on the current release version of Rhodes 3.1.
If you try the example app with the master branch version you will be able to see the extra features.
The source code can be installed following these instructions

Documentation for Liferay Hooks

I need to listen for user log in and log out events in Liferay. From what little I've been able to find, it seems that using Liferay hooks would be the way to accomplish this. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any information other that at the following link:
Does anyone know where I can find further documentation or how I would implement listening for user log in/log out events?
Thanks in advance!
Your best place to start is probably:
If you need to get started, you can use the SDK to create a new hook project, it'll give you a shell and the config XML:
Im covering Liferay hooks in this article
I think it gives a good overview and Im sharing some catches I found out along the way in it as well.
