How can I deploy an mvc2 app developed on SharpDevelop (windows 7 64bit) to the local iis 7.5? - iis

I'm using SharpDevelop and can test/see the app using "Use IIS Express Web Server" selected in the project property. But when I try to change to "Use local IIS Web Server" and hit "Create application/virtual directory", an error message show up that said:
Filename: redirection.config
Error: Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
At end, what I need is deploy MVC 2 app to a IIS Server, first to a local server and then to a remote server.

The problem can be solved running SharpDevelop as Admin.


"Unable to perform" issue in IIS Manager (localhost)

When I'm trying to open any app in IIS Manager (local machine) like CGI, Handler mappings etc. I got an error There was an error while performing this operation:
I'm unable to find out this issue.
I installed the hosting bundle again. i.e. repair and then checked if the iis_usr has all access for the wwwroot folder.
This resolved the problem for me.

msdeploy build with TeamCity - ERROR_USER_NOT_ADMIN

I've got a 2012R2 Continuous Integration Server with TeamCity installed on it and WebDeploy 3.5. I'm trying to deploy a build to a site which is hosted on another Server2012R2 using IIS 8.5 (it also has Web Deploy 3.5 installed) and I am getting this error message:
[13:12:26][Step 3/3] More Information: Connected to 'myiisserver' using the Web Deployment Agent Service, but could not authorize. Make sure you are an administrator on 'myiisserver'. Learn more at:
[13:12:26][Step 3/3] Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
As you can see from the error message I can connect to the server but It can't authenticate with the credentials that I'm specifying. This is the command I am using:
msdeploy -source:package='%PackageFile%' -dest:auto,computerName='http://%WebServer%/MSDeployAgentService',username="myiisserver\blibli",password="password",authtype="Basic",includeAcls='False' -verb:sync -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension -disableLink:CertificateExtension -setParamFile:"%ParamFile%" -setParam:"IIS Web Application Name"="%IisSiteName%" -enableRule:DoNotDelete
The username I'm using is an admin on both machines and I'm using also specifying the right password.
Could you please throw any light at this guys? I have already lost 3 hours trying to sort out this issue...
Many thanks
I sorted the issue just by removing the authtype="Basic" option out of the command.
Hope it helps someone else in the future.

Debug Node.js - The iisnode module is unable to deploy supporting files necessary to initialize the debugger

I get the following error when I try to debug a node.js application using Azure SDK for Node.js:
The iisnode module is unable to deploy supporting files necessary to initialize the debugger. Please check that the identity of the IIS application pool running the node.js application has read and write access permissions to the directory on the server where the node.js application is located.
I have installed the full version of iisnode and added the config settings in web.config. Here is an example of what I type in the browser:
. The application is using IIS Express to run that is provided in the latest Windows Azure SDK for Node.js - August 2012.
Any help will be appreciated!
There are two possible issues here, depending on which version of the Azure SDK for Node you are running:
(1) If you are running a version < 0.6, then this is almost certainly a permissions issue with your webrole directory. Note that, in IIS, it's the actual web role directory and not the directory in local_package.csx that is actually used in the web role. Make sure that iiS_IUSRS has write access to this directory and it should work.
(2) If you are running a version >= 0.6, then the problem is that you are using an iisnode version that isn't iis full inside iisexpress. You can get around this by editing setup_web.cmd to use the path to the iisnode dll in your iisnode directory (rather than the iisnode-dev directory or the SDK directory).

Web/msdeploy sync from IIS to IISExpress fails

I have a a web site on a IIS on a remote machine. I would like to sync the website on the remote server to a local IISExpress. Currently I do not have the site on my local IISExpress. I am using the following msdeploy.exe command line (Here I formatted it in several lines, but of course the actual command is a single line):
-webserverdir="c:\program files (x86)\IIS Express"
I get following error returned:
Error: Application Definition with path '' does not exist.
Am I doing it wrong?
Do I need to have the site on my local IISExpress before I can sync (is there any workaround if I must have it locally first?)?
In the -source argument, try using the name of the web application for webApp (e.g. webApp="wordpress") and specifying the URL for your server in the computername argument. I don't think you need to have the site locally to begin with, but of course you'll need to have whatever web application the site uses installed locally.
Links: webApp: Web Deploy webApp Provider; computername: Web Deploy Provider Settings.

Using Webdeploy with Webmatrix (Orchard)

I have setup a VM (VMWEB-3) to test local development of Orchard CMS using Webmatrix and the deploying to web server.
I have installed IIS 7 on VMWEB-3 (Server 2008) and downloaded and installed (Default) WebDeploy2.
I add the settings in WebMatrix:
Server: vmweb-3
User: vmweb\Administrator
password: ***
site name: Test
Url: .http://vmweb-3
I keep getting connection timeout when I validate. I can browse to .http://vmeweb-3 and get the IIS 7 splash etc
Any suggestions would be great.
I finally found something that sorted it out ... I had not done all of the IIS configuration. Here is the article I used to fix the issue:
Webdeploy IIS Configuration
