Reading file in segments of X number of lines - node.js

I have a file with a lot of entries (10+ million), each representing a partial document that is being saved to a mongo database (based on some criteria, non-trivial).
To avoid overloading the database (which is doing other operations at the same time), I wish to read in chunks of X lines, wait for them to finish, read the next X lines, etc.
Is there any way to use any of the fscallback-mechanisms to also "halt" progress at a certain point, without blocking the entire program? From what I can tell they will all run from start to finish with no way of stopping it, unless you stop reading the file entirely.
The issues is that because of the file size, memory also becomes an issue and because of the time the updates take, a LOT of the data will be held in memory exceeding the 1 GB limit and causing the program to crash. Secondarily, as I said, I don't want to queue 1 million updates and completely stress the mongo database.
Any and all suggestions welcome.
UPDATE: Final solution using line-reader (available via npm) below, in pseudo-code.
var lineReader = require('line-reader');
var filename = <wherever you get it from>;
lineReader(filename, function(line, last, cb) {
// Do work here, line contains the line data
// last is true if it's the last line in the file
function checkProcessed(callback) {
if (doneProcessing()) { // Implement doneProcessing to check whether whatever you are doing is done
else {
setTimeout(function() { checkProcessed(callback) }, 100); // Adjust timeout according to expecting time to process one line
This is implemented to make sure doneProcessing() returns true before attempting to work on more lines - this means you can effectively throttle whatever you are doing.

I don't use MongoDB and I'm not an expert in using Lazy, but I think something like below might work or give you some ideas. (note that I have not tested this code)
var fs = require('fs'),
lazy = require('lazy');
var readStream = fs.createReadStream('yourfile.txt');
var file = lazy(readStream)
.lines // ask to read stream line by line
.take(100) // and read 100 lines at a time.
readStream.pause(); // pause reading the stream
writeToMongoDB(onehundredLines, function(err){
// error checking goes here
// resume the stream 1 second after MongoDB finishes saving.
setTimeout(readStream.resume, 1000);


Node.js read/write stream skipping the first line on write

I wrote a simple utility to convert a somewhat weird json file (multiple objects not in an array) to csv for some system testing purposes. The read and transformation themselves are fine, and the resulting string is logged to the console correctly, but sometimes the resulting csv file is missing the first data line (it shows header, 1 blank line, then rest of data). I'm using read and write streams, without any provisions for backpressure. I don't think the problem is backpressure, since only the 1st line gets skipped, but I could be wrong. Any ideas?
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
const JSONbig = require('json-bigint');
// Create read interface to stream each line
const readInterface = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream('./confirm.json'),
// output: process.stdout,
console: false
const writeHeader = fs.createWriteStream('./confirm.csv');
// Create write interface to save each csv line
const writeDetail = fs.createWriteStream('./confirm.csv', {
flags: 'a'
readInterface.on('line', function(line) {
let task = JSONbig.parse(line);
task.businessData.MESSAGE.RECORD[0].DETAIL.REG_DETAIL.forEach(element => {
let csv = "I,PTB,0,VCO,PR9999999011,,cpicker1,2020121000000," + element.QUANTITYTOPICK.toString() + ",0,COMPLETED," +
task.businessData.MESSAGE.RECORD[0].ASSIGNMENTNUMBER.toString() + "," + element.LOCATIONNUMBER.toString() + "," +
element.ITEMNUMBER.toString() + ",,,," +
task.businessData.MESSAGE.RECORD[0].WAVE.toString() + ",N," + element.CARTONNUMBER.toString() + "\n";
try {
} catch (err) {
Edit: Based on the feedback below, I consolidated the write streams into one (the missing line was still happening, but it's better coding anyway). I also added a try block around the JSON parse. Ran the code several times over different files, and no missing line. Maybe the write was happening before the parse was done? In any case, it seems my problem is resolved for the moment. I'll have to research how to properly handle backpressure later. Thanks for the help.
The code you show here is opening two separate writestreams on the same file and then writing to both of them without any timing coordination between them. That will clearly conflict.
You open one here:
const writeHeader = fs.createWriteStream('./confirm.csv');
And, you open one here:
// Create write interface to save each csv line
const writeDetail = fs.createWriteStream('./confirm.csv', {
flags: 'a'
And, then you write to the second one in your loop. Those clearly conflict. The write from the first is probably not complete when you open the second and it also may not be flushed to disk yet either. The second one opens for append, but doesn't accurately read the file position for appending because the first one hasn't yet succeeded.
This code doesn't show any reason for using separate write streams at all so the cleanest way to address this would be to just use one writestream that will accurately serialize the writes. Otherwise, you have to wait for the first writestream to finish and close before opening the second one.
And, your .forEach() loop needs to have backpressure support since you're repeatedly calling .write() and, at some data size, you can get backpressure. I agree that backpressure is not likely the cause of the issue you are asking about, but is something else you need to fix when rapdily writing in a loop.

Nodejs: How can I optimize writing many files?

I'm working in a Node environment on Windows. My code is receiving 30 Buffer objects (~500-900kb each) each second, and I need to save this data to the file system as quickly as possible, without engaging in any work that blocks the receipt of the following Buffer (i.e. the goal is to save the data from every buffer, for ~30-45 minutes). For what it's worth, the data is sequential depth frames from a Kinect sensor.
My question is: What is the most performant way to write files in Node?
Here's pseudocode:
let num = 0
async function writeFile(filename, data) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, data)
// This fires 30 times/sec and runs for 30-45 min
dataSender.on('gotData', function(data){
let filename = 'file-' + num++
// Do anything with data here to optimize write?
writeFile(filename, data)
fs.writeFileSync seems much faster than fs.writeFile, which is why I'm using that above. But are there any other ways to operate on the data or write to file that could speed up each save?
First off, you never want to use fs.writefileSync() in handling real-time requests because that blocks the entire node.js event loop until the file write is done.
OK, based on writing each block of data to a different file, then you want to allow multiple disk writes to be in process at the same time, but not unlimited disk writes. So, it's still appropriate to use a queue, but this time the queue doesn't just have one write in process at a time, it has some number of writes in process at the same time:
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class Queue extends EventEmitter {
constructor(basePath, baseIndex, concurrent = 5) {
this.q = [];
this.paused = false;
this.inFlightCntr = 0;
this.fileCntr = baseIndex;
this.maxConcurrent = concurrent;
// add item to the queue and write (if not already writing)
add(data) {
// write next block from the queue (if not already writing)
write() {
while (!paused && this.q.length && this.inFlightCntr < this.maxConcurrent) {
let buf = this.q.shift();
try {
fs.writeFile(basePath + this.fileCntr++, buf, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
// write more data
} catch(e) {
err(e) {
this.emit('error', e)
pause() {
this.paused = true;
resume() {
this.paused = false;
let q = new Queue("file-", 0, 5);
// This fires 30 times/sec and runs for 30-45 min
dataSender.on('gotData', function(data){
q.on('error', function(e) {
// go some sort of write error here
Things to consider:
Experiment with the concurrent value you pass to the Queue constructor. Start with a value of 5. Then see if raising that value any higher gives you better or worse performance. The node.js file I/O subsystem uses a thread pool to implement asynchronous disk writes so there is a max number of concurrent writes that will allow so cranking the concurrent number up really high probably does not make things go faster.
You can experiement with increasing the size of the disk I/O thread pool by setting the UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE environment variable before you start your node.js app.
Your biggest friend here is disk write speed. So, make sure you have a fast disk with a good disk controller. A fast SSD on a fast bus would be best.
If you can spread the writes out across multiple actual physical disks, that will likely also increase write throughput (more disk heads at work).
This is a prior answer based on the initial interpretation of the question (before editing that changed it).
Since it appears you need to do your disk writes in order (all to the same file), then I'd suggest that you either use a write stream and let the stream object serialize and cache the data for you or you can create a queue yourself like this:
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class Queue extends EventEmitter {
// takes an already opened file handle
constructor(fileHandle) {
this.f = fileHandle;
this.q = [];
this.nowWriting = false;
this.paused = false;
// add item to the queue and write (if not already writing)
add(data) {
// write next block from the queue (if not already writing)
write() {
if (!nowWriting && !paused && this.q.length) {
this.nowWriting = true;
let buf = this.q.shift();
fs.write(this.f, buf, (err, bytesWritten) => {
this.nowWriting = false;
if (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
} else {
// write next block
pause() {
this.paused = true;
resume() {
this.paused = false;
// pass an already opened file handle
let q = new Queue(fileHandle);
// This fires 30 times/sec and runs for 30-45 min
dataSender.on('gotData', function(data){
q.on('error', function(err) {
// got disk write error here
You could use a writeStream instead of this custom Queue class, but the problem with that is that the writeStream may fill up and then you'd have to have a separate buffer as a place to put the data anyway. Using your own custom queue like above takes care of both issues at once.
Other Scalability/Performance Comments
Because you appear to be writing the data serially to the same file, your disk writing won't benefit from clustering or running multiple operations in parallel because they basically have to be serialized.
If your node.js server has other things to do besides just doing these writes, there might be a slight advantage (would have to be verified with testing) to creating a second node.js process and doing all the disk writing in that other process. Your main node.js process would receive the data and then pass it to the child process that would maintain the queue and do the writing.
Another thing you could experiment with is coalescing writes. When you have more than one item in the queue, you could combine them together into a single write. If the writes are already sizable, this probably doesn't make much difference, but if the writes were small this could make a big difference (combining lots of small disk writes into one larger write is usually more efficient).
Your biggest friend here is disk write speed. So, make sure you have a fast disk with a good disk controller. A fast SSD would be best.
I have written a service that does this extensively and the best thing you can do is to pipe the input data directly to the file (if you have an input stream as well).
A simple example where you download a file in such a way:
const http = require('http')
const ostream = fs.createWriteStream('./output')
http.get('', (res) => {
.on('error', (e) => {
console.error(`Got error: ${e.message}`);
So in this example there is no intermediate copying involved of the whole file. As the file is read in chunks from the remote http server it is written to the file on disk. This is much more efficient that downloading a whole file from the server, saving that in memory and then writing it to a file on disk.
Streams are a basis of many operations in Node.js so you should study those as well.
One other thing that you should investigate depending on your scenarios is UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE as I/O operations use libuv thread pool that is by default set to 4 and you might fill that up if you do a lot of writing.

NODE fs.readFile, JSON.parse and fs.writeFile

I'm writing an app in Node and have been running into a rare but detrimental occurrence.
So I have a schedule.txt and I write to it when the user makes a change but then also read it every second and then parse it for use throughout the program.
Rarely what happens is as a user is writing to the file (asynchronously) the app (based on the timer) reads the same file and attempts to parse it and fails.
I know from a design stand-point maybe this is just bound to happen... but I'm wondering if there is a quick fix I can do now. Would using writeFileSync help my situation? (make it more 'atomic'?) I just want to make sure that the app doesn't read the file while another process is still writing to the file.
Seems like you'd want to serialize your read/writes. If it were me, I might try having a "manager" object which encapsulates the serialization, which you'd use like:
var fileManager = require('./file-manager');
// somewhere in the program
fileManager.scheduleWrite(data, function(err){
// now the write is done
// somewhere else in the program
fileManager.scheduleRead(function(err, data){
// `data` contains the data
Then implement it using Q or a similar promises lib, like:
// in file-manager.js
var wait = Q();
module.exports = {
scheduleWrite: function(data, cb){
wait = wait.then(function(){
// write data and call cb()
scheduleRead: function(){
wait = wait.then(function(){
// read data and call cb(data)
The wait var will "stack up" into a serialized chain of tasks where the next one won't start until the previous one completes.

How should I avoid out of memory using nodejs?

var pass = require('./pass.js');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = "password.txt";
var name ="admin";
remaining = "",
lineFeed = "\r\n",
lineNr = 0;
var log =
fs.createReadStream(path, { encoding: 'utf-8' })
.on('data', function (chunk) {
// store the actual chunk into the remaining
remaining = remaining.concat(chunk);
// look that we have a linefeed
var lastLineFeed = remaining.lastIndexOf(lineFeed);
// if we don't have any we can continue the reading
if (lastLineFeed === -1) return;
current = remaining.substring(0, lastLineFeed),
lines = current.split(lineFeed);
// store from the last linefeed or empty it out
remaining = (lastLineFeed > remaining.length)
? remaining.substring(lastLineFeed + 1, remaining.length)
: "";
for (var i = 0, length = lines.length; i < length; i++) {
// process the actual line
var account={
.on('end', function (close) {
// TODO I'm not sure this is needed, it depends on your data
// process the reamining data if needed
if (remaining.length > 0) {
var account={
I tried to do something like test password of account "admin", pass.test is a function to test the password, I download a weak password dictionary with a large number of lines,so I search for way to read that many lines of weak password,but with code above, the lines array became too large ,and run out of memory,what should I do?
Insofar as my limited understanding goes, you need to watch a 1GB limit, which I believe is imposed by the V8 engine, actually. (Here's a link, actually saying the limit is 1.4 GB, currently, and lists the different params used to change this manually.) Depending on where you host your node app(s), you can increase this limit, by a param set on the command line when node is started. Again, see the linked article for a few ways to do this.
Also, you might want to make sure that, whenever possible, you use buffers, instead of converting things like data streams (from a DB or other things, for instance) to arrays/whatever, as this will then load the entire dataset into memory. As long as it lives in a buffer, it doesn't contribute to the total memory footprint of your app.
And actually, one thing that doesn't make sense, and that seems to be very inefficient in your app, is that, on reading each chunk of data in, you then check your username against EVERY username you've amassed so far, in your lines array, instead of the LAST one. What your app should do is keep track of the last username and password combo you've read in, and then delete all data before this user, in your remaining variable, so you keep your memory down. And since it's not a hold all repository for every line of your password file anymore, you should probably retitle it something like buffer or something. This means that you'd remove your for loop, since you're already "looping" through the data in your password file, by reading it in, chunk by chunk.

How to populate mongoose with a large data set

I'm attempting to load a store catalog into MongoDb (2.2.2) using Node.js (0.8.18) and Mongoose (3.5.4) -- all on Windows 7 64bit. The data set contains roughly 12,500 records. Each data record is a JSON string.
My latest attempt looks like this:
var fs = require('fs');
var odir = process.cwd() + '/file_data/output_data/';
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Catalog = require('./models').Catalog;
var conn = mongoose.connect('mongodb://');
exports.main = function(callback){
var catalogArray = fs.readFileSync(odir + 'pc-out.json','utf8').split('\n');
var i = 0;
Catalog.remove({}, function(err){
while(i < catalogArray.length){
new Catalog(JSON.parse(catalogArray[i])).save(function(err, doc){
} else {
if(i === catalogArray.length -1) return callback('database populated');
I have had a lot of problems trying to populate the database. Under previous scenarios (and this one), node pegs the processor and eventually runs out of memory. Note that in this scenario, I'm trying to allow Mongoose to save a record, and then iterate to the next record once the record saves.
But the iterator inside of the Mongoose save function never gets incremented. In addition, it never throws any errors. But if I put the iterator (i) outside of the asynchronous call to Mongoose, it will work, provided the number of records that I try to load are not too big (I have successfully loaded 2,000 this way).
So my questions are: Why isn't the iterator inside of the Mongoose save call ever incremented? And, more importantly, what is the best way to load a large data set into MongoDb using Mongoose?
i is your index to where you're pulling input data from in catalogArray, but you're also trying to use it to keep track of how many have been saved which isn't possible. Try tracking them separately like this:
var i = 0;
var saved = 0;
Catalog.remove({}, function(err){
while(i < catalogArray.length){
new Catalog(JSON.parse(catalogArray[i])).save(function(err, doc){
} else {
if(saved === catalogArray.length) {
return callback('database populated');
If you want to add tighter flow control to the process, you can use the async module's forEachLimit function to limit the number of outstanding save operations to whatever you specify. For example, to limit it to one outstanding save at a time:
Catalog.remove({}, function(err){
async.forEachLimit(catalogArray, 1, function (catalog, cb) {
new Catalog(JSON.parse(catalog)).save(function (err, doc) {
if (err) {
}, function (err) {
callback('database populated');
The short answer:
You created an infinite loop. You're thinking synchronously and with blocking, Javascript functions asynchronously and without blocking. What you are trying to do is like trying to directly turn the feeling of hunger into a sandwich. You can't. The closest thing is you use the feeling of hunger to motivate you to go to the kitchen and make it. Don't try to make Javascript block. It won't work. Now, learn async.forEachLimit. It will work for what you want to do here.
You should probably review asynchronous design patterns and understand what it means on a deeper level. Callbacks are not simply an alternative to return values. They are fundamentally different in how and when they are executed. Here is a good primer:
The long answer:
There is an underlying problem here, and that is your lack of understanding of what non-blocking IO and asynchronous means. Im not sure if you are breaking into node development, or this is just a one-off project, but if you do plan to continue using node (or any asynchronous language) then it is worth the time to understand the difference between synchronous and asynchronous design patterns, and what motivations there are for them. So, that is why you have a logic error putting the loop invariant increment inside an asynchronous callback which is creating an infinite loop.
In non-computer science, that means that your increment to i will never occur. The reason is because Javascript executes a single block of code to completion before any asynchronous callbacks are called. So in your code, your loop will run over and over, without i ever incrementing. And, in the background, you are storing the same document in mongo over and over. Each iteration of the loop starts sending document with index 0 to mongo, the callback can't fire until your loop ends, and all other code outside the loop runs to completion. So, the callback queues up. But, your loop runs again since i++ is never executed (remember, the callback is queued until your code finishes), inserting record 0 again, queueing another callback to execute AFTER your loop is complete. This goes on and on until your memory is filled with callbacks waiting to inform your infinite loop that document 0 has been inserted millions of times.
In general, there is no way to make Javascript block without doing something really really bad. For example, something paramount to setting your kitchen on fire to fry some eggs for that sandwich I talked about in the "short answer".
My advice is to take advantage of libs like async. JohnnyHK mentioned it here, and he was correct for doing so.
